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<waddlesplash> Skipp_OSX: the colors for "select but unfocused" on Desktop look weird to me now
<Skipp_OSX> like if you select on Desktop, then click on a different window?
<waddlesplash> yes
<waddlesplash> idk, it just looks ... wrong
<Skipp_OSX> So to get the old look back I believe I have to invert the colors before I do the mixed colors
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<Skipp_OSX> it's white on dark gray on R1B5, black on light gray on this, though the contrast is better now than before.
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<Skipp_OSX> yeah inverting the colors fixes the problem, honestly though I'm not sure it's better
<Skipp_OSX> <= that's what it would look like with colors inverted
<Skipp_OSX> <= or rather that at actual size
<waddlesplash> that looks better
<Skipp_OSX> alright well that's an easy fix
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58638] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 759dfd5ae37f - Tracker: invert inactive select color so it is how it was
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: hi. noticed you mentioned LTO on +/8974. We build Python 3.13 with LTO enabled, and currently is SLOW as hell :-D. Would be nice if the new malloc could help there :-)
<waddlesplash> yes, this might make a pretty big difference
<waddlesplash> you can test I suppose and find out :)
<waddlesplash> I didn't actually check if the "lto-dump" command is itself built with LTO, but it would make sense that it is
<waddlesplash> and indeed we have a HUGE improvement with the new malloc
<OscarL> Will grab that change set, and try to give it a go over the weekend.
<waddlesplash> by the weekend it will probably be merged
<waddlesplash> :P
<OscarL> I see. Between "pay per MB internet" and slow as hell build times... not sure what's worse/best (download or build locally :-D)
<OscarL> in any case... hoping the best for your efforts on this front.
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<OscarL> grabbed PS2. Might give it a go tomorrow, if day's not too hot for repeated builds (of Python 3.13 to see what the difference looks like).
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<OscarL> oh... Python 3.14.0alpha5 already available. /me goes for a quick (hopefully) update.
<OscarL> closely following each alpha seems to pay off... patchset applied cleanly!
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<bjorkint0sh> oh. they're already on 3.14?
<OscarL> bjorkint0sh: alpha phase, but yes.
<OscarL> "final" 3.14.0 expected aroudn Oct 2025.
<OscarL> I'm just "starting early" to avoid the complications I had with 3.11 :-).
<OscarL> too bad Python won't be using the Pi versioning system as in Tex :-P
<OscarL> *TeX
<OscarL> waddlesplash: I frequently face this problem: failed HaikuPorter builds due to "unable to unmount" this or that, due to having openend a Tracker context menu ("Open with" in particular) during the build.
<OscarL> Would it be possible to add a "power user" option somewhere so registrar avoids touching stuff from HP's chroot dirs for that submenu?
<waddlesplash> OscarL: PS2? of what? that sounds rather low
<waddlesplash> and, no idea. I don't usually open Tracker context menus so it doesn't happen for me...
<OscarL> (PS2 of +/8974. Seems PS3 is there already. Will update)
<OscarL> ah, seems I did fetched PS3 already :-)
<OscarL> I'm assuming I'd need to stop registrar (and not Tracker) from quering the chroot.
<OscarL> IMO, makes not much sense to show stuff from chroots on "Open with..."
<OscarL> as my hardware is slow, I get bored during builds, try to use the system normally, and then hit that issue. Bet Begasus[m] can relate :-D
<OscarL> unoptimized Python builds from RAMFS are so cute! only takes 8 minutes :-D
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<OscarL> "--with-optimizations --with-lto -j 1" takes around 1 hour here (parallel builds sometimes fail when using optimizations).
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<Begasus> fwiw, I can relate to OscarL's question earlier for unable to unmount when using haikuporter
<nekobot> • OscarL (c037dfae): pybind11: update to version 2.13.6. (#11782)…
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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* coolcoder613_ just cracked a program for the first time
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<Begasus> shame on you coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> Aaand it didn't seem to work properly on wine
<coolcoder613> but :shrug: I had fun, it occupied me for a day, I learned stuff, and I can probably use one of my parents windows computers
<Begasus> have fun :)
<Begasus> still no go on kicad, some progress though
<Begasus> and wxpython fails on: fswatcher_kqueue.cpp:143:31: error: 'EV_ENABLE' was not declared in this scope :)
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> leaving scipy for a while again, can't get passed the symbol
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<nephele> how am i supposed to debug qt apps? even with cmake build type Debug i don't get any symbols
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<Begasus> I wouldn't know, but there has been a topic on haikuinsider about it I think with Qt-Creator
<nephele> neochat and quaternion both crash if i let them access the keyring
<nephele> also, why do they want "master" keyring access .-.
<Begasus> qtkeychain?
<nephele> Doesn
<nephele> 't matter to me what compat layer they use... they should use their own keychain
<nephele> granting access to a quaternion specific keychain to quaternion is much less wierd than granting both access to "Master"
<Begasus> hmm think qtkeychain got an update for tokodon, so not related here (me thinks)
<Begasus> update/patch
<nephele> No clue. I did not update it today
<Begasus> it's been a while ago, before that I couldn't connect with KF6 version
<Begasus> nothing in syslog?
<Begasus> maybe missing plugin (although that's not related to quaternion)
<Begasus> chores, biab :)
<nephele> how is the syslog supposed to help me with missing debug symbols?
<Begasus> re
<Begasus> not with the symbols, although ...
<Begasus> KERN: runtime_loader: /boot/system/lib/python3.10/vendor-packages/scipy/linalg/ Could not resolve symbol 'cspmv_'
<Begasus> this is bugging us on scipy
<nephele> hmm, codeberg is beeing ddosed now after having been attacked on their issue tracker before
<nephele> Begasus: looking that up on search engine nets me some library called lapack for vector math operations
<nephele> is that maybe neeeded to link in?
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<Begasus> already know where the issue for scipy is nephele :) boils down to openblas exporting lapack symbols, which it shouldn't
<Begasus> ouch, still issues at codeberg?
<Begasus> saw the post on fediverse, received an email about it yesterday
<nephele> seems that way
<nephele> the matrix channel is somewhat active
<nephele> by the way Begasus, i figured out atleast part of the quaternion problem, the color palette it draws from seems to have wrong colors
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<Begasus> don't know the ins nephele, you are more knowligable there:) only know in dark mode the center pannel doesn't follow it
<nephele> yeah. The center panel is using qml while the rest is using "normal" qt controls
<nephele> so it's almost like it is build with two seperate toolkits
<Begasus> ouch
<Begasus> hmm ... if that is set in one of the qml files it should be easy to fix?
<Begasus> 3 minutes to build Kate? ... should check with a default build :P
<nephele> I don't know. I can hardcode the timeline to black for me, but the bubbles for replies are still wrong, username nick colors are wrong etc.
<nephele> and it would then instead break the light mode
<nephele> for some reason the proper colors are not arriving in this code. I don't know why
<Begasus> those IRC colors ... bugs me in Vision too
<nephele> huh?
<Begasus> during the day with default colors it's still fine for me
<nephele> what colors do you mean?
<nephele> oh, do you switch to dark mode at night?
<Begasus> but when I change to dark mode I switch to NeoChat as that colorscheme is working fine
<nephele> I guess your problem with vision is it not following the OS colors by default right?
<Begasus> yeah, there is no theming at all
<Begasus> I got a file to switch to dark mode (manually changed most colors), but it's not perfect
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<nephele> It has a lot of options
<nephele> I think per default it should follow the system "somewhat", pick some colors and follow the system, and the specific colors can stay for whoever wants to theme it really hard
<Begasus> yeah, hence clients like xchat and the likes also don't provide default themes (but there are some out there, using a dark on for that on Windows)
<Begasus> ok, anyone familar with "-DCMAKE_AUTOGEN_PARALLEL=1"? it's doing a great job building Kate!
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<Begasus> without sometimes the system becomes unresponsive (CPU/RAM usage)
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<mbrumbelow> Good morning!
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<Begasus> hi mbrumbelow
<mbrumbelow> Anyone interested in a NUC that has Wifi6 + Sound working on Haiku? I am selling for $100 USD.
<Begasus> 26minutes to build qt6_declarative, pretty good :)
* nephele still wants to make our wpa_supplicant do wpa3
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<waddlesplash> nephele: FreeBSD net80211 does not support WPA3
<waddlesplash> so adding support to our wpa_supplicant won't make any difference atm
<waddlesplash> (OpenBSD net80211 has its own implemntation of WPA-PSK and doesn't use the one in wpa_supplicant, it doesn't support WPA3 yet either I don't think)
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<Begasus> this thing could be handy for things like: Automatic MOC for target *
<Begasus> those can take over the system sometimes running too many jobs
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<mmu_man> So I got Mayo to build but it won't work yet because GL
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<nephele> waddlesplash: How can it *not* support it? isn't the whole job of wpa_supplicant to implement this protocol?
<nephele> what would be required of the underlying driver in additon to this?
<waddlesplash> wpa_supplicant supports it but FreeBSD net80211 does not
<waddlesplash> the net80211 stack has to support a bunch of stuff
<nephele> yes. I got that. What does it need to support?
<waddlesplash> I don't remember all the details. Encrypted management frames and stuff like that IIRC
<nephele> WPA3 seems to me to be a layer above supporting the wifi card itself, so this confuses me a bit
<nephele> anyhow, if you have info on what would be needed it would be cool to have in a ticket for reference
* phschafft comes running into the channel. does a cheerful 'Wuhh!' and exits again thru the door on the opposite door.
<waddlesplash> nephele: "seems to you", well, that's not the case
<waddlesplash> it depends on network stack support, though maybe not driver support specifically
<nephele> why do we need anything other than the drivers from FreeBSD?
<nephele> > nephele: "seems to you", well, that's not the case
<nephele> That's not helpfull. Just claiming something is wrong, you can explain if it works differently however.
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<akashkumar> Hey, when I try to run the compiled mediaplayer, it says that it could not resolve symbol "_ZN13BNumberFormat12SetPrecisionEi" returned: -2147478780
<nephele> akashkumar: Try to run it with your also-compiled
<nephele> with either LIBRARY_PATH or LD_PRELOAD
<akashkumar> how to do that ?
<nephele> LD_PRELOAD=path/to/your/ path/to/mediaplayer
<akashkumar> how to get the path of
<nephele> go into your haiku checkout/generated and use find. For example "find . -iname"
<nephele> that will give you the path relative to your current directory
<nephele> if it does not exist you did not compile it jet, you can do that with a jam target. Like so "Jam -q"
<bjorkint0sh> have any of you run haiku on proxmox?
<akashkumar> I ran but the application does'nt open, and there is no output
<waddlesplash> nephele: $ cloc src/libs/compat/freebsd_wlan/
<waddlesplash> 43035 (source lines of code)
<waddlesplash> this is the "802.11" stack, it's an important part of how WiFi works
<nephele> no documentation about this other than reading the code?
<waddlesplash> not really, though the code is relatively well commented
<waddlesplash> there may be a manpage, idk
<nephele> yeah, but even documented code does not serve well to get an overview
<waddlesplash> yeah, there is, but this is of course extremely incomplete
<waddlesplash> but it does appear to have an overview
<waddlesplash> it only lists like 10 functions when in fact there are hundreds+
<akashkumar> what does my error message points to ? earlier it was working fine, then all of a sudden this error comes popping
<nephele> akashkumar: what doesn't open?
<akashkumar> compiled mediaplayer
<akashkumar> i ran with the command you mentioned
<nephele> how can you tell it does not open?
<akashkumar> because i don't see the gui
<nephele> Well, did the command return in the terminal?
<akashkumar> yes
<nephele> It should not
<nephele> have you dismissed the previous fault popup (with the symbol?) seems runtime loader doesn't launch new apps untill this is dismissed
<nephele> what command did you run in the terminal (i.e how did your commandline look)
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<HaikuUser> ~/Desktop/haiku/generated> LD_PRELOAD=./objects/haiku/x86_64/release/kits/ ../../MediaPlayer
<akashkumar> ../../MediaPlayer is a shortcut link
<nephele> that isn't the mediaplayer you compiled then, it is also in generated
<akashkumar> yes the symlink points to generated mediaplayer
<akashkumar> lemme share a ss
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<nephele> if you run it directly without the symlink, does it still return?
<akashkumar> yes
<nephele> and there is no other MediaPlayer running?
<akashkumar> nope
<nephele> It returning would make sense to me if another was running, but other than that it doesn't make sense to me
<nephele> maybe the error popup from runtime_loader about the wrong symbol is still arround, and that is why it thinks it is running?
<akashkumar> hmm, I tried compiling other applications like fontdemo and mediaconverter, after compilation i was able to open them, looks like it is an issue specific to mediaplayer
<akashkumar> could this be caused because of my changes in the code for mediaplayer ?
<nephele> I don't know what you changed
<nephele> but it could also be something stuck in registrar maybe. But I don't know how to debug that
<nephele> mediaplayer has a B_SINGLE_LAUNCH flag set in MediaPlayer.rdef
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<nephele> you can try to change this to B_MULTIPLE_LAUNCH if this is a problem with the registrar, it should then open
<nephele> but you can also check with for example listimage or ps that there really isn't another mediaplayer running
<augiedoggie> the output from `roster -n` is easier to read if you're looking for a running be app
<augiedoggie> maybe roster -t so you can see the path to the binary
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<augiedoggie> hm, the dates in that screenshot seem weird, august 2024
<nephele> augiedoggie: nice. I did not know about this command!
<nephele> the date is fine, that is the date when the symlink was created or modified, not it's target
<augiedoggie> right, but it seems weird to have a desktop symlink to the generated folder that is that old
<augiedoggie> dunno, just a random though
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<augiedoggie> thought
<akashkumar> I undo all my changes still getting the error, I think I would create a topic on
<nephele> bug reports don't belong on the forum
<nephele> the original linking problem had likely nothing to do with your code anyway, but rather a symbol changed in haikus source
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<Captain0xff> Hello, is the /boot/system/settings/bashrc the one I am supposed to edit to set my bash configurations on haiku? I tried editing it but the changes had no effect.
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<Begasus> ~/config/settings/profile
<Begasus> if it's not there you can just create it
<Captain0xff> Thanks :)
<Captain0xff> I am currently trying to generate the patches for the sdl3 recipe
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> did you take care of the spaces/tab(s)?
<Captain0xff> I wrongly assumed that I could just generate them by running git format-patch -1 commit_hash on a version of sdl3 with the haiku keyboard fix. So, ig I need to do it manually. Not a big deal.
<Begasus> hold on! :)
<Captain0xff> oh lol
<Begasus> haikuporter has an option to create the patchset
<Begasus> "-e" to extract diffs to the patchset after you applied them
<Captain0xff> > did you take care of the spaces/tab(s)? yup. I will push them all together
<Begasus> so (hp = haikuporter alias), "hp -b *" (dowload/extract/don't build), then make your changes in the source, check with "git diff" or "git status", "git add ...", "git commit -m ..." and then "hp -e *"
<Begasus> * = portname (in this case libsdl3)
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<Captain0xff> Oh. Saved a ton of work. Thanks
<draKon> heyo all
<Begasus> or you can just grab the PR/patch from upstream and use that if it still applies clean :)
<Begasus> hi draKon
<Begasus> I do that often to check upstream MR/PR for KDE packages
<Captain0xff> > or you can just grab the PR/patch from upstream and use that if it still applies clean :)
<Captain0xff> That's what I tried doing but it seems that haikuporter doesn't apply the patch
<Captain0xff> probably due to incompatibilities or something
<Begasus> put it the subdirectory "patches"?
<Captain0xff> yes
<Captain0xff> libsdl3-3.2.4.patchset
<Begasus> could also be that there are other changes since the release that prevent a clean one
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<Begasus> what was the link again?
<Captain0xff> It tells me applying patches and applying: commit name but doesn't really do it
<Captain0xff> here
<Begasus> bugger, not a PR but a direct push to the repo
<Captain0xff> No problem. I will just apply it manually.
<Begasus> Applying patch "/Opslag/haikuports/media-libs/libsdl3/patches/1354affd288b8bc3b354a155f27201cda31dfa7f.patch" ...
<Begasus> works here
<Begasus> so, no need for manual patching
<Captain0xff> Are you getting the keyboard input after this?
<Captain0xff> Because in my case I don't
<Begasus> I haven't got anything to test it against :)
<Begasus> 96% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 23
<Begasus> PATCHES="1354affd288b8bc3b354a155f27201cda31dfa7f.patch" (for the recipe)
<Captain0xff> there should be a test called checkkeys
<Begasus> 8/23 Test #8: testkeys ......................... Passed 0.02 sec
<Begasus> binary?
<Captain0xff> yes there should be a executable called checkkeys. It will open a window where you should be able to type
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/media-libs/libsdl3/work-3.2.4/sources/SDL3-3.2.4/build/test
<Begasus> deeply hidden :)
<Captain0xff> You can also try this example:
<Captain0xff> examples can be built with -DSDL_EXAMPLES
<Begasus> crashes atm
<Captain0xff> wtf
<Begasus> still no output in the checkkeys
<Captain0xff> Yeah. If you check this file in the source you will see that the patch isn't actually applied
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<Captain0xff> How to launch genio from the terminal? There doesn't seem to be any genio command
<Begasus> ok, most of the examples are good enough for now (for me) :)
<Begasus> Genio?
<Captain0xff> Oh lol
<Captain0xff> You are getting keyboard input?
<Begasus> nope
<Captain0xff> I am trying to add the patch the way you mentioned above
<Captain0xff> Also, something I noticed is that kdevelop doesn't appear when launched from the terminal using kdevelop command.
<Begasus> just run wget in the patches directory and add the line I mentioned earlier in the recipe :)
<Begasus> yeah, doesn't work with the current one in the depot :)
<Begasus[m]> works here :)
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<Begasus> heading out in a bit, dogschool :)
<Begasus> Captain0xff, if I'm off, maybe jmairboeck or OscarL can chime in later :)
<Captain0xff> No problem. I trying to see what I can do
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<Begasus> +1
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<Begasus> closing down
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Captain0xff> For some reason now the patch seems to work lol. So pushing whatever I have
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<Captain0xff> Done
<Captain0xff> Took longer because I messed up some stuff
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<Captain0xff> pkgman uninstall doesn't seem to clean up the dependencies. What am I supposed to do?
<Captain0xff> to remove them
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<Skipp_OSX> it does, but you may remove them using pkgman
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: Hi. I have some test results for you (hoard2 vs OpenBSD malloc).
<OscarL> Will use a "paste-bin" as not to spam the channel.
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<Skipp_OSX> looks pretty good
<OscarL> indeed.
<OscarL> btw, pkgman doesn't know how to "purge" unneded packages that were installed as dependencies for something else.
<dovsienko> in APT terms that's "apt-get --purge autoremove", pretty useful
<OscarL> (we only have "pkgman search -i --not-required" since not long ago)
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<dovsienko> it uses a flag in the dpkg database, which tells whether the package was installed automatically or directly by user's request
<OscarL> dovsienko: right, we miss that on Haiku.
<dovsienko> that looks like a nice student project
<OscarL> (one of the reasons why I'm slowly trying to patch HaikuPorter so --get-dependencies does not installs stuff system-wide, but only download packages in HaikuPorts' "package" dir instead)
<OscarL> (will leave --get-dependenices alone, and probably just introduce a "--download-build-deps" option)
<OscarL> anyway... of for now. Will be running Python 3.14.0a5's test-suite with the new malloc, just to stress it a bit.
<OscarL> see you later folks.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev58639] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b4508f498ffa - libroot/posix: Import OpenBSD malloc source.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 69cb8e25ff5a - libroot/posix: Add glue code, global caching logic, and integrate OpenBSD malloc.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9cd1e917ef32 - libroot/posix: Enable OpenBSD malloc by default.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 19f14232872b - libroot/os: Re-enable "was not actually locked!" assertion.
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<scanty> good evening. i have asked this question before, but never got an answer. What is the best resource editor for Haiku?
OscarL has joined #haiku
<OscarL> I see waddlesplash already merged the new malloc. Cool. That +12% speed improvement I saw is nothing to scoff at :-)
<Habbie> nice
<OscarL> (my PSU kept overheating while running Python's test-suite, lol, will have to leave those for another, cooler, day)
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<Skipp_OSX> Kotten
<Skipp_OSX> Either Kottin (sp?) available in HaikuDepot or X512's effort available here: