Skipp_OSX, Now I am if you still are
heyo but I figured it out
Okay :D
wanted to ask about comparing Brightness's
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Should be "easy" with the rgb_color Brightness function, ever since that was replaced. But you can also do this with HSL manually, but will give somewhat different results I'd asusme
so my question is basically, is closer to 255 brighter or less bright?
iirc this should behave the same as the individual color channels, so 255 is most bright
IK checks for > 127 for Light and <= 127 for dark
Oh, I actually documented this :D
But not in the actuall Brightness function.. Darn
yeah but I have to use a different value
why should the value need to be different?
because we want the color to be White on Desktop, not black
Yeah, but I don't see why that should influence the threshold? :)
What problem were you facing?
could be that the Contrast() function would be a better fit potentially
I'll document the brightness value beeing higher -> more white
higher is more White got it
(or brighter anyhow)
the new alghorythm is based on color perception of brightness, so it doesn't treat all color channels equally like the old one did
yeah I get that, just the 127 doesn't work bc Desktop has to be different
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I don't understand why it wouldn't
bc the calculation yields black text on default Desktop background
The default background does seem to be light, yeah. But if this is unsatisfactory (instead of changing the value); try this: Use your prefered rendering, in this case white text on light blue background and then check with the Contrast() function if this is enough. If it is not enough Contrast then fall back to the more contrasting version, i.e black text on the blue bg
You can also take into account, if you want, what Document color or panel color has been set to determine if the user, generally, prefers a dark or a light UI. though with these string labels I don't think it is too bad in either case (the "big" not dark thing is clearly the desktop color here, and not the string labels)
I already have some code in tracker for this i think, let me check
here's what I got SetHighColor(LowColor().Brightness() >= kDefaultDesktopBrightness ? kWhite : kBlack); where kDefaultDesktopBrightness = roundf(97.5638406378); or 98
so instead of using 127 I'm using 98
which is the Brightness() calculation for (52, 102, 152)
you have it backwards though. You need to pick a contrasting color
if background >= 127 pick black else pick white
well I guess it would be if background >= 98 instead then
Why? This should behave consistently, if we have to optimize for this specific color that is currently set we are probably doing something wrong
Do the same here: have a bias for the color you *usually* want, use Contrast() to verify it is readable enough: bam, done. If it is not readable enough then pick the other color
ok except I don't get the bam part, I was trying to but couldn't figure out what a good value was and I don't understand how he did either.
I don't care what the value is really as long as the text is white by default.
try say, a contrast of 90. See if that is still good and readable. Also keep in mind that tracker has (and in my opinion should enable by default) Text shadows, so your contrast requirement is smaller than in a normal app
so this example: if (rgb_color::Contrast(desktopColor, kWhite) > 90) return kWhite; else return kBlack
then we have it weighted to prefer kWhite, only using kBlack if the contrast is really too bad
okI get the contrast part, just not the 90 part
Play around with that value. It is subjective based on your eyesight, brightness perception, appearence of text shadows... your font etc. We should pick a "safe" value that for most people gives good enough contast to compfortably read this
Aslong as, with that value, you can confidently say "yeah, the contrast is fine" I don't think we have a problem :)
ok I pick 98 then
I wouldn't, because I doubt this is the cutoff point you asume ;)
would a *very slightly* brighter desktop background mandate we use black now?
or would you still prefer white?
not in my testing, no
so if somewhat brighter with white color is still good then you can lower the value a bit
well I figured the default value is 127 so 98 is already past the edge
no, this is a different context
Contrast does not return absolute brightness
just the difference of brightness between these two colors
so is higher values more contrast or less?
higher value is more contrast
yeah I see in the code, but I assume higher means more yeah ok
pick the lowest number where your artistic intention is preserved, and the contrast is compfortable :)
if your desktop bg is white it's easy, black easy, but it's hard to say what is best for different colors
yeah. But i figure this is a value we can experiment with, so no biggy.
Ideally the haiku api will eventually give some context aswell like the uhm color contrast ratios used in Web Development, maybe as constants or so
if (direct && selected && poseView->IsDesktopView()) drawView->SetLowColor(InvertColor(poseView->HighColor())); else drawView->SetLowColor(poseView->LowColor());
so that only works if Desktop color is exactly black or white otherwise you'd get funky colors
Desktop TEXT color that is
why? what are you trying to do there?
do you want to make desktop text colors configurable?
(is this about selection drawings?)
invert the color to show the selection box behind the text
yes you got it
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why do you want to "invert" it, if the operation only works properly to switch black and white? what is the intent behind the operation?
use something like the text color, but in a different brightness?
to select the box, so I'm calling InvertRect() again to invert a second time and then you get back to where you started only you have white text on top of black instead of white text on top of transparent
Why not draw a black box and re-draw the text? :)
anyhow, this seems like an optimiazion that works fine if you really only have black and white
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(and i wonder if this already gave problems before with anti-aliasing on lcd?)
... that's a good point...
ok well the answer is that we draw the text before we draw the box
well, invert
but I suppose we don't have to do that...
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what da
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Begasus[m]: new quaternion version is broken
nephele: You mentioned me in your patch https://review.haiku-os.org/c/haiku/+/8878 The change looks good by itself,but I don't understand what speaks against my original change and what yours solves better.I had some special-casing for dark mode that yours doesn't have.
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nipos: easier to ask on the review tool for such, but the tl;dr: The original code would try and "lower" the colors, and then use them to draw the gradient. My new code is trying to instead pick colors around the specified color to get a gradient more matching with the picked color
looking at your gradient changes it shifts the colors up a bit compared to light mode, but still makes all color stops lighter, so it's trying to solve a different problem
my main problem I am trying to solve is that Control colors are not used by most controls, and where they are used (buttons) it's tinted heavily, and i want to get a rendering more matching the specified color
so that we can then adjust the other controls to properly use this color (instead of the panel color) and get a more consistent rendering
Ah ok,that makes sense
Anyhow, added you as reviewer since I wanted your input, in specific if the code does match mostly what you expect and such, if this is enough, or if more adjustments are needed for the dark mode (assuming this change is accepted, and the bevel is seperately changed)
I'll try
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> "priyanshu@Bobo:~/home/haikuwork..." <- Colon on last line?
• humdingerb (85459c32): BeGeistert 031 blog: fix picture link
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nipos: by the way
I assume you know how to properly make gradients in css? :)
if you want to take a shot at it, and have time, maybe fixing the background gradient of our main page would be cool. iirc it uses an image or something, and if you zoom in it immidiently breaks
also, no dark mode adjust
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Yes,I could do that.
I should get a harddrive and fix the background of image documents in haikuwebkit heh
Will have a look at the site soon
While verifying your change,I found another (independent) dark mode issue that I'll try to fix first.
Your change looks good,but the little arrow in dropdowns doesn't become white in dark mode and is barely visible with the now darker background.I'll try to make it use text color instead of hardcoded black
ah yes, also the black devider is not visible
Assuming you talk about comboboxes
Very cool, in any case, whacking all those dark mode issues :)
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scrollbar arrows are also black when they should be white :)
disabled scrollbars in dark mode are too bright also
though maybe that is just my impression
I think you're right,making the scrollbar arrows white would be better
What do we need to support efivars?
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the cgit of the linux kernel has dark mode
how can we get this
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The more difficult thing is finding where the dropdown arrow is drawn in Haiku.The color change will be trivial,but I can't locate the thing in the source
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Figure out where HaikuControlLook::DrawArrowShape is called from, i guess?
MenuItem.cpp seems to be about the submenu arrows,all others don't have anything to do at all.
those colors are a bit hard to read on nikisoft
also the scrollbar is the wrong color. presumeably no :root { color-scheme: dark light; } directive
Maybe.The dark theme on that page is a quick&dirty thing,as I thought it's better than not having one at all but I also didn't want to invest a lot of time in the site.
fFontsMenuField = new BMenuField("fonts", label, fFontsMenu);
so this control is a BMenuField
But the MenuField.cpp doesn't seem to draw an arrow anywhere
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It calls BMenuBar somewhere,but MenuBar.cpp also doesn't draw an arrow,or at least I don't see it
There was some wierd distinction where this functionality (of a combobox) is provided by two different classes, and one of them ought to be deprecated... but i can't recall anymore
maybe PulkoMandy or waddlesplash have some hints herew
Fixing the scrollbar arrow colors first should be easier
that's the only function that makes sense to me
but that also "only" calls the function for a button
Not sure,it also doesn't draw an arrow there,but it's worth a try
Oh wait no
I already tried changing the fMenuBar->LowColor(), LowColor() to fMenuBar->HighColor(), HighColor() in MenuField.cpp line 1112,that only resulted in a white border around the whole Combobox,but no change inside it
(that's where the function is called)
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ugh, trying to read the linux efi stuff to figure out what it does under the hook, but this is like a jungle to me :(
What do you try to find out there?Maybe have a look at the BSDs instead,their code quality seems better in most cases
how to set efivars under the hood, how to read them and such
so we can read them and offer "Reboot to <OS>" in the shutdown menu
Haiku is probably the last OS to be mostly free from corporate influence.
Everything is "influenced" by corporations. FreeBSD takes code sponsored by netflix that helps them, but it is bsd2 regardless. Haiku takes money from Google for GSOC and such
> /* Make sure this construct works -- I think it will fail */
nice :D
so libefivar uses a fd called /dev/efi and calls ioctls on it. One step closer (and about what i expected for a userspace interface)
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yes, because efivar is more specific. I will check where /dev/efi is implemented
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like: the efi file descriptor ioctl only provides basic operations of add this, replace this or something. and the whole "is this a guid"? validation seems to happen in userspace
there is also efi runtime services, that is probably also implemented somewhere. though i have no clue what those are usefull for
The other one may also be interesting probably,but not related to /dev/efi
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The number of opened Grok tabs is starting to get confusing
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heh. Thanks for you help ;)
No problem :)
Btw,the AmazonBot seems to also like Grok.Found out today that my Grok instance crashed so often recently because the AmazonBot hammered it with thousands of requests.It's now banned.
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why? how am i supposed to know about sales on your grok then?
They're still sending tons of requests,but Nginx is now directly responding Error 403 instead of forwarding it to OpenGrok which gets overloaded by that amount of traffic
You are beeing so nice, i would just not respond
if (user agent matches) {return 403;} is the simplest thing to do
waddlesplash: do we have any efi runtime service support already?
nipos: i suppose so, but i would firewall them off based on their ip. However, on the site it sais they respect robots.txt. Seems like a simpler solution?
I'm actually having a rather big list of bots I don't want to access my server,but didn't know until today that Amazon runs such an active bot that accidentally DDoSes stuff
if you don't care about search engines just block all in robots.txt i'd say
then you only need to play whack-a-mole with the rude bots ;)
I allow most search engines,but not AI nonsense and also not Google because they're simply an awful company
Also,not all AI crawlers respect robots.txt so the Nginx config is the safer solution (at least as long as they don't start using normal browser user agents)
personally, i don't think indexing grok makes sense, because grok is a search engine
Yeah,I think the same.The same Nginx User Agent Firewall thingy is used for the whole server,however,not just Grok
maybe add a robots.txt to prevent indexing grok for everyone then
I don't care as long as they don't DDoS me.Problem solved for now by banning the AmazonBot
for a color variable that is used by all programms from the IK, should i declare this as "const" or as "static" or both?
that is, a thing that shouldn't be modified, and does not need to be present severall times
extern const?
what does extern do?
static limits the symbol to the current scope (e.g. the function of the control block you're in)
const tells the compiler that it is constant and cannot be modified.
ah okay. then const should be enough.
extern tells the compiler that you only want the symbol, the object itself is defined seomwhere else.
all three of them have an effect on where in memory the object is.
and how linkage of all of them work.
if you use const also try to have the value be constant as well, otherwise you will not get runtime access protection.
I'm trying to "clean up" an api detail, lots of programms independently define kBlack = { 0, 0, 0, 255 } So I'm just trying to add a gBlack and gWhite so this is consitent, and no suprises if this is defined somewhere else
and if it's a complex object (anything not atomic) also make sure all parts are constant, again, otherwise no protection (in this case you can loose runtime and compile time protection, e.g. if you declare the outer object const but not the inner. then writing to the inner is valid as per what you declared)
which object file does that go into? the main program or any libs?
What do you mean?
I'm working on InterfaceDefs.h in the interface kit, which is compiled into libbe.so const rgb_color gBlack = make_color(0, 0, 0);
if you replace one of the declares in prog.c to exclude the value you get a random value.
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if you remove the value and add extern you get the value from the lib.
so what you want in the header is something like: extern const rgb_color gBlack;
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and then where is it supposed to be declared?
and in the file that implements that, and only in that one code file: const rgb_color gBlack = make_color(0, 0, 0);
that is the declaration. you mean the definition.
the definition, again, is in *one* *code* file, the one that implements this.
and everyone else only has the declaration with extern
so the corresponding .cpp file that happens to not be #included?
that way it will end up in libbe.so
what is the constexpr inline that jpelczar mentioned?
think of it like this: if you want it to only exist once, then there should only ever be one '=' the compiler is reading about it. ;)
that is some C++ construct.
Well, this is C++ code, yeah?
some newer C also seems to have it.
nephele: but I'm a C guy ;)
I *think* and jpelczar may correct me here. that it basically enforce compile time constant values.
It's a different language :)
but C++ allows for C code to be used within.
so if that holds true for C it will hold true for C++ (beside some of the strange edge cases of C++)
also you talked about a InterfaceDefs.h, not a InterfaceDefs.hpp ;)
and if you want it to be truely C++ then you would have them instances of a proper C++ class ;)
Complain to, I think, Be Inc, for having named it that
my point is just that it doesn't matter if you use the more C-ish or the more C++-ish keyword that are both doing the same job. ;)
the compiler will be happy with both.
It does matter in a different sense: code readability
it's a tad annoying having to wrangle two files for this. All the other "values" of constant #defines are in that file directly, and you don't have to check the .cpp file for them
nephele: because then you would not waste your global name space but put it as static members of that class.
and my Understanding that C++'s prime directive is to make stuff object oriented, it's clearly more C++-ish to have them objects. ;)
phschafft: Wenn du nur einen Hammer hast ist alles ein Nagel? :P
nephele: sure, you can have the values in the header file. no problem with that. just understand that it means that every user of the header (everyone who includes it) has their own copy of the values. Just as for the others that you say are in that header file.
for #defines I don't see how, aren't those simply discarded if not used?
nephele: even as a C guy I was *very much* confused when I noticed that rgb_color is a struct not a class.
so taking all langauge rivalry aside I still think it would have been much better to have it as a class/the C++ way.
I don't know why phschafft. but rgb_color is also a tad "icky" in that is only supports 8bit colors, and not 10bit colors or 12bits :) So maybe this shall be redesigned later
nephele: if you declare it as static const then those symbols are also discarded if unused.
what pager does git use. Why can't i scroll with the mousewheel when i can scoll in less
if you figure out how to solve that in a way that doesn't break any of the very view features (g)it has, report back to me! ;)
> git diff --color=always | diff-so-fancy | less --use-color
this works
gonna install execlineb and write me a script that redirects git status + git diff -> diff so fancy both to less .-.
phschafft: struct and class are exactly the same thing, except for the default access level of the members (public for struct, private for class)
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except for Visual C++ (Microsoft's compiler) where they are differently mangled, but that's a bit stupid
jmairboeck: I don't say that you can't upgrade struct into a class if you use a memory model for classes that is compatible (which is no problem at all).
however my point is not which keyword is used. but how the different tools are used.
I would expect a colour value to have some methods to ask it things. which is absent in structs.
they are the same thing, it all comes down to what members they have
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structs can have member fuctions, constructors, destructors, base classes (or structs) as well
yes, yes. but by that definition classes are completly useless feature of C++ as you can have all that with structs. ;)
so hey, convert all classes to structs in Haiku! ;)
class Foo : public Bar { public: Foo(); ... }; is the same as struct Foo : Bar { Foo(); };
class and struct is the same thing for the compiler
that wouldn't even break any ABI or so, because we are not using MSVC
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again, by that definition the class keyword in C++ is redundant.
however all this has nothing to do with nephele's problem at hand.
one of solutions might be static const(expr) and export the symbols in another cpp file if you really need them exported for ABI compat
you can absolutely add member functions to rgb_color, for example, as long as none of them are virtual, because that would cause a vtable to be generated and thus change the memory layout
as for constructors, I would not recomment defining any in case rgb_color is ever used as part of union or any C structure as this would cause generation of implicing constuctors in "parent" objects. non virtual methods are 100% safe
jpelczar___: Haiku has a coding sprint in brussels now after fosdem
I have air plane at 8pm
I wish I found out before booking :(
ow :(
well, maybe we can ping them if they are still around if you want to talk with them
Begasus[m]: are you folks still at fosdem or already left?
Yes, that's fine. I need to fix your whitespace things anyway. So might aswell make a follow up to your change
I'll remove the underscore function and implement the public HasSystemColors instead
just make sure to consider read-only tint for BTextView as well as B_NO_TINT in the cases of view and low
I think you get it
I think BTextView should use Parent colors by default (also for the text) if you have styling disables
why not? :)
You can set your own color after construction if you want
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it uses document colors is why
so parent would be panel, no good
doesn't it use the parents background color right now?
if not then yes, okay. It should pick document color fg per default for the text
I don't think so
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Skipp_OSX: I'm just guessing how we should do live color update however
if styling is disabled, and no color was ever applied, we should do auto-updates
but if styling is enabled i think this should be up to the caller
right, isn't that how it works?
Does it auto-update colors now?
it uses document colors, with or without a tint
yeah it does
Okay, that should be fine then
well... except for the text color...
that is what i ment, yes
yeah that doesn't get auto-updated right now, perhaps it should.
that is also the only thing that is affected by the styling setting
BTextView does just use HighUIColor for drawing text bc you can have differently styled text
your AdoptSystemColor commit mentions -> Does not alter text color.
I think it should
It should if you have styling disabled
yeah, see above, SetTextColorAndFont() or whatever it's called
I see, in that case it should but it currently doesn't I think.
it sets the high ui color, just never actually uses it.
I'll check in a bit on how to properly solve this, so the common case of "just add a BTextView and dumb text" works
and leave the complex path for callers who enable styling
hopefully we can get all the colors patched up by beta6
I'm quite happy with the progress we are making, when i started with Haiku dark mode was a bit "yeah it kinda works if you modify all these colors manually, except <50 items>". We are almost at a Works out of the box experience at this point
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yes it is much improved from how it was
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I've not found where most colors don't use control anyhow
Adding AdoptSystemColors to BControl didn't seem to "do" much
I think the BPopUpMenu and parent class should use Control collor, and BSpinner, for a start
also Scrollbars and scrollbar end caps
> Too many errors to list here
Uh oh... gcc2, i was not looking forward to this
correct, not much does, needs fixing, you gotta update the color to match panel first
It shouldn't match panel anymore
why not?
I mean it never did technically
check my other patch to modify the gradient for Glossy gradients in HaikuControlLook
but effectively it has since all the elements that should be using control background are using panel background or are tinted to match
* Skipp_OSX
angerly -2's chang
with a more true-to-the-color gradient it starts looking bad. so now we can make control color a bit lighter to get closer to the previous rendering ;)
the one that adjusts the tints?
yeah the current gradients are no good in dark mode, not enough contrast too much shine
Start by changing B_CONTROL_BACKGROUND_COLOR to match B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, then remove that tint from BButton, then you may go buck wild making everything use B_CONTROL_ colors
> I'm saying change the default control color so you DON'T have to tint it.
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So we are on the same page :)
yes, if you understand we are.
I already removed the tint from BButton in that patchset
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like I said, change the default color first, then all your tint numbers will change
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There is only one tint color to change. Just remove this
mmmm I think that's correct
if it's only used by BButton anyway? :)
not 100% sure there may be other cases lurking
we can argue about the right colors later, since this makes some stuff more closer to each other this will change rendering anywaya
it's only used by BButton in our sources, but not in the totality of all BeOS/Haiku software
currently BButton and Scrollbar are different to each other because of this mismatch, but afterwards this doesn't need to be the case
and if there is any "artistic" tinting it should be done internally in ControlLook
yep, and slider thumb should use control loo
anyway, i'm not *too* worried about the default colors. But more about the color generation code that spits out colors. That is where we should define how control color should behave, anyhow
yeah but I am
I just don't don't want you to adjust a bunch of tints off the wrong color
the default colors should be adjusted to whatever the generation code outputs for the default panel color once we are happy with this
change the default color now
first I mean
I'm not testing with any default colors, so not sure how that would help with the dev :/
push the Defaults button!
we do need to implement savable color schemes...
Yeah but, I work on dark mode, because light mode frequently hurts my eyes... :)
No we don't. Just use themeManager, or copy the file somewhere else
ok but for testing you'll have to deal with the eye strain
yeah would be nice if was built in
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> I talked I think to pulkomandy
> yesterday morning (I was in glowing silver jacket)
so that was you :)
not too much to ask to save your color scheme to a flattened BMessage and unpack it
back home, finaly some coffee! :)
I do not. Since control color is then "self-contained" it doesn't matter if the new default is different or not
nephele_xmpp: you mentioned qauterion is broken?
we develop this, and have to adjust rendering in comparison to each other
running it now
Begasus[m]: in dark mode I get a white timeline
this was a problem in the past at some point, but kitsune fixed this afterwards, so i have no clue what is gone wrong now
ah right, doesn't follow dark mode (system) correctly
yeah but this used to work Begasus[m]
maybe could poke kitsune on what has changed
kitsune said nothing changed
he's in neochat room mostly
ah you already talked to him
back then it worked for both Qt versions?
Skipp_OSX: I'm not talking about eye strain, I'm talking about physical pain :P
as in, can't turn on the lights because that hurts too much pain. Not that I have that every day but it is a bag reason why I use dark mode. And even in light mode i use a "muted" one
Begasus[m]: KMail finally works on my sytem! i'm going to see if my e-mail works with it
eye strain is physical pain
oh whoot, haven''t checked there for a long time scanty !
This isn't eye straing, it's sensory input processing. I have the same with sound where sometimes everything is too loud and causes pain.
I find it hard to believe that our default colors cause sensory input processing issues.
Heh, but anyway. I recognize this is a non-issue for "most" people. It just isn't for me
take for example looking into the sun, that causes direct pain for people usually. I have this with less intense colors/light. Doesn't really help that Computer screens are emissive, and not reflective, like a book
white sunlight is also "neutral" in such a sense
additive vs. subtractive colors
anyway, Dark mode helps a lot for this. And OLED helps even more, if properly configured ;)
well, you'll have to muddle through somehow if you want to fix the colors, then you can go back to dark mode
Luckily I have people to review patches if i screw up
But for what looks "good" in light mode you'll really have to step up, because I simply don'
t know, i don't use it
or anyone else really, for one patch for invalid colors humdinger tested colors for example
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Hi nephele: I've updated https://dev.haiku-os.org/ticket/17800#no3 with a linux dmesg and the haiku syslog. Not familar with trac, so I don't know how to cc you on the ticket
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hi ehlo1, i asked you to add it to new ticket if this is a different device, which it is in this case. The fix and cause may be different. CCing me was in relation to that, when you create a new ticket you can simply fill out the cc field :)
Oops :) Wiill open a new ticket. Apologies
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no problem :)
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The point of inheritance in this case is to provide an interface.
"BControl is an abstract class for views that draw control devices on the screen." although that's not strictly true, it's not actually an abstract class, you're supposed to think of it as if it were one.
It provides a basic implementation what you're supposed to replace with your own to do the thing you want to do. BControl provides the hooks for you to hook into.
Also unlike BeOS, Haiku now support transparent views, so it is not required to draw control background color.
You can change the control color though, so it's meant to be independent.
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i met Begasus[m] and PulkoMandy and depending on how much attention mmu_man was paying during eating his fries, him too ;)
Not using transparent background is probably even makes drawing slower because of multiple background drawing vs single drawing in a root view.
I just addressed that though, it's meant to be independent, not transparent.
Habbie: Cool!
and! i got a haiku r1beta1 CD
this will be very helpful in installing it on my chromebook
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doubtfull, it’s liike a 4 step process to update to beta5 from itt, and i didnt document it
Skipp_OSX: what do you want to use other colors for?
for example used in Gravity screen savers
nephele_xmpp, sorry, bad joke. it doesn't even have a CD drive :)
Spider too
Skipp_OSX: yeah but almost all semantiic colors “ a blue” “a red” need to be adjusted for which background they are. going to be used against, which text color will be used etc
nah, gRed is 255, 0, 0 255 anything else is not gRed
you can use your own red color sure, but as far as providing system colors, we should provide the basic ones.
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I use kRed for example in my color pickers as the default color, although you haven't seen that patch set yet but it's getting very close now.
No, i don’t think so. Because when i made the patch for gBlack i found severall apps using diifferent constants for exactly thhe same color names
black and white is unambigious in this context
so is red, blue and green at least
the rest are web colors that use 127 which is also pretty standard/univesal.
like I said, if you don't want to include fuchsia or whatever, that's fine.
I dunno. I think those constants are not usefull unless you want to do something very specific
well, some are useful for YMCK specifically yellow, magenta (which it calls fuchsia annoyingly) cyan and black.
navy, tell, olive, green (which is really not green) orange, maroon and purple are debatable.
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don’t see how that color model is relevant unless you want to specifically print stuff. Anyhow, i think the utility of constants like this is not high. An api to get standard colors adjusted would be neat though
yeah well, I mean, you're supposed to be able to print stuff on Haiku
You're stuck in a subtractive color model paradigm that's your problem
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meaning red + green + blue = black, but magenta + cyan + yellow = white
I know you can. And it doesn’t matter still, because this is all UI code
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you *can* print with it, if you want, but we don’t have any way to proppagate those colors instead of rgb_color, instead it just converts at the last step
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anyhow to simplify such things i usually go and check what common patterns are in apps and how to improve these to make them easier
but with any colors that aren’t white or black it’s recently always either isLight()? hardcoded: hardcoded2
or adjusting the color to properly fit
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the ones at the bottom should all be considered optional/questionable
Stop at purple and leave out maroon, navy and teal I'd be ok with that
orange is also questionable apparently there is a hot debate on the Internet about what the "true" orange color should be, but they have standardized on 255, 165, 0
I still disagree, if you want to add these semantic colors that is cool by me, but do it with an api that can return values based on your lightness you need
hardcoding constants is just stupid for these
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especially 8bit based ones, when we ideally should run on 10bit or 12bit color depth displays in the future
Printing is currently implemented by recording BPicture and converting it to BPF or printer/specific format. BPicture use regular RGB colors.
My Out of Gamut control in Colors! is awaiting proper CMYK support be added to Haiku
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I implemented Web Safe, and the interface for Out of Gamut but no implementation is yet available for it.
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I started looking into it and I went cross-eyed.
CMYK support is non R1 feature anyway.
color profiles are not easy.
true, but can I just have the color constants for R1?
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don't we have an hsv_color now?
How if everything is hardcoded to rgb_color?
it's not, not _everything_ just 99%
Including BPicture commands that are used for printing.
app server does not support ymck correct
hsl_color, not hsv
can I get a type constant for that anyway? Like B_RGB_COLOR_TYPE but for hsl
I'd like to implement support for it in Colors!
I don’t understand what you want?
Add a value for it to TypeConstants.h
for what purpose?
to read hsl_color values in messages into Colors! and send them back
Nothing, and i mean notthing, accepts hsl colors
just convert them to rgb and send them away
and they never will with that attitude!
yeah that's what I'm currently doing
Skipp_OSX: I think we might need a more expressive class for this, for specific colors, and for semantic colors. I think it is unreasonable to add support for every color system everywhere in the api
Like I said, limit to the colors you deem appropriate. I'd just like a few basic colors.
If you don't implement them, I'll continue to use my own k versions.
I think gWhite and gBlack are apropriate, and not more in that api space for now
not even red, green, blue?
not even those have agreed upon definitions in apps we already ship
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that's also true for white and black, we use different shades, so what?
no we don’t, all cases I removed have been exactly 0 or exactly 255
and I don’t see any more instances of those
ok but also for red, green, blue the same right?
Icon-O-Matic has a non (0, 0, 0) black color
I’ve seen severall conflicitting definitions for red
gRed is always 255, 0, 0 though
app devs are free to create their own red, unless you're saying they are already making their own gRed?
I don’t see that, i only see pure black in Icon-O-Mattic
they already make their own kRed
with conflicting definitions
Skipp_OSX: Colors! may define its own clipboard type.
not using drag and drop for this, message passing interface
Colors! 3.0 you are not privy to the new version yet.
(in development, almost finished)
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are you moving more color pickers to libshared?
I really want someoen to replace that ugly 3 bar picker in appearence
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add-ons, yeah
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Skipp_OSX: Doesn't it conflict with previous/next tab shortcut?
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I check for conflicts with app shortcuts and don't add the shortcut if so
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We were doing that before, the same system is expanded to the new shortcuts.
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Skipp_OSX: but are tab switching shortcuts handled that way? admittedly I have not checked
also don't forget to close the tickets when you push changes
I like to leave a grace period before closing tickets
all shortcuts in BTextView are handled that way, yes.
I don't think any grace period makes sense. just close the tickets and reopen if there's a problem later.
I don’t understand that. I also leave tickets open when users reported them to wait if it is fixed in their eyes too.
okay but then at least comment on the ticket
right now the tickets have not been changed at all
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anyway, bbl
Skipp_OSX: can you pick up the documentation par from 8877 to your changeset? I can then abandon it (the part that mentions the color functions are reimplemented for controls)
sure thing
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I commented but did not close either ticket.
7078 because of missing function key shortcut support and 9913 because of still being blocked by 9431 and X512 not giving me the green light on my fix for that one.
Skipp_OSX: previous/next tab is a global app_server SAT behavior shortcut.
can you please green light my change so that I may use word wise naviation in stack groups?
I know you're going to say no...
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Skipp_OSX: > I also wanted the ability to have shortcuts for the function keys (F1-F12.)
What is a problem with my patch that add uint32 key code argument?
Well firstly it doesn't currently work for function keys, secondly we want to do it a different way by patching the char parameter of BMenuItem. See the recent devel mailing list discussion for more details.
Thirdly you have still not given me an example of a function key shortcut to test with and nobody seems like like F2 to rename in Tracker.
Using char for that is probably bad idea.
It was a bad idea for sure.
It should be B_FUNCTION_KEY and key code.
those conflict with existing shortcuts, B_TAB, B_ENTER/B_RETURN, B_BACKSPACE, B_INSERT
Why it will conflict?
because 0x08 for example is both B_F7_KEY and B_BACKSPACE
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Shortcut char will be the same B_FUNCTION_KEY.
It would work with B_FUNCTION_KEY_BASE + B_F7_KEY like you had it.
And actual key code provided in a separate argument.
yeah I get it, but we don't want to do it that way I don't think
Personally I think we should simply take up the remaining spots in the control characters with B_F1 through BF12, there is a contiguous block of unused codes.
We just have to define new constants.
we should not do that
why not?
functions keys are not ASCII, should not be ASCII, should not pretend to fit in ASCII
* Habbie
waves at PulkoMandy
neither is B_TAB, B_ENTER, etc.
they are raw key codes, pretending otherwise will just cause confusion and bugs
no no no, we define new constants, don't use those.
the key code is B_F1_KEY, we make a new B_F1 with no _KEY
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Skipp_OSX: i think you have it backwards with the control color. It isn’t used tinted to look like Panel colors now. The butttons and PopupMenu etc don’t looke the same.
Button tints a bit in the direction maybe, but i am removing those tints. so if anything we should check what the color is *after* that tinting is removed, and also the defaultt colors do not matter if the color generation code does not match this.
There's a gradient but it basically matches
It does not, it makes all color steps much lighter
My patch fixes that
but it also makes control which incorrectly used panel color before… look too much like the panels they are in
Look all I want is to make the default 216, 216, 216, and then you can fixup the gradients on top of that to look any way you want.
Right so we make it 216 and then adjust the values in your patch to make the color steps lighter again, great.
No, that is backwards. I will change the color to match the rendering, not tint the buttons to match some random color
You're changing it for HaikuControlLook, but this is a change for _all_ control looks.
even future ones not yet written.
Indeed! HaikuControlLook should make a rendering more matching to the actual color
And not make it much lighter for no reason
Can't you adjust the tints to make it the color you want in HaikuControlLook on top of 216?
No, that makes no sense to do
but can you do it?
I fixed the gradient-> now i need to fix the color
but you are suggesting to hardcode the color to a value that makes it look terrible
*Or* I tint every control in IK, which I won’t do
well, it makes it match panel
yes, it shouldn’t and it right now doesn't
that's true, right now it doesn't
but it SHOULD
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So then why are we tinting it to match in BButton?
We are not
The colors are not matching
Can you test my patch and see?
Buttons should come out the same or very similar to now once the tint is taken off
I don’t see why? I’d rather continue developing my changeset properly without beeing tied to this arbitrary value for the *input* to the control color calculation
I’d had hoped to do smaller patches, but i guess I have to do a big one if every cleanup is bad because “this changes the rendering”. Indeed it does, but that is the point
specifically "To maintain the identical appearance as before, the default control background color is tinted to match the default panel background color."
> As the color has a gradient applied anyway, no one will notice a
difference while playing with custom control colors.
What you fail to see here is that this is a HaikuControlLook specific hack
it does *NOT* match, it only looks mostly similar
And with the gradient change it will even more not match.
I fail to realize? I didn't do that patch, looncraz did
You brought it up?
ok but make it match that's fine, I don't want to ruin that I support your work, I'm trying to support it.
looncraz failed to realize
all I did was adjust the tint to make his hack work in both light and dark modes
Well okay, I think your patch is fine apart from changing the color, that at this time makes no sense to me
well it does make sense, can you test it?
I already have the patch to make the gradient match the color more closely, and once the other controls use the right color we can compare 1:1 with beta5 to decide what color we want for controls, and what the automatic color code should generate
you can't recalculate the tints?
see this is what I didn't want to happen
tints in interface kit are wrong becausse that removes the agency from the control look, and in the haiku control look itself I don’t want to use tints based on the base color because the controls as HaikuControlLook draws them are supposed to look the same and not different, and tinting in any direction kind of undermines that
> see this is what I didn't want to happen
don’t quite understand what you mean?
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which is why I asked you to change the base color before...
otherwise we'll reintroduce #12568
I'll have to fixup BeControlLook although it looks like I may have to do that anyway for dark mode
#12568 is back once you set any color in the automatic mode not matching that ting. The fix is wrong
Flat buttons should draw their background with the parent color
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can you make it work off of untinted 245, 245, 245?
We could keep the button color the same, remove the tint from BButton I suppose
anyhow, why are you worried about that now? we are in the nightly cycle so i don’t think it’s too important if stuff is a bit broken intermitendly. I can take a look at a better fix for that issue though, I’ve seen that for years but always assumed it was intentional how it looked :P
this has been a _long_ time coming
in BButton::AttachedToWindow() it should be able to check if it is “flat” style and then draw with the parent color, no?
for the background
it could tint it I suppose
or well, just check that in the Draw method I think
That's basically what it's doing already minus the check for flat style bit
Why tint? if the parent is a panel just use the parents low color in Draw instead?
because buttons have those color constants assigned.
Fix up in the Draw() code wouldn't work for different decorators
yes but a “flat” style buttton is not visible as a button other than in Hover
why? is flat button style specific to HaikuControlLook?
I thought this is mainly for “Toolbar” types of items
we draw everything in a control look
I thought so anyway
Yeah, but i mean. A different control look also has to check for flat vs non-flat button
because this is an api difference
so basically parent color for flat color; control color for flat button hover and normal
yeah it's in the control look, flat vs. non-flat I think
but the base color is also passed in, which is currently tinted and that's the problem
or the fix for the problem idk
Yeah, so I would use Parent color for flat & not hovered butttons. and control color (untinted) for the rest
no access to that in control look
all you get is a single base color
Yes, but in the IK that calls the controllook
that’s the logic i would use there to call it. The only other option would be to change the signature and send the parent color as a second color and let the controllook decide if it likes flat buttons.
it could work, but I don't want to do that, I'd rather it use 216 all the time
I'm not convinced there is a problem with your code at all
because the color you're getting in HaikuControlLook should be the same as before
:/ . we are not in the domain of hardcoded colors anymore. Any solution trying to match up the two colors is wrong and can’t work.
A solution working only for default colors is not good enough :)
and if we need to change the signature for the controllook function we can do that too
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but I'm saying your tints should work identically to before, please test it and let me know.
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They definetely won’t. because I’m not using default panel colors
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are you using the passed in base color?
you're using B_CONTROL_BACKGROUND_COLOR aren't you?