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<mischa85> but as i was fearing, ps-regs is indeed, missing.
<mischa85> but as i was fearing, ps-regs is indeed, missing.
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<chadmed> curious that the compatibles for the cores are still sawtooth/everest
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<mischa85> i'm desperately looking for some sort of value = n -> reg[n]
<mischa85> 489 devices, 61 regs
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<mischa85> while playing with the adt parser, there are a couple of bits that *are* in the binary devicetree ripped by m1n1, and not in the ipsw devicetree supplied with apple firmware. now how to parse them...
<mischa85> parse/interpret
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<jannau> chaos_princess: I left the sep/aop fixes as separate fixup commits if you want to look at them. the newer dma allocator abstraction required larger changes. I'll squash them in a few days
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<chaos_princess> thanks, will take a look
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<mischa85> i can succesfully set a register at 0x5008300000, which is what adt_get_reg outputs with an idx of 1. how can i find out the raw registers in macos so i can hardcode them in m1n1?
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<jannau> mischa85: see "/arm-io/ranges" in the adt. if a reg value falls into (bus_addr, size) the effective address is parent_addr + reg value
<chaos_princess> - this one can just become copy_from_slice, i will fix it later if nobody else gets to it first
<jannau> yes, I wasn't motivated
<chaos_princess> fair :P
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<mischa85> jannau: thanks. i got 18 ranges defined in the adt. is there any way to know which registers belong to ATC0_USB_AON, ATC0_COMMON, AFI?
<mischa85> *ranges
<mischa85> *contain
<mischa85> maybe i can bruteforce it
<jannau> sorry, I meant the reg properties of of device nodes. not the ps-regs
<mischa85> ah bummer. i wonder because the device nodes also don't contain any offset/regidx
<mischa85> something changed, obviously
<mischa85> the only thing i can think about now is peeling around in AppleT6041PMGR.kext, if i can find it because i'd expected to find that in /System/Library/Extensions/AppleT6041PMGR.kext
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<fl0_id> mischa85 are any other PMGRs there? at least on my 14.x, they are all there, except the m4s of course
<chaos_princess> kexts are not there since quite a while ago, they are now in dyld shared cache
<chadmed> mischa85: if you do poke around kexts remember to go to #asahi-re
<mischa85> fl0_id yeah i found them in kdk lol
<mischa85> chadmed: thanks, wasn't able to find anything yet with the deassembler tho
<mischa85> i'm currently hardcoding t6031's ps-regs. maybe i get lucky
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<mischa85> talking about it, does anyone have a t6030/t6031 adt from m1n1 i can check?
<fl0_id> mischa85 if nobody has one (as I think it hasn't been worked on much) I could dump my t6031 for you in assuming m1n1 works properly
<fl0_id> or you mean dumped from macos
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<mischa85> real m1n1 dump would be great, psidx and offset are not in the ipsw adt. if i can get yours i can replicate for t6041
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