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<nickchan> fl0_id: s3_0_c15_c2_3 should be HID30
<nickchan> and the next one s3_0_c15_c2_4 should be HID31?
<nickchan> and as I said before some new registers like the one that controlled timer frequency has VHE schematics which is another source of confusion
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<nickchan> >s3_1_c15_c1_5 is _EL1, s3_4_c15_c14_5 is probably _EL2 and s3_4_c15_c14_6 is probably _EL12
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<mischa85> hmmmm. i made a fancy eavesdropper for the P_SET_BAUD message that does, but the data is packed or something?
<mischa85> i'm not sure i understand what's actually going over the line
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<fl0_id> nickchan thx
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<mischa85> never mind i was being derp
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<mischa85> well the central scrutinizer happily does 1.5 mbaud
<mischa85> that is a significant improvement
<mischa85> maz: i'll clean up my code and send it to you
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<sven> jannau: / chadmed: do you have an example for a f32 and a ioft / fixed point key we read from SMC that has to be scaled?
<sven> i found "SMC returns power in Watts with acceptable precision to scale to uW" in hwmon but dunno if that's f32 or ioft
<sven> (i'm adding documentation to SMC before trying to upstream it once more)
<jannau> sven: "ioft" are iirc temp sensors which we did not use. I see "TG[012][BCHV]", "TR0Z", "TR[12]d" on j314. see proxyclient/experiments/ to dump all keys
<jannau> power is reported with f32 / flt
<sven> thanks
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<mischa85> maz: patch mailed
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<mischa85> how can i find CPU_START_OFF_T6041?
<mischa85> next destination hv
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<fl0_id> whoop whoop
<mischa85> i tried CPU_START_OFF_T6031 0x88000 but it's incorrect
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<mischa85> or can run on just the boot cpu maybe....
<mischa85> desperate times
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<mischa85> i'll just alter smp_start_secundaries so can give it the start_off argument
<mischa85> then i can brutefore it from shell
<mischa85> or even better just create a function that allows me to set the cpu_start_off variable
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<fl0_id> yeah maybe it has to be brute forced, no idea how else ppl found it
<nicolas17> I don't think PPL is involved in that ;)
* nicolas17 dodges tomatos
<fl0_id> lol
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<nickchan> i find the cpu start offset by bruteforcing
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<mischa85> okay start_offset 0x10000 makes the fans go vacuum
<mischa85> woosh
<mischa85> at least something turns on
<fl0_id> mischa85 nice
<mischa85> it seems to be booting from cpu 4 from the sawtooth cores
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