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<cy8aer> jannau: I have problems compiling 6.13.5-1:
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<jannau> cy8aer: those are fixed in 6.13.5-3
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<sven> ok, so i'm probably gonna pick up smc again this weekend. my plan is to submit the smallest set of changes possible (dt-bindings, mfd core driver, rtkit backend, gpio driver without irq support) and then follow-up with the other drivers after that's upstream
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<jannau> sounds good
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<sven> aditya: have you guys ever started working on a t2 backend for our smc driver?
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<mischa85> fl0_id: have you been succesful in dumping t6030/t6031 adt?
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<fl0_id> mischa85 I decided to do a backup first before installing m1ni1 properly, and my backup is to spinning rust so it's still going. but I'm on it.
<fl0_id> though I already patched the installer for me as well. so hopefully shouldn't take long once backup is done
<fl0_id> (also because I can only do it at one place, so I always had to pause it and restart each time...)
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<alyssa> sven: good luck
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<sven> thanks, reading the last attempt from late 2022 (sigh) there were just a bunch of comments to be addressed
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<nickchan> okay pmu reset panic counter does apply on a7-a11
<nickchan> more information tends comes up as research is conducted
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<nickchan> spmi pmu rtc should exist on m1 too but asahi device tree makes no reference to it
<chaos_princess> we access it via smc
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<nickchan> funnily enough a11 is still subject to year 2038 problem
<nickchan> but on m1 the rtc definitely has more bits for the offset
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<nickchan> also
<nickchan> on a7-a11 the counter can only count like 194 days and cannot be reset so it requires OS interevention to stay correct
<nickchan> and OSes will overwrite each other's time configuration, evident if setting time from iOS restore ramdisk
<nickchan> smc may be doing some heavy lifting on m1
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<nickchan> since whatever time setting set by other software on a7-a11 is overwritten on iOS boot, which is needed so the rtc does not go wrong even if someone reboots the device right when the counter is about to overflow
<nickchan> would not be suprising if smc sets the offset itself on m1 so that doesn't happen
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<nickchan> >sets the offset itself on m1
<nickchan> presumably since a12 otherwise dtk would have massive issues with time
<nickchan> anyways this means that I would have to schedule_delayed_work() up to 194 days and i have no idea how i am going to test that in a short time
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<nickchan> and delay may be above 32-bit and i am not sure the kernel it would like that
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