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i already sent 130-cpufreq upstream
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there's one other patch about rtkit there i don't know how it has to do with cpufreq but that's upstream as well
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I have a "j293" 13 inch M1 MacBook Pro (2020). I saw that the microphone support for this exact model is not ready but it is for every other model. I'm interested in helping with testing and troubleshooting this mice support. I did a sudo make install of the patch at but do not see the input device. I was wondering if I also need to apply a kernel patch so that the
node is visible to wireplumber for it to work.
My guess is that I need to build the asahi-wip branch of the kernel and install that in conjunction with the mics branch of asahi-audio, but wanted to see if my assumptions were correct here.
This isn't a support request; I'd love to be able to assist with the development efforts here in order to have mics working on every Apple silicon device.
PaulFertser ok this is getting kinda OT, maybe weh shoudl move it
dylantaylor: there is a kernel commit you need to revert which prevents aop's audio subdevice from probing. there's not really anything left to "develop" though, i just need to validate it on a j293
Can you point me at the specific commit? I could try building and installing the kernel with a little bit of guidance and I can let you know if it works.
no need to revert anything. I added `snd_soc_aop.mic_check_123=1` especially to allow this
just add above parameter to the kernel command line
I doubt snd_soc_aop is reloadable
Ah, would this work on the 6.13.7-401.asahi.fc42.aarch64+16k kernel I'm running in F42 beta, or should I try to build asahi-wip?
if it failed that early, it might be
that's the same kernel as asahi-wip
Okay, awesome. I'm just set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="rhgb quiet rootflags=subvol=root snd_soc_aop.mic_check_123=1" in /etc/default/grub and ran sudo grub2-mkconfig. I see the option in /boot/loader/entries so I'm going to reboot and give that a try.
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was it not snd_soc_apple_aop?
guess we'll find out haha
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Great news, that seems to have worked. :)
I now see "Built-in Audio Multichannel" in the input devices list
And, doing a quick sanity check using I can see that input is working.
test audacity
Alright. Let me give it a shot
test loudness level, then grab your phone, play something that contains speech, and start moving it around. it should pick up louder in the "standard sitting position", and suppress it when you move away from it
It worked. I hit record, said something into the microphone, stopped it, hit playback and it sounded fine.
what are the recording levels approx at?
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What should I be looking at in audacity to determine that?
there are loudness meters in top right corner
oh lol you didnt install alsa-ucm-conf-asahi's mics branch
install that and restart pipewire
(and wireplumber)
and probably nuke ~/.local/state/wireplumber/ for good measure
Oh, I just saw asahi-audio's mics branch. Let me give that a go
That repo doesn't contain a Makefile like the other one or instructions in the README. How do I install that?
do I just copy the files into /usr/share/alsa?
yea just cp -r ./ucm2 /usr/share/alsa/. or whatever
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I ran that cp -r command and did a reboot for good measure
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I can confirm that there is a 'MacBook Pro J293 High-Power Audio Interface.conf' file in that /usr path now. Should I expect noticeably different results?
which alsa device is selected in audacity
hey guys! I just want to express my immense gratitude and admiration to all of you! your work is really matter. I always wanted to contribute and have fun with RE, but my free time is too limited. Anyway, someday I will join...
dylantaylor: try setting it to "pipewire" explicitly
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Ahhh okay I see a good amount of gain now
(for context mics were done ~months ago but we had to keep delaying them due to repeated issues specifically with audacity and other ALSA specific clients)
dylantaylor: thats more like it. check if it sounds "good", and if so, try testing the beamformer by moving around
It sounds how I'd expect. I'll play around with beamforming. Is the expectation that noises not directly in front of the laptop are more muted?
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Doing some testing now by moving around the room
After checking playback, speech is _noticeably_ louder and clearer directly in front of the laptop.
lets go
it's not going to magically cancel all noise (the mics themselves are extremely sensitive and omnidirectional) but getting a significant difference was the goal
Full disclosure, I'm not an audio engineer or anything, but the result feels reasonable to my inexperienced ears.
Would you like anything else tested while I'm on here, or is that sufficient to ship the mic support?
dylantaylor: do you mind sending a recording? you can pm it to me if you want, i just want to make sure the gain and quality are sane
A little embarrassing, I didn't know what to say exactly, but I tried to provide variance in distance from the computer at a reasonable input level while speaking.
Let me know if that's good
perfect thanks :)
Glad I could help :)
I'm going to log off for now, if you need any more testing on this, you can reach me via my info on GitHub (see that PR). It's exciting to see this finally working though, and I hope that it can ship to users soon :)
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chadmed: where is the list of supported devices for mic?
ah it's based on the beamforming attribute?
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