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<aditya> jannau: I traced the hid reports for the USB composite device. One report id is for keyboard, one for trackpad, one is something related to touchpad digitizer and last was unknown. None had dimensions.
<aditya> jannau: what I can do is that I can implement the T2 over your tree and send a pr to Asahi. Then these can be sent together. Are you fine with that?
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<fl0_id> hey, so for dumping adt etc I installed m1n1 on m3 max and that boots, but goes to proxy mode. This was just compiling as described on so it shouldn't be a release build right? Do I need to add any payload in particular to get console mode?
<fl0_id> output is here: (ocr'd so some small mistakes could be there like the last dot)
<fl0_id> usb seems to be initialized
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<chadmed> fl0_id: proxy mode is what you want
<chadmed> there is no builtin console, you have to access it from a host machine
<fl0_id> chadmed ah ok that clarifies it. Somehow I thought there was a built-in one
<fl0_id> at least I can do that from a linux machine, that makes things easier
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<fl0_id> hey. so i proxy mode, does the host need any specific requirements, or the cable? Based on the docs I just used a normal usb-c to a cable that says it supports data up to 480 mb/s. but at least on the pinebook pro, no tty device showed up. also tried different ports on both devices
<PaulFertser> fl0_id: I suggest you check dmesg to see what exactly happens from kernel point of view
<fl0_id> I did. no output there
<fl0_id> as far as I can tell
<fl0_id> lsusb also didn't show anything connected
<PaulFertser> fl0_id: probably only one of the ports on M3 is used that way, or probably it uses SuperSpeed? I suggest you check the commit that claims that it adds support for USB Device for that board you have there.
<fl0_id> maybe I'll try a different host machine tomorrow. different cable could take 1-2 days (as most cables I have are probably power only)
<PaulFertser> No output means neither D+ nor D- are pulled up, so no USB 2.0 communication can happen at all.
<PaulFertser> Machine can't matter there.
<fl0_id> PaulFertser mmh yeah, but m1n1 output suggest all 3 ports are found
<PaulFertser> Also you can use Type-C to Type-C cable if you expect mac to be a USB Device.
<chaos_princess> try flipping the c side of the cable
<chaos_princess> (yes, i am serious)
<fl0_id> PaulFertser true, I just don't trust this pinebook pro as I don't use it regularly and it has wonky firmware etc too
<PaulFertser> Do you confirm m1n1 should be detected as High Speed?
<chaos_princess> and m1n1 does not support hotplug
<fl0_id> chaos_princess ah ok that about hotplug is good to know. from the docs it was not obvious to me that it needed to be connected before
<PaulFertser> fl0_id: you can test it with any other USB device to be sure, you'll see messages in dmesg right away even with that shitty pinebook pro.
<fl0_id> ok will try those things but probably tomorrow :)
<chaos_princess> my trick to ensure the connection is not flaky is to power it down fully, set m1n1 as default boot, and then turn the device on by connecting the usb cable
<PaulFertser> Is it expected to be a high speed device or super speed?
<chaos_princess> shouldn't matter, i've almost always used a usb2 only cable
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<PaulFertser> OK. All three ports on PBP are capable of high speed.
<chaos_princess> it only matters for serial console (not vusb), but you'd be using a second mac for that
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<fl0_id> OT but also annoying, the pinebook pro has an unfortunate case of spicy pillow
<PaulFertser> The battery failing?
<fl0_id> probably, as it's wobby when on a flat surface
<fl0_id> and there are no easy replacement parts that I could find
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<PaulFertser> Wished it was the most serious problem with that toy :/
<fl0_id> yeah... I bought it as a toy so it's fine I guess
<PaulFertser> At least it doesn't have ever-changing firmware APIs.
<PaulFertser> And running any OS on it doesn't require RE.
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<fl0_id> PaulFertser true. but it's kinda underpowered and as far as I remember power management was always bad. (it was explicitly sold as a dev machine)
<chaos_princess> 4gb rk3399 as a dev machine?
<fl0_id> chaos_princess hehe. the mnt reform ships with a better one, though also 4 gb by default. and it's much more expensive. even more so if you update cpu + ram
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<PaulFertser> chaos_princess: dev as in "for those who want to develop support for it" and they semi-officially leaked schematics and some datasheets to make it easier.
<fl0_id> PaulFertser yeah this
<fl0_id> sorry for not being clearer
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