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chadmed: sounds simple but I suppose finding it was less so?
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LarstiQ: figuring out _why_ alsa clients would just hang was the annoying part yeah
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can someone point me a link to marcan's M1 Ultra bringup (?) stream? i could not quite find it
the one that had a bunch of technical delays until it's started i think
it's also short
the (?) is part of the title, not uncertainty
I cannot attend un fortunately due to other commitments
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fl0_id: "cannot run custom system software on iPhone"
or anything apple other than mac for that matter
anything recent anyways
and the studio display a13 3 gb ram and that 64 gb storage is very underutilized
the idea is to maybe use the dma on iphone to indirectly benefit the mac
chaos_princess: hmmm
i know they are using GL hypervisor on iOS while not letting anyone else use it
not letting anyone else use hypervisor in any sense
for the exclaveOS
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dont care and that is arm politics, i am more interested in getting the gpu/ane isa that way
chaos_princess: a bit more realistically speaking the most that is going to happen is that apple have to support OpenCL and Vulkan
gpu/ane related
which would be a good outcome! but I don't think you could get isa like that
my idea was to go via the "this info is needed for debugging performance, since apple can optimize their apps better by knowing what is happening after the compiler"
but who knows, i am not expecting much tbh
and from a cursory reading, i do not think there is anything that prevents them requiring a nda to disclose that
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I'm also not expecting much tbh. But would could also happen is that Apple has to adjust their interoperability process to be more like google and MSFT, which could also make things easier
cannot hurt to try though or at least follow along. I don't expect devs to do this, I will be happy to do it as it is related to my work, but just in this case I cannot attend this workshop
chaos_princess it will def not be a quick process. but cannot hurt usually
oh though maybe I can even attend at it's in the evening. between meetings and dinner ^^
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chaos_princess: any reason why AOP probe would fail with ETIME?
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which machine/fw?
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J414, two reports of the same thing on reddit
Could there be more endpoints than on 314
if you do not start all of them, it just sits there doing nothing
do we need to buy one
Is it aop device itself?
or audio subdev
the whole apple_aop
That sounds endpoint related
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but didnt we test m2pro already?
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ill suggest it to the folks who experienced it
If they are competent, maybe try capturing the m1n1 trace
though i never uploaded my patched tracer
judging by their comments and what theyve already tried... thats not happening
actually, neal is getting a m2 soon, right
so we can test on that
oh yeah
if he trusts me with a ssh session, that would be even better
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in slightly shittier news my hacked together mess of v4 of the codec changes plus a working macaudio/mca plus a couple of cherry-picked non-upstreamable tas2764 patches does not work
i think setting the tx tdm zerofill at machine driver probe is too late and the bus is already fucked up at that point, which means the mechanism wanted upstream will not work
I don't have a m2 pro/max laptop
np, its just i thought someone tested it on a m2 pro/max device