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cy8aer: I get a crackle like that too on `6.12.4-asahi` on my j314
it's hard to reproduce because it doesn't happen in the same spot all the time and can take an hour before it happens
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Ok, call me a paranoiac - but now I hear the crackle with 6.12 too but extremely rare. The way LarstiQ describes it. But now it would be interesting what experiences LarstiQ has with 6.13...
(would have of course)
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cy8aer: I'll try a 6.13 kernel if I have a free block of time
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thanks for your efford
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Ok (should be expected): asahi-6.13.5-4 is still crackling in seconds.
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I have found the cause: EasyEffects. It is running in background (but with no effects on the speakers). And it overdrives more with 6.13.5-x. I disabled it now and the sound is perfect
Sorry for my panic
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though I don't know why it overdrives harder with a different kernel without any changes in the audio stack 😕
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ok so finally back up is done
potentially dumb question - if there is a pending update (supposedly) on one container, should it effect another? Like I am getting the warning with a lot of overhead space, but I literally just deleted this volume ... and in diskutil command line, it also only show Preboot, Recovery, VM. Main macos disk however shows apfs snapshot for something. (which might be from real update that I skipped or from first planning to install a
second macos install but then abandoning that.
would it help to just use diskutil cli to make things look in the target container exactly as described in the docs? (if they are not already)