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<nickchan> fl0_id: the cpu start interface has remained compatible for like some 10 (?) years
<nickchan> I mean, other than that offset obviously
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<fl0_id> nickchan good to know
<fl0_id> do you by any chance know about this rust fmt error in my PR? seems more like a CI fluke as I didn't touch any rust code.
<fl0_id> I would just rerun it, but for obvious reasons I cannot do that
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<fl0_id> other question - this file is from a not accepted PR due to binary RE-ing of the author (on other drivers) - but as it seems to just rename mcc things to make t6031 things also apply to t6030 things, would it be acceptable to work off of it to enable mcc for t6030?
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<nickchan> fl0_id: edit some timestamp or something and then force push will make it rerun
<fl0_id> nickchan ok true. Though I still think I'm first waiting for some feedback
<fl0_id> though force pushing is a good idea in this case, didn't even think of that
<nickchan> fl0_id: do you not need to deal with timer registers? the 1ghz clock stuff
<nickchan> id imagine hv with different timer frequencies between EL would be really bad
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<nickchan> But I guess there is no need to deal with that yet when hv is broken for plenty other reasons
<fl0_id> this is based on this: so yes it would have to be dealt with. But t6031 was also merged before doing that, so I think there's no reason not to add t6030
<fl0_id> assuming this counterscaling things is also present on m4, maybe mischa can also contribute to that
<fl0_id> the different clock frequencies i mean
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<sven> yeah, no need to have a perfect pull request. I’m happy as long as it doesn’t break anything and looks like it gets us closer to m3/m4 support
<nickchan> "s3_1_c15_c1_5 = AGTCNTRDIR_EL1"
<nickchan> if this is to be trusted
<nickchan> (so this makes s3_4_c15_c14_5 = AGTCNTRDIR_EL2, and s3_4_c15_c14_6 = AGTCNTRDIR_EL12)
<fl0_id> sven it should. someone on #asahi also said they would test for t6030 but they haven't been online yet again, maybe can tell them later
<sven> i can take a look at it this evening
<sven> (the PR, not testing on t6030 ;))
<fl0_id> sven ok cool :)
<fl0_id> nickchan that issue seems pretty helpful and they have a link to docs
<sven> from a very brief glance i'd probably squash the last commit into the first one
<sven> rest looks reasonable
<nickchan> sven: would you happen to have any time to look at too?
<nickchan> first one is uncore pmc because it's different on a11 and the second one fixes the proxyclient by adding support for parsing pmu & pmgr + making the cpu faster
<sven> probably not today since those probably need a more careful review since they also touch general code
<sven> i'm also not the only one who can review these things, even getting someone to test it on M1/M2/whatever and confirm nothing broke would help
<fl0_id> sven sure that's no problem.
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<nickchan> fl0_id: nope the ci is just broken not fluke
<fl0_id> nickchan ok. yeah I just checked commits just before that and those still worked and I didn't see any workflow changes
<fl0_id> that's why I wasn't sure what was going on
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<fl0_id> sven squashed that one commit. rebase -i <3
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<sven> it looks like you just dropped that commit instead of squashing it into the first one
<sven> and I guess we’ll have to figure out how to fix the CI :/
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* sven hate debugging CI issues
<jannau> sven: looks more like an rustup issue or change regarding rustfmt
<sven> yeah, i wish i could just ssh into that actions runner and actually debug what's going on
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<jannau> I can't reproduce it in an ubuntu jammy container after installing rustup and nightly toolchain
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<sven> tried it in a ubuntu vm and it worked there as well
<jannau> oh, ubuntu latest is 24.04. we should update the llvm install
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<jannau> sven: looks like `. "$HOME/.cargo/env"` fixes it
<sven> hah, nice
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<jannau> I don't really understand why that's an issue
<sven> me neither, but that's common whenever I have to fix something in CI :/
<sven> debugging kernel code on a separate mac is less painful and faster than debugging CI issues for me *sigh*
<jannau> I suspected the image switched to a distro installed cargo and thus was missing rustfmt there. so sourcing the env made sense but it used `$HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo`
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<sven> oh well, let's just merge the fix
<alyssa> sven: real.
<sven> fl0_id: okay, CI is fixed but I think you have to rebase on master to fix it in your PR as well
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<jannau> nice, David Heidelberg picked up my local-mac dt-bindings changes
<alyssa> jannau: do we need that for the asahi DTs?
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<sven> it removes an annoying warning whenever we have to run dt_check (or however that target is called)
<sven> which we're supposed to do before picking up any updates to the .dts files in our tree
<jannau> yes, make dtbs_check comaplains about "local-mac-address" in the wifi node
<alyssa> ah
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<fl0_id> sven well, it would look like that, because it just put the macros/constants back into midr.h / removed them from the file where the original author duplicated them. so the only remaining part of that is
<fl0_id> oh this is probably the real fix for M3 adt dumping (and M4) instead of just ignoring the error. @mischa85 did you do this or just ignore the error?
<fl0_id> (remove #)
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<mischa85> i did some more stuff to it, not only to get it to parse but also to index all the values i could find in it:
<mischa85> i still think some of these are related to the power registers
<sven> fl0_id: no, the constants shouldn't be in chickens.c but in midr.h but it looks like they're added to chickens.c in the github diff
<sven> i'd expect to just see two new lines or so for midr.h
<sven> that commit should just add two lines or whatever to midr.h
<mischa85> btw that repo is a mess but i will only start cleaning it up once i know at least a tiny little bit what is going on on m4
<fl0_id> sven yes that's how it should be. mmh at first it looked right for me, no idea what happened now, will check
<sven> great :)
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<sven> once that's fixed it looks ready to be merged I think
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<mischa85> noob question: the chicken bits are irrelevant in being able to/not being able to fire up the cores right?
<fl0_id> mischa85 ah interesting. re parsing adt, I was wondering if you had done this as I was wondering as whether that was a better solution for parsing adt then my hack
<fl0_id> (I basically just printed the error and made the error counter count up on pmu but then have it go on) (afaik)
<mischa85> fl0_id: i actually had some fun in untangling the binary data spit out when i had it wrong
<mischa85> but the only problematic section for me was the pmgr section of course
<sven> mischa85: i assume you're running with MMU disabled etc?
<fl0_id> hehe can imagine
<mischa85> apple seemed to be short on bits there so they went on to do some weird stuff there
<sven> in theory chicken bits can effect everything since they're working around cpu errata
<mischa85> sven: actually i did take over some mmu code, but i have no idea if it's correct
<mischa85> at least it's not exploding
<sven> enabling the MMU without proper chicken bits exploded in the past in weird ways iirc
<sven> iirc only once linux booted though but it was likely already broken inside m1n1
<sven> are running with BRINGUP defined? that skips mmu init I think
<mischa85> i have a custom bootpath, it does do mmu_init()
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<sven> i'd skip that if you're not confident you have the chicken bits set correctly
<mischa85> aight i'll try that then
<mischa85> i'm almost 95% sure my chicken bits are wrong
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<mischa85> well there's at least one t6041 thing that can probably be added to m1n1: T6041 EARLY_UART_BASE: 0x429200000
<mischa85> but i can't take credit for even that one because i still it from some other wip repo
<mischa85> *stole
<mischa85> but it really seems to be correct
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<fl0_id> sven I'm gonna check tomorrow how I can rescue that commit safely or fix it somehow, too tired now.
<mischa85> fl0_id thanks for your MR, i'll see if i missed some stuff and can try on t6041 too
<sven> sure, you can probably and find the commit before the rebase with git reflog
<sven> or maybe even grab the old commit hash from the PR, I think GitHub shows those before a force push
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