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<ece314378925> What branch does Asahi systems run? I'm wanting to poke through code but there are more than 100 branches, and I'm not sure which to use
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<chadmed> ece314378925: asahi-wip is closest to release
<ece314378925> Got it, thanks!
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<fl0_id> for experimenting to get the adt I'm using the modified installer. One last hiccup probably - does someone have a link to an ipsw that's compatible with m3? I know someone recently posted a link to their ipsw archive but I think that was without macs
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<chaos_princess> ipsws can be downloaded from apple and they generally do not delete them,12
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<fl0_id> thx. do you by chance also know how the stub payload is generated? (like m1n1 + efi)
<chaos_princess> stage2? you basically just cat m1n1.bin, all dtbs, and gzipped u-boot
<fl0_id> thx. that helps :)
<chaos_princess> are you trying to set up hypervisor?
<fl0_id> chaos_princess I'm trying to use the installer to get just enough m1n1 to dump adt. at first I thought i would be enough to just modify it and run it like that (and gave it installe-data.json) but seems it like to be fully assembled and uses a different rust toolchain when building it.
<chaos_princess> just install a second copy of macos and use that to install m1n1
<fl0_id> yeah that's what I wanted to do at first, but somehow the installer had the hiccups. but if you think that's best I can do that for sure
<fl0_id> (hiccups probably because I restarted too late I assume)
<fl0_id> (like it complained about the os not being configured with an allowed user, despite having use the official installer etc)
<fl0_id> and then just didn't start
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<sven> arnd: there's one more maintainer update to add neal as reviewer ( left which (trivially) conflicts with -rc1, what's the easiest way to send that to you? v2 to soc@ with the acks from alyssa and me?
<arnd> sven: my tree is based on -rc3, so you can send a patch based on that if that helps, or I can merge it into the fixes branch
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<sven> ok, i'll check this evening if -rc3 helps
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<sven> -rc3 isn't enough, i'll send something for the fixes branch
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<nicolas17> what could be the cause of the discrepancy of "internal names" here? <> <>
<nicolas17> for example M1 Pro/Max/Ultra are all H13J in asahi's docs but H13S/H13C/H13D in theapplewiki, are those codes used for different purposes by Apple, or is one of these lists just incorrect?