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<jannau> chaos_princess: aux device rust bindings have been posted:
<chaos_princess> ty, will look
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<fl0_id> ok so got connected to m1n1 proxy. thx @chaos_princess the starting by plugging in cable really helped.
<fl0_id> there are some issues though - I kinda had to
<fl0_id> hack together error handling in hw/, which is probably wrong but at least got the python shell to start.
<fl0_id> it was sth like "int is not subscriptable" on line 22 of proxyclient/m1n1/hw/
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<fl0_id> hacky prob wrong patch
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<fl0_id> ok, have my adt :) turns out reading docs helps
<fl0_id> if mischa85 comes back and is still interested in an m3 max device tree to compare, please ask him to ping me, as I don't rly want to post it publicly without redacting serial number and stuff. (anything else that should be redacted?)
<fl0_id> oh though I think I found his email and pinged him there
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<mischa85> i did a bit of a stupid. i put a Raspberry Pico 2 on the Central Scrutinizer. which should be 100% pin compatible to the Pico 1 (they even kept the microUSB port to make a point). it kinda works, but it constantly flips between VBUS=ON and VBUS=OFF IRQs... should i just get a Pico 1 instead or is there something else going on?
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<mischa85> it does detect the serial port, and i'm *sometimes* able to reset the mac
<mischa85> i also sometimes can get a fragment of logging of I put it in PrimUSB mode, but the spacing is all wrong
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<jannau> mischa85: are you testing against a laptop? try to connect a charger
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<mischa85> and that did the trick lol
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<jannau> the macbook tries to charge via central scrutinizer but fails and resets
<mischa85> i was deep down in cs-sw sourcecode already, but i sometimes tend to miss what's right in front of me
<mischa85> anyhow this is going to simplify things massively because this gave me a way to chainload m1n1's
<jannau> I had no luck chainloading m1n1 over the cs's uart. I haven't loocked into it since I have an arduino + fusb with vdmtool
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<jannau> I suspect the command interface / logging might be responsible for that and was planning to change cs-sw to move that to another usb interface
<mischa85> yeah i'll disable it if it gets in the way, but it is completely silent all of a sudden just happily spitting uart
<mischa85> and fl0_id sent me a t6031 devicetree today so maybe i can figure out a way to enable usb on this puppy
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<mischa85> cs is fully functional, does adt dumping and m1n1 shell
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<fl0_id> cool :)
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