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nicolas17: probably just hasnt been edited since we figured out what J/C/D are
feel free to raise PRs for whatever you want to archive/document
chadmed: I'm not any more confident about the J/C/D codes on theapplewiki though
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nicolas17: I think H13J is for for t600x and s/c/d are for t6000/t6001/t6002 so both are not wrong
nickchan: as mentioned, I’ll probably pick the cache series up after -rc1. would be nice to get a review before that
(same applies to everything else: I’ll start picking things that aren’t fixed up after the merge window again)
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nicolas17: S/C/D is definitely pro/max/ultra
idk what J is
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alyssa: the single macos kernel cache for pro/max/ultra contains "mac13j" vs "mac13g"
quite please that apple has chosen my initials for that
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I just wanted to tell that we have finally managed to add support for T2 macs using the hid Magic Mouse driver. The 400x patches here apply cleanly on the upstream tree. Since they will clash with the Asahi Linux tree, and most code is taken from there, in case Asahi wants to take them up, kindly inform me. Else I plan to upstream them soon.
Also, I've noticed getting the hardware dimensions is possible using a report id on Apple Silicon for these trackpads. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work with T2.
So I've hardcoded the values like others.
if most code is taken from some other tree you'll need to either send them as From: for the original author or add Co-developed-by tags fwiw
sven: Sure, can jannau please confirm if he/she is ok with this. I would have to add his/her signed-off-by.
I can't send the our patches out quickly (within days) but I was planning on submitting spi-hid and hid devices patches aiming for 6.16
I can priotize it somewhat to make sure that that happens
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I can't send out quickly since spi-hid needs cleanup and I would also want to combine some of hector's and my changes to avaid changing the parts twice in the same series
re dimensions report. can you trace what macos does? does it maybe use a different report id?