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<nickchan> would like to have some feedback on A7-A11, T2 CPU PMU support
<nickchan> mostly interpolating existing M1 and M2 support
<nickchan> no notable new logic I think
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<jannau> sven: I've sent the central scrutinizer yesterday via regular mail ("Brief Groß)
<jannau> if it doesn't arrive until the weekend I could resort to more direct delivery method. I'm most likely in Karlsruhe next week for work
<sven> nice! it already shows up in this mail pre-announcement app from DHL
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<mischa85> jannau: did you send one to me too? i've received the pico's and headers so i'm ready to assemble it
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<jannau> mischa85: yes
<mischa85> awesome, thanks. then i can return my friends broken screen macbook hehe
<fl0_id> sry dumb question maybe - should it be safe to add my device to the installer (just locally for me) and use that to install efi part only? I originally wanted to do it all manually and have added a container manually, but doing all the other partitions by hand is kinda annoying...
<fl0_id> or at least safe-ish
<fl0_id> (for doing dev stuff, which is why I'm writing here)
<jannau> fl0_id: yes, should be safe-ish. the installer is a partial macos installation. It's possible that newer devices/macos versions need additional changes. Could result in unbootable system if there are issues with the recovery partition and the system recovery partition is unbootable too. so Macos data might be at (very low) risk but there dfu revive and dfu restore
<jannau> mostly enumarating possible failures. I don't have used the installer for anything aftaer 13.5
<fl0_id> jannau ok thx. I guess I should update firmware to whatever 15.x installs (right now I still have 14.x), not sure what the people who did commits for m1n1 support used
<mischa85> all i can say is that for me on t6041 anything newer than 15.1 doesn't work
<mischa85> but ymmv
<mischa85> so i setup a second macos install on 15.1 on which i'm constantly replacing m1n1 via 1TR
<mischa85> but you may have disk access working so chainloading is an option?
<fl0_id> mischa85 yeah I just meant if they used 15.x, I would have to use it, as firmware / adt stuff might have changed? And if I use 14.x, but you need 15.x, might not be as useful to you?
<fl0_id> mischa85 yeah I might do that too then with the 15.1
<mischa85> no but i'm glad at least 15.1 still works and i was able to grab it while it was still being signed
<mischa85> so at least i have some sign of life instead of watching the bootloop hehe
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<jannau> mischa85: as far as we know there are no macos versions which Apple doesn't sign. It's only becoming harder to install them as after a while only the ipsw is available
<nickchan> betas are unsigned regularly though signed for a lot longer compared to *most* iOS versions
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<nicolas17> jannau: there are some InstallAssistants in, and recently I started archiving them such that the original URL works on Wayback Machine too
<alyssa> nicolas17: 13.5 forever? =D
<nicolas17> alyssa: for ipsws I also have this
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<alyssa> real
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<chaos_princess> nickchan: - that is what happens
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<jannau> chadmed: arecord and audacity are now working for me as well. wtf!
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<chadmed> jannau: i was just about to ask you that :p
<chadmed> ugh okay ill get back to george and let him know. we look a bit silly now though
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