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i'm trying to enable usb without pmgr by doing write32(0x0000000182A90008, 0x01c1000f)
this results in Exception: SYNC loop
should i conclude that the power to phy is still turned off?
which would make sense, but just making sure i'm looking in the right direction
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no power or the wrong mmio address are common causes SErrors
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definitely no power, dang
i gotta enable that phy somehow
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mischa85: ..why not thru pmgr?
alyssa: i have no ps-regs on t6041 :-(
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i think i have to read up on the whole hypervisor stuff because i think i will have to capture how macos does things here
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the m1n1 guide refers to the DWARF symbols of the development kernel in the KDK, but I can only find them for the release kernel