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<hotdiggitydog> I'm thinking about using Haiku as a daily driver. In its current state, should I do that?
<hotdiggitydog> Is anybody even online?
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<repetitivestrain> yes, people are generally online here
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<repetitivestrain> augiedoggie: are you sure libpng is required for the emacs package?
<repetitivestrain> Emacs on Haiku uses the translation kit to open images
<repetitivestrain> the only library i would recommend is rsvg, since without that svg images can't be displayed at arbitrary resolution
<repetitivestrain> (i can't figure out how to do that with the svg translator)
<augiedoggie_> repetitivestrain: i don't recall if i tested building without libpng
augiedoggie_ is now known as augiedoggie
<augiedoggie> hm, some other package is still pulling in devel:libpng16
* augiedoggie disables png support through ./configure
<augiedoggie> meh, if i enable rsvg support then it brings cairo/freetype/harfbuzz/png/gdk_pixbuf..... as dependencies
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<waddlesplash> yeah, not fun
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<augiedoggie> repetitivestrain: removing libpng made strange things happen, emacs couldn't find some el files like cl-seq at startup
<augiedoggie> still testing it
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> LO still building ...
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<Kokito> Good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there Kokito (didn't see you there) :)
<Begasus> Got any progress on the app from yesterday?
<Begasus> running 2 builds (on 2 laptops), one for LO and the other is building GIMP (on 32bit), let's cross fingers
<Begasus> Inkscape launches OK on 64bit
<Kokito> @Begasus, QueryWatcher works OK in a window. But when I drag the replicant, it is emtpy. Right-clicking on the replicant hand shows "About <zombie>. No progress from there.
<Begasus> No progress there from 2017 it seems Kokito
<Kokito> Where is the code?
<Kokito> Ahhh
<Kokito> Haiku Archives is different from HaikuPorts, right?
<Begasus> Yes, it only collected the code for archiving them
<Begasus> Pe, Vision ... also stored there
<Begasus> haikuporter is used to create the packages afterwards
<Kokito> I see Begasus
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<Kokito> The author seems to be M. Armida
<Begasus> No work there since 2012 ;)
<Kokito> Right
<Kokito> Too bad. This is a useful app, which is nice to showcase BFS attributes
<Begasus> nothing in syslog or anything?
<Begasus> Never used it, how does it work Kokito ?
<Kokito> Begasus, you place queries in a specific folder, and QueryWatcher monitors them and tell you the status in realtime).
<Kokito> Begasus, in the syslog: USER: instantiate_object failed: Error finding app with signature "application/x-vnd.NHS-QueryWatcher" (Application could not be found)
<Begasus> Crashes on 64bit here
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<Kokito> I am on 64 bit, and it does start Begasus
<HaikuUser> quick visit :)
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<Begasus> that was my paste there Kokito
<Begasus> on 64bit R1b3
<Kokito> Saw your paste, Begasus. The app does not have a signature?
<Begasus> seems like it?
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<Kokito> Can a signature be added easily, Begasus?
<Begasus> k, crashes on nightly too here
<Begasus> it shouldn't be to hard I guess Kokito
<Begasus> Heading of to dogschool, bbl
<Begasus> nice chatting with you Kokito , cu!
<Kokito> OKI. Thanks Begasus!
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<repetitivestrain> augiedoggie: try to run "make bootstrap"
<repetitivestrain> if you're not working off a clean development tree
<nephele> good day
<nielx[m]> good morning
<PulkoMandy> hello
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev55896] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 20b50a5cb429 - app_server: update list of default ignorable code points
<trannus_aran> Asked this last time but there weren't as many online
<trannus_aran> I'm trying to install haiku on this librebooted X60, but neither SeaBIOS
<trannus_aran> nor GRUB2 payloads could load the efi.
<trannus_aran> I already checked the install disk, and it works fine on other laptops
<trannus_aran> And anyone running haiku on qemu is running it on SeaBIOS
<trannus_aran> So that shouldn't be a problem, right? Something doesn't add up...
<nephele> qemu doesn't use efi by default iirc
<PulkoMandy> there are bugreports about coreboot machines where the display wouldn't work, I think the issue was that coreboot and seabios don't initialize the graphics chipset fully, and our driver doesn't either because it relies on the bios to do it
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<nephele> bitigchi: can you still reproduce ?
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<trannus_aran> PulkoMandy: Thank you! I'll check out those bugreports and see if I can find anything
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<Niklas[m]> Is it possible to have multiple lines in a BStringItem?I tried it with a \n inside the string,but that creates only a space,no new line.
<nephele> Do you mean BStringItem or BStringView? BStringItem is for lists iirc
<Niklas[m]> I mean BStringItem
<Niklas[m]> I want each list entry to have two or three lines
<nephele> Let's see, BStringItem just calls DrawString for the actual string
<Niklas[m]> The location selector for Weather was like "Wuerzburg, Bayern, Germany, 97084" which can result in very long lines.I'd prefer to have it like "Wuerzburg [New line] Bayern, Germany, 97084 (optionally)[New line] GPS coordinates
<Niklas[m]> I don't really understand what the DrawString function does.
<Niklas[m]> Probably because of the wrappers the Weather app has around those functions.
* Niklas[m] uploaded an image: quaternion.xsnMId (270KiB) < >
<nephele> Now i'm really confused, the documentation for StringView sais it is ment for only single lines of text, but it has explicit support for severall lines in the code
<nephele> but StringItem doesn't say that in the doc, but it seems it is ment for only one line, as it does not have support? huh?
<nephele> Niklas: anyway, inherit BListItem and overide draw, or inherit the BStringItem and overide the draw function
<nephele> that should work
<Niklas[m]> Can you please explain?
<Niklas[m]> I still don't understand that much about what I'm doing here (but it's getting better)
<PulkoMandy> BStringItem can only draw a single line of text
<nephele> Well, it's an object oriented programming model, the BStringItem class has a specific implementation of how it is drawn when asked to
<PulkoMandy> BStringView in BeOS could only handle a single line too, but in Haiku it was modified to allow multiple lines IIRC
<nephele> you can inherit the BStringItem to copy all the behaviour, but only overide specific behaviours and keep the rest
<nephele> so, if you overide the draw function in your derived class it will behave as a BStringItem would, except for the drawing part
<nephele> PulkoMandy: Shouldn't for consistency BStringItem behave the same then? The documentation for BStringView is wrong now anyhow, sais: "Draws a non-editable single-line text string, most commonly used as a label."
<Niklas[m]> There already is a custom DrawItem function in the screenshot I sent
<Niklas[m]> I think its only purpose is to add a image to the list item (but I have no images yet) and then calls the normal BStringItem::DrawItem somewhere
<nephele> That's the function StringView uses to draw, it will probably work for your case
<nephele> Yes, it calls BStringItem::DrawItem in your function
<nephele> you could try to use the one from StringView instead
<nephele> (As in, copy it and adjust it where needed)
<PulkoMandy> Niklas[m], if you want to draw more text there just call DrawText() with the appropriate parameters. DrawText can only draw a single line so you need to position lines of text however you want by passing the correct BPoint to each call
<PulkoMandy> and yes, seems the documentation for BStringView was not updated
<nephele> yes, that is wht the StringView function does also :)
<Niklas[m]> Thanks,I'll try it with the StringView function
* Niklas[m] uploaded an image: quaternion.xsnMId (184KiB) < >
<Niklas[m]> That causes more issues than it solves unfortunately :/
<PulkoMandy> you can't use it this way
<PulkoMandy> you have to write something similar to it in your custom list item
<PulkoMandy> (or copy and reuse the code in it)
<Niklas[m]> What about using BListItem instead of BStringItem,as mentioned above?Could that work better?Does it support multiple lines?
<nephele> BStringItem is a BListItem
<nephele> it's it's parent class
<Niklas[m]> Oh ok :/
<nephele> s/'//
<nephele> You can copy the code out of BStrinView::Draw into your Draw function but you will probably have to adjust it a bit so it works
<Niklas[m]> Hm,maybe I should better postpone the improved list to some future update when I have more C++ knowledge and keep the single line for now
<nephele> Why? You have people to help now, and you can only learn from it :P
<Niklas[m]> I have no idea how I can integrate the function into mine and what I need to change to make it work.
<nephele> Copy the function body to where it calls BStringItem::Draw Probably, and then try to understand what it does to see what you need and do not need
<Niklas[m]> Comparing it with this function makes it easier.Maybe it will work then
<PulkoMandy> BListItem doesn't know how to draw anything, you can start from that if you prefer (it probably makes sense in most case, since you won't end up reusing a lot of BStringItem code if your drawing is sufficiently complex)
<PulkoMandy> the basic idea is that a list contains BListItem, and each item can do whatever it wants. Since just dawing a single-line string is a very common case, there is a class that does just this (BStringItem)
<PulkoMandy> for anything else you need to provide your own code
<Niklas[m]> I think what I'm currently doing with BStringItem isn't that wrong,don't want to start again from another function
<Niklas[m]> But I have a problem...
<Niklas[m]> I need to read the variable fText (which BStringItem) also does,but it's defined as private by BStringItem.Any way to workaround that?
<Niklas[m]> *(which BStringItem also does),...
<PulkoMandy> I think there is a function Text() or Label() to access it
<Niklas[m]> That works,thanks
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<Niklas[m]> It does now compile successfully :D
<Niklas[m]> Rendering of the list is a bit broken (read: totally unreadable) but I think I'll be able to fix that.
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<Begasus> re
<extrowerk> Begasus: could you pls test my libzip PR on 32 bit?
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<extrowerk> it should be real quick, it is a small lib
<Begasus> sec extrowerk
<extrowerk> thx
<Begasus> first need to fetch changes on my sanbox :)
<Begasus> LO still building, how long does it take to build that monster?
<extrowerk> -\o/-
<Begasus> a few files rely on lib:libzip, did you check those?
<Begasus> I see SONAME didn't change, so should be ok
<Begasus> k, boosted the build (could take a bit longer as LO is still building also)
<Begasus> did I tell you you should do some cleanup on your branches? ;)
<Begasus> atleast the merged ones ;)
<Begasus> extrowerk, atleast (for now) there is no liblzma for gcc2 (didn't check if it builds there yet) so for gcc2 *atm* it doesn't work
<Begasus> let me try if liblzma builds for gcc2
<extrowerk> Begasus: i don't really care about my branches.
<Begasus> I see ;)
<extrowerk> I fear lzma is just not possible for gcc2 :(
<extrowerk> But it is an optional dep anyway.
<Begasus> nope: no c99 compiler was found ...
<extrowerk> let me remove the optional deps then.
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<Begasus> libnettle too
<extrowerk> I would like to kepp the openssl dependency, i assume it is available for gcc2 primary arch, right?
<Begasus> checking, disable both for now
<Begasus> disabled*
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<Begasus> maybe an option if you add them for secondary architecture alone?
<Begasus> it's checking for gnutls also, not sure if it brings new things to it though
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<extrowerk> nah, we don't need those.
<Begasus> gcc2 build is ok without both liblzma and libnettle, others are ok for the build
<Begasus> checking for secondary architecture (without both also)
<extrowerk> i am pimping the libzip recipe with test_reqs and etc.
<extrowerk> it seems all the failing PHP tests are curl related. I didn't knew our curl have problems.
<extrowerk> Have to check next time that too.
<extrowerk> libzip: 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 145
<Begasus> eeps, policy error on the cmd's (secondary arch)
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<extrowerk> just pushed my changes
<extrowerk> oh.
<extrowerk> whats wrong with the cmds?
<HaikuUser> Warning: POLICY ERROR: no matching provides "cmd:zipcmp" for "bin/zipcmp"
<Begasus> that's me btw
<extrowerk> ok, there is new curl, lets update it first
<Niklas[m]> Thanks for all your help nephele and PulkoMandy,I got it to work correctly now :D
* Niklas[m] uploaded an image: quaternion.syIaim (148KiB) < >
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<Begasus> extrowerk, bz2 and zstd didn't cause problems here (not sure if they are actually used though)
<extrowerk> they are optional deps.
<extrowerk> curl have an extensive testsuite, i don't have time to run it right now, but it compiles just fine on 64 bit.
<Begasus> k, should be fine to leave them out I guess
<extrowerk> maybe you could check my curl PR too on 32 bit?
<Begasus> tests running on gcc2 now (libzip)
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<Begasus> I'm guessing CMakeList.txt could do some finetuning to use the cmakeDirArgs
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<Begasus> k, testrun for gcc2 is ok also extrowerk
<Begasus> let me see how it goes for x86 (with probably some changes for the install part)
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<augiedoggie> repetitivestrain: it was a clean build/worktree, i'm testing the packages so i rm the work directory each time
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<nephele> Heh, i found a tool for git to display diffs, it doesn't but a/ b/ before files, so now i can alt click the files, neat :)
<augiedoggie> i think you can use 'git diff --no-prefix' too
<nephele> Interesting, ill keep that in mind
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<Begasus> k, let's hope this thing doesn't freeze now ...
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<Begasus_32> it did :/
<nephele> soup
<nephele> hello begasus :)
<Begasus_32> 'lo nephele :)
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<Begasus> k, switched laptops
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<Begasus> extrowerk, just commented on the PR
<Begas_> aside from some skipped tests thing look fine for libzip extrowerk
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<Begas_> checking curl
<Begas_> build with gcc2 ... OK
<Begas_> curl_x86 ... build OK
<Begas_> extrowerk, how many tests are run for curl?
<Begas_> I'm guessing this could take some time ;)
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<Begas_> killed the tests, take up to much time ...
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<Anarchos> i have a strange behaviour with a socket : the client blocks on write and the server chokes on read on same socket, at same time... It shouldn't.
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<nephele> maybe that is why my game server doesnt work on haiku, heh
<Anarchos> nephele :)
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<Not-c620> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<Not-c620> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays b9af1ec - libreoffice: rebuild on x86 (#6609)
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<Niklas[m]> If my application runs fine in a window and can get information from a online API successfully,but just returns an network error in the replicant version (for which I don't see any logs in the Terminal),how can I debug that?
<nephele> the logs are in the app hosting the replicant theb
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<Niklas[m]> So if I run this: from a Terminal,I would be able to read the logs?
<PulkoMandy> I think that should work, yes
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<Niklas[m]> Is that application still maintained?Compiling throws errors here
<Niklas[m]> Here's the log
<augiedoggie> using g++ instead of gcc might fix that
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<Niklas[m]> It does,thanks.
<humdinger> there's also haiku/src/tests/kits/interface/bshelf for testing replicants
<Niklas[m]> Thanks,but shelfer works fine now :)
<Niklas[m]> Now I only need to implement actually helpful logging messages into my app. "Request completed" without any response data is just...not very helpful :D
<augiedoggie> repetitivestrain: the libpng removal problem was an error on my end, i needed to run 'doom sync' to regenerate my autoloads
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<Begasus> heading down here, g'night peeps
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<Anarchos> sorry, my step daughter plugged out the power chord..;
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<Anarchos> it seems i have to blow on my fan to let it start. It happens on haiku, but in windows, it starts itself. Is it a sign of trouble in the voltage levels of the fan, which i understand are controlled by the ACPI ?
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Anarchos, it may be using BIOS settings for the initial fan speed, try changing them there.
Ellenor is now known as AmyMalik
<Not-c620> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<Not-c620> [haikuports/haikuports] korli cf2d695 - expat: bump version
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<rennj> bios acpi> os acpid
<rennj> bios acpi > os acpid
<rennj> at least it should be better
<rennj> overheat / meltdown the hardware even if the os has no clue...leave it to firmware
<rennj> my amd laptop i let the bios/uefi firmware handle that foobar, cause linux/fglrx/amdgpu kind of sucked at it...
<rennj> laptop plugged into wall vs battery power ...yeah fglrx/amdgpu fuck you
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<Not-c620> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-c620> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 111e994 - libcss: disable static build, enable debug package
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