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<zdykstra> \o
<Halian> \o/
<John2> hi
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<HaikuUser> Hello everyone. Im new here
<HaikuUser> Do someone knows how to reduce the light screen?
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<Parole> Is there someone here?
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<Anarchos> hello
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<Anarchos> hello janus
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 94a1b4e - poppler_data, bump version (#9277)
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<Begasus> nice ... -- Found Boost: /boot/system/lib/cmake/Boost-1.71.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.71.0", minimum required is "1.71.0") :)
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<x512[m]> Begasus: Why not in develop directory?
<Begasus> it's a test run on boost171 x512[m], not yet available (trying out new poppler)
<Begasus> btw, it ends up in the devel package (as most do)
<Begasus> grabbing poppler-23.08.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/poppler-23.08.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Begasus> that worked, not much patching has been done on boost171, their sources changed quite a bit there
<Anarchos> re
<Begasus> wb :)
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<sulis> Greetings. I'm a long time watcher from afar, some time spinner up in a vm. Recently I've installed Haiku to a USB stick and been running it on my Dell XPS. I'd like to get setup for development work and curious what would be recommended. I've seen mention of having another BFS partition and having jam install to that, should I repartition my drive and reinstall Haiku? Any advice is
<sulis> welcome.
<Anarchos> sulis i got 1 partition for developement too
<Anarchos> it prevents for messing your /boot/home folder with too much kludge
<Anarchos> jam is only needed to compile haiku itself
<Anarchos> you can stick to make for other usages
<x512[m]> I put source code to /Haiku/data/packages
<Anarchos> x512[m] and your generated objects files ?
<x512[m]> Yes. Build directories are usually inside source directory named "build.(getarch)."
<sulis> Ah yeah, one of the first things I was going to look at was the implementation of the synaptics driver for my touchpad, so I'd like jam for that.
<Anarchos> x512[m] my set up is : git pull in my /Data1 partition, build there, and install in ~/config/non-packaged
<Anarchos> x512[m] did you do the riscv port ?
<x512[m]> I often avoid installing to non-packaged to not mess up and usually install to build.($getarch)/install.
<x512[m]> Currently I am working on device manager v2 and VisionFive 2 peripherals support:
<x512[m]> Want to implement SD card support.
<Anarchos> x512[m] i have request for device manager v2 : that drivers where hardware is detected not present, they should be removed to speed up boot (or store elsewhere to not be parsed at boot time)
<Anarchos> x512[m] i helped PulkoMandy a bit with SD card at his beginning
<x512[m]> It is already this way, driver add-ons are not loaded if no hardware with compatible IDs are present.
<x512[m]> List of hardware supported by driver add-on is stored separately.
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<Anarchos> x512[m] i mean that the driver-addon file not being 'read' instead of 'loaded'
<x512[m]> Some information should be read anyway to make decisions which drivers are needed.
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<sulis> Obviously I've no knowledge on Haiku, but out of interest: what do you consider the driver addon file? Where I used to work we had to load all of our dynamic libraries at startup to ask it what it would offer, then unload each library and later reload them if/when something they provide was necessary.
<sulis> Speaking in high level terms, obviously.
<Anarchos> x512[m] after first install, i thought a script could do that, and erase driver files which were not loaded. Just to spare some ms at boot time :)
<x512[m]> Driver files can't be erased because it are stored in HPKG archive without extracting.
<x512[m]> Also user can hot plug hardware so drivers currently not needed may be needed later.
<Anarchos> x512[m] i forgot that point. When i want to tweak the OS/kernel/drivers, i find package management a hole on my road...
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<Begasus> progress :) grabbing boost182-1.82.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/boost182-1.82.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> detection is fine with poppler :) -- Found Boost: /boot/system/lib/cmake/Boost-1.82.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.82.0", minimum required is "1.71.0")
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<Anarchos> i compiled my own version of usb_wecam.media_addon. Where to put it to test if it detects my webcam ?
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<OscarL> Anarchos: either /boot/home/config/non-packaged/add-ons/media or /boot/system/non-packaged/add-ons/media should work, no?
<Begasus> 'lo OscarL :)
<Begasus> still up?
<OscarL> Hey Begasus :-)
<OscarL> not for long, I think. Still pretty sick :-/
<Begasus> yeah, saw it when you left the message on parting yesterday
<Begasus> hope you feel well soon
<OscarL> thanks!
<OscarL> saw you got some progress with that beast of boost. Nice!
<Begasus> meanwhile got boost182 to build :)
<Begasus> yeah, once I found some clue to get boost171 to build might aswell tackle boost182
<Begasus> :)
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<Anarchos> OscarL no subfolder of /boot/system/non-packaged/add-ons/media
<OscarL> Anarchos: that's odd. In any case... you can just create it.
<Anarchos> OscarL i remember there was a doc explaining how to test newly builds drivers or add-ons without rebooting
<OscarL> you should be able to recreate, under "/non-packaged/", the same dir structure you see under /system/
<Anarchos> but can't find it
<Begasus> checking build with icu73
<OscarL> Anarchos: depends on the type of add-on. "Translators" should be able to "just work" after placing them on the right folder. input_server or media_server ones might need those servers to be restarted... kernel ones... depends... "legacy api drivers" can be tested/replaced without reboot... new ones, you better reboot after you install a new one.
<Anarchos> it is the usb_webcam.media_addon
<OscarL> Try just restarting media_server, perhaps? (and whatever app you're testing with).
<Begasus> whoops, that's not enabled yet :)
<Anarchos> OscarL i will look what goes on in syslog too
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<Anarchos> OscarL anyway a reboot will be shorter than waisting time ... brb
<OscarL> Anarchos: just to be sure you're loading the "right" addon, maybe use "listimage" to see what gets loaded, or if everything else fails... just disable the system-wide "usb_webcam.media_addon" from the boot menu :-D
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* OscarL doubts Anarchos got to read his last message :-D
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<zard> What library does Haiku use currently for readline?
<OscarL> libedit for Python, that's for sure.
<OscarL> not sure what Terminal uses.
<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/boost182/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus> that's easy to fix :)
<Begasus> how far did you get with kc OscarL?
<OscarL> Begasus: works OK as far as I can tell... minus some issues with line-editing when using libedit.
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<OscarL> added comments about that on the PR. (thanks again for the comments on my WIP branch, BTW!)
<Begasus> np, there was something in the background building when I checked it out :)
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<OscarL> Would be easy to switch to readline, but that means the whole package gets GPL'ed. (thus why I was looking at as a possible alternative :-P)
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<Begasus> how does the license change when you switch a used library on the source?
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<OscarL> that's the "viral" nature of GPL...
<Begasus> beyond my level :)
<Begasus> arhh ... now I see gentoo provides boost183 :/
<OscarL> Begasus: re "kc"... I think we could publish this version as-is (with libedit), let the user on the forum try it out... and get some feedback. package builds fast, and in the worst case, switching to readline only takes 4 tiny changes.
<OscarL> (got that one installed right now here)
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<Begasus> fine with me OscarL
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL bda5834 - kc: new recipe (#9278)
<Begasus> there you go :)
<OscarL> thanks :-)
<OscarL> lib1 over the forums better be happy, or else!
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<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> Mmm, first I could not connet to this server, but the forum was OK. Now I'm here, and seems down from here :-/
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<Begasus> lol, something fishy there :P
<OscarL> not "down", exactly... but doesn't loads.
<sulis> It's working here
<Begasus> maybe you could try Discord? (me runs ...)
<OscarL> sulis: thanks. Something wonky on my part of the internet, I guess.
<Anarchos> OscarL did'nt work . no trouble i will wait for mmu_man
* OscarL slaps Begasus with a catfish.
<Begasus> thanks, gives me something to eat :P
<OscarL> Anarchos: I left you a comment just as you were rebooting... I'll re-paste it, just in case:
<OscarL> Anarchos: just to be sure you're loading the "right" addon, maybe use "listimage" to see what gets loaded, or if everything else fails... just disable the system-wide "usb_webcam.media_addon" from the boot menu :-D
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<Begasus> bugger ... error: sha1 information is lacking or useless (boost/json/impl/array.hpp).
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<Anarchos> OscarL i did that , but it doesn' show up in listimage
<OscarL> Begasus: saw those types of errors before... wrong/broken/invalid patchset?
<OscarL> Anarchos: just to be sure, you used listimage after opening the app that would make use of said addon? (I assume that it might not be loaded unless some app ask the media_server for a "video_producer" ?)
<Begasus> tried applying boost182 patch to boost183
<OscarL> (or it doesn't finds compatible hardware and it refuses to load, I guess :-D)
<OscarL> Begasus: gotta love those easy to understand errors! :-P
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<OscarL> Hallo andreasdr[m] !
<Begasus> Moin andreasdr[m] :)
<Anarchos> OscarL i open CodyCam and it says 'no webcam availalble'
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] humdingerb 8964ce9 - About: Fix link to "organization"
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi OscarL and Begasus, Anarchos.
<Anarchos> andreasdr[m] hello
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] trungnt2910 b8c5fb5 - blog/trungnt2910: GSoC 2023 final blog
<Begasus> medication refill for a week ... check :)
<shaka444[m]> Morning all, How do you see attributes of a file and remove them? I have some text and pdf files that are showing up in my New E-mail query
<nephele> listattr, rmattr
<nephele> or use "get info" in tracker
<shaka444[m]> listattr and rmattr was what I was looking for, Thanks nephele
<nephele> Doesn't look like tracker allows to delete attributes though :/
<OscarL> DiskProbe can also show/remove attributes.
<Begasus> nice ... grabbing boost183-1.83.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/boost183-1.83.0-1-x86_64.hpkg :)
<OscarL> wee!
<Begasus> not sure yet if all is well, but it's a start and latest poppler is pleased with it :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus what are poppler and boost again ?
<Begasus> popular libraries Anarchos :)
<Begasus> boost is pretty common in the recipes at haikuports
<OscarL> Anarchos: poppler is a PDF rendering library (used, for example, by Krita, frescobaldi, inkscape, gimp, etc, etc)
<nephele> Anarchos: poppler is a pdf rendering lib, boost is something like a C++ set of "standard" libraries including networking and such stuff
<nephele> it's kind of complex and "bloaty" though
<Anarchos> ok. is poppler used in bepdf ?
<nephele> Doesn't look like it, trying to uninstall it does not want to remove bepdf
<Anarchos> nephele i find bepdf really fast to display pdf files :)
<OscarL> BePDF uses xpdf as a base.
<OscarL> I think that doing the BePDF translation into Spanish was among the first BeOS-related things I ever did.
<Anarchos> my first beos activity was to port and use OCaml on it
* OscarL wonders where "laplace" (Michael Pfeiffer, BePDF author) might be these days.
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<Anarchos> OscarL i wonder of michael philipps, darwyrm, alexd, all the people who began openbeos 23 years ago
<OscarL> AxelD still shows up on Gerrit from time to time.
<OscarL> I think I saw DarkWyrm post on reddit once or twice (same nick).
<OscarL> *almost* same nick... "darkwyrm42" on reddit :-)
<Anarchos> OscarL i was really impressed by the beginnings with michael philipps, when they were only the development files (headers), and binary of BeOS to stay compatible . All was buggy and crashy but progress went really fast at those times
<OscarL> *Michael Phipps (remember reading his Newsletters :-D, our "PoorMan's JLG" :-P)
<OscarL> I remember fondly too those times where small teams where trying to build replacement components/pieces one by one.
* zard only has half of an idea of how things were back then from reading things
<Anarchos> zard look for openbeos on google :)
<zard> That's partially why I know some things about back then :)
* Anarchos wonders how to speed those hours long for 'jam -q @release-raw'
<zard> Run `jam -j12 -q @release-raw`?
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<Anarchos> zard jam still parallelise jobs to bcpus+1
<Anarchos> ncpus
<Anarchos> no need to add other process sleeping :)
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<Anarchos> i thought about this one : configure --use-gcc-pipe
<zard> Running jam without that paremeter makes it run signifcantly slower for me
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<Anarchos> zard i have only 1gb on this laptop
<zard> Ah. That changes everything :D
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<Anarchos> zard why ?
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<zard> Because running jam with a higher thread count takes more memory?
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<Anarchos> zard it swaps a lot so
<Anarchos> zard anyway i do'nt know how to get the total running time of a running process
<Anarchos> so i can't tell when i laucnhed the jam command
<OscarL> one of the changes made by trungnt2910[m] should allow to use get_team_info() to get the start_time for a given running process.
<OscarL> As long as you're not still on beta4, that's it.
<OscarL> (that change was merged on
<zard> bbl
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<OscarL> Welp, replxx builds, examples work pretty well, basic line-editing/history feels good, and autocomplete hints is really cool (reminds me of "clink" for cmd.exe on Win). Too bad it is NOT a "drop-in" replacement for readline/libedit, and that I'll need a few lessons from Begasus to make make this recipe work well (cmake based) :-P
* OscarL also wonders why most packages put cmake related files under /system/lib/cmake, while others do so under /system/data/cmake. Mmm.
<Anarchos> OscarL i did a rlwrap package for haiku, in order to get history in REPL like the OCaml toplevel.
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<OscarL> I'm usually happy with libedit, but sometimes programs do not work well with it (or just require/support readline), and I do miss some of the cool visual features I have while using clink (colorful autocomplete hints as you type) :-)
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<FuriousGeorge> hi all
<FuriousGeorge> great to see so many folks in here
<FuriousGeorge> I'm installing a haiku vm. I'm hoping it will work well enough with vfio that I can use it
<FuriousGeorge> "for real"
<FuriousGeorge> should i go with q35 or i440x as the chipset?
<FuriousGeorge> google searching for the answer leads to equivocal answers so far
<OscarL> hey FuriousGeorge, welcome. Mind the fact that the channel tends to have its ups and downs in activity (people on different timezones, and so), so... you might not get a speedy answer.
<tqh> q35 is faster for me.
<OscarL> I can't recall what I've used last time I've tried it with QEMU (I generally use VBox or bare metal), so I can't answer that :-(
<Halian> Hey
* OscarL vows ands signs off for today. Darn flu. See you folks!
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<FuriousGeorge> tqh: good enough for me, thanks
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<FuriousGeorge> am i reading correct that haiku supports virtio disks and network?
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<waddlesplash> sulis: synaptics ps/2?
<waddlesplash> there's some code already extant for this, not sure if it's enabled by default or not
<waddlesplash> does your touchpad work already but behave like a mouse? or does it not work at all
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<Anarchos> waddlesplash i have a synaptics ps2 and it works
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<jacereda> Hi
<jacereda> How can I get the current executable path? (/proc/self/exe on linux)
<jacereda> (for a commandline executable)
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<waddlesplash> get_image_info() retrieves data structure containing path
<waddlesplash> however you first need to retrieve the image_id of your current binary (as opposed to any loaded library)
<Begasus> going down, cu peeps!
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<waddlesplash> jacereda: pretty sure there's a bunch of haikuports patches that do this, you can check them for inspiration
<jacereda> waddlesplash, thanks!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57236] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b89f11999ad6 - ramfs: Rewrite Query system to use the common Query parser-evaluator.
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