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<OscarL> one for the folks working on GCC:
<OscarL> maybe nielx[m] can take a quick look? :-D
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<zdykstra> Hiya OscarL
<OscarL> heyo zdykstra! All good? (I hope!)
* OscarL ponders on his use of "all good?" instead of "everything well?". Mmm.
<OscarL> English hard.
<augiedoggie_> all good is probably more common
<OscarL> thanks augiedoggie_ :-)
<zdykstra> Esta Todo bien
augiedoggie_ is now known as augiedoggie
<OscarL> "All fine?" "Thnkgs Ok?"... so many options (most quite broken, knowing me :-D)
<zdykstra> Ribs are healing, wife made cookies, and the weather is nice today
<OscarL> you broke your ribs? ouch! (good to hear you're better!) bicycle related?
* OscarL could use some cookies for his "mates" (the drink) now.
<OscarL> We had 32 C today... oof... too much for "winter".
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<zdykstra> Either fractured or badly bruised due to a bike fall, yup
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<OscarL> oof. I got my share if inflamed costal cartilages due to falls... that thing makes breathing actually hurt :-/ (as the "joke" we have here: "Hurts?" asks one, "No. Only when I breath" says the one in pain).
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<zdykstra> Exactly - it's only sore when I breath, or my dog sleeps against my side :)
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<jhj> x512[m]: Hey any chance of getting a newer Clang into HaikuPorts?
<augiedoggie> there is a pull request that will be merged within a few days
<jhj> Oh, cool. Do you happen to have that handy - I know if I build it, it'll take awhile.
<augiedoggie> i haven't tried to build it
<jhj> The current LLVM/Clang 12 that is packaged doesn't properly include the compatability paths, and you can't easily manually detect it, so I need a gross hack.
<jhj> I look forward to being able to take that out.
<jhj> Ah, looks like it's fixed.
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<augiedoggie> jhj: that fix was also pushed to llvm12, have you updated?
<jhj> augiedoggie: I have, but I don't know of any way to detect the fix.
<jhj> I have so if this one fixes it, I'll be able to enable that hack and just rely on the headers `#if __clang_major__ <= 16`
<jhj> There isn't any way based on the preprocessor macros to distinguish a fixed Clang from a broken one otherwise.
<jhj> Other than depending on implementation-specific behavior like checking if `_GNU_STDLIB_H_` is defined after including stdlib.h
<augiedoggie> yeah, it would probably need to be something in the build system that checks the paths and defines some variable HAVE_GNU or something
<jhj> Yeah, that's a no-go, because this is a library designed to be able to be dropped into other projects.
<augiedoggie> you can check the include paths by running clang++ -v foo.cpp
<augiedoggie> but that's ugly
<jhj> That doesn't work either, for cross-compiling, etc.
<jhj> It's a minor thing. I've been told not to worry about the prototype for pthread_getname_np changing anytime soon.
<jhj> But I still don't like hacks :)
<augiedoggie> you could check to see if _GNU_PTHREAD_H_ is defined
<augiedoggie> the header guard
<augiedoggie> nvm
<augiedoggie> i see it's already like that :P
* augiedoggie tired
<jhj> Yeah, I just want to not rely on that too much either.
<jhj> It's improbable but possible the header guard could change if someone decided to move those headers from headers/gnu to headers/extra/gnu
<jhj> or something.
<augiedoggie> #ifndef _GNU_PTHREAD_H #error Update your LLVM package #endif
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<augiedoggie> i'm just talking nonsense now, i need to rest :P
* OscarL wishes augiedoggie good dreams :-)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<OscarL> morning Begasus!
<Begasus> evening OscarL!
<Begasus> :)
<Begasus> ow, it's been busy at the forum ... cachting up ...
<Begasus> whoot!
<Begasus> still got some from OBOS around somewhere :)
<Begasus> nothing fancy though
<OscarL> Welp... nothing I can do about that gfortran / libbsd thing :-( (can't do much about it at my skill level). Putting scipy and co on hold until that gets sorted out.
<nielx[m]> what's happening with gfortran?
<OscarL> Missing symbols on, resulting on runtime_loader errors for the most basic fortran programs.
* Begasus feels an update yet again on gcc comming up :)
<Begasus> OscarL, maybe it never worked before?
<OscarL> No idea Begasus. First time touching fortran (despite my age :-D)
<Begasus> you're just a kiddo, no exuces there!
<nielx[m]> I am not familiar with how fortran is supposed to work, but I am pretty sure that C/C++ requires you to explicitly link to all shared libraries that you directly and indirectly depend on
<OscarL> I might be reading the error wrong... and it is not libgfortran the one missing symbols... only the part complaining about it?
<nielx[m]> well yes, the other part of that is that C/C++ linking gives an error if you have unresolved symbols at link time, which is what makes this error slightly more suspicious
<nielx[m]> So I agree something fishy is going on :-)
<Begasus> need to check autoconf and automake on 32bit ...
<OscarL> So... for one part it would be reasonable to expect to get linking errors before these runtime errors, for the other... I need to learn how to tell meson to add -lbsd when compiling Fortran code :-D
<Begasus> export LIBS ... doesn't work?
<Begasus> there should be an option to add specific libraries with meson ...
<PulkoMandy> C/C++ says nothing about that, and we do support transitive linking, so you don't need to explicitly link to things you indirectly depend on
<OscarL> this one is meson_python, not sure if it makes any difference. In any case, thanks for the pointers Begasus (I've no experience with either :-D)
<Begasus> haven't looked there for a while OscarL (think I had some issues using meson_python too)
<OscarL> Begasus: worked well for contourpy at least :-)
<Begasus> ah, ok, so did atleast something good :)
<nielx[m]> you're right PulkoMandy
<nielx[m]> anyway, the issue here is that libgfortran seems to be a static library.
<OscarL> Thanks PulkoMandy. To me... that `dl_iterate_phdr` missing symbol seemed too low level as to be expected to require a -lbsd from the user compiling a "hello world"... but... I know nothing so...
<nielx[m]> hmm, there does seem to be a dynamic library too
<Begasus> it's a singleton nielx[m], shouldn't harm?
<Begasus> at least no shared counterpart?
<nielx[m]> ok, yeah it does not link to
<nielx[m]> we'll probably need to review the gfortran build
<OscarL> there's a libfortran.spec file that reads: "this spec file is read by gfortran when linking" / "it is used to specify the libraries we need to link in, in the right order".
<nielx[m]> like PulkoMandy said, the issue is that itself is not linked to libbsd
<nielx[m]> so it is actually the libgfortran build that needs to be amended
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<OscarL> I got it right the first time then... weird feeling :-P
<Begasus> congrats! :)
<OscarL> damn thing took me a while to find... the meson logs kept getting auto-deleted when the "python -m build" step failed :-D
<OscarL> (and where stored in a random temp dir each time so... good luck opening them in time)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> any reason why documentation is removed from dos2unix?
<Begasus> only man pages are in
<Begasus> and then not all ... no locales ...
<Begasus> yeah, I guess those can be removed (though no harm in having them there)
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<Begasus> 15 years ago! :)
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<Begasus> anagramarama ... :)
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<Begasus> not a good word?! :P
<Begasus> biab
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c6612a2 - anagramarama, new recipe (#9242)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 52ab7d6 - boswars, bump version (#9243)
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 717b450 - Use https instead of scp to get commit hooks.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±5]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 9acf6f7 - autoconf, revert some unneeded dependencies (#9223)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus fe24d2a - automake, revert some unneeded dependencies (#9224)
<Begasus> PulkoMandy, so far much better with WebPositive, thanks!
<jmairboeck> Nice, Begasus! Thanks for merging autoconf and automake. I'll revert my hack, then the perl/texinfo/lilypond PR should be ready as well.
<Begasus> thanks!
<Begasus> Had to make sure all was still good on 32bit
<Begasus> time stamp is still of when looking at the commit time at github though PulkoMandy .... 2 hours ago
<Begasus> :)
<Begasus> of/off*
<jmairboeck> a confusion between UTC and local time?
<Begasus> maybe ... don't know, but it's been like that for a while (never really noticed it before)
<jmairboeck> I noticed the same in Hyper-V, there the system clock is also wrong. But I kind of expected that because my system is set to UTC (unix-compatible) in Time settings.
<Begasus> nvm :)
<Begasus> switched to GMT in prefs, fine now
<jmairboeck> ah, so for WebKit you need the exact opposite
<Begasus> had to sync also though (otherwise the clock would be 2 hours ahead)
<jmairboeck> VirtualBox supports both modes btw.
<jmairboeck> I don't know about other VM engines
<Begasus> err ... something still wrong in WebPositive ...
<Begasus> PulkoMandy ... :/
<Begasus> after closing and opening it's ok again ...
<jmairboeck> maybe it needed a restart after changing the setting?
<jmairboeck> ah, you meant another problem, sorry
<Begasus> yep, not related to timezone, that's sorted
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck bf8d914 - perl, texinfo-7: provide a secondaryArch package (#9202)
<Begasus> branches cleaned up ...
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<Begasus> nah .. threads still there for WebPositive :/
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<cocobean> WebPositive 1.3-alpha, HaikuWebKit 1.9.7 (WebKit 617.1.5) - latest update.
<zard> Is it possible to test changes to app_server without compiling all of Haiku?
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<zard> Specifically, is it possible to replace the app_server of a running system?
<augiedoggie> there is a test app_server you can run alongside the standard one
<Begasus> broke scribus :)
<Begasus> adding OSG isn't really an option then ...
<Begasus> nephele, getting this thing on co-authored ... :)
<Begasus> buildmaster still running jmairboeck :)
<zard> augiedoggie: Looks promising. Now it's time to see if I can get Icon-O-Matic to run in it.
<zard> Hee hee, lovely. It worked :)
<Begasus> nice zard! :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4cad9c1 - openscenegraph, add patch from beaglejoe, add patches to get a full build (#9244)
<augiedoggie> :)
<augiedoggie> i've never tried to use the test_app_server myself
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] extrowerk e9bcfb6 - Musikcube: new recipe (#7716)
<zard> The end result looks like Haiku, with a window, with Haiku running inside of it, similar to how Xephyr looks.
<Begasus> not bad ...
<Begasus> heading out, cu later :)
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<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: regarding that GPE from the dec network driver in Hyper-V: trying to read any memory, I only ever get the same READ/WRITE FAULT and no contents, and always with the same "pc" address.
<waddlesplash> not reading memory but try to find what area the address is in
<jmairboeck> how do I do that?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57218] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6da29a769f1e - Icon-O-Matic: Fix window resizing bug
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 405c9dc3f27c - Icon-O-Matic: Improve saving-related error messages
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: one of the area commands iirc?
<jmairboeck> now that is weird: I used "areas" to list all of them, this worked, then with an argument, which got me the fault again, and now "out of memory for command execution"
<jmairboeck> something is completely wrong here
<jmairboeck> when I tried before, the VM rebooted suddenly after some commands
<jmairboeck> now I get the "out of memory" error for every command
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<waddlesplash> that can happen, yes
<waddlesplash> kdl memory allocation is odd
<Begasus> going down, g'night peeps
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<jacereda> Hi. I'm reading now and have a question... wouldn't those shortcuts be less painful if they all used the OPT key? I mean, it would be simpler if OPT was reserved for the OS (workspace operation, task switching, window handling), so applications (think Emacs) can freely use all keyboard combinations that use CTRL/CMD. Is it too late to propose something like this?
<jacereda> I was really upset when I noticed emacs didn't handle CTRL+TAB properly and wrote a patch today to forward those combos, but that's just the beginning of the story. Everything would be much simpler if OPT was used for all of those shortcuts.
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<PulkoMandy> none of them use CMD alone, that is normally free for applications. Except CMD+TAB and apparently CMD+PrintScreen from this list?
<PulkoMandy> I think most of these shortcut are inherited from BeOS and predate the existence of the OPT key :)
<PulkoMandy> some of them can be changed if there are conflicts with existing apps, but I think we'd do it on a case by case basis rather than changing all of them
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<jacereda> But basically anything except OPT conflicts with Emacs. Maybe it could be a setting for those who want to retain the muscle memory and aren't too keen on Emacs. What would be the appropriate channel for these kind of suggestions?
<jacereda> Hmmm, I can't find the package containing the manpages for libc functions... where are those?
<jacereda> Looks like I'm not alone on the modifiers issue:
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<PulkoMandy> We don't have manpages for libc functions. There is room sor improvement in all things documentation…
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<phschafft> I wonder if there should be a set of manpages not for a specific OS but directly based on POSIX and the C standard. I would guess that such an project would be helpful for all systems that include manpages.
<phschafft> (both as they would provide a minimum e.g. when there is no OS specific manpage and as a reference to use when pointing out differences in the OS specific one.)
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<jacereda> Sure, it would be nice if a plain POSIX manpages project existed, but... I guess something could be extracted from the susv4 docs, but I'm not sure it would be legal. Looks like Haiku's libc is based on glibc? If so I guess the Linux manpages could be added to the codebase as a starting point? There will be lots of unimplemented bits, but probably better than nothing.
<jacereda> BTW, I'm curious, why glibc and not musl?
<x512[m]> Because BeOS used glibc.
<phschafft> I mean it's also a matter of why you read it. do you want to write generic (portable) software or do you want to use that one feature.
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