AlaskanEmily has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
k, let's go all the way and switch fully to using gcc13 here :)
Begasus you launch Debugger in Terminal
Begasus and then you click on your app in the list
Anarchos, launched it from the menu and added, as you mentioned, posted report on the PR earlier, thanks
wasn't sure, so was looking into how it's done, hope I got it right :)
k, biab
pairisto[m]: you mean gateway for the interface?
Begasus developers will tell :)
Begasus btw, i began to write a detailed message to my PR on BeTeX. (2 years delayed lol). I will finish the message and send the PR in next weeks.
korli: yes, should also mention that tun0 gets setup with `ifconfig tun0 inet peer mtu 1500 up` from openvpn
i suppose you can add a gateway for the interface
with or
Anarchos has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
or would I do it with
don't know whether ifconfig can do this
pairisto[m]: what's your "route" output in Haiku at the moment
this is after I did route delete tun0 host local, route add tun0 netmask gw, and route add tun0 netmask gw
idealy, when I run route add tun0 netmask gw I add host to the end of it but it keeps saying that its an invalid option when I add it
I am running the server on Haiku and the client on linux
currently openvpn can get a packet from the client to the server but it doesn't end up hitting the interface
have you tried with "local" instead of "host"?
(binky) Thanks for running this server :)
"local" runs but nothing about the behavior of openvpn changes afterwards
(binky) oh ok
openvpn expects a packet?
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pairisto[m]: you should work with tcpdump to check packets on each interface
can you be a bit more specific about that? I don't think the server is ever "expecting" a packet. tcpdump just shows the client sending a bunch of pings that the server can't reply to since it can't reach the interface
I'm not sure I understand when you write "currently openvpn can get a packet from the client to the server but it doesn't end up hitting the interface"
korli: yes, that's what I meant by that. its just that it doesn't go any further than that socket. it should be hitting tun0 but it isn't
and you see packets being written by openvpn to the tun socket
by "tun socket" so you mean the tun0 interface?
because its not writing to both the interface and driver
i mean the driver socket
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driver fd
it's not writing to it
its reading but I haven't seen a write call to the driver
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maybe you need to write something in the tunnel?
otherwise you can try to start openvpn with "strace -T -e %network", this will log the network syscalls (but you might need to add read/write to the filter)
writing didn't do anything unfortunately so I'll try the strace option
also you might try with a Linux VM to understand how the openvpn should behave
thats what I have been doing
you can probably compare the strace outputs on linux and haiku
besides the routing issues, its been almost the same output
I say almost because there are sometimes weird "VIRT" things (thats the best way I can describe it) but I don't think those are a Linux specific thing
* I say almost because there are sometimes weird "VIRT" things (that's the best way I can describe it unfortunately) but I don't think those are a Linux specific thing
Begasus has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
ok, is the clock important?
nothing points to it being important :/
[haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly aa6c7ac - tenacity: update to 1.3.1 (#9117)
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(AGMS) Butler message for thaflo cdtomp3ripper0.3 is just a bash script which asks the user for settings, then calls the LAME encoder to make the MP3 files. The source code IS the executable - just open it in an editor.