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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<andreasdr[m]> Good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Moin andreasdr[m]
<pairisto[m]> hey begasus, how do you make a .pacth file? I wanted to turn the code I added to OpenVPN into a patch to make sure I don't break the main repo when I submit the pull request
<Begasus> pairisto[m] did you fork the repo?
<pairisto[m]> yes
<Begasus> ok, on your fork create a branch, make your changes there and push them to your remote repo
<pairisto[m]> you're talking about openVPN right?
<Begasus> github will show a change and will ask you to create a PR
<Begasus> if that's what you mean yes
<Begasus> it's the same on all githup repositories
<pairisto[m]> ok yeah, continue
<Begasus> If I push a new branch to my repository for haikuports I see a request at haikuports repository automaticly
<pairisto[m]> right, I am there
<Begasus> there was a cli way to do this too, but forgot about that one :)
<Begasus> nice :)
<pairisto[m]> so at the PR screen and what do I have to copy exactly?
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<Begasus> copy?
<Begasus> you should see something to create a PR if you pushed to your remote fork
<pairisto[m]> okay sorry, let me start with this. I am here on github on my fork after I pushed my code
<Begasus> if you pushed to your repository that's not a PR :)
<Begasus> did you check upstream?
<Begasus> you should see something like this:
<augiedoggie> he forked the openvpn repo, not the haikuports repo
<Begasus> repo doesn't really matter here augiedoggie
<augiedoggie> uh, yes it does
<Begasus> he wants to upstream, so upstream repo should show the same?
<augiedoggie> i thought he was pushing a patch to haikuports?
<pairisto[m]> ^^
<Begasus> Haiku-OpenVN ... doesn't seem so :)
<pairisto[m]> thats what I see
<pairisto[m]> might need to sync it
<Begasus> you pushed to master?
<pairisto[m]> nevermind, not behind upstream
<pairisto[m]> to my for yes
<pairisto[m]> * to my fork yes
<Begasus> always use branches :)
<pairisto[m]> fair enough
<Begasus> I've f*cked up plenty of time pushing to master :)
<pairisto[m]> so basically make a new branch, push something to it, then the PR will be there?
<Begasus> if you want to upstream ... that's how I do it (but I keep my fork in sync with remote) :)
<pairisto[m]> just realized, I should make it from OpenVPN's master branch not my forked master branch right?
<pairisto[m]> * just realized, I should make it from OpenVPN's master branch not my forked master branch right?
<Begasus> forked master (if there are no conflicts with upstream it will only show the diff)
<Begasus> these are my current branches on my forked haikuports:
<Begasus> on the right there you can see "New pull request"
<Begasus> pushing that will compare the changes from my fork with the haikuports repository
<Begasus> naming the branch is nice too (for upstream I mostly use a branch called "haiku" to reflect the origin or intention) :)
<Begasus> biab
<Begasus> doggies
<pairisto[m]> aight cool, will remember for next time. gotta change something in the new branch and then I submit a PR to my master fork and from there it shows me the diff?
<Begasus> maybe there is something usefull here (wrote it down mostly for myself) :)
<PulkoMandy> If you just want a diff I don't see why you would go through all this
<andreasdr[m]> Cool Begasus.
<PulkoMandy> Use git diff commit1 commit2 (with the sha1 or branch names of the two commits you want to compare)
<PulkoMandy> And if you want patchfiles, use git format-patch
<Begasus> those are for the advanced users (not for me) :)
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<pairisto[m]> doing that now Pulkomandy and thank you for the help Begasus!
<Begasus> np, crossing fingers pairisto[m] :) (and thanks for upstreaming!)
<Begasus> reports from buildmasters nice and clean again :D
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<Begasus> hi jmairboeck :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays dad3f24 - fontawesome: bumped version (#9245)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 892f848 - monsterz: reduce CPU usage, move to "any" arch. (#9246)
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<Begasus> why doesn't this work? cp -r $sourceDir2/* $sourceDir3/* $sourceDir6/* src
<Begasus> while this works ok: cp -r $sourceDir4/* $sourceDir5/* src/lodepng
<Begasus> Command '['git', 'commit', '-a', '-q', '-m', 'patch function']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
<Begasus> nvm, moved that stuff to BUILD
<jmairboeck> maybe the expansion of the first command gets too long? then you'd have to split it into multiple calls
<Begasus> tried that, even with one $sourceDir* it failed when used in PATCH()
<Begasus> only that line for lodepng worked
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<Begasus> better with: find $appsDir/BetterSpades \( -name '.gitignore' \) -delete :)
<Begasus> that should do it I guess
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] win8linux 24fae32 - BetterSpades: Add recipe and icon (#6800)
<Begasus> argh ...
<Begasus> probably will need to use srcGitRev for the SOURCE_URI's :/
<Begasus> will be for later :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] axeld pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57219] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 82272adad5a9 - kernel debugger: add missing newline to exception messages without position
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<win8linux[m]> Oh wow, I forgot about that BetterSpades PR.
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<win8linux[m]> Thanks for the fix Begasus! Really need to find time to get back to some other ones.
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<Begasus> np win8linux[m], was lingering for some time :)
<Begasus> just need to fix those sources
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<Begasus> wished they just used external libs to use the externals headers et all :/
<Begasus> that didn't work ... :/
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<Begasus> bbl
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57220] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2bffaa64ddc2 - null check fTeam in CoreDumper::Dump()
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<Begasus> why can't I get a full listing for the directory here? (trying to cp files to the right place also says it can't find any file/directory):
<Begasus> ls -a only shows the rdef file :/
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<augiedoggie> is the file listed in ADDITIONAL_FILES?
<Begasus> ow man!!!
* Begasus feels really stupid now :)
<Begasus> but then again, in Terminal it shouldn't matter?
<augiedoggie> they only get copied in to the work directory if they're listed in that variable
<augiedoggie> you're looking at two different directories in that screenshot
<Begasus> yeah, should have known
* augiedoggie heads off to work
<Begasus> enjoy and thanks :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4604e23 - betterspades, remove not working SOURCE_URI's, add local zip for missing files (#9249)
<Begasus> think I need to go back to classes :)
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<Anarchos> WebPositive crashes on tiddlywiki files
<Anarchos> Is _mcount still unsupported on haiku (gcc profiling -pg option) ?
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<Begasus> going down, cu peeps!
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<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] Swangeon 76d0c33 - Adding VPN Project Update #6 (#650)
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<mmu_man> Now I'd finally have a reason to write this API to replace default icons live
<zdykstra> :)
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<HaikuUser> hi
<zdykstra> hello!
<HaikuUser> first time with haikuOS hahaha
<HaikuUser> on Athlon 64 4800+
<HaikuUser> working well
<mmu_man> welcome :)
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