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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> OscarL awake?
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<andreasdr[m]> Good morning Begasus.
<Begasus> Moin andreasdr[m]
<Begasus> OscarL, alternative for prompt_toolkit where it could be done without an empty base python package:
<Begasus> this should be OK for packages providing only 1 python package
<Begasus> I guess :)
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<OscarL> 'lo Begasus.
<OscarL> re prompt_toolkit... that package is python 3.10, only for now. I expect in the future to make it support 3.11 or 3.12 (thus why I left it with PYTHON_PACKAGES and stuff).
<OscarL> it is not a stand-alone app, like xonsh, or speedtest_cli are, for example (and thus why I made those two drop their "_python3xx" packages and only provide a main one for the default python version).
<OscarL> regarding the empty packages... that needs fixing on haikuporter, I think.
<OscarL> (getting a 404 on your last link, BTW, so not sure if it is that what you meant :-D)
* OscarL checks Begasus comments over Github.
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<Begasus> hi OscarL
<Begasus> yeah, the idea is to use those for singleton packages
<OscarL> Understood, but prompt_toolkit is not a good candidate for that.
<Begasus> my bad there (just used the first I got my hands on) :)
<OscarL> (just in case, replied to your comments over
<OscarL> I think this issue with the "empty main python packages" already had an open issue?
<OscarL> maybe it was over haikuporter, and not on HaikuPorts itself.
<Begasus> right, the one for speedtest_cli is great
<OscarL> nice :-)
<OscarL> read you and humdingerb complaining about it :-P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> jmairboeck was involved also a bit :)
<Begasus> maybe haikuporter could get an option to print the python version it is using (that should default to the one used)
<Begasus> and in a recipe run some echo command on it to grab the version?
<OscarL> re jmairboeck: yeah... I think he mentioned that issue too (along with some suggestion by korli).
<OscarL> we could use some new global "$variables" on the recipes, yeah... $defaultPythonVersion, $recipeName (similar to $portName, but that do not changes with architecture).
<Begasus> yeah, thinking somewhere in that area too, PROVIDES+= ... ?
<Begasus> something like you did for the "not" any arch ones ...
<Begasus> or add the option like korli suggested
<OscarL> I need to learn more about HaikuPorter, and whatever the shell "scriplets" functions are called.
<OscarL> But I'm still weak-brained (more than usual, at least) due to this damn flu, so... only good for some light recipe work for now (and still manage to screw it up by deleting too many things :-P)
<Begasus> no hurry here :) just make sure you feel better
<OscarL> Thanks! (you and your wife too BTW!). Flu usually lingers in me for a while, but this one is getting ridiculous :-(
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<Begasus> thanks, I'm fine so far, for the wife it will take some time, but we'll get there :)
<Begasus> those flu's can be nasty :/
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<Begasus> adding DISABLE_MAIN_PACKAGE="YES" is not that easy ;)
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<Anarchos> I commented ticket #17394 ; somebody may close it now.
<Begasus> guessing that's on Haiku's bugtracker Anarchos :)
<Anarchos> Begasus: could not find the 'close' button !
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<Begasus> I'm not part of that major team Anarchos :)
<Anarchos> Begasus: i dream to get my commit access one day :)
<Begasus> I'm fine at haikuports :)
<Anarchos> i would be proud to be recognize as a contributor one day
<Begasus> Any help in any area is much appreciated Anarchos, your's too!
<Anarchos> i know.
<Anarchos> begasus my biggest proud for now is the port of texlive :)
<Begasus> that was one major pain in the * to tackle Anarchos, thanks on the groundwork done there!
<Anarchos> Begasus: was not easy :)
<Begasus> I can imagine, it's a monster :D
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<Begasus> bbl
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<Anarchos> why is libxft not available with "pkgman install "?
<Niklas[m]> Is it correct that on Haiku there is only /dev/random for getting random data and no other API? Haiku-specific C++-only APIs are okay, too. The SerenityOS people are a bit worried about the performance impact of opening and closing an fd all the time, but I didn't find a alternative. The Epiphany port, for example, is also patched to use /dev/random
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<Anarchos> Niklas[m] isin't it the C random() function ?
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<Niklas[m]> The problem is that this function isn't really random. It generates the same numbers every time you execute the program. What I need is an alternative to getentropy() on the Unixes
<Habbie> why not keep the FD open?
<Anarchos> Niklas[m] you can seed the generator
<Anarchos> maybe you can look how it generates the numbers
<Niklas[m]> I doubt they'll accept some random function that doesn't somehow access the real /dev/random using system functions.
<Niklas[m]> Keeping the fd open may be a better solution, if there's really no better API on Haiku
<Anarchos> i can't stand the argument against libroot.random() . Anyway...
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<nortti> why? it is, clearly, unsuitable as a CSPRNG (i.e. something that could replace /dev/random / getentropy()) even if it can be used in some contexts that require a lower-quality source of randomness
<Anarchos> if only i knew what a CSPRNG is :) I am not in your head you know...
<nortti> cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
<nortti> it's a common term in computere cryptography
<Anarchos> just get the middle of the 16 bits of the unix timestamp, multiply by the 16 bits of the middle of the temperature sensor, add the hrev number. Should be random enough :)
<nortti> lol
<Niklas[m]> lol
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<Anarchos> people ask for pseudo-random, and complain it is not random... Never get the fuss about crypto people....
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<Niklas[m]> It looks like keeping the fd open also isn't an easy solution. Maybe they'll just accept the current solution if someone can confirm there's no other way to do it on Haiku
<nortti> Anarchos: the problem is not that it's pseudo-random. the problem is that it's weak pseudo-random, and by giving it the name random() people are going to use it for cryptographic purposes
<nortti> oh, left
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<PulkoMandy> We have patches on Gerrit to implement arc4random, I think the patches are complete but at the time we didn't have proper entropy sources. And since then, our /dev/random was updated with some entropy sources. So, someone should finish up these patches
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<OscarL> For those interested... this seem to be the arc4random changeset on gerrit that PulkoMandy mentioned:
<OscarL> (tip for the lazy... if you want to search on gerrit, make sure to use "message:" in the search box", so it searchs on commit messages. Example: "message:arc4random". Default query finds almost nothing for me otherwise :-D
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 37a948e - python3.11: new recipe for Python 3.11 (#9284)
<Begasus> that was slow :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 21a2a48 - speedtest-cli: switch to Python 3.10, recipe clean ups. (#9293)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Low-power 670e4a8 - sys-process/htop: update to version 2.3.1 (#9297)
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<waddlesplash> Niklas[m]: PulkoMandy: was just thinking about that this morning. I'll look at implemeting getentropy using generic_syscall
<OscarL> I think the htop recipe name/description should reflect that it is a fork (with Haiku support!), and not the *official* htop ( -
<waddlesplash> OscarL: agreed
* OscarL pokes Begasus :-P
<PulkoMandy> and we should get the patches upstreamed
<Niklas[m]> waddlesplash: That's a great idea. I've already marked the pull request with /dev/random as ready to review, but nothing prevents me from changing it to getentropy later when it's available.
<Begasus> Has been discussed with the previous PR there
<OscarL> read that, still think the recipe, as-is, should be renamed to "htop_rivoreo" or something. Just my 3 cents.
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<Begasus> comments welcome there :)
<Begasus> food now :)
<waddlesplash> OscarL: feel free to submit a PR :)
<nephele> x
<nephele> I see the whitequark irc logs have added a dark mode :)
<nephele> maybe i should take that as motivation to make one for our cgit or trac soonish
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: will do :-), if only to also change "?all" to "all" so we get it on 64 bits too :-D
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<Begasus> Function keys didn't respond on 64bit (only F1 did)
<OscarL> works for me.
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> as in... just used several Fn keys while setting it up to my "taste" :-)
<Begasus> k, done for today, g'night peeps
<OscarL> take care Begasus!
<Begasus> enjoy further OscarL :)
<Begasus> thanks same there
<Begasus> cya!
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<OscarL> later!
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<OscarL> "waiting for build package XXX to be deactivated" /me shakes fists in the air.
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<OscarL> waddlesplash:, I tagged the fork-author, just in case.
<OscarL> damn, that was fast :-D
<waddlesplash> now where's the bot?
<waddlesplash> seems botifico is sleeping ...
<OscarL> speaking about sleep... /me waves goodbye! Later folks!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57247] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6bde05aebd17 - libs/bsd: Implement getentropy(2).
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e86afc8f75ca - libs/bsd: add arc4random(3)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 1f8cb71 - htop: rename recipe to htop_rivoreo. (#9298)
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<nephele> Ugh, why does libreoffice need so much RAM :(
<nephele> wanted to "just" do my paper work in libreoffice, and the system was slow as hell and unusable cus my 4gb were pegged :(
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<Anarchos> is there a mean to send emails back on server ? mail_daemon made them disappear from my outlook account. Now they are only stored on my haiku partition, and it scares me a bit
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<waddlesplash> nephele: LO Writer on Windows, new document without any content needs ~130MB
<waddlesplash> what does it need on Haiku?
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<nephele> waddlesplash: opening it without anything takes 180 already
<nephele> while trying to copy an image embeded in a pdf to a document (from LO draw) it shot up to 1.8GB atleast, excluding system caches. and was really unusably slow :/
<nephele> the finished document open now is only about 320mb thouh, still very slow to render
* nephele sleep
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