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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<wirlaburla[x]> good morning begasus
<Begasus> g'morning wirlaburla[x]
<PulkoMandy> waddlesplash, leahcl: I had made a handwritten list of manufacturers for edid screen IDs, someone replaced it with an automatically generated one that includes these notes…
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<OscarL> Hoi Begasus!
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<Begasus> was it broken?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays ac30a31 - agg: bump version (#9150)
<OscarL> It didn't worked for me for some time (around the time Github got its new search features, more or less).
<OscarL> And now it also includes HaikuPorts :-D
<OscarL> (in the "Projects" list). Double nice.
<Begasus> nice :)
<Begasus> we're being put on the map! :)
<Begasus> PulkoMandy, for the switch to default python3.10 I guess some other actions would need follow up?
<OscarL> BTW Begasus... there seems to be some chatter over Gerrit, regarding the posibility of making Python 3.10 the default version. I've added my two cents there... and mentioned that you and korli might have something to say about it.
<Begasus> eg, rebuild for haikuporter et all?
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<OscarL> Damn.. I'm too slow again for Begasus :-D
<Begasus> PR is made OscarL
<andreasdr> Good morning
<Begasus> didn't check gerrit (as I don't follow the internals for Haiku that close)
<Begasus> Moin andreasdr
<andreasdr> Good morning Begasus
<OscarL> Hallo andreasdr!
<Begasus> can you give a link to the gerrit one OscarL?
<andreasdr> Hi OscarL
<andreasdr> How is it going.
<Begasus> thanks :) (see you can do it also) :D
<andreasdr> Just checking my Haiku.
<OscarL> Today... not bad, so... can't complain :-D
<andreasdr> Has the Haiku packages and base been switched to gcc13 already?
<Begasus> only the new rebuild packages will use gcc13 andreasdr
<OscarL> And seems we'll be gettin 13.2 soon enough, too, right?
<Begasus> other packages should still work without changes
<andreasdr> Nice
<Begasus> yeah, discussing is on the roll (13.1 already in cross I think?)
<OscarL> *me lights a candle to saint nielx[m], regarding that 13.2 :-D
<Begasus> yeah :) need to prepare to run some test builds here (now that I got something actually good enough to build it) :)
<nielx[m]> I am updating the recipe as we speak ;-) the next Haiku nightly will already be build with 13.2
<Begasus> I'm guessing quite some python recipes will need a rebuild with the switch to python3.10 OscarL
<OscarL> weee! Thanks nielx[m] for tackling such a beast of a package (and all the other people that worked on it before, of course!)
<Begasus> +1 from me aswell :)
<andreasdr> nielx[m]: nice
<Begasus> ps, augiedoggie, maybe you can look into building emacs with libgccjit now that it's merged (not sure if it's worth it to do it now or to wait for the next release)
<OscarL> Begasus: re: Py3.10, yeah... but I don't expect much issues compatibility wise, no? Perhaps korli can bust out his mighty mega update script? :-P
<Begasus> heh, right there!
<augiedoggie> i haven't noticed any speed benefits to having it enabled
<Begasus> what about python3.11/python3.12
* OscarL hides.
<Begasus> ok, thanks for checking
<augiedoggie> i don't want to enable it by default, so it would need to be a split package with an emacs_nativecomp
<Begasus> other then that it builds and works ok I am not sure about the benifits, but it was a call at haikuports in an issue
<OscarL> re: Python 3.11 and 3.12 (this one still in beta3). Both working fine on my PC. I just don't want to add them while we still have 3.7 (and 3.8) around :-D (not at least if we'll be having python packages for 3.8 to 3.12 :-D)
<Begasus> iirc not a lot use python3.8, why not drop that?
<Begasus> or what the status on python3.7 is (EOL?)
<OscarL> Me checks the calendar... have 6 months hava passed yet since the forum post announcing the 3.8 "deprecation"?
<OscarL> "3.7.17 final: 2023-06-06"
<OscarL> (last security-only release)
<OscarL> "As of 2023-06-27, 3.7 has reached the end-of-life phase of its release cycle." so... 3.7 is ded.
<OscarL> Man... I've been out for a while, no?.
<Begasus> not that long ago :)
<OscarL> 3.8 EOL is on October 2024 :-/
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<Begasus> I think there is still some packages around using 3.7, but it would be safe to say it's time to drop it (would probably mean revbumping some recipes and getting back into python builds) :)
<Begasus> can you open a PR to drop python3.7, let's see what reactions will pop up, it's been long enough since the announcement
<OscarL> In any case... 3.10 is a pretty solid release, works well on Haiku, and old enough to be "mature" (unlike 3.11 with its speed-related changes, or 3.12 with its removed/deprecated modules).
<Begasus> OK, safe to move python3.10 to the default one then I guess
<Begasus> for a git checkout on haikuporter this probably won't change a thing (should still use cmd:python3 anyway), the haikuporter package probably needs a rebuild for it
<OscarL> re: dropping 3.7... I haven't even managed to finish :-/
<Begasus> oh bugger, still some python2.7 ones around?
<OscarL> most of the remaining ones are 2.7 even, yuck!
<wirlaburla[x]> python 2.7? just give up
<Begasus> from the KDE ones, some recipes I checked here they only use python for the versioning, so probably not a hard dependency anyway
<Begasus> biab
<OscarL> Scribus and LibreOffice 6.4 are the mayor holdups for dropping 3.7. Both too big for my weak PC/internet.
<OscarL> wirlaburla[x]: I would gladly set it on fire (2.7), but... we try to not break things (on purpose, at least :-D.... done my share of breakage already :-P)
<PulkoMandy> Does anything special need to be done for other packages? Aren't all Python libraries built to support multiple python versions already?
<OscarL> From my time updating packages... that's my understanding, most should support Python 3.10 already.
<PulkoMandy> I'm running Python 3.10 only for a while already, and did not encounter much problems, but I don't have a lot of stuff installed on my machine
<OscarL> as far as I know... the ones that do not have a "_python310" package version already, should be easy to add.
<OscarL> Might be some odd ball that request 3.9 specifically, but... after moving most from 3.7 to 3.9... I can't think of any particular one that would give too much trouble moving to 3.10.
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<Begasus> OscarL, what about the ones the use "defaultVersion" atm (haven't checked yet)?
<OscarL> those will remain using 3.9 until someone change that line to 3.10 :-D
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<OscarL> and that's where we could use korli's script :-D
<Begasus> they don't depend on cmd:python3? (been a while again) :)
<OscarL> if a program ask for cmd:python3... its because it doesn't cares about what particular 3.x version it is... only that it is 3.something.
<OscarL> (at least that's how it should be)
<Begasus> k, let's try to clean out those lasts python2.7 ones, then tackle the remaining python3.7, need to get this out of the way :)
<Begasus> only one that is hard to fix would be bethon I guess?
<OscarL> Bear in mind that the linked list isn't exhaustive, not regarding the 2.7 ones at least :-( (lots more to find via "inrecipe/grep" :-( )
<OscarL> Bethon cannot be fixed without some **mayor** effort from someone that knows Python's innards.
<Begasus> 3 recipes still using lib:libpython2.7
<Begasus> maybe something for the new guy at haikuporter? ;)
<OscarL> re: Bethon... I've tried to cleanup/update it for Python3... had some success on the "upper levels", but the guts... needs some serious skills I lack :-/
<Begasus> time for the doggies ... biab
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<HaikuUser2> well it looks like i found a solution to my rtl81xx issue
<OscarL> For Begasus when he comes back: I think it will be far less work to finish the remaining 3.7 ones... (say, so we might move to 3.10, possibly also introduce 3.11) than dealing with all the 2.7 mess (dont forget all the older rust recipes still requiring 2.7 :-P)
<HaikuUser2> im not sure why, but enabling CSM mode in BIOS despite booting Haiku using UEFI makes it work fine.
HaikuUser2 is now known as wirlaburla2
<OscarL> noice HaikuUser2. Maybe some initialization difference.
<wirlaburla2> now i can atleast use this on my actual machine
<wirlaburla2> I'm sure that's progress.
<OscarL> "legacy/compatibility" mode might be initializing more of your hardware than its pure UEFI counterpart.
<wirlaburla2> So the question is: What is the rtl81xx driver missing that prevents it from working on UEFI only mode? I've had my linux host working with network fine for years without CSM.
<OscarL> Would be better if it worked in any case... but... nice to have a workaround :-). You might want to add that bit to a relevant ticket over Trac?
<wirlaburla2> I will in a bit.
<OscarL> awesome.
<wirlaburla2> Going to do some testing. My motherboard bios has a few nifty toggles when it comes to UEFI and CSM modes.
<OscarL> maybe gathering some clean syslogs from booting with CSM enabled/disable might show some difference?
<OscarL> (one can hope)
<wirlaburla2> thats a plan. I already have one without csm because i attached it to the trac issue
<wirlaburla2> ive done a diff on the syslogs and there is not a single different before it queries for dhcp
<OscarL> oof.
<OscarL> Maybe waddlesplash might come up with some idea for further debugging (after you mention that CSM workaround) ?
<wirlaburla2> I think it'd definitely help point in the right direction. He mentioned in the discuss thread I made that the cause remained unknown.
<wirlaburla2> rtl81xx is a freebsd driver, right? I think I read something about that somewhere.
<OscarL> Is your driver one of the ones "imported" from Free/Open BSD ? if so... any chance you tried them on those original OSes (to discard some issue on the compatibility layer vs driver issue).
* OscarL is a slow typer :-D
* wirlaburla2 is a fast typer
<Begasus> re
<wirlaburla2> I'll try them out tonight.
* OscarL is slow, period :-P
<Begasus> OscarL, in regards to rust, only one package is around
<Begasus> so if someone want's an older version they need to rebuild them
<OscarL> but what about the old recipes? can we just wipe'em up already :-D (or they are needed for bootstrapping purposes, or the like)
<OscarL> I might just have to learn to filter them out from my grep searchs otherwise :-P
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<Begasus> you might want to take that up with nielx[m] :)
<Begasus> I guess it's no harm having them around, just ignore them for now
<Begasus> you can always delete them from your local fork :P
<OscarL> Might end up doing that :-D
<OscarL> Guten tag jmairboeck!
<Begasus> Hi jmairboeck
<jmairboeck> Hi, Begasus and OscarL!
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<wirlaburla2> Is the AMD RX560 supposed to be using framebuffer?
<Begasus> when uefi is involved yes
<Begasus> afaik :)
<wirlaburla2> alright just making sure
<OscarL> wirlaburla2: list of device IDs known to the "radeon_hd" driver:
<Begasus> got a Barcelo in here (AMD radeon), with the same
<OscarL> line 40 onwards.
<Begasus> mine isn't listed :)
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<OscarL> line 546 mentions one RX 560 "0x67ff"
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<Begasus> device 15e7: Barcelo
<OscarL> Begasus: you could always patch yours in, and see if you got lucky :-P (albeit Barcelo might be just too new/different perhaps)
<wirlaburla2> Ah, I have a 460, not a 560. Still in the list.
<Begasus> If only I could get Haiku to build here OscarL :)
<Begasus> hmm ... bzr needs patching for newer python :/
<OscarL> you don't need to build ALL of it... you can just build the radeon_hd driver/accelerant :-P
<Begasus> well, at least I need a "first" succesfull build? :P
<OscarL> bzr... that one I would gladly set on fire! :-D
<Begasus> thinking the same, repology doesn't even mention one for Gentoo
<Begasus> Fedora rawhide not there too ... (also broken links on others)
<Begasus> openSUSE still has a recipe, but doesn't mention python version ... (no patches there)
<OscarL> re: compiling drivers.... I've never made a full build of Haiku, and still able to modify/build/use different components. Just saying :-D
<OscarL> I doubt bzr has more than a dozen user in 2023... and I doubt any of them is using Haiku :-D
<Begasus> good to know OscarL, but I'd like to start with a full build first :)
<Begasus> nothing else using it, let's nuke it ... :)
<OscarL> yay!
* OscarL brings the matchbox
<Begasus> lol
<jmairboeck> openSUSE still uses python 3.6 by default. That's what you get when you use an enterprise distro as the base.
<jmairboeck> I just got reminded of that yesterday because meson prints a warning about that, that they will drop support for python 3.6 in the next release.
<Begasus> well python3.6 has been dropped already, so not an option there :)
<Begasus> also broken with python3.7
<OscarL> btw Begasus... you have issues building Haiku on 64 bits? IIRC, the issue there is that you also need to build buildtools (for the 32 bits component of the bootloader, or something like that).
<jmairboeck> If you don't build the bootloaders, you can skip that.
<OscarL> if that's your issue, I read waddlesplash mention that you can get around that by just commenting the line that ask for that.
<OscarL> that should simplify things.
<Begasus> configured the buildtools went fine OscarL
<OscarL> gcc 13.1 related issue?
* OscarL gets ready to blame nielx[m]!
<Begasus> sec let me fire it up
<Begasus> don't think it's related to gcc13
<wirlaburla2> Are there any examples of the Media Kit API?
<wirlaburla2> Porting a program of mine for the hell of it.
<OscarL> wirlaburla2: over, see PatchBay, MediaPlayer, MediaConverter, etc.
<Begasus> maybe this? echo "Error: haiku-floppyboot.tgz is too big ($drivers_tgz_size) to fit "
<wirlaburla2> OscarL: thanks
<OscarL> np!
<OscarL> Begasus: try with -j4 ? I've seen someone comment on jam getting "unstable" when running with -j8.
<Begasus> missing some cmd's it seems :)
<Begasus> progress, was missing bc and xorriso
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<Begasus> Think I cleaned up a bit too much earlier :P
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<OscarL> wirlaburla2: also, some "oldie but goodie":
<OscarL> (most of those samples has an accompanying article that might be of help)
<OscarL> s/has/have (excuse my poor "English")
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<wirlaburla2> Nice! Super duper helpful.
<wirlaburla2> Doesn't look like it'd be that hard considering I'm just replacing ALSA.
<Begasus> downloading packages ...
<Begasus> whoot!!
<Begasus> Unmounting ...
<Begasus> BuildAnybootImageEfi1 haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso
<Begasus> k, base is done now :)
<Begasus> can one mount the iso from within Haiku?
<OscarL> yes, but not with mountvolume/Tracker....
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<OscarL> Let me see if I remember the command... disk something?
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<OscarL> Also, there's one bash script on the forum that allows you to extract the "raw" partition from the anyboot image :-D (but that creates a different file)
<OscarL> Begasus: try with: diskimage register "path_to_iso_file"
<Begasus> /Opslag/Haiku/haiku/generated.x86_64> diskimage register haiku-nightly-anyboot.iso
<Begasus> Registered file as disk device "/dev/disk/virtual/files/7/raw" with ID 7.
<Begasus> but "/dev/disk/virtual/files/7" is empty in Tracker :)
<OscarL> you might need to mount it manually Tracker, or from DriveSetup if it doesn't shows on Tracker.
<OscarL> *** "doesn't shows on Tracker's mount menu"
<Begasus> that worked (DriveSetup) :)
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<OscarL> you're not supposed to find files under /dev/disk/virtual/files/7 Begasus :-D same with wherever your actual partitions are under /dev/disk/
<OscarL> in any case, after you unmount it, be sure to use "diskimage unregister "path_to_iso_file", just in case.
<Begasus> thanks :) just mentioning :D
<OscarL> I think there's a ticket related to streamlining the "double-click to mount anyboot images" somewhere :-D
<Begasus> Need to write this down somewhere for the next time ...
<OscarL> I keep forgetting the details too :-D
<Begasus> k, done writing down :)
<Begasus> atleast this part
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<OscarL> For what its worth Begasus... I've just tried that "diskimage register" on and old haiku iso I've had on an NTFS partition... it showed right away in Tracker's Mount menu.
<OscarL> Mmm, albeit it says "operation not supported" when I try to mount it, lol.
<OscarL> but... I'm on a VM accessing a physical HDD, so... dunno where the issue is :-D
<wirlaburla2> Why does Haikus analog audio quality sound better than in Linux?
<wirlaburla2> I'm very confused at this revelation.
<wirlaburla2> Sorry, it's my first time actually using Haiku and I'm noticing some stuff.
<OscarL> I've seen Haiku drivers default to hit bitrate/depth, and also use linear interpolation.
<OscarL> s/hit/high/
<wirlaburla2> It defaulted to 192khz for me, I had to set it low though because the media_server kept locking up.
<wirlaburla2> Set it to 48khz like I have on my linux system.
<wirlaburla2> I love that the audio mixer shows the samplerate a program is outputting at.
<OscarL> once upon a time, I wrote a driver for an TV/FM card... only made the analog FM audio part work... somehow it also worked better than the Windows/Linux drivers. I recall a couple of Russian users that were also happy about that. Somehow I used a better coefficient for the frequency calculations, and that made the tuner give clearer stereo.
<OscarL> (at least for that particular model of tuner, mind you)
<wirlaburla2> Use Haiku for tuner cards, got it.
<wirlaburla2> tv/fm* same diff
<Begasus> lol OscarL
<wirlaburla2> the libxmp library in Ports is a few versions behind (4.4.1 vs 4.6)
<Begasus> help always welcome wirlaburla2 :)
<Begasus> can't keep up myself :D
<wirlaburla2> not sure how to help on packages
<Begasus> it's not that hard, and we can guide you trhough the process
<OscarL> It's a trap!
<wirlaburla2> lol
<Begasus> for something like this it's even better, you know how it's used and what it should do
* Begasus slapzs OscarL :P
<OscarL> you start with a little thing... next thing you know... you're wrangling packages left and right! :-P
<wirlaburla2> perhaps i should get my program that depends on it working first in that case
<wirlaburla2> it should be compatible with 4.4... i think
<Begasus> +1
<cp-> Hi everyone
<Begasus> hi cp
<OscarL> hi cp-
<Begasus> was looking into gnupg yesterday, new version relies on new version for gpg-error ... then the fun begins :P
<cp-> I am going to ask without much hope, but here it goes: I gave a Core Duo machine that I try to install with the BETA4 and it does not find the HDD (SATA)
<cp-> Yes this is 32bits version I am trying
<OscarL> that reminds me.... Begasus... does "pass" really needs cmd:qrencode?
<Begasus> it's mentioned in the source as being one
<Begasus> iirc* :)
<cp-> Anyone would have a hint on how to solve this? or is this a lost cause ( probably is)
<OscarL> cp-: nah... plenty of folks seem to have similar issues.
<OscarL> most seem related to how the HDD is setup.
<Begasus> core duo should be fine for 32bit I guess
<OscarL> setup as in... MBR vs GPT... and the tools used to initialize/partition/format it.
<cp-> Is there is anything I do to fix this on my own using the existing installation media ?
<Begasus> OscarL, from all the things I tried, I could always mount/see hard drives here? (no mather how they were partitioned)
<OscarL> cp-: install media includes a "DriveSetup" tool you can use.
<Begasus> not finding the bootpartition would be another thing though :)
<OscarL> Begasus: I think many folks have issue with using Gparted or similar instead of DriveSetup... or not actually reading the "fine print", so to speak... (as in confusing partition type with filesystem type, etc)
<cp-> it is not finding the disk itself so I doubt the drivesetup would fix it ?
<OscarL> cp-: ok. that might be a problem :-P. I got carried away with the usual issue of Haiku not finding its partition after installing it.
<cp-> Of course I did check other OSes can find the drive , and...they can of course.
<OscarL> Does your BIOS allows you to change settings for that SATA port? For example, mine lets me choose from "IDE/Legacy/AHCI" and some "IDE->Native".
<OscarL> Might be worth a try seeing if things change when using those.
<cp-> OscarL:no it does not allow for the disk controller settings
<cp-> It is a very old machine so ....
<Begasus> not that much hustle in there :)
<OscarL> I'm still on a Phenom so...
<OscarL> not sure if any of Haiku's bootmenu options seems relevant, other than enabling on screen logging to see if something shows up (some error, I mean)
<OscarL> To be clear... you can actually boot Haiku on that machine... but you cannot install due to the HDD not showing up in the installer as a destination, right?
<cp-> very strange
<Begasus> ps, it's 4.6.0 for libxmp (only checksum, revision and libVersion needs adjusting) :)
<cp-> the first time I booted I just saw the installer
<cp-> I rebooted and now it booted in the live HaikuOS
<OscarL> that's normal.
<Begasus> yep
<cp-> from there I could see the controller in the DriverSetup
<cp-> and I could format
<cp-> and install
<Begasus> you can launch the Installer from the menu
<Begasus> ah
<OscarL> that's nice.
<Begasus> multiboot?
<OscarL> some hardware seems to have issues related cold vs warm boots.
<OscarL> (like Begasus's touchpad :-P)
<Begasus> nah OscarL
<Begasus> that mostly doesn't work
<Begasus> but sometimes (during running) it starts to work
<OscarL> (I've also seen weird things like stuff only working after booting linux first, and then doing a warm reboot :-D)
<Begasus> I mostly cold boot (for the USB dongle)
<OscarL> Or the way that Haiku is the only OS that properly turns off my Atom based netbook, lol
<Begasus> had that on another laptop too, Ubuntu wouldn't shut down there, Haiku did
<cp-> now no network interface
<OscarL> cp-: wifi or ethernet?
<cp-> neither
<Begasus> it works on live session?
<cp-> ethernet is bge and wifi is wpi
<OscarL> those names don't ring a bell to me :-(. Might be better to run "listdev" from the Terminal app.
<Begasus> neither here
<OscarL> but... if the PC is really old... fat chance of getting WiFi working... lots of weird ass chipsets back in the day (not that the situation is much better but...)
<Begasus> libxmp build can be switched to cmake, would be better (provides cmake and pkgconfig files)
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<OscarL> ah... the always lovely broadcom. :-/
<cp-> ancient stuff :)
<OscarL> hey... gigabit... not THAT ancient :-D
<OscarL> I think most of our WiFi drivers come from OpenBSD and FreeBSD (via a compat layer).
<cp-> uhmm so they should be working then
<cp-> bge and wpi are supported in both
<cp-> I use both OSes
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<cp-> I even tried axe and run
<cp-> (USB based) no got either
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<cp-> oh rebooted and RALINK (run) wifi shoes
<cp-> but that is USB
<Begasus> OscarL, docutils missing RST2PDF? :P
<OscarL> Given that we have both "bge" and "wpi" drivers... you might want to file some tickets over, cp-
<Begasus> cp-, have to use external dongle for wifi too here, if it works ... :)
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<OscarL> cp-: attaching the output of "listdev" in particular (and also a syslog, from /boot/system/var/log/)
<OscarL> (crap... VirtualBox's clipboard integration killed my Firefox again :-D)
<cp-> OscarL:I will do
<OscarL> Who knows... maybe you'll get lucky!
<OscarL> Begasus: what's was that again re docutils? I'm a bit rusty.
<Begasus> OscarL, docutils missing RST2PDF? :P
<Begasus> maybe needs something from texlive for that? :)
<OscarL> I think it didn't had it even before I've touched it :-D
<Begasus> probably not, libxmp checks for it (also rst2html and rst2man)
<Begasus> these 2 are in the recipe for docutils
<OscarL> Mmm, I have starred since my Python 2.7 days at work, lol.
<Begasus> seperate package then?
<OscarL> I think so.
<Begasus> 28 dependencies .... jikes
<Begasus> can do without :P
<OscarL> Muahahaha.... good luck! :-P
<OscarL> requires = ['setuptools', 'setuptools-scm', 'wheel']
<OscarL> but that's only for the build system, heh.
<Begasus> man page and html file build fine, should be enough :P
<OscarL> time for me to un-star it :-D
<Begasus> same here, not going to import yet another dozen new python reicpes :P
<Begasus> those in need can use pip :P
<OscarL> Seems docutls has a too
<Begasus> thought so .... A recent LaTeX installation including pdflatex
<OscarL> and "rubber", whatever that is.
* Begasus isn't looking for it ...
<OscarL> <<< no rst2pdf there. Seems this "rst2pdf" is just posted on the website.
<OscarL> from "sys.path.append("/usr/share/rubber")" <<< nice hardcoded paths there!
<OscarL> and it will abort if it can't "import rubber"
<Begasus> just drop it :) you already fixed pip so far :)
<OscarL> the script is Python 2.x, BTW.
<Begasus> another reason not to hunt it down :P
<OscarL> just making sure :-D
<Begasus> meanwhile, bumped libxmp, build changed to cmake, with documentation :)
<OscarL> docs on _devel ?
<Begasus> yep :P
* OscarL gives Begasus a candy, Good boy!
<Begasus> $documentationDir (moves both the html and man over)
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> could try to build the example, needs SDL
<OscarL> Woohoo! "new" Quake II dropped! I just bought it for really cheap not long ago (like for USD 0.15), after erysdren's work on QuakeSpasm reminded me that we also had a Q2 port... now I got the update for free. Nice!
<wirlaburla2> Perhaps my skills aren't up to par or it's really late, but MediaKit is seeming like a handful.
<Begasus> lot's of work to be done there iirc wirlaburla2
<wirlaburla2> And all I'm doing is playing from a buffer.
<Begasus> guess I need some mod file or something to test the example player with?
<wirlaburla2> whatever libxmp supports. mod, xm, it.
<wirlaburla2> i can probably update and test now because i got the xmp portion working
<wirlaburla2> make sure it doesnt blow up at the least
<OscarL> I have a wonderful .mod from before 2000 (got it on one of those CDs that came with PC magazines :-D).
<OscarL> heh, MediaPlayer plays it just fine!
<OscarL> Seems I have that "Bloody.mod" file since at least 1995 :-D
<OscarL> Looks like the song is actually named "Bloody Street", made for the "Euskal Party III" in 1995. Nice.
<OscarL> lol. that's some lan-party :-D
<wirlaburla2> a mod not on the modarchive? damn, nice.
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<OscarL> and from one of my only ever backups, that some added rarity :-D
<OscarL> Also have some "Dune intro.mod" from 1994.
<Begasus> wirlaburla2, if you got haikuporter/haikuports setup you could use this for the latest version:
<OscarL> wirlaburla2: seems that there are Bloody Street II and III available from the same author!
<wirlaburla2> but no numero uno on modarchive, which is really rare
<Begasus> /Opslag/media> xmpsdl2 Bloody.mod
<Begasus> Bloody Street (Protracker M.K.)
<Begasus> plays ok :)
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<wirlaburla2> itd be cooler if i could play it through my player
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<Begasus> it is just the example player contained in the source wirlaburla2, at least I know it works as should :)
<wirlaburla2> oh you tested with the sample player
<Begasus> yep
<wirlaburla2> if it plays, then it works and thats a good sign
<Begasus> right, that was the planning :)
<Begasus> before updating packages I mostly see if the are test cases, or something to actually test them with
<wirlaburla2> tbh i forgot it came with a sample player
<wirlaburla2> my player will still be cooler
<OscarL> wirlaburla2: BTW, if you know how to submit that Bloody.mod to modarchive... please do so! :-)
<Begasus> it's not build by default, so it won't be included in the package (or shouldn't)
<wirlaburla2> OscarL: Will do
<OscarL> awesome! thanks!
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<Begasus> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2 (fine there too)
<Begasus> time to update? ;)
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<OscarL> From "Python 3.10 is now the default, solving this problem.". mmm but the PR is still not merged on HP. /me scratches his head.
<Begasus> I think PulkoMandy could easaly merge it, if there is no argument against it?
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<OscarL> Maybe he just forgot to hit the button :-)
<Begasus> Maybe has a reason why it hasn't been done? :)
<Begasus> Should be straight forward, and since you are around you can help out in case :P
<OscarL> maybe his waiting for me to go away instead :-P
<Begasus> nah :)
<OscarL> s/his/he's/
<PulkoMandy> Oh I thought it was merged?
<PulkoMandy> Working on too many things and mixing it up I guess…
<OscarL> I saw it on the "pulkomandy_python3.10" branch yesterday and thought... damn, nice! until I realized it wasn't on master :-D
<PulkoMandy> Well if you're OK with it I'll merge it
<OscarL> +1 from my side for sure.
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<OscarL> Maybe Begasus can lend a +2 :-P
<Begasus> here it goes
<Begasus> +2
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<OscarL> k. gotta go. nice to read you Begasus, et all. I'll try to be around over the weekend to do some HP work. Laterz!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus cdf7c92 - bzr, drop recipes still using python2.7 (#9172)
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<Begasus> k, openjazz still working nice with libxpm
<Begasus> xmp* ...
<cp-> OK this time I tried on a x86_64 laptop Acer ES1-132, it installs OK but then I get no bootable OS from the BIOS
<cp-> Haiku is probably not signed for secure boot
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<cp-> so I tried disabling secure boot , still no dice
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] davidkaroly 313c7d8 - freetype: fix download url, disable static lib
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports.cross] davidkaroly 975321e - expat: update to 2.5.0, disable static lib
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 87f3d9e - Python: make Python 3.10 the main one.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy deleted branch pulkomandy_python3.10
<botifico> [haikuports] pulkomandy deleted branch pulkomandy_python3.10 -
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6fc0e98 - libxmp, bump version, switch to cmake build (#9173)
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<Begasus> nielx[m], will do a first testrun later for gcc on 64bit :)
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Well, that's embarassing. Had the wrong port open in the firewall for BeShare file sharing for at least a year! For the B2IA bridge to IRC computer. Fortunately many people used the BeShare "I'm fiirewalled" setting to get around it, I hope.
<zard> Just curious, why is it called B2IA?
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<Begasus> bbl
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<bbjimmy> Trying to update tells me I hace to un-install youtuber and youtube-dl because they require python3 >=3.9.14
<bbjimmy> *have
<bbjimmy> who messed up python?
<bbjimmy> pulkomandy ^
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: good! I tested it earlier today (before updating the recipe) and it works
<x512[m]> Anybody experienced wrong audio play speed (too fast) when using Haiku QEMU?
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<zard> Can't test right now, but, I might be able to later.
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<Luca91> Hello
<Luca91> PulkoMandy any change that arey you there? I'm still fighting against that pkg-config in the recipe
<Luca91> *here
<Luca91> I get: ... produced illegal value "cmd:pkg-config" for key BUILD_PREREQUIRES
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<B2IA> (AGMS) zard, it's (does a Whois on B2IA since I keep forgetting) short for BeShare to IRC bridge for B-BeShare, 2=to I=IRC A=agmsmith
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<HaikuUser2> hi!
<B2IA> (AGMS) So if (which recently reappeared) wants to do a bridge, it would be B2IT.
<zard> Hello HaikuUser2 :)
<Luca91> Ok, the problem might be this: Error: Error: dashes are not allowed in provides- or requires declarations
<Luca91> it makes sense since pkg-config have a dash in its name
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<Luca91> so it should be "cmd:pkg_config" in the repice as far as I can see from other recipes. Well, finger crossed! :)
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: did you file an issue?
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<zdykstra> morning all
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<PulkoMandy> Luca91: yes, you need cmd:pkg_config. Not really available, I'm on my phone and also on my way to catch a train :)
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<Luca91> PulkoMandy don't worry and thank you very much :)
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<Begasus> Luca91, on 64bit?
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<Luca91> Begasus yes I'm on 64bit
<Luca91> hpkg ready :) now I have to go, but later this evening/night I'll send a PR with the recipe on the haikuports repo
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<Begasus> keyboard gone again ...
<Begasus> Luca91, will check later, or maybe in the morning on the PR :)
<Luca91> Begasus thanks :) the arch in repice is x86 if that's what you were asking me
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4bab264 - python2.7, drop obsolete version (#9176)
<Luca91> I have to go now, thanks for the help ;)
<Begasus> ok, talk to you later, thanks so far!
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<Begasus> let's hold of on gcc for a bit, first need to see what happens with python ...
<Begasus> also some for python2.7
<jmairboeck> Begasus: for lilypond (and dblatex), I'm currently at it, already building :)
<Begasus> thanks jmairboeck! saves a few in there :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a09fdd6 - yt_dlp, revbump for python changes (#9177)
<Begasus> first tackle the easy ones :)
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<jmairboeck> can a recipe be modified safely (by switching git branches) during the build?
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<Begasus> during a build?
<jmairboeck> the lilypond build is currently running, can I switch to another git branch safely?
<Begasus> depends on how you got your setup I guess (but once started it should use the one you started out with)
<jmairboeck> ok, I also thought so
<Begasus> that's why I got 2 seperate directories here, one for branching and one for working in
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1fe4b50 - pygame, revbump for python changes (#9178)
<zard> x512[m]: I can hardly tell if audio is faster on QEMU. It's a little faster unless my ears decieve me.
<Begasus> eeps :) ... Due to a ruling of the Hamburg Regional Court, access to this website is blocked.
<Begasus> someone was not happy with youtube_dl :P
<x512[m]> zard: I mean running QEMU in Haiku, not opposite.
<zard> Ah, not gonna be able to test that easily, unfortunately
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2a22fe1 - youtube_dl, remove recipe (#9181)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 730b3cb - asciidoc, revbump for python changes (#9182)
<Begasus> on youtube_dl there is a legal issue, so removed it from the repo ...
<mmu_man> what?
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<Begasus> not yt_dlp mmu_man
<x512[m]> Begasus: Legal issue only in Germany I suppose?
<x512[m]> Why non-German users should be affected?
<PulkoMandy> They have closed the website and renamed the project to yt-dlp really. Since the ruling only affected the website, problem solved!
<Borg> shredder login: user
<Borg> Error: Failed to open tty: Operation not allowed
<Borg> hmm is that a normal?
<PulkoMandy> No
<Borg> I just enabled telnetd
<Borg> I was able to login once.. but second attempt resulting this..
<Borg> I tried from haiku: telnet localhost
<Borg> and it worked..
<Borg> also.. quick question.. where custom binaries should end up?
<Borg> I just ported my first tiny utility! jaj. and it compiles
<Borg> I wanna try sth more serious
<PulkoMandy> For testing you can use /system/non-packaged/bin. For more long-term use maybe you can submit a recipe at haikuports to build a package
<Borg> ok, lets see, thx
<x512[m]> /boot/home/config/settings/non-packaged/bin is probably more suitable place.
<x512[m]> /boot/home/config/non-packaged/bin
<Borg> okey.. I was too much optimistic :D tool compiles but does NOT work
<Borg> select() failed.. hmm
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<Borg> okey, time to install vim and try to sort it out. ;)
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<Borg> okey, it start to works.. hmm very strict..
<Borg> holy moly...
<Borg> I have trouble catching EOF (close() on socket)
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<Borg> jaj! my second tool works
<Borg> okey.. it aint that bad :)
<Borg> ~/temp> dot --version
<Borg> DOT version 0.18.7-f19f438 by Borg.
<Borg> lets see if networking will work..
<Borg> nice.. worked :)
<Borg> this one have simpler networking stack.. no select()
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<x512[m]> What is wrong with select()?
<Borg> x512[m]: well. its very strict.. also.. I dont understand why it does NOT pass EOF/socket closed really
<Borg> normaly.. it should inform you that there is data to be read from socket. and recv() return 0 means no error.. connection closed
<Borg> on windows of course. you need to use other trick w/ events
<Borg> but on POSIX (UNIX, linux, cygwin) it works just fine
<x512[m]> It can be a bug and in this case it should be reported to
<x512[m]> Will be nice to have simple C program to reproduce issue.
<Borg> I have simple program just for that.. my netcat tool
<Borg> but before that.. I might check the error code first.. out of curiosity
<Borg> wait.. no.. its useless
<Borg> select() doesnt report that we have data to read
<Borg> x512[m]: well, Im not sure its a bug.. it would be kinda super weird it was NOT noticed until now :) It might be my shaddy coding
<x512[m]> It were recent changes in FD event monitoring when implementing stateful monitoring.
<Borg> oh ok..
<Borg> anyway.. after reboot.. telnet works
<Borg> Haiku shredder 1 hrev56578+87 Aug 11 2023 06:01: BePC x86 Haiku
<Borg> lets disconnect.. and.. try to reconnect
<Borg> shredder login: user
<Borg> Error: Failed to open tty: Operation not allowed
<Borg> okey. something is b0rked...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 99a398c - youtube_dl, revive, revbump for python changes (#9183)
<Borg> okey, killing this one helps: /boot/system/servers/net_server
<Borg> I can telnet again
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 394ddd6 - dblatex: switch to python3.10 (#9179)
<jmairboeck> thanks Begasus! Lilypond is still building though, but looking good so far.
<Begasus> ok, dblatex will have a bit of time, will check later, or maybe wait 'till tomorrow for your green light? :)
<jmairboeck> will be better I think, the official release will also come tomorrow if it goes as planned
<jmairboeck> it is not officially announced yet ;)
<Begasus> ah, so maybe you could bump after the release?
<Begasus> nah, you already did probably :)
<Begasus> biab
<jmairboeck> here it is already, but not yet on the main website:
<jmairboeck> but the last release, the tarball also has a timestamp of 2 days earlier than the announcement, so I think we are safe here ;)
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<Begasus> closing down here, will hear it in the morning jmairboeck :)
<Begasus> g'night peeps!
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