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<matt2> hullo
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<erysdren> hello
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<matt2> hi, thanks and simply hi ... :)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<andreasdr[m]> Good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Moin andreasdr[m] :)
<Begasus> waddlesplash, thanks :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 61762c4 - uxn, bump srcGitRev (#9304)
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<OscarL> Good day, Begasus :-)
* OscarL reads the setuptools changelog, trying to decide if updating it to latest version looks will cause issues or not :-D
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<OscarL> (need setuptools for 3.11 before pip3.11, funny how that works!)
<Begasus> look for setuptools_scm too then (to keep both on par) :)
<OscarL> My idea, at least for now, it is to only provide the minimun to support using Python 3.11 with pip3.11 (without providing .hpkgs for "_python311").
<Begasus> thought you would stay away from there for now? :P
<OscarL> so we can actually test Python 3.11, but without committing to package everything for that version.
<OscarL> Maybe I wasn't clear enough... you know me... tends to happen :-)... Lets see if I can express it better.
<Begasus> I'm not using pip, so I can stand having it not around :)
<Begasus> np :)
<OscarL> To properly test Python 3.11 (before we fully "commit" to support it), we need to be able to use pip3.11 with it (for pure python packages, at least).
<OscarL> that way we can install modules, without pkgman/haikuports intervention.
<Begasus> got you there :)
<OscarL> and see if there's something wrong with Py3.11. Users willing to test-drive it... will be able to do so.
<OscarL> after we provide "pip_python311" (and its dependencies), we can just let it be, while we do cleanup on the rest, or wait for 3.12 :-D
<OscarL> updating pip seemed straight forward enough... but... needs setuptools... and then I remember seen some packages that actually require setuptools < 60 (or 65, can't recall)....
<OscarL> might be too much for my weak-brain, or not... well see :-D
<OscarL> s/well/we'll/
<Begasus> yeah, there was one requiring older setuptools ... can't remember which one though
<OscarL> prompt_toolkit recipe PR should be good to go, IMO. And let's see how long the 3.8 one stays up :-P
<OscarL> Ah... gotta love a changelog section called "Breaking Changes" that's longer than the rest of sections! :-/
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<OscarL> I think I'll just YOLO it. Let's see if we get lucky. But first... coffee (and some aspirin :-/ ).
<Begasus> doggies ...
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<Begasus> re
<OscarL> Mmm, setuptools removed its copyright notice from LICENSE... so we're stuck with an outdated COPYRIGHT in its .recipe (as I can't find anything official). /me wishes he could drop COPYRIGHT from recipes.
<Begasus> heh, always a pain there
<OscarL> I'll end up opening an issue about it over HaikuPorter one of these days, and see what others think about it.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL fc56376 - prompt_toolkit: new recipe. (#9295)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ca273f2 - python3.8: remove recipe. (#9305)
<Begasus> bye bye :)
<OscarL> weee! :-D
<Begasus> think the reports will be filled again with broken packages now :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus cabed6d - gnome_common, enable 64bit (#9306)
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<OscarL> heh, yeah.. saw that :-P
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<OscarL> seems they are all under /dev-python/ (as expected). Where's korli's batch-update script when you need it? :-P
<Begasus> yeah! :)
<OscarL> I mean... I could *try* my hands on it, I guess... I bet after the 100th attempt I'll get it more or less right :-P
<Begasus> make sure you backup :)
<OscarL> Would we need to update the recipes's revision number while removing "_python38" from them? /me goes to check korli's mass-update monster commit.
<OscarL> korli did updated the recipes' revisions. Welp... time to write some python script then. But only after I update setuptools/pip.
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<Begasus> and setuptools_scm* ? :)
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<Begasus> some of them will use it ... tl
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<OscarL> (browser crashed) Alright, alright... setuptools_scm too!
<OscarL> "Please avoid running ```` directly." <<< while building setuptools, heh :-)
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> there are alternatives :P
<OscarL> time to switch it to build/installer, I guess :-)
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<OscarL> "Fetching package for build_python311" <<< somehow I doubt that will work :-P
<OscarL> Sticking with good old for now then.
<Begasus> tsss :P
<Begasus> you could add python3.11 and cleanup python3.8 for build ... ;)
<Begasus> build ... installer ... wheel ... :P
<OscarL> after removing 3.8... sure! :-P
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<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> heading out for a bit, cu later
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<OscarL> `pip3.11 install --user pyserial` works. Sweet.
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<matt2> i bought the BeOS Bible years ago ... ;)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] anevilyak pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57248] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3f2464f759bb - Debugger: implement parsing for v4 line-info
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<matt2> is beos / haiku free ?
<OscarL> matt2: BeOS, no. Haiku, yes.
<matt2> o, OscarL : my dream is all oses free
<matt2> ... ok ...
<matt2> can i help to free also the beos
<matt2> ?
<matt2> a petition ... or a pray ?
<OscarL> I doubt we would gain much from an open-source release of BeOS at this point in time.
<matt2> ah, OscarL : i am crying ...
<matt2> a lot f time ... why ...
<OscarL> Hope those are tears of joy of how wonderfull Haiku has become :-)
<OscarL> (just took some decades, but... who's counting, right? :-P)
<matt2> haiku is fine ... only a strange name ... but it depends on you ... ;)
<matt2> if it were up to me: I've been freeing everything since 1999
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<OscarL> Soon after the OpenBeOS -> Haiku rename... I had a cat named Haiku. Guess I'm fine with the name (It wasn't my first choice when the voting happen, but it *was* one of my options :-D).
<andreasdr[m]> Haiku is LOVE.
<andreasdr[m]> BeOS was LOVE.
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
<OscarL> IIRC, I voted: Terra / Nova / Haiku. in that order :-D
<OscarL> good day to you, andreasdr[m]! :-)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi OscarL, Hi matt2
<matt2> hi AndersonTorres[m]
<matt2> ops hi andreasdr[m]
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. Some of my friends also call me Anderson Torres!!! Its true!!!
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<andreasdr[m]> Oh no, I messed that up.
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<matt2> np, andreasdr[m]
<matt2> i messed that up me too ;)
<andreasdr[m]> All good.
<matt2> I never had the intellectual property of the beos ...
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<matt2> I have never owned the be inc. ...
<matt2> I never signed up to do companies
<matt2> I only have the disability pension
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<OscarL> Damn, this xonsh 0.14.1 shell (with prompt_toolkit and bash_completion enabled) is *sweet*.
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<matt2> beos was love => be = soul => cure being and not having
<matt2> haiku is love
<matt2> haiku = poetry => it's good for the soul
<Begasus> nice OscarL ;)
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<OscarL> Seems to require "cmd:col" thou. Kind of a bummer to pull the whole unix_tools package just for that one little command :-(
<OscarL> errr, "util_linux"
<Begasus> jikes
<Begasus> only on build time or runtime too?
<OscarL> runtime :-(
<OscarL> for some of the auto-complete functionality (that seems to parse man-pages :-D)
<OscarL> *BSDs seem to have /bin/col... (used to be part of POSIX in older versions). Wonder if we could/should just copy one of those and add it to Haiku.
<OscarL> I think I remember a ticket related to /bin/col on Haiku/HP, but can't find it now.
<OscarL> /, Seems the zsh also expects it (at build time at least).
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<OscarL> BTW Begasus, "setuptools_scm" is up-to-date already, and not needed for Python 3.11 right now (as long as we don't add much "_python311" packages). Only change needed on it is to remove 3.8, but that can wait for the mass-update :-P
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<Begasus> okido, fine there then :)
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<Begasus> not sure if it's tied to the util_linux libraries OscarL, otherwise we could create a bin only package for that?
<Begasus> I got one for boost1.83 here (standalone tools package)
<OscarL> nice.
* OscarL tries to figure out if one can just replace that call to "col -b" with some "sed" :-D
<Begasus> contains the cmd:b2 that can be used without the boost libraries (and a few other tools)
<Begasus> looking into gtkhtml4 today, contains a simple html editor, need to move that to a seperate tools/bin package too :)
<OscarL> looks nice :-)
<Begasus> no match for Bluefish though ;)
<OscarL> Seems /bin/col is independent from the lib in util_linux
<Begasus> nice!
<Begasus> makes it easier to use :)
<OscarL> and /bin/col is just 36 KB... while the whole package is >2MB :-(
<Begasus> just pull it out of the main package then :P
<OscarL> mmm, but the locale "" might be an issue (assuming col uses that)
<Begasus> what about the other cmd's?
<Begasus> locales could be moved along the line if needed
<OscarL> there seems to be only "" (in lots of languages) for the whole thing.
<OscarL> "strace col --help | grep locale" YIKES... it reads from that :-(
<Begasus> bash-completion in it too
<OscarL> tempted to create a recipe for OpenBSD's /bin/col instead :-D
<Begasus> manpages ...
<Begasus> probably not tied to libsmartcols :) so not much to pull out there ...
<Begasus> so openbsd provides it in it's core?
<OscarL> in /usr/bin, yeah. As mentioned... col was requires in older POSIX versions (dropped now).
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<Begasus> looking there you would only need to pull cmd:col and it's manpage from the main package
<OscarL> indeed. creating a repo for it now, just to test it.
<Begasus> not much there though :)
<Begasus> might as well update it OscarL? ;)
<OscarL> might as well adopt only col, and drop util_linux :-D Who needs it anywy :-P
<Begasus> some for libuuid :P
<Begasus> iirc
<OscarL> mmm, needs strtonum(), reallocarray() and pledge() that our libbsd does not provides :-/
<Begasus> add them? ;)
<Begasus> Ah window title for the editor fine too now :)
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<Begasus> how do I add supported file types to a binary (in rdef?)
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<Begasus> nice, thanks!
<Begasus> not sure it will work, but not trying doesn't reveal it :)
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<Begasus> food ... :)
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<Begasus> well ... adding the type works as in "open with ..." (but it doesn't actually open it) :P
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<OscarL> At least you tried :-D
<OscarL> meanwhile... "grabbing col-1.20-1-x86_64.hpkg" :-P
<OscarL> 8.23 KB in size, lol!
<Begasus> whoot! :)
<OscarL> wonder if we need a CONFLICTS with util_linux :-/
<Begasus> well, was fun playing with gtkhtml, but it doesn't seem widely used (even balsa removed related sources for it) :P
<Begasus> why OscarL?
<Begasus> if it only provides cmd:col?
<OscarL> both do. what happens if you install both?
* OscarL tries.
<Begasus> err ... you created a seperate package for it?
<OscarL> the one from OpenBSD :-P
<Begasus> what's the advantige there?
<OscarL> package only 8.23 KB.
<OscarL> that's the advantage, for me :-P
<Begasus> 35.26KiB is hardly that big for the current one :P
<OscarL> Begasus: but the col from util_linux needs the files.
<Begasus> ah right
<Begasus> another conflict for util_linux then :P
<OscarL> well.. not sure if it *needs* it... or just search for them, now that I think about it :-/
<OscarL> meaning... it might work without them, but not get localized... I've no idea how that works :-P
<OscarL> (and was trying to avoid downloading util_linux to find out :-P)
<Begasus> manpage is not localized
<Begasus> col keer gelezen van standaardinvoer en geschreven naar standaarduitvoer
<Begasus> from "col -H"
<OscarL> that explains why strace shows it opening ""
<Begasus> /Opslag/wip> col -V
<Begasus> 'col' uit util-linux 2.34
<Begasus> uit -> from
<Begasus> so yeah, as in cmd it uses it, question is ... do we need to have it translated? ;)
<Begasus> what about disabling nls?
<OscarL> that will certainly help reducing its size... and only zsh and now xonch actually need cmd:col, so...
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<OscarL> still a single package for cmd:col might not be a bad idea (do the rest of util_linux PROVIDES get any use?)
<Begasus> inrecipe will reveal, but I doubt it
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* OscarL adds a CONFLICTS to his package, just in case.
<Begasus> running a quick check without libintl
<Begasus> util_linux reduces to 211.66KiB without translations :)
<Begasus> current on 2.62MiB with translations
<OscarL> "my" col works for xonch (after uninstalling util_linux). Nice.
<zdykstra> afternoon, all
<OscarL> Begasus: <<< just because we can :-P
<OscarL> Hello there zdykstra!
<Begasus> hi there zdykstra
<OscarL> Annnd of course I mananged to get a typo in there... "intall" :-P
<OscarL> "mananged"... oh well.
<Begasus> grabbing util_linux_col-2.34-4-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/util_linux_col-2.34-4-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> 15.06KiB (just cmd though)
<OscarL> nice!
<Begasus> 17.64 with manpage and bash-completion :)
<Begasus> runs standalone too :)
<OscarL> and if you strip the binary? :-P
<Begasus> col from util-linux 2.34
<Begasus> it's stripped in debuginfopackage already ;)
<OscarL> ah... nice.
<nephele> It's kind of funky that there is an emoji for the symbol apple used for command :) ⌘
<Begasus> commented OscarL :)
<Begasus> oldschool emoticons here nephele :)
<nephele> Begasus: You can install the new noto emoji font :)
<nephele> it's nice
<nephele> and colorless :D
<Begasus> yeah saw them, too much distraction? fine so far :D
<OscarL> Begasus: replied :-P
<Begasus> OscarL
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<OscarL> missing SUMMARY_col perhaps?
<OscarL> I suggest: SUMMARY_col="Filter out reverse line feeds" (or whatever col's man page has as summary)
<nephele> Begasus: distraction? eh. If you have the font installed you can see the emoji if someone sends them
<Begasus> will add OscarL, doggies first ...
<OscarL> sure!
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<Begasus> running a clean build again to check ...
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<Begasus> chroot has these packages active:
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/packages/util_linux_col-2.34-5-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> for zsh (looks ok) :)
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<Begasus> whoot, whitespace ...
<Begasus> lol, that wasn't my doing :P
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d32d94d - util_linux, move cmd:col to seperate package, disable nls (#9310)
<OscarL> sweet, just in time for the updated xonsh recipe! :-P
<Begasus> ;)
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<OscarL> Now I guess I should start working on that mass-updater script :-P
<Begasus> only need to wait untill buildmasters are finished
<Begasus> got your back on this one, so ... :P
<OscarL> what would I do without you!
<Begasus> DIY? ;)
<OscarL> >30℃ in "winter"... /me's afraid of what summer will bring :-/
<Begasus> so far it didn't bring much warmth here ...
<Begasus> almost done on 64bit
<Begasus> nice, freshly build xonsh pulls cmd:col from the server now OscarL :)
<OscarL> awesome!
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<Begasus> 3 PR's ready to go OscarL, any particular order?
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<OscarL> pip needs to be AFTER setuptools. the rest, no particular order.
<Begasus> maybe setuptools first as that is used also for xonsh
<OscarL> sure!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 756d115 - setuptools: update to version 68.1.2 (#9307)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 7ded020 - agg: bumped version (#9299)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL ba81750 - pip: update to version 23.2.1 (#9308)
<Begasus> botifico is slow today :)
<OscarL> Man... time files. Aug 12 last year I was sending my first patch to Gerrit :-) (and my first to HP was in late September, I think).
<OscarL> s/files/flies/
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL e7938b4 - xonsh: update to version 0.14.1 (#9294)
<Begasus> maybe you did some of the bep files earlier too?
<OscarL> noup, just some old stuff on Haiku itself (uploaded by either AxelD or JackBurton).
<Begasus> 2,541 contributions in the last year ... not bad :)
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<Begasus> old hogs :D
<Begasus> heh, only joined github in november 2015 :)
<Begasus> first PR, March 18 2016 ScummVM 1.8.0 :)
<Begasus> wow! you even bypassed korli :P
<OscarL> :-P
<OscarL> guess that focusing in the python packages made it easier to accumulate number :-D
<OscarL> *numbers
<Begasus> scummvm_tools_cli only Terminal then (didn't get GUI that long ago either) :)
<Begasus> yeah, for me cleaning up the static libraries was a major one
<Begasus> not sure when I did the first bep file though ... must be even longer ago ...
<Begasus> all good on buildmasters OscarL :)
<OscarL> I was "offline" during the "bep times", so missed that part of Haiku's history.
<OscarL> Cool! Thanks Begasus!
<Begasus> thank you, you did those PR's :)
<OscarL> reviewing takes work, and I'm grateful for your work on that :-)
<Begasus> still not completely sure about boost1.83
<Begasus> some functions still disabled with no changes since 2016
<Begasus> think it has been fixed a while back ...
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<OscarL> No idea there. Maybe tag the people that made the patchset?
* OscarL hides
<Begasus> already did ;)
<OscarL> do we need to keep all gcc recipes versions? seeing a few that seem superfluous now.
<Begasus> I'm not cleaning there :)
<OscarL> Might as well do a PR together with the old rust ones :-P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> some of them probably won't even build anymore ...
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<Begasus> k, time to close down
<Begasus> g'night peeps!
<OscarL> take care Begasus!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57249] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 18ee9c839713 - Tracker: Add some missing includes.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8e8c7a073f4e - Tracker: Reimplement BSlowContextPopup as BPopUpNavMenu.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57250] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] efdfb840386e - signal.h: Look for _DEFAULT_SOURCE not __USE_GNU for sighandler_t.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57251] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2705bc6bdf64 - libroot/locale: Fix indentation of locale_t.cpp.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b09c82377a6b - libroot/locale: Minor fixes and expose internal POSIX locale.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 16c85099f944 - libroot: Replace asctime[_r] with musl's.
AlaskanEmily has joined #haiku