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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash 204a77d - July activity & contract report.
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Begasus has joined #haiku
<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL b23c17e - python3.7: remove EOL version. (#9229)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-12/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3bea491 - llvm, drop old recipes (#9225)
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* OscarL logs in due to the failed LO 6.4 build
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<OscarL> "configure: error: qrcodegen headers not found." and "Error running configure at ./ line 302."
<OscarL> Mmm, doesn't seems related to the removed Pythons, so.... I clame "no fault of mine!"
<OscarL> s/clame/claim/
<OscarL> Weird that both Python 3.9 and 3.10 got pulled for that build (reading this log:
<OscarL> Seems like it is autodetecting Python 3.10 anyway so... we might want to just add that as `cmd:python3.10` in BUILD_PREREQUIRES next time?
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Diver has joined #haiku
<OscarL> Morning Diver! thanks for the merge on LO 6.4
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<OscarL> too bad the build failed :-D (but seems unrelated to the Python changes).
<OscarL> Added a comment on the PR, just in case (linking the build log, and the issue with not finding the qrcodegen headers).
<OscarL> Thanks to Begasus for the merge on "byebye-py3.7" as well :-D
<Begasus> 'lo OscarL
<OscarL> Hey Begasus!
* OscarL reads latest qrcodegen changes, to see if he can blame this one on Begasus and not on himself!
<OscarL> :-P
<Begasus> eeps :P
<Begasus> well, checked running against it, that was fine
<OscarL> ("packageEntries" line, I mean... just comparing to the older recipe... but I don't really know much about these things so... don't quote me on that :-D)
<OscarL> Also, newer LO seemed to have no issues so... maybe old LO just doesn't likes newer libqrcodegen?
<Begasus> what does config.log say? :P
* OscarL looks around for the missing logs.
<OscarL> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Begasus> on the $includeDir, it's only automated move instead of a manual move, outcome is the same (only that it now provides shared libs)
<Begasus> iirc*
<OscarL> understood.
<OscarL> In any case... qrcodegen headers seems to be there on the qr_code_generator_devel package (64 bits) so...
* Begasus should boot into 32bit to see why it fails :/
<OscarL> "checking for qrcodegen/QrCode.hpp... no" << no idea where it is trying to look for that one.
<Begasus> I think there have been changes in that regard *.hpp
<Begasus> atleast it's not present in the package
<OscarL> Newer LO didn't build on 32 bits, right? too much of an issue? (just thinking if it makes sense to invest time on 6.4 instead of trying to fix 7.x on 32 bits).
<Begasus> good luck on the latter :)
<OscarL> ha!
<Diver> Morning OscarL Begasus. I think we can just disable it?
<Begasus> Had been thinking about that too Diver
<OscarL> Begasus: see? Diver to the rescue! :-D
<Begasus> ps, g'morning Diver :)
<OscarL> "qrcodegen was replaced by zxing" (and also disabled, lol)
<OscarL> seems they disable a lot of stuff for the flatpaks.
<Begasus> let's try this at buildmaster ... :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 38f9804 - libreoffice, disable qrcodegen on 32bit (#9231)
<OscarL> seems there is "--disable-qrcodegen" and also "--without-system-qrcodegen" (which I assume means it uses one from LO itself, by reading "#if defined(SYSTEM_QRCODEGEN)" part.
<OscarL> BTW, Begasus... report.txt for 64 bits looking GOOD!
<Begasus> yeah! ;D
<Begasus> only 1 package on 32bit now too :)
<OscarL> Lazy jmairboeck!
<OscarL> (I kid, I kid!)
<Begasus> nah, sollution is already in the PR's :P
<Begasus> waiting on some green light for autoconf and automake, should fix the issue for texinfo_x86
<OscarL> yeah... more like... these poor buildmasters can't keep up lately... gcc (multiple times!) / libreoffice, texstudio, calligra...
<Begasus> texstudio wasn't that hard :P
<OscarL> I might be confusing it with something else then :-D
<OscarL> I ran away then I read "tex" :-D
<Begasus> needed something to check to check autoconf/automake and came accross an update for that one
<Begasus> It's used for TeX files yes ;)
<Begasus> but it doesn't "need" texlive for the build
<OscarL> llvm12_x86 was the one I forgot too... lots of big packages builds lately. (scribus kept me warm)
<Begasus> well, llvm116 is around the corner
<Begasus> progress on code::blocks ...
<Begasus> bugger ... another error
<OscarL> Sigh... I still need to fix the scipy package :-(
<Begasus> for now others things have been fixed, now you can focus on that one :P
<OscarL> (kind of rage-quit last time I've touched it :-D)
<OscarL> and also need to move paramiko to "any"... damn thing got me chasing dependency after dependency... I think I got it ALMOST all ready, and lost steam in the last meters :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> oh, nice... also panda on the ToDo list :-(
<Begasus> know the feeling :)
<OscarL> *pandas
<OscarL> Mmm, Geany uses cmd:python3.8... I wonder if it could do with just cmd:python3 instead.
<OscarL> only package requiring 3.8 specifically as cmd: (doesn't seems to rely on 3.8 libs, so... it might just work with "python3", unless its plugins specifically require 3.8).
<OscarL> mmm, it also requires cmd:fpc, cmd:javac, cmd:ruby.... I'm tempted to thing those are "soft" dependencies, and not hard requirements.
<OscarL> But... GTK so... I rather stay away :-D
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<Begasus> ah, will have a look at that later, thanks for spotting
<Begasus> checking trunk now for code::blocks
<OscarL> do pkman handles something like "SUGGESTS" or "RECOMMENDS" ? if so, I think those commands should be moved there for Geany
<Begasus> it's not a hard requirement iirc
<Begasus> so probably can be removed (as some of the other languages in there)
<OscarL> mmm, can't find "suggest/recommend" in either pkgman/package_kit, nor haikuporter. would be cool to have something like that.
<Begasus> giving up ... running into error after error ...
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<OscarL> :-(
<OscarL> I recall trying code:blocks LOOONG time ago.
<OscarL> (on Wn, trying to find something lightweight for an IDE replacement... /me always had slow hardware :-D)
<Begasus> there is still an open PR from way back by return, still using wxqt (tried with wxgtk here)
<Begasus> LO on buildmaster not building yet ;)
<Begasus> biab
Begasus has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<OscarL> "Initialized empty Git repository" for LO's 276480K tarball... poor buildmaster :-D
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<OscarL> that's were "haikuporter -G" would be good.
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tom1 has joined #haiku
<tom1> ?
<OscarL> ¿
Begasus has joined #haiku
<tom1> Hello, sorry. This is my first time on an IRC haha
<OscarL> all good :-D
<OscarL> Welcome!
<Begasus> welcome tom1 :)
<tom1> Thanks!
humdinger has joined #haiku
* OscarL advices tom1 to not pay much attention to OscarL's shenanigans.
<humdinger> greetings and salutations
<tom1> Greetings :)
<Begasus> moin humdinger!
<humdinger> ho!
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<humdinger> man, changing mail providers is hard work...
<humdinger> spent an hour chnaging all mailing list subscriptions, admin rights etc. :)
<Begasus> making sure you don't loose previous emails is too I think :)
* OscarL remembers switching mails providers like crazy in the early days.
<humdinger> I'll keep the old gmail around as an archive
<OscarL> still bummed by losing my account when they went "we're German-only now" for a while.
<Begasus> still got some backups from back in BeOS/ZETA ... can't count them :P
<tom1> Do you guys have multiple mail providers over in the states (I'm assuming that's where you are, sorry if I'm wrong)
<Begasus> EU here
<humdinger> me too
* OscarL is in a state of inflation... Argentina.
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<tom1> Oh, fair enough! I'm, unfortunately ex-EU since brexit
<Begasus> see, not that hard OscarL, only took a few minutes to build geany :P
<humdinger> condolences
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> Begasus: nice.
<tom1> Just wondering, is there a help command I can use?
<humdinger> nice thing about that internet, you can choose your mail provider from anywhere :)
<humdinger> for IRC?
<tom1> yeah
<Begasus> ah, php8 shouldn't be in there too ...
<Begasus> that's user install
<humdinger> tom1: there's a page n the user guide for Visoion:
<OscarL> tom1: tried with "/help" ?
<humdinger> as a startng point
<tom1> yeah, nothing happened. I'll try your link, thanks
<humdinger> tom1: most impotant: tab completion for a user name
<tom1> humdinger: yooooo
<humdinger> works!
<humdinger> also check Haiku's Sounds preferences to set a "nick notification"
<Begasus> not enabling that if OscarL is in the house :P
<tom1> I'm currently connecting from linux as my haiku vm is updating
<humdinger> :P
* OscarL slaps Begasus.
<tom1> and totally frozen now that I see it
<Begasus> see ... no sound :P
<OscarL> then you miss me when I'm gone! :-P
<Begasus> that too ;)
<humdinger> tom1: virtualbox by any chance?
<Begasus> can't bug you for python stuff then
<OscarL> true.
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<tom1> that was me, testing vision, but I need to work some stuff out first.
<tom1> humdinger: reading through that guide you sent, thanks a lot!
<humdinger> you're very welcome
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e5a29d6 - geany, drop requirements, these can be installed by the user (#9232)
<Begasus> fixed that one OscarL
<humdinger> a geany in the bottle...
<Begasus> :)
<OscarL> nice Begasus, with so mane less (fewer?) dependencies... I might actually try it someday :-D
<OscarL> s/mane/many/
<tom1> humdinger: and yeah, Virtualbox
<Begasus> package itself is about 10 MiB OscarL, not that big
<OscarL> but GTK... :-/
tom1 is now known as Ticbow
<humdinger> tom1: make sure your network is configured correctly, see
<Begasus> you only need to install that once :P
<humdinger> otherwise you may have issues downloading/updating large stuff
<Begasus> like newer gcc :)
<OscarL> with my luck... I install it, and 3dEyes updates it right away :-D
<Ticbow> humdinger: ah, thanks. I'll sort that out
<Begasus> nah, gtk3 hasn't seen much updates recently (even wxwidgets still on par)
* humdinger nods
<Begasus> and for KDE the same, if you try to update there it's a mess ... starting with the framework ....
<Begasus> well, should be possible, but a LOT of work
<Begasus> anything else needed for python OscarL?
<Begasus> haven't seen any breakage on the removal for the LLVM packages (in the reports)
<OscarL> Lots of old stuff still using cmd:python (2.7).
<Begasus> not touching dbus ...
<OscarL> around 62 recipes, by my last count (not counting the 30 old rust ones).
<Begasus> one less in a bit :)
<OscarL> for "modern" python stuff... I just need to finish the fist pass on (pandas/scripy mostly)
<OscarL> s/fist/first/
<OscarL> *scipy
<Begasus> I'll let you tackle that one
<OscarL> then I guess will be time to get a list of packages using Python 3.8, and see if we can borrow korli's batch script :-D
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0caa1c2 - xcb_proto, use cmd:python3 (#9233)
<OscarL> nice
<Begasus> yeah :D
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Tc has joined #haiku
Tc is now known as Ticbow
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<Ticbow> Hello, I'm actually on haiku this time!
<Begasus> cmd:python >= 2.7 (does that count as cmd:python3?) :)
<OscarL> Welcome Ticbow!
<Begasus> whoot Ticbow!
<Ticbow> I really have to say, I do love this OS, I definitely want it as my daily driver at some point
<OscarL> Begasus: it should... unless you see some "print" instead of "print()" somewhere in the code :-P
<Begasus> k, LO building on buildmaster :)
<Begasus> checking for a Python interpreter with version >= 2.5... python3 :)
<Begasus> so can leave that alone
<OscarL> Ticbow: it is indeed a lovely OS :-)
<Ticbow> OscarL: I think I'll probably convert my current laptop to a haiku machine once I get an upgrade
<Begasus> it's my daily driver for some time now, only need to reboot to Windows once in a while
<Begasus> which: no python2.7 in (.:/boot/home/config/non-packaged/bin:/boot/home/config/bin:/boot/system/non-packaged/bin:/bin:/boot/system/apps:/boot/system/preferences)
<Begasus> hmm ...
* OscarL dreams of updating his hardware... or at least getting acpi_cpufreq driver working on this one :-D
<Ticbow> Is there steam compatibility at all? That's my main concern. That and Minecraft
<Begasus> I think minecraft is around?
<Begasus> Ticbow, 32bit or 64bit?
<OscarL> No Steam, that I know of. Plenty of older games thou (if you stick to things not requiring HW accel).
<Begasus> minetest An InfiniMiner/Minecraft inspired game
<Ticbow> Begasus 64 bit
<Begasus> so there is minetest then
<Ticbow> I'll check it out
<Begasus> you can use "HaikuDepot" to install packages (GUI) or pkgman in Terminal (cli)
<OscarL> Begasus: re: "cmd:python >= 2.7" guess the match is just agains the string part so it needs cmd:python3 (as none of the other 3.x packages provides cmd:python).
<Begasus> could we drop nodejs12?
<OscarL> I would drop **any** nodejs stuff, so... don't ask me :-D
<Begasus> lol
* OscarL rathers deals with pearl than with node :-P
<Begasus> that's not helping :P
<Ticbow> Begasus I'm just installing a few packages now, cheers
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> atleast yarn or npm is using nodejs12
<Begasus> or both ....
<Begasus> no version constrains looking at them in Expander
<Begasus> if it's not used in Haiku should be good to drop (only 64bit also)
<OscarL> Using TextSearch for "node" in haiku/build yeilds no results.
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<Begasus> PR created
<Begasus> instaleld npm,yarn, nodejs12, then nodjs16 removed nodejs12, npm and yarn still installed
<OscarL> added #9234 to the list of the "drop 2.7/3.7" list
<Begasus> heh, missed that one?
<Begasus> eeps, boswars ...
<OscarL> btw, you can use "inrecipe cmd:python$" too
<Begasus> the list is too large :P
<OscarL> (that only matches "cmd:python" but not "cmd:python3" or the like.
<Begasus> ah
<Begasus> ow bugger ...
<Begasus> can forget about jack2, guess that's never going to happen :)
<Begasus> list for "inrecipe cmd:python2$" is quite big too :/
<OscarL> "suitesparse" looks like a pain in the neck
<OscarL> try: "inrecipe cmd:python2$ | grep -v rust" (to filter out the rust ones :-D)
<Begasus> bugger, sci-libs ....
<Begasus> jikes KDE frameworks ...
<OscarL> "ir cmd:python2".... /me dies a little.
<Begasus> I don't think python is actually needed there ...
<OscarL> seems all the qt stuff has cmd:python for some reason.
<Begasus> opencv and openimageio thankfully disabled :)
<OscarL> can't we drop opencv3?
<Begasus> did an revbump there somewhere not that long ago ...
<Begasus> updated 3 days ago
<OscarL> on the newer recipe, yeah (opencv vs opencv3).
<Begasus> depending packages have been rebuild for the new opencv, so I guess opencv3 can be dropped
<Begasus> you stick with scipy for now, I'm checking suiteparse atm :)
<OscarL> +1
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* OscarL looks at the 4 different "poppler" recipes. ಠ_ಠ
<Begasus> those are not related to scipy ... :P
<Begasus> grabbing suitesparse-5.7.1-2-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/suitesparse-5.7.1-2-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> ;)
* OscarL has some slight issues focusing ;-D
<Begasus> slight? *ducks*
<OscarL> oh ducks! me grabs the shotgun.
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<OscarL> mmm, no scipy branch here... wonder if I was on 32 bits last time...
<andreasdr> Arrr. Checking my Haiku.
<andreasdr> Sweeet.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> arrrr andreasdr :)
* OscarL prefers salty.
<andreasdr> :)
<OscarL> Hey there andreasdr :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5a3afd0 - suitesparse, move from python2.7 to python3.10 (#9235)
<andreasdr> Hi OscarL
<OscarL> heh, still on branch "scipy-1.10.1" on my 32 bits install... I DID rage-quit on that one :-D
<Begasus> sys-boot/edk2 ... is it tied to Haiku somewhere?
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> (something about "scipy complains about gfortran" and I threw the towel last time :-D)
<Begasus> that has been updated, re-check :)
<OscarL> indeed. time to update that install and repos and try again.
<andreasdr> I love my Haiku.
<OscarL> Begasus: re: edk2... only 2 mentions, once in a comment, and the other related to a qemu parameter, so seems not "tied" too much at least?
<OscarL> but... better ask one of the usual suspects.
<Begasus> will leave it for now :)
<Begasus> nielx[m] can tackle that one :P
<Begasus> ktorrent it is atm ...
<Begasus> error: invoking cmake without CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE specified! ... tsss (means it hasn't been updated in a while) (probably can't due to kde-frameworks)
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<Begasus> set (KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.91") (should be good enough to update ...
<OscarL> LO build failed again :-(
<OscarL> "/sources/core/shell/source/backends/kf5be/kf5backend.cxx:190:10: error: 'unique_ptr' is not a member of 'std'"
<Begasus> :/
<jmairboeck> missing a #include <memory> or using C++98 for some reason
<Begasus> jmairboeck, you may tackle that one :)
<Begasus> or make a PR for it? ;)
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<jmairboeck> you can probably just cherry-pick that commit that Diver linked to and add it to the patchset
<OscarL> beats my idea of just echoing in that include from the recipe :-P
<jmairboeck> i.e. download this:, use git apply on it in the sourcedir and hp -e to recreate the patchset
<Begasus> right, means downloading the beast after switching to 32bit :P
<Begasus> maybe later :)
<OscarL> or just append that patch at the end of the patchset... and then YOLO-it again on the build master!
<Begasus> tackling ktorrent still ...
<jmairboeck> I would do it with git and haikuporter just to be safe, OscarL ;)
* OscarL as done an embarrassing number of manual .patchset editing before knowing better :-D
<OscarL> s/as/has/
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> even wrote me some .py's to help :-D
<jmairboeck> or, I think you could also just add the file as is to the PATCHES variable in the recipe
<Begasus> should be the easiest jmairboeck
<Begasus> without pulling the sources etc ...
<Begasus> bugger new libktorrent needs atleast boost171
<OscarL> did you see how long it took just to unpack and initialize the git repo for LO? heh... /me would YOLO-it for sure :-P
<Begasus> I know (did a build on 64bit) :P
<jmairboeck> Begasus: time to update boost then? ;)
<Begasus> did a check with boost182-1.82.0.recipe
<Begasus> not sure what the stats was :)
<Begasus> no matter what you do, you always end up on some of the major packages ... :)
<Begasus> ktorrent for python ... boost ...
<OscarL> All these dependencies makes you appreciate leaner software.
<Begasus> +115MiB download
<Begasus> no chalenge in there OscarL :)
<jmairboeck> does or boost include boost_python?
* jmairboeck ducks ...
<Begasus> I home not jmairboeck :P
<Begasus> home/hope/s
<Begasus> lol, not even really started ... execunix.cpp:540:33: error: 'wait4' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'wait'?
humdinger has quit [Quit: Vision[]: Oi with the poodles already!!]
<Begasus> going closer to home ... boost173
<Begasus> well ... trying
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1a9b788 - libreoffice, try to fix build for 32bit (#9237)
<Begasus> let's see if it applies
<OscarL> finished with the updates aaannd.... of course that a new scipy version was released. Might as well switch to that given that only one package requires scipy (and it's on the PR for noteshrink that started this mess :-D)
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<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> too many changes in boost ...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL de33464 - libplist: remove old 1.12 version. (#9230)
<OscarL> hp -c scipy takes AGES :-( (way too many files to delete)
<OscarL> unpacking+git init ain't particularly fast either :-(
<Begasus> sometimes you got to bite the dust :)
<Begasus> k, why is glib_networking requirering python (doesn't seem to mention or use it in the build)
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: saw you mention my name, what am I tackling?
<OscarL> do ninja or meson use python? otherwise... dunno, but many of 3dEyes recipes seem to have spurious python dependencies.
<Begasus> checked most recent version on 64bit, don't see anything when building without it
<Begasus> hmm ... nielx[m] ... need to read back :)
<Begasus> [11:38] <Begasus> sys-boot/edk2 ... is it tied to Haiku somewhere?
<jmairboeck> OscarL: meson is implemented in python IIRC
<jmairboeck> don't know about ninja
<OscarL> that would explain it then.
<Begasus> well, it's a dependency for meson then jmairboeck? not for others?
<Begasus> have to step out, bbl
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<OscarL> heh, ninja has a dependency browser implemented in Python3, ("ninja -t browse"), so it seems our ninja recipe is missing cmd:python3 on its REQUIRES
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<Begasus> focus OscarL :)
<OscarL> patching the scipy patch as we speak :-P
<Begasus> +1 :)
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<OscarL> oh, c'mon! "waiting for build package ... to be activated" :-/
<OscarL> And OF course that now SciPy needs a newer Cython!
<OscarL> requires >= 0.29.35, we have 0.29.32 :-D
<Begasus> whoops :D
<Begasus> OscarL, me thinks it's not really needed to hunt down all the cmd:python(2) recipes, most of them only require it at build time ...
<OscarL> you mean... leave them be until someone actually wants to update them?
<Begasus> unneeded stress :)
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> installing most of them shouldn't be a problem
<OscarL> but, but... OK, I guess :-)
<Begasus> focus should rather be on lib:libpython* probably then cmd:python
<OscarL> or at least making sure it is on REQUIRES and not PRE/BUILD_REQUIRES, no?
<Begasus> that shortens the list :)
<Begasus> if it's in REQUIRES it's actually needed
<OscarL> indeed, that's what I meant. "making sure to only update *now* those that actually require it at runtime".
<Begasus> right, makes it a bit harder to track down ...
<OscarL> no problem, I can do it (after I get some sleep).
<Begasus> only one with lib:libpython2.7 is gdb 0.8 (and that's disabled/broken)
<Begasus> 8.1* :)
<Begasus> on cmd:python2 we're good
<Begasus> so far none used a runtime
<OscarL> nice.
<Begasus> inrecipe cmd:python$ | grep -v rust | grep -v kde | grep -v qt5
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<Begasus> narrows down the list too :)
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<OscarL> cython build in progress. bbiab.
<zard> Wait, Haiku disables clicking for around half a second after pressing a key!?
<zard> Is that a feature or a bug?
<phschafft> is that touchpad protecting thingy?
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<phschafft> not sure if that is a hardware or a software thing. but on my Debian systems I have a setting so that when you type you cannot interact with the touchpad.
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<Begasus> the thing not working here is sometimes a blessing :)
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/dev-vcs/git/git-2.30.0.recipe:69: cmd:python (that's one)
<Begasus> broken one ... /Opslag/haikuports/games-strategy/unknown_horizons/unknown_horizons-2014.1.recipe:25: cmd:python
<Begasus> k, OscarL those 2 are so far the only ones that require python2.7 at runtime
<zard> phschafft: Interesting train of thought. No such protection on the host Linux system. Maybe something else is doing it...
<Begasus> git only affected on gcc2, on other arch's it's superseded by newer version
<Begasus> hmm on 32bit there is a REPLACES="" for git, so should be good there too
<Begasus> checked, on 32bit latest version installed
<Begasus> Haiku isn't using git in it's source or? should be checked what version is used there
<OscarL> zard: you can try disabling /system/add-ons/input_server/filters/padblocker at boot, and then just black-list it if you like that to be permanent.
<jmairboeck> isn't there also a setting for it in input preferences?
<phschafft> zard: not sure what Haiku does. but also keep in mind that a VM may have a missleading hardware configuration that will Haiku play safe and maybe switch on this extra protection. but again, just a random guess. Just wouldn't assume it's a bug right away (which you didn't).
<OscarL> jmairboeck: I think I keep forgetting about that, because I actually have it blacklisted here for other reasons :-D
<OscarL> Begasus: might want to ask one of the devs about that one. Can't think of any reason not to update it but...
<Begasus> Is there something that Haiku is doing that still contains python2.7, git-2.30.2-4 still uses cmd:python ...
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I don't know exactly because I use Haiku only virtualized right now, and VMs don't expose touchpads
<Begasus> nielx[m], related to buildmasters?
<OscarL> zard: <<< Look for "Touchpad" and its "Keyboard lock" setting.
<Begasus> OscarL, should be fine on python3.7 too I think
<OscarL> yeah, not seeing anything for python3.7.
<Begasus> inrecipe lib:libpython3.7m doesn't show anything
<Begasus> inrecipe python37 clean
<OscarL> "ir python3.7" gives nothing.
<Begasus> only ones that would have changes are the ones using cmd:python3, but those will pop up when someone bumps into them
<Begasus> so ... I think we're good :P
<Begasus> patch applied fine on buildmaster for LO, crossing fingers :)
<jmairboeck> I suspect that most of the patch is still missing, but let's see :)
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<Begasus> whoops, missed your comment jmairboeck :/
<Begasus> time to hit the road, cu later peeps, thanks for looking into scipy OscarL! :)
<zard> OscarL: Ok, my virtual machine exposes a USB tablet. It has the same settings as a mouse, not a touchpad. So no "Keyboard lock" setting
<zard> I'll try disabling the padblocker next...
<OscarL> Later Begasus! Cython seems to build fine... but need some sleep now :-)
<OscarL> See you around folks!
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<zard> Indeed, padblocker it was :)
<jmairboeck> zard: This looks like a bug to me then, I think it should be disabled automatically if no touchpad is detected. Also considering that there are is no setting to control it then.
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<zard> Looks like there is an existing ticket: . Now time to add my 2 cents :)
<PulkoMandy> Yes, the input preferences has a couple items that are in the wrong place for lack of a general "pointing devices" panel
<PulkoMandy> It's somewhere on my TODO list… but that's a very long list…
<waddlesplash> zard: padblocker should only block clicks that actually come from touchpads
<waddlesplash> if you have both a touchpad and a mouse, mouse clicks should be unaffected
<PulkoMandy> I don't think there's an easy way to do this in input_server add-ons currently
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 52689e0 - sdcc: new version
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57217] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 52b930ce1c9b - Added CodyCam I-O-M file
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 17a70e0 - libreoffice 32bit, try to fix build (#9239)
<Begasus> last one for today, crossing fingers :)
<Begasus> going down here, cu peeps!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 3577f87 - HaikuWebKit 1.9.7
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<jacereda> Hi
<jacereda> The git instructions suggest copying the commit-msg hook as "scp -p $ ..." but I'm getting this error under Haiku:
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<jacereda> subsystem request failed on channel 0
<jacereda> scp: Connection closed
<jacereda> any idea?
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<jacereda> Hmmm, not a busy channel... where's everybody? Matrix?
<x512[m]> Matrix bridge exists here.
<jacereda> OK, reported as
<jacereda> Meanwhile, does anyone have the contents of the commit-msg hook so I can send a patch?
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<x512[m]> jacereda: A you sure that you properly setup SSH access?
<x512[m]> For anonymous access this should work: ```git clone "" && (cd "haiku" && mkdir -p `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/ && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg && chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)```
<x512[m]> If you are signed in, it will show commands using SSH.
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<jacereda> x512[m]: I can ssh to and I'm greeted by the message about disabled interactive shells
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<x512[m]> When logged in it shows something like ```git clone "ssh://" && (cd "haiku" && mkdir -p `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/ && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg && chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)```.
<jacereda> Hmmm, the command copied from gerrit works... Maybe the guide should be updated?
<jacereda> x512[m]: https access works, the scp command stated in the guide doesn't
<jacereda> Should I create a ticket for new functionality or is sending the patch to gerrit enough?
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<OscarL> jacereda: for my (admitedly small) patches, usually just send them for review (unless I found a bug first, filed it, and then found a fix :-D)
<jacereda> Great, thanks
<jacereda> Sent my first patch, I badly needed remapping Caps to Control to use Emacs...
<jacereda> Now, if only Control+Tab worked fine under Emacs... I'm not very familiar with Haiku, shouldn't the OS intercept Control+Tab? Is Emacs somehow disabling that behaviour? Or are the input events sent to the application before and handled by the OS if the app ignores it?
<jacereda> And there's another thing that I miss, I'd like to simulate XY scroll events with my trackball (perhaps by pressing LMB+RMB while moving). Is there any work in that direction?
<jacereda> (my trackball doesn't have a scroll wheel)
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<OscarL> for the "fake scroll" thing... it's not that hard to writhe an input_server filter, in case you don't find one that suits your needs. I have some code that might serve as reference, if you excuse my poor programming skills:
<OscarL> s/writhe/write/ (I'm known for my typos, sorry).
<OscarL> Haiku's behaviour regarding CTRL vs ALT is... complicated (more than I can explain in my broken "English" , less so on IRC)...
<OscarL> You might want to take a look at the "Keymaps" preflet, if you haven't done so already... and maybe switch shortcuts to Win/Linux mode? (not sure if it will help with your emacs' CTRL+TAB issue, but... worth a try).
<OscarL> jacereda: you might want to look at UniversalScroller too (keep forgetting about it):!/pkg/universalscroller/haikuports/haikuports_x86_64/4/0/1/20171227/2/x86_64?bcguid=bc593-HIYL
<jacereda> OscarL: thanks, will take a look at those tomorrow.
<augiedoggie_> emacs bypasses the normal shortcut handling so that it has access to more key combos
<jacereda> augiedoggie_: C-tab isn't used by default, maybe it should make an exception in that case given how useful it is on Haiku?
<augiedoggie_> it would need to be coded into emacs to pass that on
<augiedoggie_> the c code, not the lisp
<jacereda> augiedoggie_: understood, thanks
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