ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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* coolcoder613_ waves
<phschafft> :)
* coolcoder613_ is connecting from irssi via telnet to his rpi from his ttgo vga32 running NetworkTerminal connected to his CRT
<phschafft> that sounds complicated.
<coolcoder613_> In chronoligical order that is
<coolcoder613_> I flashed my TTGO VGA32 with NetworkTerminal
<coolcoder613_> I connected that to my CRT
<coolcoder613_> I connected it to wifi, and telnetted to my rpi
<coolcoder613_> and opened irssi on the rpi via telnet
<coolcoder613_> (the rpi is a headless server)
<coolcoder613_> (tucked away in a corner)
* coolcoder613_ needs coffee
<phschafft> I was looking at some BAS signal generators today.
<phschafft> -signal
* coolcoder613_ thinks of BASIC for some reason
<phschafft> na
<coolcoder613_> from the BAS
<coolcoder613_> What are they?
<coolcoder613_> BAS signal generators I mean
<phschafft> in this case rendering text and generating the signal so you send it to some display.
<coolcoder613_> Over what sort of connection?
<phschafft> hm?
<coolcoder613_> What sort of connection to the display
<phschafft> I know BAS in consumer eletronics via RCA or SCART, or in the pro segment via BNC.
<phschafft> normally just 75Ohm coax.
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<phschafft> I have this generator but I don't think that I own anything that can take it as an input. it used to be the standard in the 90s and now it got rightfully replaced.
* coolcoder613_ wonders how to make a passive USB to PS/2 adapter
<phschafft> hm?
<coolcoder613_> I have a mouse that supports PS/2, but has a USB connector
<phschafft> and you don't have an adapter?
<coolcoder613_> I don't.
<phschafft> and you have the connectors to build one?
<coolcoder613_> Umm... not really
<phschafft> just GND to GND, Vcc to Vcc, green to clock, and white to data.
<phschafft> hm.
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<phschafft> I mean I have one right next to me. but I'm not that good at throwing things, don't think I can throw it to you from here.
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<erysdren> morning peeps
<erysdren> tried to boot haiku on my desktop from DVD (in USB DVD drive) and got the dreaded "no boot partitions found" error
<erysdren> i don't have any spare USBs to flash Haiku onto, so i guess that's stopping me for now
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hi erysdren
<coolcoder613> I'm looking to learn about OSdev, any recommendations? Courses, books...
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<Begasus> k, let's try korli's suggestion ...
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<Begasus> should downsize my 32bit image (now 4GB) for testing :)
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<Begasus> hmm .. probably need to run jam clean on this one ...
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<Begasus> Looks like Ladybird got a big sponsor ;)
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<Begasus> Hi there TmTFx
<TmTFx> Hi! I recently bought a second hand (low power) laptop with GeminiLake chipset (Intel Celeron N4120 and Intel UHD Graphics 600), so far 3 things are not working WIFI card (RTL8821CE), touchpad and Intel_extreme driver (well framebuffer works fine at default resolution, didn't test the external output).
<TmTFx> Hi @Begasus
<Begasus> Same WIFI here TmTFx, no go, touchpad also not working on this one
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<TmTFx> I wanted to add some lines to intel_extreme drivers and test them, so far I modified 3 files:
<Begasus> bugger, build error with 32bit image ... maybe something missing ...
<TmTFx> driver.cpp intel_gart.cpp and ... intel_extreme.h
<TmTFx> but on second thought I reverted some changes and integrated the card on coffelake series of cards (as they are of same Gen 9.5)
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<TmTFx> Am I proceeding fine?
<Begasus> no idea here :)
<TmTFx> well if it explodes at least it was second hand laptop... BTW I noticed a repetitive peaks of cpu usage by ACPI
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<Begasus> Your CPU speed shows higher then the one mentioned in the About replicant?
<TmTFx> turbo boost
<TmTFx> default freq is correct (if I remember right)
<Begasus> ah :)
<Begasus> see it too now here :)
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<Nephele> phschafft, how would wiring PS2 to USB work? green to clock makes little sense to me, usb has no clock :g
<Nephele> it does have timing information but no seperate clock signal anyhow
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<Begasus> nephele, checking out atm
<Begasus> how to I go back to default branch/hrev after build finished? ;)
<Nephele> git switch master
<Begasus> Hi btw :)
<Begasus> ah, that easy, just a git checkout*
<Nephele> Hello begasus
<Nephele> well, unless you want to switch to beta4 anyhow
<Begasus> nono, got that running on bare metal
<Begasus> only trying out how to check those open tickets (in this case the one for the exrtranslator removal)
<Nephele> I wonder if game of trees would be good for you
<Nephele> it's a git compatible commandline alternative written by openBSD developers
<Begasus> I know my way around git, just not yet with gerrit
<Begasus> well, the basics* :)
<Nephele> gerrit is not that different really though, it doesn't use anything special as such
<Nephele> maybe the special target to push to but other than that
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes d7dfdf2 - tg_owt: bump version
<Nephele> the webinterface gives you commands directly to apply the commit in severall ways, i usually only use cherry pick :)
<Begasus> not pushing anything, so no worries there
<Begasus> yeah, did that for this ticket
<Begasus> getting an error on 32bit switching to the latest gcc13 release as mentioned at:
<Begasus> not related to exr (directly)
<phschafft> nephele: not PS/2 to USB but USB to PS/2.
<phschafft> nephele: the trick is that the controller inside the keyboard detects this and switches to PS/2 mode.
<phschafft> it's no longer talking USB after that.
<Nephele> phschafft, sounds frickle
<phschafft> USB devices do that kind of degration all the time.
<phschafft> it's also how most of those chargers work. not that the standard doesn't provide for all that since USB 1.0, just that people wanted to it differently for several reasons. ;)
<Nephele> Begasus: waddlesplash recently did some work on the querry parser, it looks like one of your build errors is there
<Nephele> and another that libsolv is not found for some reason
<Nephele> phschafft, are you talking about usb PD?
<Begasus> ah, ok, it's 32bit only then, on 64bit it was fine
<phschafft> nephele: and the interpretations of that by the different vendors.
<Nephele> i'm trying to learn SMD soldering, those damn usb-c boards have such small resistors
<Nephele> and for some reason most male usb-c boards i can get are configured in a host config
<Nephele> probably also need better equipment for smd soldering
<phschafft> it's also not uncommon in other standards as well. 1000BaseT ports degenerate to 100BaseT and 10BaseT which changes a number of things on all levels. DP ports degenerate to HDMI, ...
<Nephele> How can DP degenerate to HDMI when HDMI needs royalties?
<Begasus> k, only openexr30 and the mime type installed on 64bit, no trace of the translator
<Nephele> isn't the point of using DP to not pay HDMI in that case? ;)
<phschafft> nephele: the standard allows it, but the vendor must pay for being allowed to implement it r something.
<Nephele> as for those 100BaseT yes, that's funny. I took a random 4 pin telephone wire and crimped it to 8p8c, and then used it to connect the kitchen computer
<phschafft> it's an option, not a required part of DP.
<Nephele> Ah, that makes sense
<Begasus> /Opslag/Haiku/haiku> git switch master
<Begasus> Previous HEAD position was db0c63ae EXRTranslator: Remove from the tree.
<Begasus> Switched to branch 'master'
<Nephele> I'd rather have displayport anyhow. I think the way usb4 can route displayport directly is interesting
<Begasus> cool, that worked fine :D
<phschafft> nephele: DP is the better standard in all aspects. yes.
<phschafft> go for it as much as you can. :)
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<Nephele> Hey phschafft, when i have you here, do you know of a way I could use a usb3 host port, and a spare displayport port to make a usb-c host port with displayport alt mode? ;)
<phschafft> I have seen adapter boards for that for some specific mainboards.
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<phschafft> so it seems possible. but no idea.
<Nephele> I've not found good info on electrical engineering forums for that
<Nephele> well, if you have a pci connection it seems like you can do the whole stack yourself, but this motherboard has no pci slots
<Nephele> and the two displayport are also soldered on the board directly
* Nephele is also still looking for a usb4 *only* hub
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* Begasus is still a newbie at this gerrit checking things building Haiku
<Nephele> I like gerrit
<Begasus> in a few years I'll be there with you maybe :D
<Nephele> it's ui is sometimes a bit clunky but the workflow is quite easy compared to github.
<phschafft> hm.
<Nephele> "cert is not yet valid". Damn, it's not 2013!
<Nephele> ntp on boot still broken on my computer ugh
<Nephele> guess i'll replace that damn mainboard battery
<phschafft> ;)
<Nephele> Ugh, still need to patch that openssh thing. Maybe a good idea to set up a xmpp server
<phschafft> back in the day when computers were still made from wood and we were happy to walk 40km every morning nacked in the snow just to get to school those batteries (also made from wood) just had pin header connectors.
<Nephele> why is there no "open in new window" option in tracker when using single pane mode??
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, not sure what to expect but checked your ticket for profile:
<Begasus> missed 4 here (qemu 64bit)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes c1aabee - Telegram: bump version
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<Begasus> running clean (regular) build on 32bit (again) :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57802] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 26db1794f919 - libprint: whitespace cleanup only
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<Begasus> that was literly between 2 builds PulkoMandy :)
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<Begasus> k, still errors on QueryParser.h on 32bit
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<phschafft> seems bash has some problems with \0.
<Begasus> k, build seems to good ... at least the error didn't pop up in the beginning
<phschafft> nephele: feel free to add that to your long list of things that are broken on common shells ;)
<Nephele> wdym? null byte?
* phschafft nods.
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<Nephele> huh? kernel_team was just using 3.5GB ram... i have basically nothing running
<Nephele> wtf
<phschafft> RES or VIRT?
<Nephele> not sure, but the gui bar was showing RED :)
<phschafft> I see. I see.
<Nephele> hmm, atleast my ssh daemon has a random port, so hard to find
<Nephele> server updated, yay
<Nephele> freebsd makes this very easy, luckily
<Begasus> why is the cut off on the right? :)
<Nephele> bug? maybe it's averaging something?
<Begasus> same on 32bit
<Begasus> need to see if it's present in the nightly
<Begasus> yep
<Nephele> Begasus: it's the same in the non-replicant version
<Nephele> so if this annoys you, you can file it against ActivityMonitor directly
<Begasus> yeah, just checked it in the freshly build
<Begasus> it's probably already known
<Begasus> not pushing the limits atm :P
<Begasus> k, so there is a difference for "git switch ..." and "git checkout ..." ? (comment by korli)
<Begasus> I think I tried "git switch hrev57777" :)
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<Nephele> yes there is
<Nephele> get switch only does branches iirc
<Habbie> switch+restore replace (most of) checkout, and are intended to be clearer
<Nephele> but if you really want to know try "git help switch" and "git help checkout" it should open HTML help pages
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] Zardshard 094e88a - Post "Fixing IPC in WebKit"
<Nephele> ugh, i'm quite missing haiku features on FreeBSD, trying to figure out if the dovecot i have running was compiled by me, but of course no attribute to see from which package it is :g
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<Begasus> for now I'm good nephele Habbie :)
<Habbie> :)
<Begasus> baby steps :D
<Begasus> git: 'web--browse' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
<Begasus> something broken? :P
<Nephele> one dash too many?
<Nephele> updated dovecot, sieve doesn't work. Ugh. Just removed it now, never used it xD
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<Begasus> with and without dashes
<Nephele> > git-web—​browse - Git helper script to launch a web browser
<Nephele> why are you trying to use this?
<Begasus> [14:52] <nephele> but if you really want to know try "git help switch" and "git help checkout" it should open HTML help pages
<Nephele> yeah?
<Nephele> if i use that it will open the git documentation in WebPositive directly
<Begasus> /Opslag/Haiku/haiku> git help switch
<Begasus> git: 'web--browse' is not a git command. See 'git --help'
<Begasus> nope it doesn't
<zard> btw, I prefer "man git-switch" and "man git-checkout" because it doesn't open a separate window
<Begasus> nice there
<Begasus> ps, nice blog zard! +1
<zard> :-)
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<Begasus> I think the build is OK, takes too long to finish up :)
<Nephele> huh. apparently i did not need my lua whitelist auth file for dovecot when using system users.... it has a driver for a passwd like file, if you simply copy it and truncate it to the allowed users
<Nephele> well, makes maintenance easier. cool
<Begasus> ah you know lua! :P
<Begasus_32> haiku_source.hpkg: mimeset'ing package contents ...
<Begasus> not there yet
<Begasus> and that's just a regular build, need to re-do one with updated gcc13 :)
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<Nephele> well, yeah i do know lua
<Nephele> that statement smells like a trap though ;)
<Begasus> is that correct for ffmpeg6, I only revision 2 here and at haikuports?
* Begasus is thinking on updating codeberg with a few lua branches for nephele to check out :)
<Begasus> well, problem is 32bit only afaict
<Nephele> most software i use with lua is stucck on luajit with lua 5.1
<Nephele> so not sure how much help i can be there for newer version
<Begasus> issue is mostly that I can't get luarocks behave on 32bit
<Nephele> well, have you tried threatening it?
<Begasus> slapped it around a few times already over the years :P
<Begasus> with the open PR's for both lua and luarocks I can install and detect everything here (with or without packaging)
<Begasus> but not on 32bit with the same changes
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<Begasus> k, account created at gerrit (yet another one to keep track) :P
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<Begasus> whoops my bad on ffmpeg6
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<Nephele> No Begasus, you can link your github account if you want.
<Nephele> and use it for authentification
<Nephele> but in the future the gerrit account will be the same for the forum, the bugtracker, etc.
<Begasus> well, done for now, won't be needing it too much (before the main devs ban me from having too much time on my hands) :D
<Begasus> whoot!
<Begasus> 32bit image done ... cp ...
<Begasus> nephele, if you have time on your hands :)
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<Nephele> Begasus: I'm not sure what you want me to do with it
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<Begasus> there is an update for lua version/changes and changes to luarocks, in regards of setting the right paths, if you have the time check the builds on a 32bit Haiku :)
<Begasus> use luarocks to install lua to check the installed rocks
<Nephele> I don't have a 32bit install available right now, and i've never used luarocks :)
<Nephele> so i wouldn't really know more than you if anything is right or not
<Nephele> no idea what rocks to download either
<Begasus> ~> lua5.4
<Begasus> Lua 5.4.7 Copyright (C) 1994-2024, PUC-Rio
<Begasus> > require "lfs"
<Begasus> table: 0x10fe58d31190 /boot/home/config/non-packaged/lib/lua/5.4/
<Begasus> that's a good check
<Begasus> installed luafilesystem with luarocks earlier
<Begasus> current version in the depot doesn't check in non-packaged
<Nephele> I'll set up my "faaast" computer up sometime so it can boot to 32bit haiku for stuff like that
<Nephele> but currently i don't have a setup for that
<Begasus> no hurry, taking a step back here before my hw is taking the punches :D
<Begasus> from lua*
<Nephele> I want to setup a xmpp server
<zard> Ooh, I use xmpp :)
<Nephele> zard: do you use Renga?
<zard> no
<Nephele> sad
<Nephele> It's a Haiku-native xmpp client
<Begasus> nice, hrev57777 32bit up and running in qemu
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<Begasus> biab
<Nephele> blab?
<phschafft> bla.
<phschafft> einfach bla.
<Nephele> zardshard, sneaky, i see you already contributed to renga
<Nephele> :)
* zardshard doesn't remember; attempts to find the contribution
<Nephele> phschafft, "Do you like pagers?" "more or less..." "No!"
<phschafft> hahahaha
<zard> Well, I will contribute now by updating the link to Renga's homepage :). (The link in HaikuDepot points to the no longer existing HaikuArchives repo)
<Nephele> the link in the readme is dead, too.
<zard> Ah no, the link is up to day. I was just looking at an out-of-date version of Renga on haikudepot's website
<Nephele> oh wow. I'm in the copyright line in haikudepot for renga
* phschafft turns on the confetti formatting.
<Nephele> you are formatting confetti? :D
<Begasus> re
<Begasus> bla, nicht um sonst
<Begasus> k, where did I left the uri for haiqr ...
<phschafft> nephele: MS word has a text format option turning on animated confetti.
<Nephele> sounds awfull
<phschafft> and in their knowlage base there is an entry that informs the user that the confetti is not animated when printed on paper.
<Nephele> one thing i don't want my text documents is to animate, to come to live
<phschafft> ;)
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<Begasus> k, first test succesfull ... HaiQR crashed :P
<Begasus> now waiting for the other image to finish
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<phschafft> nephele: I would have some time today. tomorrow and thursday seems more limited.
<phschafft> that is after a little nap.
<Nephele> I want to add voice calling to Renga
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<Begasus> not sure now why I have a revbumped freetype2 in my install :)
<phschafft> hm.
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<cocobean> - Cannot boot Haiku install medium (USB stick) on Asus eeepc701 platform
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<cocobean> Checking files....
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57803] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 13581b3d2a71 - proj2make: some minor improvements.
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<phschafft> hm.
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<Begasus> coockie time?
<waddlesplash> anyone around who uses VirtualBox and can test a build?
<diver> I have vbox 6.1.48 here on macOS
<waddlesplash> see if this build improves performance while IO-APIC is enabled
<waddlesplash> especially if your VM has a lot of cores
<diver> admittedly, I haven't used it for at least 3 years when I switched to vmware for better performance
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<waddlesplash> right
<waddlesplash> makes sense
<diver> odd, my previous install boots to a ridiculously high resolution which makes gui updates extremely slow
<Begasus> same here (when running windows)
* Nephele waves at phschafft
<Nephele> hmm, the pulse rate of aboutSystem replicant is way too high
<Begasus> give it some ice-cubes?
<Nephele> maybe.
<Nephele> It should ideally be 1hz, synchronized to the second updating. But if you start an application for instance the ram usage updating it is way too active
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57804] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 66ee6532aab0 - HaikuDepot: Image loading
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<diver> waddlesplash: so installed this build from the iso, enabled 4 cores, it took a long time to boot and gui was extremely laggy with hight cpu usage
<waddlesplash> is that the same as on previous nightly?
<waddlesplash> or is this build actually worse
<diver> 15 seconds later cpu usage went to normal but gui was still very sluggish
<diver> so I decided to download a large package (noto font) using wget and cpu usage went to almost 100% on all cores
<diver> I managed to stop wget and start Pulse to disable cores from there
<diver> so with 3 cores performance was better, I could use my mouse while downloading the package but the speed was less than 1mbit/s
<diver> then i disabled the second core and speed went up to 5 mbit/s
<diver> and gui became even faster
<diver> with only 1 core enabled speed went to 10 mbit and gui was quite usable at the same time
<diver> same on previous nightly
<diver> interestingly, I don't remember performance being that bad when I last used Haiku in vbox with several cores
<waddlesplash> ok, so this change doesn't affect either waty
<waddlesplash> *way
<waddlesplash> can you try with X2APIC now?
<waddlesplash> $ VBoxManage modifyvm "name" --x2apic on
<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps
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<diver> everything is exactly the same with x2apic
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<jmairboeck> Oh well, reading the messages from Begasus in the IRC log, I might have "broken" git help by splitting off git_web from the main package
<jmairboeck> maybe we should move that git-web--browse script back, I see nothing perl related in there.
<jmairboeck> I was just using openSUSE as a guide what to put into git_web
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<diver> waddlesplash: downloaded beta4 and there are no such problems
<waddlesplash> possibly KDEBUG then
<waddlesplash> but seems weird
<diver> indeed
<waddlesplash> admittedly you are probably not using VBox's hypervisor
<waddlesplash> if you also have VMware installed and are on macOS
<waddlesplash> that may change things
<diver> hm, how do I check? I thing VMware and VBox can coexist, at least in this old version of macos (Mojave, 10.14)
<diver> *think
<diver> kextstat | grep -v
<diver> 169 0 0xffffff7f84050000 0x8000 0x8000 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB (6.1.48) 6A2CF0B8-3E52-3574-A786-D25AFF03481B <168 167 56 8 6 5 3 1>
<diver> 167 3 0xffffff7f83f52000 0xfe000 0xfe000 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv (6.1.48) 23D43297-8004-34F4-8FE2-9FFB442D54BA <8 6 5 3 1>
<diver> Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) UUID <Linked Against>
<diver> 170 0 0xffffff7f84058000 0x5000 0x5000 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt (6.1.48) 7B65B212-CF63-3F3A-A5BC-9C8188471EF4 <167 8 6 5 3 1>
<diver> 171 0 0xffffff7f8405d000 0x6000 0x6000 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp (6.1.48) 7B74659B-A224-3EF6-8841-32A822A9056A <167 6 5 1>
<diver> VBoxDrv is loaded at least
<diver> IIRC there were some scheduler fixes after beta4, could be that those broke something
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<diver> waddlesplash: hrev56737 (the earliest available nightly) no problem, I think we can rule out KDEBUG
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<waddlesplash> ouch
<waddlesplash> ok, well let me know if you find the cause
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<coolcoder613> Hi HaikuUser
<coolcoder613> Hello
<coolcoder613> You can change your name with /nick your_new_name
<coolcoder613> What is your QEMU command?
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<Lubo> like in the Haiku forum
<Lubo> This is what is in AQemu at the moment:
<Lubo> Ugh, I have not set up any way to copy/paste between host/guest.