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<qwebirc8346> Greetings, anyone around to help me with a build issue? Cross compiling riscv64 on x86_64
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<SLema> N}lNp
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<ahmadraniri[m]> Hello, is it possible to use dnscrypt-proxy on haiku ? Thanks.
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<Begasus> ahmadraniri[m], looking at it seems to require "go" so probably not
<Begasus> but don't take my word on it (just gave it a quick look) :)
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<ahmadraniri[m]> <Begasus> "ahmadraniri, looking at https..." <- Aight , thanks. I'll check the alternative then.
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<Begasus> at least nothing in the depot as far as I can see
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<Begasus> k, now is it possible to install a lua5.3 rock for something with a luarocks build for lua5.4? :)
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* Begasus thinking lua was a mess to fiddle around with paths ... try luajit :P
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, don't know how far you followed the issue on lua at haikuports, question, should rocks installed in ~/non-packaged take priority to the ones installed in $prefix?
<Begasus> $prefix as in /boot/system
<waddlesplash> generally yes
<Begasus> k, thought so (didn't think it over before), should switch paths in the pachset then
<Begasus> k, löve still builds with luajit changes
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<scanty> good morning
<scanty> almost noon.
<Begasus> Hi scanty :)
<scanty> hey Begasus, whatcha working on today? :-)
<Begasus> as in the last weeks, lua sh*t :)
<scanty> sounds like not fun.
<Begasus> For others this would be easy peace I guess
<Begasus> well, luarocks and lua5.4 seem to be ok now (I hope) :D
<scanty> that's cool. is that the latest version?
<scanty> mind you i know nothing of lua, other than it's a scripting language
<Begasus> lua5.4 only recently updated yes
<scanty> good job :-)
<Begasus> mind you, it has gone a bit long there :D
<scanty> no reason to be ashamed that you had help.
<scanty> half the time when i code i have no idea what i'm doing.
<Begasus> heh
<dalme_> I wish it was only half of the time for me scanty :D
<scanty> hehe
<Begasus> I mostly know what needs to be done, just not the how to :)
<scanty> i just do what it says in the bebook, and usually i succeed
<Begasus> still got that around here too :)
<Begasus> tucked away somewhere :D
<Begasus> dalme_, how's progress going?
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<dalme_> Well
<dalme_> I've been going slowly lately
<dalme_> Lots of issues handling the memory for the virtual machine
<dalme_> I mean, it's taking longer than expected
<Begasus> hitting brick walls or the likes then
<Begasus> not an easy tasks I guess also
<dalme_> Every week I tell myself I'll get it done at last that week and each week I fail miserably
<dalme_> But don't worry
<scanty> yeah, me too... i've been stuck on a bug and always say "i'll fix it this weekend" and then i never do.
<dalme_> This week I'll get it done, for sure ;-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> keep up the "Be" spirit! :)
<dalme_> At least it now compiles
<dalme_> Let's be optimistic
<Begasus> +1
<scanty> :-)
<Begasus> lua has been bugging me for years, now I finaly got some light at the end of the tunnel there ;)
<scanty> dont' let lua get you down!
<Begasus> I'll put it aside for now (again), untill further feedback
<Begasus> could check some of the new gear stuff from KDE ;)
<Begasus> grabbing dolphin24-24.05.2-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/dolphin24-24.05.2-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> those are the easy ones :P
<scanty> what's dolphin?
<zard> A file browser :)
<scanty> ah.
<scanty> i'll stick with tracker :-)
<zard> It's the one I use on Linux :)
<scanty> i use whatever came with XFCE, which by the way runs more slowly than haiku, it feels.
<scanty> luckily, Falkon can do gmail, and other stuff, so i don't feel so bad not having a mail client.
* Nephele waves
<scanty> hi nephele
<Begasus> Hi nephele
<Begasus> same here scanty, I use Falkon also for gmail
<scanty> indeed. falkon is actually a decent browser, if a little slow. i haven't had any problems accessing any websites with it though
<Begasus> can be buggy at times, but for things WebPositive isn't always up for it's good enough for me :)
<scanty> i don't really use youtube often and i don't do social media stuff eventhough i am on facebook
<scanty> web+ is good too, but it's very slow on my end.
<Begasus> already got a few alternatives for youtube if I want to, but don't have the time for it :D
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<Begasus> works for the most parts well enough WebPositive, but things like gitlab are still a problem
<Begasus> and doesn't like github here on my end I guess
<scanty> github works great in falkon
<scanty> sometimes you have to refresh it after the first pass render.
<Begasus> yeah :D
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<Begasus> afk
<scanty> have fun.
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<Nephele> Yes WebPositive is indeed slow, it can be improved though :D
<scanty> i hope so, it's a good browser, for certain things.
<Nephele> alone blocking ads has a huge impact
<scanty> indeed
<scanty> it would be nice to be able to have a "private" window.
<Nephele> why?
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<scanty> sometimes i get paranoid about my history.
<scanty> nothing bad, just private.
<Nephele> Well, the browser history is basically just some entries
<scanty> yeah i just clear the history when i need
<Nephele> i think calling it private mode is a huge misnomer
<Nephele> but i can understand your request
<scanty> i pretty much use web+ to browse the bebook
<Nephele> having a utility view, that has no tabs on top. to open documentation and such would be great
<scanty> i dont' mind the tabs
<Nephele> I mean something like using "git help switch" opens webpositive, it would be nice if that didnt hijack your browser session, but instead open it in context
<Nephele> maybe even tabbed to the terminal window
<scanty> i suppose that might be nice.
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<Nephele> scanty: by the way, we do have en email client preinstalled
<Nephele> If you use google you might need to set an app-specific password or something though
<scanty> nephele, are you referring to Beam?
<Nephele> No
<scanty> just the regular BeMail?
<Nephele> I think that was it's name before it was integrated, yeah.
<scanty> yeah, i've tried that with no luck.
<scanty> same with beam, and balsa and claws mail (which is totally broken)
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<Nephele> claws is a gtk3 application, it running at all uses some wierd libwayland compatibility layer...
<scanty> interesting.
<scanty> i really like beam a lot, but it doesn't work with gmail, or my other super secret e-mail account.
<Nephele> Anyhow the normal E-Mail application does work. I use it for my own email server, however the uhm gmail requires oauth2 which we do not implement. Or alternatively you need to set up a app specific password somewhere for gmail
<Nephele> I think anyhow, never tested this personally
<Nephele> Beam had major layout/color problems last time i used it :g
<scanty> i tried to get some oauth keys through google, but that didn't work.
<scanty> the beam interface is fine, it just doesn't work right.
<Nephele> well oauth won't help aslong as we don't support it
<scanty> indeed. i wish we could have Thunderbird.
<Nephele> The real problem here is obviously gmail ;) /s
<scanty> hehe
<Nephele> Well, thunderbird is a gtk application... so you can try using the same wayland compat layer claws uses?
<scanty> oh, i also tried trojita and that didn't work. also kmail, but it segfaults.
<Nephele> though i think for usecases beam is similar to thunderbird. If it is not a gsoc idea to fix it up that may be an idea to add it
<scanty> beam works inboud and outbound, but it can't delete mail properly.
<scanty> i would have no idea where even to begin porting Thunderbird, i don't think i'm a good enough coder to do that.
<Nephele> Porting to haiku (assuming the libraries are available) is usually an exercise of compile->figure out why it dont work-> compile
<scanty> right.
<Nephele> though ideally we would have more native applications making porting less needed. I don't really like having to use applications pulling in severall foreign toolkits and libraries and then not working properly with OS controls :g
<scanty> yeah, i know what you mean. there's a lot of KDE apps ported, but I would rather use something native if i can
<scanty> there's also "MailandNews" in the haiku depot, but it too segfaults on load.
<scanty> so basically, my hands are tied.
<Nephele> Is your only problem with beam that it does not allow you to delete messages?
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<scanty> yes, like i said, inbound and outbound work, cannot delete mails properly.
<scanty> i have to delete the mails manually via tracker, and that is just not a good solution
<Nephele> are you talking about local copies of mail or on the server?
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<scanty> i think they are local.
<scanty> it uses /boot/home/mail
<Nephele> So basically you want it to delete emails it has deleted from the server locally too?
<Nephele> would moving to trash be sufficient for you? :)
<scanty> no, i don't think that's a good solution. i'd rather just use a web interface since it allows me more flexibility.
<scanty> beam says "Error Deleting ""
<Nephele> well, a web interface never downloads mail locally. Hmm. Isn't there a imap trash folder too?
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<scanty> i don't think so
<Nephele> The problem i'd like to avoid is accidentally hitting delete and permanantly deleting emails with no recourse
<scanty> i don't want to use a half-broken mail app.
<Nephele> for example iOS mail moves emails to a imap trash folder first
<Nephele> Well, it popping up errors is no good, that is true :D
<Nephele> I'm trying to understand how you expect it to work, ideally
<scanty> i just expect it to work like any other imap e-mailer
<Nephele> that doesn't tell me much. most email clients i've used were not to my liking :)
<scanty> i've tried them all and they are all broken in some way.
<Nephele> and technically imap clients don
<Nephele> 't have to download mail at all
<Nephele> Honestly the only imap client i am actually happy with is E-Mail and iOS Mail *shrug* But i can see why you would prefer a UI of for example beam
<scanty> i like iOS mail quite a bit
<Nephele> The only problem is that it's errors are very opaque and hard to debug .-.
<Nephele> like, using custom TLS certs and figuring out why it doesn't like them is very annoying
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<scanty> bbiaf
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<Nephele> it was very easy for Haiku mail though. Is it self signed? no? then it is valid .-.
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<Nephele> hi zard
<zard> hello nephele
<zard> Almost have IPC working :-)
<Nephele> Ironic, I'm reading up on StartWatching right now :D
<Nephele> Renga has some kind of mechanism where it broadcasts BMessages to all components, which makes little sense
<Nephele> Very happy about the doxygen search on the api docs
* zard starts reading about StartWatching as well, wondering if it could help him with WebKit
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<Nephele> Also SendNotices
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<PulkoMandy> Yes, I started using StartWatching/SendNotices in ACE first because it matched better with what the MorphOS version does. Started using it in Renga a bit as well, but I didn't remove the old thing completely yet
<Nephele> PulkoMandy: i saw your ticket 38 :)
<Nephele> there are 4 uses left. I am not quite sure how to use it it yes. I think the target has to subscribe to what it wants to know, but not sure to what it should subscribe. (seems to a BHandler? but in the case of Renga which one?)
<Nephele> I'll probably just look at what you already did in Renga for inspiration
<Nephele> s/it yes/yet
<Nephele> PulkoMandy: is there a extension to edit messages? I haven't seen one in the ticket list
<PulkoMandy> Yes, there is "last message correction"
<Nephele> hmm, the emoji reaction xep seems wierd. I'd rather not implement it like it is now. It seems insane to have to specify every acaptable emoji if you only want to specify something like "no skin tone modifiers" for example
<Nephele> It doesn't really say what it means with emoji either. Is blood type B allowed as a reaction but latin capital B is not?
<Nephele> eh
<PulkoMandy> There are discussions about that in the jdev channel
<PulkoMandy> The general idea is "whatever your emoji picker allows should be fine" and maybe there's no need to worry too much about it
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<Nephele> in matrix the *only* reason i liked that functionality was that people would stop quoting/repying to entire messsages and write "+1"
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<Nephele> PulkoMandy: in matrix the functionality is defined as "string" type, so it is legal to send entire paragraphs. Is it legal here too? should a client display it? what about emoji sequences that fall back to multiple characters?
<Nephele> say something like family which could in the worst case fall back to i'd assume 4 or 8 seperate chars
<PulkoMandy> does it really matter? Maybe the ui will look a bit weird if someone sends that, and that's it?
<Nephele> Well, the functionality to allow a subset would ideally allow to "more easily" specify what the expected baseline is
<Nephele> in our case noto emoji, so no multicolored emoji and such
<Nephele> Maybe adding a disallowed modifier case could work then
<Nephele> (thinking of the case of #haiku potentially beeing on XMPP, and we wouldn't want people to spam emoji we don't really support)
<PulkoMandy> When receiving I think you could just accept and display any string as a reaction, maybe with a length limit
<PulkoMandy> And when sending, stick to emojis, preferrably ones you can display
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<Nephele> "A <reaction> element SHOULD only contain Unicode codepoints that can be displayed as a single emoji"
<Nephele> eh. I'm kind of annoyed this would allow circled 1 but not 1, etc.
<PulkoMandy> it's only a "should". And also, the spec can be updated
<Nephele> okay
<Nephele> for UI i think having 4emojis width space on the right reserved would be nice
<Nephele> zard: clean code? sounds neat :D
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<zard> Yes, with a way to create a 'two-way' communication channel, I was able to mirror what all of the other ports did
<zard> No hacks, like I would have had to do otherwise :D
<Nephele> I wonder why it's reffered to as a hack when programming itself it often called hacking
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<Nephele> Why doesn't gerrit load .-.
<Nephele> oh, it only doesn't load in webpositive. uh oh. i hope it's not some new flaw we have to work around
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<cocobean> zard: Congrats!! I was reviewing WebKit 619.1.22 and this is a win-win if we can upstream all of this work!
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<Nephele> driveby?
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<Nephele> webpositive has 2,5GB allocated again. for two tabs that's a bit much :'(
<Nephele> relaunching gives 200MB, i guess there are some more memory leaks
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