ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<PetePete> yo
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* coolcoder613 is working on this
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<akashkumar7902> how to test the local changes ? do we need to build haiku and boot in a vm or there is more easier way ?
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<Begasus> how do you mean akashkumar7902?
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<akashkumar7902> @begasus I mean what steps you guys follow to test out a change that solves an issue ?
<Begasus> akashkumar7902, I'm guessing you are refering to Haiku source changes?
<akashkumar7902> yes
<Begasus> for that "I" (not that experienced) boot up a qemu session
<Begasus> some things should work also putting them in ~/config/non-packaged and a reboot
<Begasus> but since I'm running the beta still that will probably not work here :)
<akashkumar7902> "Warning: Are you human? If so, try harder!" : I am getting this when I try to register at how to get past it ?
<Begasus> no idea, got an account there for a long time
<akashkumar7902> Also, what os you guys use to develop haiku core ?
<Begasus> I think the main devs are not around :)
* phschafft comes in and first thing refills the cookie bowl.
<phschafft> good evening, good morning
<akashkumar7902> @Begasus do u mean not around now or being inactive for a long time ?
<phschafft> I think he means 'in here right now'.
<Begasus> not around as in "not active" at "this" moment (or sleeping) :)
<Begasus> Hi phschafft
<Begasus> also, beta comming closer, GSoC still running ...
<phschafft> it feels than Haiku is currently very busy.
* coolcoder613 munches
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<Begasus> Hi coolcoder613 :)
<Begasus> under the hood phschafft :)
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<phschafft> :)
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<Begasus> k, not getting this nim failure, it's the same with latest release (that still builds fine)
<Begasus> nimblePkgDirs = staticExec "findpaths B_FIND_PATH_DATA_DIRECTORY nimble/pkgs" (in /boot/system/lib/nim/config/config.nims)
<Begasus> does that even work like that?
<Begasus> findpaths B_FIND_PATH_DATA_DIRECTORY nimble/pkgs (works in Terminal atleast)
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> sadly cannot help you with that.
<akashkumar7902> things are not clear regarding dev setup on my linux mint. maybe i will ask on general mailing list so that main devs can go through it
<Begasus> no idea anymore how to do that on another OS as I have my setup native for that :)
<Begasus> arghhh!!! recompile with -fPIC :/
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<phschafft> akashkumar7902: so you want to work on the OS itself, not some software ontop it, correct?
<akashkumar> "by software ontop" do you mean 3rd party software ?
<akashkumar> I am currently willing to work on haiku core.
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<phschafft> I think I was more talking about the kernel land and things close to it vs. packaged applications or porting or other high level stuff that could be done at times even without a reboot.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nephele pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57850] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 3761b2f4207c - etc/profile: locale settings might have changed since SetupEnvironment.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nephele pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57851] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2060f156e804 - HaikuDepot: UI ScrollView Scaling
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<Nephele> hi
<Nephele> akashkumar: did it work out with the bugtracker?
<akashkumar> Nope
<Begasus> Hi nephele!
<Begasus> hacked around to get libunwind build :P
<Nephele> what do you need libunwind for? as far as i know glibc already provides libunwind functionality (but not sure if haikus glibc does too)
<Begasus> for heaptrack
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<Begasus> Found libunwind.h but corresponding unwind.h is absent!
<Begasus> I guess the last one is missing?
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<OscarL> morning guys (typing with gloves on, so expect even more typos than usual from me :-D).
<erysdren> good morning!
<coolcoder613> That cold?
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<OscarL> akashkumar: I recall reading that you get a question you need to answer in order to sign up. Just in case: Answer is case sensitive. If issue still persist, poke kallisti5[m] about it :-D
<OscarL> coolcoder613: yea :-(
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* OscarL notices he managed to land another small patch on Haiku. Puts sun-glasses on, and pretends he didn't break HaikuPorts buildmasters.
<Begasus> too late for that :P
<Begasus> reopened the issue there :/
<Nephele> OscarL, waddlesplash added that question iirc
<Nephele> also, if it's too cold just hold space bar
<OscarL> heh :-D
<erysdren> hey coolcoder, you wanna see something ridiculous i've done today?
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<OscarL> nephele: I guess can be closed now (or better wait for that update to hit the repos?)
<coolcoder613> erysdren: Yeah...
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* phschafft waves to nephele.
* Begasus is doing some easy stuff ... grabbing qxmpp-1.7.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/qxmpp-1.7.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Nephele> OscarL, don't you have the permission to close tickets?
<OscarL> noup.
<Nephele> anyway, no need to wait for the repos. If it turns out that the fix is broken or only works partially once can still reopen the change
<Nephele> err the ticket
<Nephele> closed it for you :)
<erysdren> coolcoder613:
<erysdren> full TUI based desktop i whipped up
<erysdren> if you have a account, here's a list of the programs i used:
<erysdren> it's running in a real TTY
<OscarL> nephele: thanks!
<phschafft> erysdren: and way to access that list without an account?
<OscarL> mmm, asking to login to read posts is :-(
<OscarL> erysdren: FWIW... we have tv_devel available on Haiku. :-)
<Begasus> Failed to create rtpbin, solved by add gst-plugins-good :)
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<OscarL> *tvision_devel
<Begasus> 97% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 66
<Begasus> good enough (previous version already did the trick) :D
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<coolcoder613> erysdren: I love tvterm and tvision and turbo
* phschafft also thinks he should get erysdren into one of his next meetings.
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* phschafft keeps thinking: maybe coolcoder613 as well. ;)
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* coolcoder613 nods enthuisiastically
<phschafft> hm. :)
* OscarL would like a tvision-based Genio counterpart :-)
<OscarL> modern-day "Turbo IDE". one can dream :-)
* phschafft takes some actual notes in tickets.
<Begasus> sed: can't read /additional-files/ No such file or directory
<OscarL> Haiku's Terminal still has a few font-spacing (and color attributes) related issues, that make TUI apps uglier than they should, thou.
<Begasus> almost there :P
<erysdren> OscarL: oh really? i didn't know that
<erysdren> phschafft: i'll send the list of programs here in a moment
<erysdren> editor: micro - browser: mc - music: cmus - screenshot: fbgrab - mouse input: gpm - desktop: tvterm
<coolcoder613> s/micro/turbo
<coolcoder613> If you use tvterm, you *HAVE* to use turbo
<OscarL> << we have it as shared .so (we hava "turbo" packaged too)
<coolcoder613> Maybe have ms word 5.5 in dosemu2 as well
<coolcoder613> (MS released it for free)
<coolcoder613> erysdren: Did I tell you about my 'new' Windows XP gaming PC?
<erysdren> i didn't know that
<erysdren> no you didn't! write it here, i'll read it in a bit. gotta run for a few minutes.
<coolcoder613> They released a update that included the whole thing
<OscarL> heh. Word 5.0/5.5 was part of my "DOS Operator" "diploma" back in 1992 :-D
<OscarL> along with DOS, Lotus 1-2-3 / Quattro Pro, dBase3+, and Hardvard Graphics, lol.
<erysdren> also, disagree on using Turbo inside tvterm. turbo is cool and all, but i don't like having a nested Turbo Vision window inside my Turbo Vision desktop
<erysdren> ok, brb for real now
<coolcoder613> Ok, here goes
<coolcoder613> I has this PC with this GPU for a while, but I didn't install much games, or graphics drivers
<coolcoder613> It has 3GB of RAM, a 2Ghz dual-core Pentium, and a Geforce GT620 with 2GB of VRAM
<phschafft> erysdren: thank you.
<coolcoder613> So one day I decided to install the graphics drivers
<coolcoder613> I installed them, installed SP3, installed ExFat upgrade, installed a lot of games
<OscarL> (Still like Professional Write 2.x more than Word thou.
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<Begasus> devel:libomemo_c ... need to check version ...
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<phschafft> yes, I think you're right. that doesn't look correct. ;)
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<OscarL> lol
<phschafft> hm, I think the settings are wrong. hm.
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<phschafft> I got some text now, but all graphical characters are missing.
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<phschafft> hm.
<coolcoder613> eryrsdren:
<coolcoder613> *erysdren
<erysdren> looking good coolcoder613!
<erysdren> phschafft: does haiku terminal have unfinished support for ANSI codes?
<OscarL> just in case... SerialConnect != Terminal
<phschafft> erysdren: I think it's front rendering problems.
<OscarL> erysdren: some things might be missing, others are a bit buggy, for example:
<phschafft> also note that the last line is half off the screen.
<phschafft> OscarL: I'm aware. but thanks for making that clear for everyone in the channel. :)
<OscarL> yeah, I meant that in case erysdren saw your SerialConnect screeny and thought "that Terminal does looks rough!" :-D
<phschafft> and yes, the | are actually rendered green for some reason.
<phschafft> (I guess it's some subpixel optimisation going wrong or something. but that might also just be my settings being broken)
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<OscarL> o/
<phschafft> at least 4 bit colour mode seems to work as expected.
<Begasus> 'lo andreasdr[m] :)
* OscarL tried fixing #18848, but only made things worse, or move the problem around :-)
<Begasus> k, how do I connect to something with this :P (xmpp)
<phschafft> however cursor control seems to be missing. but at least it ignores it and doesn't show random stuff on the screen.
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<phschafft> Begasus: hm?
<Begasus> cooky time? ;)
<Begasus> cookie*(?)
<phschafft> it's always cookie time!
<Begasus> whohoo! :D
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<OscarL> phschafft: SerialConnect's libvterm might be a bit old?
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> not complaing at all. more wondering what settings I need to use for that to work AND offering to test stuff as needed.
<phschafft> also the terminal I currenly use for development is from the 80s ;)
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<erysdren> nice
<OscarL> Atom N2600 lacks VT-x. There goes my plan to have qemu+kvm run a (very slow) haikuporter buildmaster on it :-) (couldn't get Haiku to run natively there)
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<Begasus> haven't played with that idea here yet OscarL :)
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<Nephele> phschafft, nice
<phschafft> hm?
<Nephele> i'm kind of happy that Haiku has a dedicated app for this workflow, means the Terminal doesn't need to do this, and there is even less reason to emulate one there
<Nephele> for the cursor control, if it should be there, maybe make a ticket
* phschafft nods: maybe some more testing and then some tickets.
<phschafft> but also maybe a profile for that term.
<phschafft> as for the cursor: on SIRTX the general idea is that there is no cursor unless you can interact with it. basically the cursor is only there if it expects input from you.
<phschafft> SerialConnect seems to ignore the controls for that. but again. ignore is better than doing something strange.
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* OscarL trips over "git stash create <message>" vs "git stash save -m <message>"
* zard looks at the difference
<OscarL> "create" creates a dangling commit, you still need to "git stash store" it (and revert unstaged changes) for them to do basically the same.
<zard> Indeed, tricky, tricky...
<phschafft> my friends, and those who are here just for the cookies: I'm preparing to get my donkey and me out for the day. planing for a 40km ride, two hills (about 600m sum), two 40Ma old lakes, some rivers and wells, and the oldest airport of germany are on our tour today.
<zard> That's one fast donkey :P
<OscarL> hope carrying the donkey around won't hurt your back too much!
<phschafft> zard: he is. we're making like 15km/h avg. recently. but it's also a long one today. so I have marked a few short cuts in the map.
<phschafft> and I mean we have 5 or 6 hours. maybe a little more.
<zard> Mmm, a real donkey ride. Sounds fun!
* zard thought you were referring to a car as a "donkey" earlier :D
* Begasus was thinking about biking there
<Begasus> anyway, enjoy phschafft
<phschafft> in general you can take me literal except when you should not take me literal.
<zard> Understood :P
<Nephele> phschafft, have fun
<phschafft> danke! :)
<Begasus> bitte :-)
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
<OscarL> "NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules". Would be great if that included older cards :-)
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<Begasus> tss ... sources/swift/utils/build-script-impl: line 1044: python: command not found
<Begasus> biab
<OscarL> darn, forgot about when doing the Python 3.10.14 update :-(
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<PetePete> Good morning Haiku lovers
<OscarL> Hello there PetePete.
<PetePete> OscarL: *tips hat*
<zard> * ccache pays back the investment to update it yet again
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<Begasus> patches welcome zard :)
<Begasus> Hi there PetePete
<zard> Already merged upstream :)
* OscarL starts playing sokoban with each "diff chunk" on python3.10-3.10.14.patchset
* zard just finished playing sokoban with his diff chunks on WebKit :)
<zard> Splitting a set of changes into multiple commits OscarL?
<OscarL> trying to consolidate some commits/changes before attempting to fix ups things further.
<OscarL> like... changes on the same files that patch older patches, etc.
<zard> Ah, ok
<OscarL> did that already for 3.12, but found out a couple more bugs on 3.10, so... need to do that again :-D
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<OscarL> should make .patchset smaller, which is always a plus.
<zard> Indeed
<OscarL> makes me nervous about breaking stuff further, thou (I always get tense doing this, lol).
<Begasus> we're still good on python3.10 OscarL, knock yourself out! :)
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* OscarL took that literally, ended up unconcious on the floor.
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<stephanj> "phschafft" asked me to forward you this(without any context known to me): 12.8km ~300hm, live, "bin am ersten zwischenziehl, dem ersten gifel".
<OscarL> >> "I've reached my first intermediate goal, the first summit" :-D
<OscarL> thanks stephanj!
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<OscarL> sends regards to his donkey on our behalf!
<OscarL> s/sends/please send/
<Begasus> second that :)
<stephanj> done.
<OscarL> what he feeds the donkey with? rocket fuel? :-P
<stephanj> that he might answer later :P
<stephanj> but knowing him, he is that crazy
<OscarL> heh
<waddlesplash> OscarL: what didn't work with Haiku on the N2600?
<PetePete> Hey Begasus
<OscarL> same as in N450/N455... need to disable SMP to have a chance of boot progressing...
<OscarL> but besides that, hard to tell if it boots, freezes, or KDL, as I cannot get VGA or HDMI output.
<OscarL> on the netbook that DOES have a screen, Atom N450, disabling SMP is all what is needed.
<OscarL> on N455, even with that, only seems to boot (judging by HDD led activity), roughtly 1 on 5+ tries.
<OscarL> on N2600 seems to be worse somewhow.
<OscarL> I need to prepare an image with SSHD enabled, and try to boot that, to see if I can get a syslog.
<waddlesplash> SSHD?
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<OscarL> welp, not extrictly needed to try to extract a syslog, just to be able to make any use of those (given they are "headless").
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57852] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 05bd1a31dc7a - HaikuDepot: Resize Shutdown Window
<OscarL> s/those/those netbooks/
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<OscarL> couldn't get things to boot properly, so I was installing Haiku on their HDD, but after pluging those on a different computer.
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<OscarL> fwiw, I had to disable SMP on Atom N450 since, at least, 2015/2016.
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<waddlesplash> is this 32-bit or 64-bit?
<OscarL> tried 32 bits and 64 on the N455 and N2600. Have 64 bits running on the N450.
<waddlesplash> this was fixed for 64bits but not 32bits
<waddlesplash> the fix was in 2019 it looks like
<waddlesplash> so, maybe try with SMP again on the older ones?
<OscarL> I try enabling SMP on the N450 everynow and then (after updates)... same as always... once in a blue moon, it works, only to fail later on.
<waddlesplash> where's "later on"?
<waddlesplash> KDL?
<OscarL> on the N450, with SMP enabled, it usually ends up with just an empty desktop, and freezes (tried disablign intel_extrem driver, and all other options, of course).
<waddlesplash> hm
<waddlesplash> when's the last time you tried?
<OscarL> on the N450, might be 2-3 months since I tried enabling SMP.
<OscarL> on N455/N2600... on the last 10 days.
<OscarL> (beta4 and nightlies)
<waddlesplash> and it still doesn't work?
<waddlesplash> weird
<OscarL> darn machines are missing keys, trackpad buttons, etc.
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<OscarL> need to find and plug usb keyboard... that works for entering BIOS, but cause problems later on... need to use PS/2 keyboard+ USB adapter... but not on all ports... it is a mess :-)
<waddlesplash> what problems does it cause later on?
<OscarL> (managed to install VoidLinux on them, so... been using them to compare things there at least :-D)
<OscarL> either seems to freeze things untill unplugged, or kept repeating keys.
<OscarL> will do a new round of tests eventually with latest nightlies...
<OscarL> just need to be in the right mood, because it becomes annoying pretty fast :-=
<OscarL> s/:-=/:-)/
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<OscarL> N450 with SMP disabled works pretty nicely, except I can't get VGA output (netbook screen works fine there).
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<stephanj> "phschafft" relay: 16.5km, ~450 hm. Second hill. Missed a turn, but found another lake & an adventure trail.
<OscarL> >>> donkey: "pshchafft... next time bring an GPS, would you?"
<OscarL> (donkey isn't known for its good spelling. can relate)
<stephanj> He has an GPS capable device, how do you think these messages reach me? :P
<stephanj> its just not IRC enabled yet... oh wait it is just not in any sense that messages make sense.
<OscarL> he isn't using smoke signals? laaaame!
<stephanj> I am sitting in Northern Germany he is somewhere in the lower half.
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<OscarL> "error: corrupt patch at line 155" <<< /me will apply even more force.
<OscarL> heh, that worked :-)
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* OscarL updates his N450 install to hrev57849 (from hrev57729), and will try re-enabling SMP once more.
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<OscarL> waddlesplash: after update + warm boot with SMP enabled... N450 booted hrev57849 just fine. Will keep it running for a while, and check cold boot.
<waddlesplash> OK!
<OscarL> heck, even WiFi auto-connected :-D
<OscarL> (realtekwifi, RTL8188EE, 10ec:8179)
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<OscarL> realtekwifi drops wifi (next to the router), and auto connects. good thing I pluged the ethernet port for the rest of updates :-D
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57853] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 6baf6183d0d6 - kernel/user_debugger: Rework profiler flush mechanism.
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<stephanj> phschafft relay: "16.5km, ~450 hm. Second hill. Missed a turn, but found another lake & an adventure trail. / Next stop/big break. 30.4km. :)"
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<OscarL> heh, disabled wifi, keeps poping up notification saying "Ready" :-D
<OscarL> Sounds like a jet, but even Genio + LSP doesn't take *that* long to start.
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<OscarL> acpi_thermal seems functional enough. I should try adding it as a data source to ActivityMonitor.
<OscarL> waddlesplash: first cold-boot on the N450 with SMP enabled: success! (Web+ on, mediaplayer playing Weird Al's "White and Nerdy.mp4". CPU screams for mercy, but holds :-D
<OscarL> oh, selection rectangles around icon's labels (on desktop) no longer are 1 pixel off, nice.
<OscarL> (dotted line under symlink still is, thou)
<OscarL> welp not really, adding a dot to the left would make it weird too, I think.
<OscarL> it's just the lack of "anti-aliasing" the text has which makes it look a bit offset to the right.
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<OscarL> warm boot into Haiku (after a cold-boot into linux) got stuck again with only the empty desktop, and the frozen cursor on the screen :-(
<OscarL> and that's why I keep disabling SMP :-)
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<OscarL> cold-boot... stuck again. Oh well.
<zard> What is a warm boot?
<OscarL> without power-cycling.
<zard> Ah, so the computer never fully turns off but goes through the entire shutdown/startup sequence
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<OscarL> next cold boot (no battery, no AC, discharged caps)... stuck at 4th icon. lol
<OscarL> and now it booted again (SMP still enabled).
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<OscarL> FAT32 partition that used to show its label ("Windows"), now shows "no name".
<OscarL> s/"Windows"/"WinXP"/.
<OscarL> mouned read only, "/no name", but appears as "winxp" next to "Haiku" when opening "Disks"
<OscarL> "modified 31 Dec 1979" heh, younger than me at least :-)
<OscarL> files inside fat partition have correct dates at least now. I should send a "thank you" email to Jim906.
<OscarL> 87GB fat32 part fails to mount... will only send half a "thank you" email :-P
<zard> "you. Signed, OscarL" :-P
<waddlesplash> partitions over 32GB are disabled at present
<waddlesplash> not sure why he chose to do that, I guess he wanted to test more first, but not sure why
<waddlesplash> you can rebuild the driver with them enabled
<OscarL> yeah, read that on gerrit (but forgot to chech the size of this bigger part before trying) :-)
<OscarL> zard: :-D
<OscarL> bigger partition also showed "no name" instead of label ("Data"). besides that, seems functional enough.
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<BrunoSpr> Hello all
<BrunoSpr> Is there still work on the Display Port? I wonder, I got mine working by using a hdmi monitor and a DisplayPort monitor on the NVIDIA Graphic card
<BrunoSpr> So the Display Port is working using the HDMI driver
<BrunoSpr> Is this a known hack?
<BrunoSpr> using the Display Port only it will not work!
<BrunoSpr> I know it is a topic for Korli or Pulkomandy
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: hello there. a few months ago, I've read this on this channel: "note that most physical displayport ports can run HDMI passively, if the GPU supports it"
<BrunoSpr> OscarL, ah ok that makes sense then...passively then!
<BrunoSpr> The phillips monitor is shown instead the ACER monitor in settings!
<BrunoSpr> brb, reading the log file then
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<Nephele> I like apple mighty mouse, and the associated keyboard. Using it in Haiku :3
<Nephele> Also have a magic mouse 1, which has the big disadvantage over magic mouse 2 that... it has removeable batteries? huh? not sure the version 2 has anything but disadvantages xD
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<HaikuUser> last night build have bugs in webpositive...
<HaikuUser> shame it wasn't tested before night build...
<Nephele> HaikuUser: What do you mean by that? why would I test *before* a nightly build? that's what the nightlies are for exactly...
<Nephele> If you have an issue that started at a specific nightly you can open a ticket at so I can investigate the issue
<HaikuUser> well, because there are users that want to have system updated, HAIKU BETA 4 is OUTDATED
<Nephele> Sure... we are in the release process of beta5. But it does not matter. The nightly branch is unstable, and will break. Otherwise there is literally no way to improve the system
<Nephele> so if you choose to use the nightlies, which you can, expect to encounter some bugs and either live with them or file them in the bugtracker
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<Nephele> if you file them they can be likely fixed before beta5
<HaikuUser> nephele, there is a way, a pre-prodution (TEST) and a prodution environment :P
<Nephele> Uhh. No. There was no webpositive release, and no haikuwebkit release recently.
<Nephele> I'm not going to personally test all nightlies before shipping them, what would that serve? I would have no more time to develop webpositive and be bogged down with testing stuff that changed in the OS
<HaikuUser> the system was updated a day before yesterday and today, and it hangs...
<Nephele> so again, if you *choose* to test the nightles. that's fine. But please report bugs, I have not encountered any new issues on recent nightlies on webpositive.
<phschafft> safely back. now food and more after care. will be here a little later.
<Nephele> If your system hangs that is likely a problem with Haiku, not webpositive
<HaikuUser> ya, nephele, could be...
<Nephele> ideally drop to the kdl and get some info to investigate. Probably good to tag waddlesplash since he recently worked a bit on system stability
<Nephele> and well, the nightlies are provided to test this stuff exactly :D
<waddlesplash> the only potential recent change that might cause hangs were the ones to the select/poll/wait code
<waddlesplash> but these did get tested, and some bugs were uncovered and fixed
<HaikuUser> well, before doing this system stability, I mean INSTABILITY :) launch BETA 5 :P
<waddlesplash> I haven't heard any other reports of problems like that yet
<waddlesplash> HaikuUser: we're working on beta5, yes. hopefully next month
<Nephele> HaikuUser: uhh, but, we need to test this stuff now, and not release it with such hangs if possible :D
<waddlesplash> yes, that's the point of nightlies: testing!
<Nephele> so if it hangs now that's bad. since beta5 will hang for you in the same way if it's not fixed ;)
<HaikuUser> ya, no bugs, stop night builds for some days :)
<HaikuUser> and launch BETA 5:P
<Nephele> ... If you don't see bugs they are not fixed?
<Nephele> please report your hang, then we can fix it
<Nephele> stopping nightly builds would be fatal since then we can't give people images to test .-. and it would not lead to less bugs, just more. If you want to use the nightlies and encounter issues and are unwilling to fix them, then just downgrade to the last nightly that worked for you
<HaikuUser> webpositive or haiku needs one more option in application error, terminate, debug, save report, save file on master, and SEND REPORT TO HAIKU :P
<Nephele> You can upload the report on the bugtracker, with suplementary info of what version you are running, what you did to trigger this, etc :)
<HaikuUser> there are newbies here? can't put a SEND REPORT TO BUGTRACKER? :) :P
<Nephele> that would flood the bugtracker with low quality reports
<Nephele> the problem is that the bugtracker basically expects you to test fixes and report bugs, it's not finished with clicking a button
<HaikuUser> create a BUGTRACKER 2 :P
<Nephele> so if we add this button we will invite people to just send their crash report 50 times but not be available to test any fixes
<Guest279> nephele: hmm, re mice, I should try my wacom tablet on Haiku
<HaikuUser> I put save the report, it doesn't say where it was saved !!!!!!!
<Nephele> We have a wacom driver Guest279
<Nephele> HaikuUser: on the desktop
<Guest279> oh ffs
<HaikuUser> nephele, I saw it, but user don't :P
<Nephele> I have a newer intious tablet that does not work, but also a bamboo one that works perfectly
Guest279 is now known as gordonjcp
<gordonjcp> there
<gordonjcp> ffs oftc, stop kicking me out
<Nephele> except the touch part, but uhh. Not sure if supporting that makes sense. I have the hope that it might have multitouch and you could use it to rotate the canvas in an app but no idea if this can be done or not
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: Haiku is at this point not a user-friendly mainstream OS like Linux
<Nephele> as a trackpad it works very badly
<HaikuUser> nephele: report: thread 2229: WebPositive (main) state: Exception (General protection fault)
<Nephele> gordonjcp: core dump in home directory without any note what happened is not really better :)
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: you can expect to have to get inside and work on things occasionally
<Nephele> HaikuUser: ah, so webpositive crashed?
<Nephele> if you have a specific website that you were on it would be cool to see if it happens again, and if it does add that website link to a ticket
<HaikuUser> it was PGADMIN4 POSTGRESQL WEBSITE, a basic website
<HaikuUser> gordonjcp, it is basic :)
<gordonjcp> nephele: it's more like the Haiku ecosystem is like a group of kit car enthusiasts or something
<HaikuUser> godonjcp: very buggy
<gordonjcp> nephele: I may not agree with your choice of a Ford Crossflow, but I sure will help you get it running if I can
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<Nephele> gordonjcp: maybe i don't know enough about cars to understand where you are going with that analogy :g
<gordonjcp> nephele: so you know people build cars from kits and bits of other scrapped cars right?
<gordonjcp> nephele: and, not everyone makes the same decisions on how they want to go about it, what kind of engine they want, how they do various things, but in general everyone gets along
<gordonjcp> nephele: and someone will know how to solve your problem even if they didn't go down that route themselves
<gordonjcp> nephele: but they're all doing it for the sheer love of the thing, for the love of *making* things, doing something *different*
<Nephele> what is a car kit?
<Nephele> well, i think haiku is tolerant for people wanting to do stuff with the system. But then also opinionated :)
<gordonjcp> nephele: kit car? You buy some bits that assemble up, like chassis and body components, and design up your own engine and gearbox install
<Nephele> ah
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<gordonjcp> nephele: quite often they look like this ->
<Anarchos> no hdmi output on an external screen for a laptop ?
<gordonjcp> nephele: frequently though they spend a lot of time looking like this ->
<gordonjcp> nephele: but, everyone has a lot of fun working on them, and you can definitely find someone who can help you
<Nephele> reddit is on my social blocklist
<Anarchos> strange parallel bug in printf :
<gordonjcp> nephele: ah, no worries, it's just the frame of one with the wheels and engine fitted, nothing else
<gordonjcp> nephele: this is stretching the analogy to the ridiculous though
<OscarL> Anarchos: for VESA driver, if VGA/HDMI cable is plugged in at boot time, you might get video output. Not on all machines, thou.
<Nephele> okay :)
<Anarchos> OscarL ok. My graphics card is a "GeForce GTX 660M" or an "Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller" (i don't know which card is connected to which HDMI/VGA connector)
<OscarL> I think in those cases, you're always using the intel one for output (the nvidia one only kicks in when enabled)
<Nephele> I have a new powerpc computer to port haiku too :D
<OscarL> I think I just killed Arch wiki :-/
<OscarL> "504 Gateway Time-out" tring to access :-D
<OscarL> anyone running OSX and willing to show me what's the output of ? ("python3")
<OscarL> bonus points if you have the "homebrew" version of python installed.
<Nephele> run this shady script?
<OscarL> I may or may not endup stealing all your monies.
<Nephele> my macbook only has 2% left :(
<Nephele> it'll only last anoter 20 minutes xD
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<Nephele> OscarL:
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<gordonjcp> nephele: I left my Toshiba T1100+ on since yesterday morning, if I don't charge it it'll likely go flat by Saturday...
<OscarL> nice, thanks nephele!
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* Nephele starts charging it with the steam deck charger, mihahah
<Nephele> OscarL: i figure porting stuff to assume macos instead of linux sometimes fares easier
<Nephele> with macos they already expect to not be allowed to just stuff random junk into /usr and call it a day
<OscarL> indeed.
<gordonjcp> nephele: I worked with someone a long time ago who used to install software for testing into /dev/
<gordonjcp> "because it's for DEVelopment, isn't it?"
<Nephele> seems perfectly fine to me :)
<Nephele> haikus /boot is also confusing to linux users
<Nephele> "it's for booting, right?"
<Nephele> On haiku /dev and /boot do seem to exist. but the rest is just not real
<Nephele> and /dev is RO so you can't just make files there, on some linux installations it is just a folder where userspace apps add device files
<OscarL> gotta love all the possible mount places I see on linux... /mnt ? nah, /media? too easy, /run/media/user/xxx getting warmer.
<gordonjcp> I took over a system at a web dev shop I used to work at when the previous Linux admin
<gordonjcp> left
<Nephele> mount points on Haiku are so boring
<Nephele> /YourDeviceName, ridicilous
<gordonjcp> `which ls` returned /usr/local/bin/ls
<gordonjcp> o_O
<Nephele> gordonjcp: lucky it returned anything! which is not posix!
<Nephele> command -v is ;)
<gordonjcp> indeed, most of the "system" binaries were in /usr/local
<gordonjcp> so
<gordonjcp> that met a fiery end
<Nephele> that seems perfectly reasonable for a BSD installation
<gordonjcp> it was a bizarre mix of three or four different versions of Debian packages and some hand-compiled ones
<Nephele> as in /usr/local the "local" is "local to this installation/site"
<Nephele> Heh, my mail server was similar recently, self-compiled dovecot
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<HaikuUser> webpositive is crashing, but otter browser is running OK in night build :P
<HaikuUser> now the question... what is the best browser for haiku, webpositive or otter browser? :)
<HaikuUser> Why I can't select in Qt, a KIT (a desktop kit)?
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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<Anarchos> i have trouble to make latex works on haiku
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