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<Skipp_OSX> alright, here me out
<erysdren> i like it
<Skipp_OSX> it does actually work, S&T already supports doing this. So my question now is, is using the Home directory good enough or do I need to something fancier like pop a dialog?
<Skipp_OSX> Where is x512[m]? This is why I wanted to reuse Alt+T instead of "Move to Trash"
<augiedoggie_> i would prefer if the new one opened to the same directory
<Skipp_OSX> mmmmm that is not allowed in spatial mode...
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<Skipp_OSX> I mean, it's a self-imposed rule but it violates the ethos of spatial so would have to restrict to Nav mode
<Skipp_OSX> You're not allowed to have the same window in 2 places in spatial mode, actually moving the window into the stack could also be considered a violation since you have now broken the spatial metaphor...
<Skipp_OSX> stack and tile though works differently so maybe that's ok since you asked for it.
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<janking> hi
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<x512[m]> Skipp_OSX: I am here.
<x512[m]> Cmd+T for trash may be a bad shortcut choose, but I think that UI should not hard depend on delete button. I had some experience of using Haiku with keyboard without delete button.
<Skipp_OSX> backspace also works
<Skipp_OSX> (before and after)
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<zdykstra> Skipp_OSX: I like that! Nice idea.
<Skipp_OSX> I'd also like to implement the same idea for Terminal
<Skipp_OSX> you'd be able to rearrange your terminal windows easier... there may be some implications vis-a-vis processes tho...
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<x512[m]> Yes, I want to have windows tabs for Ternimal and WebPositive.
<Skipp_OSX> yeah WebPositive too...
<x512[m]> And internal window tabs are not needed at all.
<Skipp_OSX> right no nested tabs
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Molnija> ö
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] hoanga ea737b6 - nim: update to 2.0.8 (#11143)
<Begasus> g'morning Jixt :)
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<Jixt> hi Begasus
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<Begasus> biab ... doggies :)
<coolcoder613> Can I make a Haiku boot floppy?
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ea092cc - assimp, bump version (#11145)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4bcb17f - assimp, add patchset (#11146)
<janking> hi
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 07b4d99 - imagemagick, bump version (#11140)
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<coolcoder613> PulkoMandy: waddlesplash: Can boot a Haiku USB from a boot floppy?
<Molnija> don't you have a CD drive
<coolcoder613> I don't have CDs to burn
<PulkoMandy> No, unless you have a very rare 2.88MB floppy drive
<PulkoMandy> The boot things are too large to fit on a normal floppy
<PulkoMandy> You can put a bootloaoer on a floppy (like plop boot manager) and use that to boot anything from usb on machines that don't have usb boot
<coolcoder613> I found a Haiku nightly in my collection of burned CDs, I should be fine
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<Anarchos> I use the layout API on a window, i can make the window vertically resizable, but i can't make it horizontally resizable. what should i do to achieve that ?
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<dovsienko> the boot floppy reminds me of one case from a very long time ago, when I was a young and ambitious Linux sysadmin
<dovsienko> I come to a department to fix something, and the head of the department takes me to a small cupboard made computer room, and there is a Linux PC that serves as a router with a floppy disk next to it
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<dovsienko> so he tells me: "this Linux PC had no bootloader on the hard disk, but we've got this boot floppy to work around that, and each time we need to reboot it, somebody needs to come and use the floppy disk to boot the router and to restore Internet access to the department"
<dovsienko> (obviously, you if you leave a floppy in a floppy drive when powering a PC on and off, it will degauss the part of the floppy where the head is idling, and it will not work)
<dovsienko> so he demonstrates the process and I see plain LILO working off the floppy disk, and I tell him: "let me try fixing that"
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<dovsienko> then I run the usual (at the time) "lilo /dev/hda", which reads lilo.conf and writes a complete bootloader to the hard drive, take the floppy out and start a reboot
<dovsienko> and the Linux PC boots for the hard drive for the first time in years
<Anarchos> dovsienko :)
<dovsienko> the guy realised I know the job and wasn't sceptical about the new hire any longer
<Begasus> +1 :-)
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<Anarchos> sorry i experience frequent freeze of mouse/keyboard on this laptop, forcing me to reboot.
<coolcoder613> I'm installing Haiku beta5 on a 667Mhz P3
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<Begasus> let's try to update the old one :) Acer Aspire 5610 (atm still has hrev57451 on it) :)
<Begasus> last update on that one was from December last year, not that old :)
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<dovsienko> coolcoder613: sounds like a PCI motherboard with almost certain an AGP slot a possible hint of one ISA slot
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<Begas_BM> still up and running :)
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<Begasus> nice coolcoder613_deskpro!
<coolcoder613> dovsienko: No AGP :(
<coolcoder613> dovsienko: No ISA either
<dovsienko> well, then it is a straight PCI-only box
<Begasus> no sound on this one ... iirc it did work
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<coolcoder613_deskpro> dovsienko: yes
<coolcoder613_deskpro> It's a Compaq Deskpro EN
<dovsienko> coolcoder613_deskpro: by any chance is it one of those that have BIOS setup on a floppy?
<phschafft> dovsienko++
<coolcoder613_deskpro> I don't think so
<coolcoder613_deskpro> Unless yo mean BIOS updates
<coolcoder613_deskpro> *you
<coolcoder613_deskpro> This machine is from 1999
<dovsienko> nono, the setup that in common PCs means Del, F2 or F10. older Compaq PCs had the BIOS in the PC, but the setup program was on a bootable floppy (I don't know why)
<coolcoder613> I have a feeling that was only in much older Compaqs?
<phschafft> the last one I had with that setup was one with a PI.
<phschafft> dovsienko: the problem was that the fully BIOS was too big for the flash. so they used the HDD and/or foppies and kept the in-rom BIOS part small.
<phschafft> some types also had those floppy as a backup if you killed the bios that was on the HDD (which on my systems was 10..20MB in size, which is also why it didn't fit into a ROM of that time)
<dovsienko> that was around the time when desktop HDDs just started to be more than 1GB large
<phschafft> my 486 based one has a 300MB HDD. the PI ended with 2x 80GB. so, yes, that was a wild ride back then.
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<Begasus> waiting for ... (on the old laptop), still an issue :P
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<HaikuUser> hello! just installed haiku beta 5 64bit. some issues hete and there. from haikudepot, bot version of blender install but dont start. also supertuxcart isntall but crash on start.
<HaikuUser> i istalled boxedwine bbut all windows oroigrami i tried, ot thei dont install or fail afer installation (freecad, kicad, blender, ecc all in 32 bit version). there a re some program reported to be fully wordink under boxedwine? i dont talk of these demo toy games.
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<dovsienko> HaikuUser: maybe try to understand one problem at a time. what is the particular error with Blender?
<dovsienko> actually, on the latest nightly it seems to reproduce:
<dovsienko> ~> /system/apps/Blender/Blender
<dovsienko> runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /boot/system/apps/Blender/Blender): No such file or directory
<dovsienko> ~> /system/apps/Blender3/Blender
<dovsienko> runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /boot/system/lib/ No such file or directory
<Begasus> first one, opensubdiv updated
<dovsienko> HaikuUser: run "pkgman install opensubdiv3.4" to fix Blender 2
<dovsienko> looks like a missing dependency
<Begasus> :)
<Begasus> hasn't been updated in a while I guess, while the libraries are
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<Begasus> and I'm not in the mood to try a revbump here :)
<dovsienko> the other one I do not understand because pystring is installed
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<Begasus> supertuxkart is good here
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<Begasus> installed here
<Begasus> no fallback there
<Begasus> me ducks :)
<dovsienko> ah, so the soname has crept away
<dovsienko> is there some automation in place that would rebuild all packages depending on the library when a library package changes?
<Begasus> not that I know, trying to rebuild it with base package only
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<dovsienko> HaikuUser: so, my 64-bit Haiku VM (nightly, not beta5) can run Supertuxkart without a problem
<dovsienko> you would need to provide details of the crash in order to see what's wrong
<Begasus> dovsienko, the pystring was that for blender or blender3?
<dovsienko> Blender3
<Begasus> should have looked at the issue :)
<Begasus> thanks
<Begasus> jikes ICU66
<Begasus> so can't remove that one yet
<Begasus> k, that should do it, fix comming up
<HaikuUser> dovsienko, blender dont start at all. now i try your suggestion, thanks
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b36fc1a - pystring, revive older base package, in use by blender3 (#11148)
<Begasus> that should fix blender3 (local check went fine)
<Begasus> k, try refreshing and then install pystring0
<Begasus> used 0 because both version have 1.1.* version
<Begasus> and soname is 0 on the old one
<HaikuUser> ftom command line, supertuxkart start, put oit some error, graphic start then popup a wundow thi the red bug and option terminate/debug/save report/write log file.
<Begasus> running beta5 64bit here, I could run the training to the end with supertuxkart
<HaikuUser> after install pystring0, blender3 works. why haikudepot dont provite to install pystring0 whet i ask instaltion of blender3?
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<Begasus> HaikuUser, I just pushed it to haikuports to be available
<HaikuUser> Someone is using with success BOXEDWINE? i tried several programls without benefit.
<Begasus> in the recipe for blender3 there is no version required
<HaikuUser> Begasus, thanks.
<Begasus> no idea about boxedwine, never used it
<Begasus> well maybe, looooong time ago :D
<Begasus> and blender .... first thing to throw off this install, old ICU version
<Begasus> old boost version also
<Begasus> older EXR, not even sure what ffmpeg version it requires ... :)
<HaikuUser> i have a external usb audio device: ZOOM V3. adh a webcam logitec 920. no wai to make thek works. usbdeskbar utility recognize them but apparently no driver in haiku to manage them.
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<Begasus> webcam you can forget, I don't think anyone did any work there
<HaikuUser> ok
<Begasus> usb audio should be better, but not perfect yet
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<Begasus> now what was I doing ...
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<kitt> Two questions, is there a simple way to adjust vertical trackpad sensitivity without impacting horizontal? The trackpad on my device is unusual
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<kitt> 2nd, anyone have a prebaked way to enable trackpoint scrolling on thinkpads?
<HaikuUser> Begasus, can I send you in private the error list i got from /system/app/SupertuxKart? iw qeuite long and i dont anto to fllod the pubblic IRC
<HaikuUser> Begasus, can I send you in private the error list i got from /system/app/SupertuxKart? it is quite long and i dont want to flood the pubblic IRC
<Begasus> HaikuUser, you could attatch the error on the ticket created by dovsienko
<HaikuUser> Begasus, i have not addount on bugtraker, i am a "once a time" tester of haiku, i do a test everytime a beta came out :-D
<HaikuUser> i have not an account*
<Begasus> ok, maybe you can paste it somewhere like
<HaikuUser> i go to that site, wait.
<Begasus> mind you, I'm not a developer, so maybe can't find out what it is, but maybe someone else can
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3857d73 - doxygen, bump version (#11149)
<HaikuUser> Begasus, here it is expired time: 1 week
<Begasus> you could also run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in Terminal and launch supertuxkart in a new Terminal tab, that should show some info also
<Begasus> yeah, I know bpa :)
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<Begasus> not seeing an actual error there
<HaikuUser> Begasus, here the syslog
<Begasus> looks related to openssl
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<Begasus> HaikuUser can you check your openssl3 version that is installed in /boot/system/package? should be openssl3-3.0.14-2-x86_64.hpkg
<HaikuUser> wait
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<HaikuUser> ls /boo/system/package no file or directory
<HaikuUser> ls /boot/system/package no file or directory
<Begasus> s/package/packages :) my bad
<Begasus> ps you can use tabcompletion in Terminal :)
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<HaikuUser> ls /boot/system/packages/openssl3-3.0.14-2-x86_64.hpkg
<HaikuUser> comfirmed
<Begasus> k, that should be good
<HaikuUser> haiku version is hrev57937+113
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<Begasus> ah!
<HaikuUser> must i update?
<Begasus> when I make it connect to the internet it crashes also
<Begasus> can you disable that?
<HaikuUser> how to do? must i uninstalkla and reisntal to redo the setup, maybe?
<Begasus> can you access the options?
<Begasus> eg, does it launch into the welcome screen?
<HaikuUser> i cant because as soon as the graphic start, immediatlu pop up the debug window. let me remove and reistall.
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<Begasus> delete the directory /boot/home/config/settings/SuperTuxKart/config-0.10
<HaikuUser> ok wait
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<Begasus> then on launch don't enable internet
<HaikuUser> DONE!
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<Begasus> maybe a revbump could fix it, will be for later if no one beats me to it :)
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<HaikuUser> so the matter woa on network connection, not in the game itself. weird.
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<Begasus> it's probably one of many that still need a rebuild for openssl3
<Begasus> Length: 627753500 (599M) [application/octet-stream]
<Begasus> this could take a while to rebuild :)
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<HaikuUser> the main think is ti report the bug. then it take his time to be fixed.
<Begasus> on it, first things "fixed" for now :)
<Begasus> not touching boxedwine though :D
<HaikuUser2> Hi guys. I've identified an issue on beta5. Playground demo app leaves artifacts when drawing round rects. Is this expected?
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<HaikuUser> to have a list of working windows programs running on dodedwine will be a big push to haiku. honestly i will "srinked" in haiku, i miss many software lilke OBS, KDENLIVE, FIREFOX...
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<pete> sup sup sup
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<Begasus> kdenlive?
<Begasus> crashes too much to release here
<HaikuUser> oh my! kdenlive in kaiku?
<HaikuUser> ah still unstable, ok. but al least someone is working on. nice.
<Begasus> too bad a lak the skill to fix it ;)
<HaikuUser> gotta go. thanks for time ahd help. see you all.
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<Begasus> crash fix with a rebuild :)
<Begasus> bbl
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ecb1e56 - supertuxkart, revbump for openssl3, fixes crash when enabling internet (#11150)
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<nephele_xmpp> I'm getting really annoyed at irc, yet another day where I am needlesly ip-banned
<Begasus> someone has the spot for you?
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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] mattlacey 1f0b72c - Adds beta5 repos to the instructions for system ugprades
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58150] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e323bc248c8b - bootloader: Add a missed check for "BlockedEntries" in the package settings file.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5c1f231967bb - Rename B_MTR_* constants to "something more meaningful".
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58151] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58152] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 90dca2bc8ea3 - headers: Change most remaining include guards to _DEFAULT_SOURCE.