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<phschafft> good $dayoftime.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
* phschafft waves to Begasus.
<Begasus> moin phschafft, up early :)
<Begasus> OscarL, still up? ;)
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<akashkumar7902> does anyone have an idea how can I boot up from the above panic?
<OscarL> Hey Begasus. Yeah... I think I finally fixed #10211. Running one last (clean) build of Python 3.10.14 to confirm I didn't break something else :-)
<Begasus> nice OscarL!
<Begasus> no idea akashkumar7902
<Begasus> atleast not me :)
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: I'm no expert, but that BFS partition sounds borked.
<Begasus> launched a build for qtwebengine yesterday evening to find out build errored during the night, going to give up on trying to nuke icu66 for that one
<OscarL> akashkumar7902: what I would try is... booting from a pendrive.... and run "checkfs" on the partition that gives that error.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 64cc5e8 - nodejs20, bump to latest LST release (#10734)
<Begasus> k, that one is out, next npm and then netbeans
<phschafft> I think OscarL is right.
<Begasus> it's one of those off days for Falkon :P
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<OscarL> yes! can import "coverage" (and run ~/config/bin/coverage too), even with its .hpkg installed as a HOME package.
<OscarL> (and seems I didn't break anything else in the process :-D)
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<Begasus> whohoo! :D
<OscarL> This was the last remaining "WTF?!" I had whith Haiku's Pythons since the beginning.
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<Begasus> brain can rest now? ;)
<OscarL> hope so :-)
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* OscarL kicks yann64's client in the DNS.
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> one of the things I still need to boot into Windows for, accessing the printer/scanner
<phschafft> and another set of tickets closed.
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<Begasus> +1 phschafft :)
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> my terminal supports dim mode. but it's not in it's personality.
<Begasus> Terminal with a character? ;)
<Begasus> k, what am I missing ... Warning: POLICY WARNING: no matching self provides for "poppler23_qt6_devel"
<botifico> [haiku/website] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] korli 16c063c - adjust prereqs on x86-hybrid
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<Begasus> stupid "_" :)
* OscarL tries to stay awake until the 32 bits build of Python finishes.
* Begasus launches Haiku build on 32bit (check)
<phschafft> Begasus: haha.
<Begasus> hrev57703 -> hrev57876, this is gonna hurt :P
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<Begasus> not sure if I need to clean all up :/
<phschafft> hm.
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<phschafft> strange option, --copy-dt-needed-entries that is.
<Begasus> I didn't put that in there ;)
<Begasus> reported in the ticket
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<Begasus> Hi korli!
<Begasus> the master is in the house! :)
<Begasus> not sure if I should run now :D
<korli> Begasus: you need to rerun configure with CC=gcc-x86
<korli> Hi Begasus
<Begasus> had a little hunch there korli, didn't see that in the commit you just made
<phschafft> Begasus: didn't blame you. more a little confused about such an option being used at all.
<Begasus> it was kinda mentioned in the ticket phschafft :)
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<korli> but I didn't test it, I'll make a pull request
<korli> Problem is: every page with ./configure would be affected
<Begasus> korli, build progressing now with "CC=gcc-x86 ../configure --distro-compatibility official", thanks!
<Begasus> eeps
<Begasus> another error (undefined references)
<korli> did you remove generated/objects/ before configuring again?
<Begasus_32> C++ objects/haiku_host/x86/release/build/libbe/icon/Shape.o
<Begasus_32> /boot/system/develop/tools/x86/bin/../lib/gcc/i586-pc-haiku/13.3.0/../../../../i586-pc-haiku/bin/ld: error in objects/haiku_host/x86/release/build/libroot/fs.o(.eh_frame); no .eh_frame_hdr table will be created
<Begasus> think it started there
<Begasus> no, haven't cleaned anything (yet)
<korli> then remove objects/haiku_host/
<Begasus> k, done, re-launching
<Begasus> grabbing fresh coffee ...
<Begasus> building ...
<Begasus> think OscarL fell a sleap? ;)
* Begasus checks progress on nodejs on buildmaster
<Begasus> still busy
<Begasus> looking good so far korli (crosssing fingers)
<OscarL> Begasus: almost! Gave finishing touches to the PR before I DO fall asleep for real :-D
<Begasus> think the PR for poppler should be good now, need to run checks with packages depending on the seperate parts of poppler
<Begasus> doggies and breakfast in between somewhere ;)
* OscarL says both "Hi!" and "See you soon!" to korli, before signing off for the night.
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<OscarL> Have a good day, folks! Keep up the great work!
<Begasus> cya OscarL!
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<Begasus> jikes, still build error
<Begasus> list before that is filled with these 'redefined' messages
<korli> must be because of the new fat driver, please file a ticket :)
<Begasus> first dogs :)
<Begasus> a "real" error spotted?
<Begasus> collecting info :)
<Begasus> ticket created
<Begasus> nice, nodejs finished :)
<phschafft> ha, it seems 24 bit colour support works.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 82927a7 - npm, bump version (#10735)
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<Begasus> w00t phschafft! :)
<Begasus> k, now breakfast :P
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<phschafft> that is my plan.
<phschafft> having some breakfast soon.
<Begasus> would be nice to have an "exclude <packagename>" for "pkgman full-sync" :)
<Begasus> doing that here now would bring KDE frameworks from 6.4.0 back to 6.2.0, and texlive from 2024 to 2023
<korli> yes, I always want to skip the latest qtwebengine update because an older one works much better
<Begasus> wanted to check a new build for that with newer ICU (current one still on ICU66)
<Begasus> but build failed with about 3K objects to go (something with "no rule to make ..."
<Begasus> from what I could find it's the last "common" thing still using the old ICU version
<Begasus> doesn't really make sense, switch kdevelop_pg_qt to Qt6, while kdevelop is still on Qt5 :P
<phschafft> you know you designed a good language if you can make any kind of simple statement look overly complicated.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> or even like with analitza, support both Qt/KF versions, but don't change soname's :P
<Begasus> well they did after I pushed a bit there :P
<Begasus> I know they are working on bringing kdevelop over to Qt6/KF6, but afaik not there yet
<Begasus> nice phschafft, althoug "black" doesn't show :D
<phschafft> ;)
<Begasus> moving kdevelop back to rely on llvm17
<Begasus> oh, npm finished already on buildmaster, time for netbeans
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a3651d1 - netbeans, bump to release 22 (#10751)
<Begasus> July 25, 2024: 24.08 Freeze and Beta (24.07.80) tag & release
<Begasus> maybe they already switched there .. :)
<phschafft> so, all (compile time) optional again.
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* phschafft waves to erysdren.
<phschafft> I think one of the next things to do is to not fault when trying to write() to a read only memory handle on archs that have read only memory as part of main memory address space.
<phschafft> what a nice wonderful description of a bug.
<Begasus> No Qt6 qtpaths executable found. Can't check QT_INSTALL_PREFIX as required
<Begasus> time to change some things in that recipe :D
<phschafft> Begasus: I'm really thankful that I don't have your problems on my desk.
<Begasus> that would be the first kdevelop to switch to new frrameworks :)
<Begasus> problems?
<Begasus> so far no real problem here, just "chalenges" ;)
<phschafft> Im mean you're working hard while I hardly work.
<Begasus> nah, this isn't working :D
<phschafft> a challenge is a bridge, just made ouf of air rather than brick.
<phschafft> still it is a bridge.
<Begasus> and has many forms phschafft :)
<Begasus> Fetching package for devel:libkf6activities ... (seen all these already, moved to another library) :)
<Begasus> Fetching package for devel:libqt6webkit ... (that could be tricky) :/
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> erysdren: if you have some time a little later today...
<Begasus> -- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:
<Begasus> * Qt6WebKitWidgets, <>
<Begasus> bugger :/
<Begasus> checking why I disabled that one ...
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<Begasus> Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5" :/
<erysdren> good morning phschafft
<Begasus> Hi erysdren
<Begasus> k, where did they get the qt6webkit from?
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<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> and "why?" do they include that in requirements when one can't find it's source, looks like Qt6 doesn't supply that
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> I have spoken in the past about why branches can be a problem. and that sometimes it can be much more efficient (both speed and space) to just do more without questing than to do less in a smart way.
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<phschafft> a tiny bit related: I was wondering what my options are to get a open file handle to a memory segment on Haiku.
<phschafft> e.g. on Linux I can call memfd_create().
<zard> I think that method is available on Haiku. At least WebKit's shared memory works using UNIX's method.
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<phschafft> hm. that is not shared memory (naturally you can share it as it's a file handle). but it is local to who has the handle.
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<zard> I'm pretty sure two people can have the same handle and so access the same segment of memory
* phschafft is not sure he is in sync with zard.
<zard> Something like memfd_create, share the file descriptor using a UNIX message, and then have the other process mmap it
<phschafft> yes, that is what I said. I would expect that to work. however I also expect that you have no access unless someone passed you a handle to it.
<phschafft> which makes it also very interesting for application that don't want to share it.
<zard> I thought the file descriptor created by memfd_create was only available to the application that created and those it shared it with?
<phschafft> yes that is exactly what I'm saying?
<zard> So what do you want? To share it using a file?
<phschafft> I want to NOT share it.
<phschafft> that is why I'm asking about that specific API.
<zard> But that api doesn't share it by default?
<phschafft> yes? that is exactly my point?
<zard> So, problem solved?
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<phschafft> again, I think we went out of sync early somehow. from my point of view there was no problem to begin with.
<zard> Ah, ok, so you were just asking if there was a more Haiku-native way?
<phschafft> just wanted to know what my options are. 'I think that method is available on Haiku.' basically answered that.
<zard> Ah, ok :)
<phschafft> all I wanted to make sure it's not confused with e.g. shm_open() or shm*().
<phschafft> so thank you for your answer. and really sorry we got off track.
<zard> It happens :)
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<Begasus> looks about right (poppler packages) :)
<Begasus> looking at Arch packages (list) I'm on par :)
<Begasus> 64bit depending packages check are fine, running 32bit ones now
<korli> bye folks!
<Begasus> cu korli
<Begasus> and thanks!
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<Begasus> heh, labplot failed because it couldn't find poppler_qt5 (no wonder since that wasn't added before)
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<Begasus> k, first poppler version in a long time requiring libnns3 :) Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/poppler24/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57877] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e21d31338711 - kernel: use nothrow for ThreadSignalEvent::Create()
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9d18e521912c - kernel: newGroups was allocated with malloc, deallocate with free()
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<Begasus> k, either nss was fixed in the meantime, or else I don't know
<Begasus> seems poppler23 also picks it up :) Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/poppler23/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
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<Begasus> issue still around for nss/poppler :(
<Begasus> bbl (maybe) :)
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<botifico> [haiku/website] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haiku/website] dalmemail 000f39d - GSoC 2024 NVMM: Third blog post (#695)
<zard> Ooh, new blog post?
<zard> C'mon website, update!
<zard> Ah, there it is. /me starts reading it
<zard> Progress. Well done, dalme!
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<OscarL> c'mon Pe... don't do this to me! (changed a setting, now it fails to start :-D)
<OscarL> "Extension `COMMIT_EDITMSG` is too long", weak-ass editor! :-P
<phschafft> 255 lines of 255 bytes max. ;)
<phschafft> and all lines must start with a proper line number. ;)
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<OscarL> "if (strlen(e) > 11) THROW(("Extension `%s' is too long", e));" Mmmm. You don't tell me what to do Pe!
* OscarL changes that "11" for: strlen("COMMIT_EDITMSG"). That should do it!
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<CalistoMathias> Heyy
<erysdren> hi
* OscarL waves
* CalistoMathias waves back :D
<CalistoMathias> btw guys I was wanting to install that app/desktop widget that tracks the CPU usage.. what's the name of that package? That and the weather one for putting on the desktop?
<CalistoMathias> the application Pulse is already installed on my laptop but it doesn't seem to have the option to put it as a widget on the desktop
<CalistoMathias> was wondering which package to install from the haiku depot to have that
<OscarL> ActivityMonitor is already included on the main "haiku.hkpg".
<CalistoMathias> yup
<CalistoMathias> I was using that and pulse
<CalistoMathias> but like I remember seeing Begasus's screenshot having the graphs on the desktop directly. That looked a lottt better
<OscarL> Just use ActivityMonitor's replicant.
<OscarL> Make sure "Show replicants" is enabled on Deskbar's main menu... then open ActivityMonitor, and drag the bottom-right little handler our of its main window, and drop it on the Desktop.
<CalistoMathias> Yupppp
<CalistoMathias> worked!
<CalistoMathias> thanks a lottt
<CalistoMathias> also now if I want to remove a graph?
<CalistoMathias> what's the step for that?
<OscarL> Right click for options.
<CalistoMathias> oh wait nvm
<CalistoMathias> yahh
<CalistoMathias> i dragged it on the trash can
<OscarL> You can add more graphs from main ActivityMonitor main window.
<CalistoMathias> yupp
<CalistoMathias> adding the weather ones as well right now :)
<OscarL> each graph has its own replicant.
<CalistoMathias> till now i was just using the plain old default haiku settings and how it comes packaged
<CalistoMathias> hehe
<OscarL> I couldn't use the defaults settings for Tracker for more than just 2 seconds :-D
<CalistoMathias> I have no idea why i was sticking to that
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<CalistoMathias> also Genio doesn't come with the option to set a dark theme does it?
<CalistoMathias> I changed pretty much everything else to a darker mode
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<OscarL> CalistoMathias: for Genio... Settings->Editor->Visuals->Editor style: dark?
<CalistoMathias> yahhh I tried this out now
<CalistoMathias> my eyes are officially saved xD
<CalistoMathias> the thing is since im back in university
<CalistoMathias> i have to sit in the dark for quite some time considering my roommates sleep xD
<CalistoMathias> while I'm awake :)
<OscarL> Oh boy... a miracle! I'm going to update Python3.12 to 3.12.4, and the current .patchset applied cleanly for once! Noice!
<OscarL> (still will have to re-work it a bit to fix some stuff, but... less work is appreciated :-D)
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<Begasus> knock yourself out OscarL :)
<Begasus> I'm about to close down for today
<OscarL> Be well Begasus! :-)
<Begasus> disabling nss for poppler will be for tomorrow ;)
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<CalistoMathias> I keep closing vision by mistake xD
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