importlib.metadata comes with python, but there's also a pip installable version (basically provides backports of features to older Python versions, if I got that right)
the "No package metadata" is not saying that we're missing a package called metadata...
but that the package (numpy) is missing some metadata (maybe we're missing some files, or something).
Not much when searching the net for "metadata was found for numpy"
"PKG-INFO" file starts with "Metadata-Version: 2.1" and is included under numpy-1.26.0-py3.10.egg-info dir on the .hpkg... no idea what is missing.
need to move to nightlies, because these Tracker crashes kill the little patient I have :-D
you've got a patient there? :P
it is terminally ill (dyslexic, apparently) :-P
same error with the current numpy from depot (I copied the missing "f2py" from the new one... as it is just a short script that calls code from the numpy package)
so this is not something new, and given that the python3 version of numpy's package didn't included f2py for some years... who knows when it broke.
pandas can be merged?
yeah, better move it out of the way for now.
okay :)
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maybe user "iam-git" has some luck, and manages to update to numpy2 (albeit that might force updates on other recipes to avoid breakage)
python pit :)
starting to understand why Indiana Jones dislikes snakes so much :-)
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doggies ... :)
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What was rpath?
Ah I see. How is it going?
fine, nuked it :)
x512: Any news? :DDD
mostly it's not a big deal/problem :)
I see.
k, goal for today ... done :D
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on nightly, just updated, haikuporter still working :)
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nice, kdevelop patch from beta still aplies on release :)
stupid typos, and OscarL isn't even around :)
Where is he?
probably still sleeping :)
Is someone as mastodon here?
there are a few that are on mastodon yes
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ps, for those switched to the new Tokodon and getting an error on launch, install qqc2_desktop_style6
have to revbump to fix that one
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pushed :)
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hi humdinger :)
ho ho ho!
too early for that :P
Say, Begas_VM, as haikuports professional... Is it OK to upload a ZIP archive to https://github.com/haiku/artwork and use it as SOURCE_URI in a recipe?
lol, one disadvantage from upstreaming patches, inpatch alias doesn't find them anymore :D
sure, there's no git revision, put I suppose we can trust the Haiku github...
you can use the commit tag to grab it? (srcGitRev)
hmm ... does it contain other stuff then the artwork (haven't checked)?
bugger, distracted now :P
the wallpapers e.g. clone the whole repo. I don't really want that.
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ah ok, can't you push the artwork in a seperate path?
you mean a new repo outside "artwork"?
now i will have to do all the reviewer's change requested :)
build failed :(
need that patch for the error still I guess
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how to add change to the same PR on review.haiku-os.org ?
you have to squash the commits and push again
If you later want to change something, use git commit --amend
amend commit, make sure ChangeID at the bottom matches
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Skipp_OSX gerrit created another change 8709 instead of appliying changes to 8705
ok, this was fixed in nightly IIRC, but needed to apply it for kdevelop also, anyone know where to find this patch in Haiku? https://bpa.st/5JLQ
bc the change id doesn't match
abandon, commit --amend, try again
jmairboeck how to squash the commits ?
you can use git rebase -i HEAD~3 (if you made 3 commits) and mark all but the first one as fixup
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Anarchos: I have this lil function on bashrc/profile for quick squashing :-D : https://bpa.st/2I7A
more complex things, "git rebase -i <sha1>~" (rebase from commit with sha1 and upwards)
pygame is broken and I have no idea why or when it broke :-(
can't play Monsterz now.
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you could also do `git rebase -i HEAD~1' or whatever number of commits you want to go back
as an alternative to using the sha hash
Hello! I want to get up to speed and start contributing to haiku. Would the BeOS bible be a good book for this purpose or is it out of date and/or superficial by now?
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wb OscarL :)
Skipp_OSX: right, I was offering an alternative to what jmairboeck had already mentioned.
Hello Begas_VM :-)
aa[m]: Mmm, let me take a quick look
you broke pygame OscarL?! :)
aa[m]: I think that the basics should still hold (except for difference on file system location, package manager things, etc).
Hmm, it doesn't seem to say anything about contributing
or rather, how to code
Begas_VM: haven't even touched it in a year and a half, so no idea what went wrong there :-(
can't tell either OscarL, maybe something related broke it?
It does say how to use the operating system, but the getting started guide gets you 80% of the way there imo
anybody ever write really awful code that even they can't beautify it themselves?
OscarL: I wrote most of my NES emulator in BeOS.
poor OscarL :)
long time ago already ;)
scanty: pay no attention to critics... beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway.
it's BeOS R5PE's 25th birthday next year if I'm not wrong?
OscarL, point taken :)
* OscarL
looks at his code and runs away screaming: "By gawd! this thing is hiddeous!"
forgot your glaces again*? :P
damn, i wish there was a BView::StrokePixel()
Begasus[m]: glasses might make me realize it is even worse. Bluring helps hide the rough spots :-P
without the glasses I only see dots :P
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it's still almost 8AM in Windows here :)
aren't you at 8PM?
closer to 9 now
yep almost 9PM
but once the VM is up the clock in Windows seems to hold/freeze :)
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dang! almost 13hours at it then :P
3PM here... i'm testing my bnc connectivity... reading a book, trying to code...
attention span not too good today.
full day ahead for you then :)
yeah, i'm working on some bitplane and tile code
head that earlier when humdinger dropped in, lost my focus for a while :)
i hate graphics code.
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bah, typo.
cya zard :)
if BView had a StrokePixel, i wouldn't have to resort to a BBitmap
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patches welcome? :)
it shouldn't ever get such a call
BBitmap is the way to go if you need to write individual pixels
yeah, i figured.
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let's see how Qt handles it.
not too well here atm :)
i could StrokeRect an area of 1x1
i think that would be very slow
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QPainter looks like it can take pixels.
i'll just do a bitmap, whatever
x512[m] i reverted all format changes
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waddlesplash thanks for your message. I erased all format changes anyway, so my code should be really more readable.
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Begas_VM: rebuilt pygame... still fails to import, and have no clue why. :-(
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only 3 recipes require pygame. Might be better to just try with the newest version.
I guess so OscarL
that seems to require moving pygame to SDL2. hope that doesn't gives us much headaches.
SDL, jeez... people still use that?
seems so :)
we have packages that were meant really for Python 2.4... we "frankenstein them" to work with Python 3.10 (until it broke)... some of our packages are just old...
scanty: and SDL2 has some crashes that do not happen with SDL1, so... some recipes use that.
i see. i never liked those all in one solutions to make your app portable
last ditch attempt... `strace python3 -c "import pygame"` to try to find some error somewhere.