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<phschafft> morning.
<zdykstra> Is it a good one?
<Molnija> not rly lmao
<phschafft> I'm looking forward to finding that out.
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<OscarL> mandoc is trolling me :-(
<janking> Good morning :)
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<Oscar-L> darn phone keeps rebooting :-/. Hello janking :-)
<janking> :)
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<janking> morning Begasus,Oscar-L
<Begasus[m]> morning janking Oscar-L phschafft et all :)
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<OscarL> (had to switch to netbook + bluetooth tethering :-/)
<OscarL> hey there Begasus[m].
<OscarL> Trying to fix #10415, but for some reason if I rebuild mandoc-1.14.3, its `makewhatis` command fails to create the mandoc.db, and even removes the ones in there :-/ (the version from depot creates it, but man fails to read it)
<Begasus[m]> wb OscarL , still have to get on speeed here :)
<OscarL> I have some ugly patches that make /bin/man find the mandoc.db files, but not much use for it if we can't create them in the first place :-D
<OscarL> I first tried to update to newest mandoc.... saw that makewhatis issue and I though... I better go back to the current recipe.... only to find out it does the same, for some reason :-(
<Begasus[m]> think I got Amarok as good as it gets, launches dbus-deamon/kded automatic and closes them also when app exits :)
<Begasus[m]> jikes
<OscarL> as mandoc code hasn't changed... wonder if its an issue with compilers, headers, or other Haiku changes that causes the difference.
<Begasus[m]> probably broken before then?
<OscarL> (will try to add some comment on #10415, if I can connect long enough with the other computer)
<Begasus[m]> haven't really fidled with it I think :)
<OscarL> Begasus[m]: that's the issue... version from depot creates the file with no problem (but man can't find it). Rebuilt version fails to create file (even with no code changes, other than a minuscle build fix)
<Begasus[m]> for the yt* PR, I guess we could merge?
<Begasus[m]> no real objections so far, and has been up long enough to make comments on not to merge
<OscarL> I think so. The removal of "opt-*.pyc" files can be seen as a wider issue... maybe we should remove them from all packages, or leave them be :-)
<Begasus[m]> I'll leave that up to the master :P
<Begasus[m]> we can wait also, there's no hurry on it
<Begasus[m]> x512: been using "System Manager" quit a lot these last days, it's a pretty nice tool!
<Begasus[m]> nice, when quiting Amarok all deamons/services close with it (or killed) :)
<OscarL> added all the info I can for now to that mandoc issue. Tried using Debugger, but seems buggy on beta5. Will have to try on nightlies (albeit the tracker bugs there gets on my nerves :-D)
<Begasus[m]> never a dull moment :D
<OscarL> and now pkgman update just hangs in there without any progress :-(
<OscarL> (on nightlies)
<Begasus[m]> saves some MB's ;)
<OscarL> this netbook eats my MBs like breakfast. Sigh. Not enogh MB for a full update :-(
<OscarL> signing off from this one.
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (f43203e5): amarok, add recipe (#11792)
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<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (ced8f8aa): OrcaSlicer: add recipe
<x512[m]> Begasus: Note that this change is needed to run SystemManager on latest nightlies:
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<Begasus[m]> x512: still running beta, so I'm still good then :)
<Begasus[m]> can the change be included at haikuports x512 , maybe a revbump for those wanting to use it on nightly is handy?
<Begasus[m]> nah, can't be build on beta
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<x512[m]> Begasus: It is mutually-exclusive for beta and nightly.
<Begasus[m]> x512: thought so (seeing the error here), thanks for the link though, if I need a version for a nightly I know that I should have to do a rebuild there now
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<ilzu[m]> Hello everyone.
<ilzu[m]> zardshard: Do you now have time to help me get Webkit2 built?
<zardshard> Soon. Give me 30 minutes
<ilzu[m]> Of course. Just ping me when you are ready.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58706] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 30968604033f - bin/keymap: show help with -h, use -H for --header.
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<zard> ilzu[m]: Ready :-)
<zard> Be forewarned though, I could be interrupted
<ilzu[m]> Great
<ilzu[m]> No problem.
<ilzu[m]> I might get interrupted too, but probably not for long periods
<zard> Still stuck on the same error, I'm guessing?
<ilzu[m]> I haven't tried since yesterday, but the repository is up to date, so I guess so.
<zard> Allright
* zard looks in command history to see what he used to configure the build
<zard> No luck, guess I'll have to see from the documentation
<zard> I think the command I used was somewhere in there, along with another command that I did not use
<zard> I think Tools/Scripts/build-webkit was the command I didn't use... which one did I use? ...
<ilzu[m]> I did try to use it, and it is the one complaining of the missing files.
* zard is interrupted
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<zard> re (means returned fyi)
<zard> Yeah. I wonder why it complains of the missing files? It shouldn't.
<zard> Oh well
* zard is interrupted
<zard> re
<ilzu[m]> The complaining happens from Source/cmake/WebKitMacros.cmake on line 182. I'm reading the cmake files to see if there would be any clue.
<zard> Ok, I think I used cmake directly instead of build-webkit
<zard> But I'm having trouble finding the paramters I used, so let's debug build-webkit
<zard> Remind me, what was it complaining about?
<zard> Ok, let's see what we can figure out...
<zard> So I ran `Tools/Script/build-webkit --haiku --no-fatal-warnings` and it worked
<zard> Two big differences for my setup:
<zard> 1. My clone of WebKit2 isn't up to date; 2. Who knows what effect files I added or prior configuration I did is having
<zard> Did you say `haiku/WebCoreSupport/WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp` existed?
<zard> * on your computer?
<ilzu[m]> There is that file in Source/WebkitLegacy/WebCoreSupport/
<ilzu[m]> Now that I look at the error, it seems to ba about webkit legacy. But I don't want to build that.
<skylar[m]> where does one obtain a nightly image
<zard> skylar[m]: (I googled "haiku nightly")
<ilzu[m]> zard: Do you have your own repository for webkit2 or which commit is your current source tree at?
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<zard> My tree is at df403b94719
<zard> Of the Zardshard/haikuwebkit repository
<zard> Yeah, it would be a good idea to compare the differences between the two.
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<zard> Oh, yeah, why is it compiling WebKitLegacy in the first place, you ask?
<zard> Because I couldn't get it to stop compiling it with the limited time I had
<zard> Why, oh why does it compile WebKitLegacy even when (IIRC) we tell it explicitely we don't need it or want it?
<zard> Surely, there's a dependency to WebKitLegacy hiding somewhere in one of the build files
<zard> for WebKit2
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<ilzu[m]> Ok, good to know.
<ilzu[m]> I'll try your repo to see if it would configure the build
<zard> Yeah, that will be useful information
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<zard> I should note. I traditionally build with --debug enabled, so e.g. `Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug --haiku --no-fatal-warnings`
<zard> But, nephele has had trouble with getting debug builds to work so those may be more difficult
<zard> One thing for sure, they will eat your storage (got 20 GB free space?)
<ilzu[m]> I probably need to make more space...
<zard> I did write an article about the tricks I used to reduce the space requirements
<zard> My WebKit still takes 20GB space in all though
<zard> 4 of those gigabytes is used by ccache
<zard> Which you will probably want to setup sometime too
<zard> Once you get tired of WebKit rebuilding everything way too easily
* zard is trying to reproduce your error by deleting WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp
<ilzu[m]> Try it with checking out the haiku/haikuwebkit webkit2 branch.
<zard> As luck would have it, I am on the haiku-webkit2 branch and have pretty much always been :)
<ilzu[m]> With your branch build-webkit works
<zard> Mmm...
<zard> And I managed to reproduce your error by deleting the file
<zard> oh wait, there's a minor difference
<zard> "Cannot find source file: WebCoreSupport/WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp"
<zard> But yours says "Cannot find source file: haiku/WebCoreSupport/WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp"
<zard> Why is it appending the "haiku" in front of WebCoreSupport? hmm...
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<zard> _WEBKIT_TARGET (the function that has the line that contains the error) in Source/cmake/WebKitMacros.cmake differs significantly between the two versions. Maybe the bug is hiding in there?
<zard> I should sync my repository with upstream so that I can actually reproduce your error
<zard> So heads up: Zardshard/haikuwebkit will have many new commits
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<zard> Now, let's see if I get your error...
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<zard> Indeed "Cannot find source file: haiku/WebCoreSupport/WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp"
<ilzu[m]> Hmm. I think we should check which commit causes the error.
<zard> Bisecting? could be a bit difficult because of history rewrites
<waddlesplash> skylar[m]: no need to test on a nightly, it will still be a problem there
<zard> We are constantly rebasing on top of the latest version of WebKit, IIRC
<zard> Or else those come from us cleaning up commits so that they're easier to merge upstream
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<zard> We barely merge commits upstream, ironically, but if the day comes that our fork is merged upstream we'll want the commits to be nice
<zard> I think that was a requirement of WebKit? Don't remember. pulkomandy is the one doing that stuff
<zard> Got a lead! move `set(WebKitLegacy_SOURCES` directly before `WEBKIT_FRAMEWORK(WebKitLegacy)` in WebKitLegacy/CMakeLists.txt and it works
<zard> Something is messing with the value of WebKitLegacy_SOURCES
* zard goes on break for 10 minutes
<ilzu[m]> Thanks
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<zard> re
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<Begasus[m]> ra
<erysdren> rrer
<zard> arr!
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<Begasus[m]> Found unsuitable Qt version "" from NOTFOUND, this code requires Qt 4.x LOL
<zard> Found the faulty line! "haiku/WebCoreSupport/WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp" comes from Source/WebKitLegacy.cmake:74
<zard> Now, why did PulkoMandy put that line in there 2 weeks ago?
* zard tries building without it
<zard> (PulkoMandy's commit: ebd4ab80f)
<zard> Eh, don't have enough memory to build it right now and I'm done for today, but hopefully that was helpful nonetheless :-)
<PulkoMandy> Maybe I made a mistake and put something in the wrong place
<PulkoMandy> Madmax has set up a builder to check my work, but only on the webkitlegacy branch for now
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<ilzu[m]> Thanks zard Removing that line fixes to configuration, let's see if it builds.
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<Anarchos> hi Begasus[m]
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<Begasus[m]> Hi Anarchos
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev58707] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5d46b254d443 - libroot/string: Apply the same optimization to strncmp as in strcmp.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2b52ddef7946 - libroot/string: Use '==' and not '-' and '== 0' for all except the last comparison.
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<Begasus[m]> I can start to code now :P
<erysdren> lol
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<Begasus[m]> it's not always correct though :D
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 7 commits to master [hrev58708] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1707ab129900 - runtime_loader: Use posix_string_arch as built for libroot.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8a86fccb1b37 - arm64, riscv64: Drop arch_string.S.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 62793934a147 - x86, x86_64: Move (userland) memcpy, memset out of arch_string.S/.cpp.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a23e0856780b - m68k, arm: Rename arch_string.S to memcpy.S.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f33654d94293 - libroot/string: Put the misalignment check in memcmp() into a macro.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 282bdf736c90 - Overhaul generic memcpy and memset.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 16db148e63b9 - kernel/x86: Replace homegrown memcpy & memset with NetBSD's.
<Begasus[m]> done playing for today, cu peeps!
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<erysdren> cya Begasus
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58709] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2d3b5776e7f2 - AboutSystem: Separate zh-Hans/zh-Hant, add translators
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* nephele waves
<nephele> ilzu[m]: yesterday your mention did not notify me becuase i was only online as nephele_xmpp. I see zardshard helped you though :)
<nephele> zardshard: webkitlegacy is still compiled in the webkit2 branch. I had suggested a patch to turn that off, but PulkoMandy asked to keep it per default so we can see issues. Maybe we can make a build flag. Also I initiially only patches it oud because of some linker issues, but i think those are no problem now
<nephele> I think it makes sense that both build if the content of webkit2 become the main haiku branch evnetually when we can merge those together
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<PulkoMandy> Isn't it already a cmake build flag?
<ilzu[m]> nephele: Yup, Zarshard helped.
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<nephele> PulkoMandy: when i tried this it didn't work well. I don't remember why, so I will check :)
<nephele> Ah, one issue for example was that it would try to build HaikuBrowser and DumpRenderTree dispite webkitlegacy beeing off... and that'd fail
<nephele> But i have made a "proper" path for that
<nephele> patch*
<nephele> I wish git wasn't this slow on Haiku...
<nephele> PulkoMandy: yeah, it seems that was the main issue. Fixed in my tree, do you want me to send you the patch? it only modifies Tools/PlatformHaiku.cmake
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<PulkoMandy> Sounds like a good idea, yes
<PulkoMandy> Not sure I will have time for reviewing in the near future :( but I can try
<nephele> I read "in the new year" at first :)
<nephele> On a completely unrelated topic: I got two Lenovo ThinkCentre machinees
<nephele> I booted Haiku on one, it seems to run nicely, even wifi works, and audio! But no "proper" driver with brightness sadly
<zdykstra> which models?
<nephele> they have models?
<nephele> ah here
<nephele> ThinkCentre M73z
<zdykstra> neat little machine - bummer about the brightness control though
<nephele> Well, one issue is not too bad
<nephele> hmm, the specs on the lenovo site don't seem to corespond to the actual specs... wierd
<zdykstra> each different model has sub-versions
<zdykstra> dmidecode of table 1 can show you the product name; it's also visible in the firmware setup screen
<nephele> 10BC0018GE
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<nephele> Is the Produce Name according to the lenovo diagnostics thingy
<nephele> that gives better results on other sites, but still wrong specs on lenovos own site :D
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<nephele> doesn't want to boot my haiku Beta1 dvd. Disapointing! but the nightly from thumb drive boots fine :)
<nephele> hmm, can Haiku be installed to a sd card...
<nephele> would this even try to boot from one
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<nephele> zdykstra: huh
<nephele> seems this thing has side buttons to control brightness
<nephele> I gotta be honest. That solution is too simple, i did not think of it
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<zdykstra> ahh nice, sounds like it's a pretty usable system then
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<nephele> works when the system is booted aswell. Nice
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<nephele> (though i don't doubt "proper" drivers could control this more precisely)
<nephele> One problem seems to remain though, haiku does not open the DVD tray when requested
<nephele> not sure if there is a way to ask it on the commandline or something?
<nephele> can't really test if it can read audio cd like this :)
<nephele> it didn't want to boot from the haiku dvd so maybe it doesn't work in general... though Devices does list SCSI CD-ROM Drive
<nephele> zdykstra: but yes! seems very useable
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