I'm looking forward to finding that out.
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mandoc is trolling me :-(
Good morning :)
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darn phone keeps rebooting :-/. Hello janking :-)
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morning peeps
morning Begasus,Oscar-L
morning janking Oscar-L phschafft et all :)
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(had to switch to netbook + bluetooth tethering :-/)
hey there Begasus[m].
Trying to fix #10415, but for some reason if I rebuild mandoc-1.14.3, its `makewhatis` command fails to create the mandoc.db, and even removes the ones in there :-/ (the version from depot creates it, but man fails to read it)
wb OscarL , still have to get on speeed here :)
I have some ugly patches that make /bin/man find the mandoc.db files, but not much use for it if we can't create them in the first place :-D
I first tried to update to newest mandoc.... saw that makewhatis issue and I though... I better go back to the current recipe.... only to find out it does the same, for some reason :-(
think I got Amarok as good as it gets, launches dbus-deamon/kded automatic and closes them also when app exits :)
as mandoc code hasn't changed... wonder if its an issue with compilers, headers, or other Haiku changes that causes the difference.
probably broken before then?
(will try to add some comment on #10415, if I can connect long enough with the other computer)
haven't really fidled with it I think :)
Begasus[m]: that's the issue... version from depot creates the file with no problem (but man can't find it). Rebuilt version fails to create file (even with no code changes, other than a minuscle build fix)
for the yt* PR, I guess we could merge?
no real objections so far, and has been up long enough to make comments on not to merge
I think so. The removal of "opt-*.pyc" files can be seen as a wider issue... maybe we should remove them from all packages, or leave them be :-)
I'll leave that up to the master :P
we can wait also, there's no hurry on it
x512: been using "System Manager" quit a lot these last days, it's a pretty nice tool!
nice, when quiting Amarok all deamons/services close with it (or killed) :)
added all the info I can for now to that mandoc issue. Tried using Debugger, but seems buggy on beta5. Will have to try on nightlies (albeit the tracker bugs there gets on my nerves :-D)
never a dull moment :D
and now pkgman update just hangs in there without any progress :-(
(on nightlies)
saves some MB's ;)
this netbook eats my MBs like breakfast. Sigh. Not enogh MB for a full update :-(
signing off from this one.
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x512: still running beta, so I'm still good then :)
can the change be included at haikuports x512 , maybe a revbump for those wanting to use it on nightly is handy?
nah, can't be build on beta
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Begasus: It is mutually-exclusive for beta and nightly.
x512: thought so (seeing the error here), thanks for the link though, if I need a version for a nightly I know that I should have to do a rebuild there now
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Hello everyone.
zardshard: Do you now have time to help me get Webkit2 built?
Soon. Give me 30 minutes
Of course. Just ping me when you are ready.
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But yours says "Cannot find source file: haiku/WebCoreSupport/WebResourceLoadScheduler.cpp"
Why is it appending the "haiku" in front of WebCoreSupport? hmm...
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_WEBKIT_TARGET (the function that has the line that contains the error) in Source/cmake/WebKitMacros.cmake differs significantly between the two versions. Maybe the bug is hiding in there?
I should sync my repository with upstream so that I can actually reproduce your error
So heads up: Zardshard/haikuwebkit will have many new commits
[haiku/haiku] 2d3b5776e7f2 - AboutSystem: Separate zh-Hans/zh-Hant, add translators
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* nephele
ilzu[m]: yesterday your mention did not notify me becuase i was only online as nephele_xmpp. I see zardshard helped you though :)
zardshard: webkitlegacy is still compiled in the webkit2 branch. I had suggested a patch to turn that off, but PulkoMandy asked to keep it per default so we can see issues. Maybe we can make a build flag. Also I initiially only patches it oud because of some linker issues, but i think those are no problem now
I think it makes sense that both build if the content of webkit2 become the main haiku branch evnetually when we can merge those together
PulkoMandy: when i tried this it didn't work well. I don't remember why, so I will check :)
Ah, one issue for example was that it would try to build HaikuBrowser and DumpRenderTree dispite webkitlegacy beeing off... and that'd fail
But i have made a "proper" path for that
I wish git wasn't this slow on Haiku...
PulkoMandy: yeah, it seems that was the main issue. Fixed in my tree, do you want me to send you the patch? it only modifies Tools/PlatformHaiku.cmake
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Sounds like a good idea, yes
Not sure I will have time for reviewing in the near future :( but I can try
I read "in the new year" at first :)
On a completely unrelated topic: I got two Lenovo ThinkCentre machinees
I booted Haiku on one, it seems to run nicely, even wifi works, and audio! But no "proper" driver with brightness sadly
which models?
they have models?
ah here
ThinkCentre M73z
neat little machine - bummer about the brightness control though
Well, one issue is not too bad
hmm, the specs on the lenovo site don't seem to corespond to the actual specs... wierd
each different model has sub-versions
dmidecode of table 1 can show you the product name; it's also visible in the firmware setup screen
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Is the Produce Name according to the lenovo diagnostics thingy
that gives better results on other sites, but still wrong specs on lenovos own site :D
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doesn't want to boot my haiku Beta1 dvd. Disapointing! but the nightly from thumb drive boots fine :)
hmm, can Haiku be installed to a sd card...
would this even try to boot from one
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zdykstra: huh
seems this thing has side buttons to control brightness
I gotta be honest. That solution is too simple, i did not think of it
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ahh nice, sounds like it's a pretty usable system then
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works when the system is booted aswell. Nice
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(though i don't doubt "proper" drivers could control this more precisely)
One problem seems to remain though, haiku does not open the DVD tray when requested
not sure if there is a way to ask it on the commandline or something?
can't really test if it can read audio cd like this :)
it didn't want to boot from the haiku dvd so maybe it doesn't work in general... though Devices does list SCSI CD-ROM Drive
zdykstra: but yes! seems very useable
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