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<geniodiabolico> This is a Satellite A505-S6005. Not sure off the top of my head what it has. It was an old laptop sitting in a closet that no one cared if I wiped to put Haiku on.
<geniodiabolico> At this point, I am maybe 72 hours since I heard of Haiku. First thing I did was look for a home for it. Then I decided if I did anything to the code, I wanted to do it pure Haiku because I just don't feel like dealing with cross compiler complication.
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<AlienSoldier> geniodiabolico well, nice for you the shutdown work well. I personally think it is very timming related so you may perhaps get the problem with an update and then it can go away again with another update.
<geniodiabolico> What will happen when I see the problem? Apps will close but then stay on background without the shutdown ever finishing?
<AlienSoldier> Got into haiku from the fist days (when i was replacing beos component one at a time with haiku newly made part). I imagine it can be quite a trip to start right now for someone that is interested under the hood.
<Anarchos> geniodiabolico yes.
<AlienSoldier> geniodiabolico for the all shutdown, but everything stop just before someone shut off the light :) so only the blu background stay on screen.
<geniodiabolico> I never used BeOS but I remember in the late 90s Mac Addict magazine writing about how it should be the new Apple OS
<Anarchos> AlienSoldier and a little window 'shutdown in progress' if i remember
<geniodiabolico> I will be on the lookout for that problem
<AlienSoldier> Anarchos not in my case, perhaps you are sooner on the timing
<Anarchos> AlienSoldier i really want to help with this shutdown issue, but nobody seems to care (or it is very low priority which i can understand)
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<Anarchos> plop mmu_man
<AlienSoldier> it is a low priority, no data corruption happen. If is a problem for that that close and open their laptop often in a day.
<AlienSoldier> *It is
<AlienSoldier> *for thos that
<Anarchos> AlienSoldier yes. For now i am finishing a solution for the ticket #3545 :)
<geniodiabolico> I am trying to get setup on KDL. I've been trying to invoke with <Alt>-D-<Sysreq> but it is not happening. Do I need to enable it somewhere?
<Anarchos> geniodiabolico it is alt-sysreq-d
<Anarchos> in this order
<Anarchos> or you can invoke kernel_debugger from Terminal.
<geniodiabolico> if I hit alt then sysreq it opens the Screenshot
<geniodiabolico> then the D does nothing
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<AlienSoldier> Anarchos how dare you tackeling 16 year old tickets? :P
<AlienSoldier> those are sacred! :P
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<augiedoggie> keep holding alt down
<geniodiabolico> I can open kernel_debugger from terminal but holding alt without letting up then pressing sysreq opens Screenshot. Immediately on keydown for sysreq
<augiedoggie> do you have linux shortcuts enabled or something?
<geniodiabolico> I don't think so
<augiedoggie> i can't remember if that's affected by that
<augiedoggie> ok
<geniodiabolico> Can't be sure of much at this point
<geniodiabolico> in Keymap it has the button for "Switch shortcuts to Windows/Linux mode"
<augiedoggie> ok, that means it's using Haiku/BeOS style shortcuts
<augiedoggie> hm, maybe you're using the right alt key instead of left?
<geniodiabolico> Using left
* augiedoggie is semi-randomly guessing now :P
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<augiedoggie> it doesn't work in my vmware VM, but i'm not sure i've ever tried it there before
<geniodiabolico> ok, if I hit right <alt> the sysreq still opens but when I hit D it does open KDL
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<geniodiabolico> so it opens Screenshot then KDL
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<augiedoggie> strange
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<geniodiabolico> I'm looking around for where to turn off the opening of Screenshot. I don't see it defined in Shortcuts
HaikuUser is now known as neural
<Anarchos> geniodiabolico is it a 'Fn' key combination ?
<augiedoggie> heh, i fixed it my vm by disabling the linux sysrq handler :P
<Anarchos> when i push my PR; i got this strnage error message : « ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master (duplicate request) »
<neural> hello from an eeepc 900 and Haiku running native :)
<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<Anarchos> neural i have haiku native on a fizzbook zoostorm too :)
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<neural> good, I am testing it, I had an old version of linux but I wanted to try haiku out, so I replaced it
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<Anarchos> neural do you have an accelerometer in it ?
<neural> no, it is a very old pc
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<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (7d95c0fb): Telegram: bump version
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58522] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 8738012f43a1 - rc: fix app_version handling during decompile
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<Begasus> morning peeps
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<code_vaibhav[m]> hi, i am trying to build the buildtools following this tut (Step 4) > The --use-xattr flag does not seem to work on the latest mac os ( getting "Invalid argument"). Did anyone face this before
<code_vaibhav[m]> This is the exact command i'm running > ../configure --use-xattr --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools/ --build-cross-tools x86_gcc2 --build-cross-tools x86
<code_vaibhav[m]> * hi, i am trying to build the buildtools following this tut (Step 4) >\_building\_haiku\_mac\_os\_x\_1010\_yosemite/ The --use-xattr flag does not seem to work on the mac os Sequoia ( getting "Invalid argument"). Did anyone face this before
<waddlesplash> that argument has been deprecated and removed, that guide is kind of outdated
<waddlesplash> the configure script will now automatically detect host xattr support
<Begasus> bah! -- Could NOT find Qt6WebEngineWidgets (missing: Qt6WebEngineWidgets_DIR)
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<Begasus> one error down in R :)
<code_vaibhav[m]> <waddlesplash> "that argument has been deprecate..." <- Could you please point me to an updated doc if any. Thanks!
<code_vaibhav[m]> * if any for building haiku from source on Mac. Thanks!
<Begasus> running "git diff" on configure source is bogus, list of change is too long (and not related to the source)
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<HaikuUser> hey great work team haiku developers :)
<HaikuUser> i had great ease getting wired LAN and WAN to function on routers
<HaikuUser> experimenting getting apache to run is fun :)
<HaikuUser> just gotta get another router with better support for web servers
<Begasus> glad you enjoy it HaikuUser
<HaikuUser> :)
<HaikuUser> thanks
<HaikuUser> oh its draKon
<Begasus> :)
HaikuUser is now known as draKon
<draKon> Vision IRC resets sometimes on its own :S
<draKon> whats the CD/dvd copying scene like with haiku users?
<draKon> im getting in to copying hopefully when another desktop/portable desktop arrives
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<draKon> guess its not to prevalent like it once used to be
<draKon> im so happy, got a router setup to sell wifi and free one :)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58523] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4c73b06622da - hid: Fix for incoming feature reports not parsed
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 454 commits to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • rniwa (3485279c): REGRESSION(287633@main): Release assert failure in Node::moveTreeToNewScope…
<nekobot> • tadeuzagallo (857fda0f): [WebGPU] Implement Buffer::getMappedRange in Swift…
<nekobot> • martadarbinyan (38db353d): [Gardening]: [iOS] 2 tests in fast/writing-mode are constantly failing (flaky in EWS)…
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<Anarchos> hello
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<janking> Good morning
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there!
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* Begasus returned
<Begasus> no update on rkward -> qt6webengine
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (061c6b4a): R, bump version (#11644)
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<Begasus> is buildmaster sleeping? R build still not started
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<_-Caleb-_> Hi all
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there!
<Begasus> Arr andreasdr[m] :)
<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy force-pushed 55 commits to branch haiku-webkit2:
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (e8b313ef): Enable building WebKit2 (non-legacy)
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (cd7f462d): Enable MiniBrowser, launch subprocesses, load blank URL…
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (ca197d92): ProcessLauncherHaiku: implement using BRoster::Launch…
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