This is a Satellite A505-S6005. Not sure off the top of my head what it has. It was an old laptop sitting in a closet that no one cared if I wiped to put Haiku on.
At this point, I am maybe 72 hours since I heard of Haiku. First thing I did was look for a home for it. Then I decided if I did anything to the code, I wanted to do it pure Haiku because I just don't feel like dealing with cross compiler complication.
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geniodiabolico well, nice for you the shutdown work well. I personally think it is very timming related so you may perhaps get the problem with an update and then it can go away again with another update.
What will happen when I see the problem? Apps will close but then stay on background without the shutdown ever finishing?
Got into haiku from the fist days (when i was replacing beos component one at a time with haiku newly made part). I imagine it can be quite a trip to start right now for someone that is interested under the hood.
geniodiabolico yes.
geniodiabolico for the all shutdown, but everything stop just before someone shut off the light :) so only the blu background stay on screen.
I never used BeOS but I remember in the late 90s Mac Addict magazine writing about how it should be the new Apple OS
AlienSoldier and a little window 'shutdown in progress' if i remember
I will be on the lookout for that problem
Anarchos not in my case, perhaps you are sooner on the timing
AlienSoldier i really want to help with this shutdown issue, but nobody seems to care (or it is very low priority which i can understand)
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plop mmu_man
it is a low priority, no data corruption happen. If is a problem for that that close and open their laptop often in a day.
*It is
*for thos that
AlienSoldier yes. For now i am finishing a solution for the ticket #3545 :)
I am trying to get setup on KDL. I've been trying to invoke with <Alt>-D-<Sysreq> but it is not happening. Do I need to enable it somewhere?
geniodiabolico it is alt-sysreq-d
in this order
or you can invoke kernel_debugger from Terminal.
if I hit alt then sysreq it opens the Screenshot
then the D does nothing
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Anarchos how dare you tackeling 16 year old tickets? :P
those are sacred! :P
Hi there.
keep holding alt down
I can open kernel_debugger from terminal but holding alt without letting up then pressing sysreq opens Screenshot. Immediately on keydown for sysreq
do you have linux shortcuts enabled or something?
I don't think so
i can't remember if that's affected by that
Can't be sure of much at this point
in Keymap it has the button for "Switch shortcuts to Windows/Linux mode"
ok, that means it's using Haiku/BeOS style shortcuts
hm, maybe you're using the right alt key instead of left?
Using left
* augiedoggie
is semi-randomly guessing now :P
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it doesn't work in my vmware VM, but i'm not sure i've ever tried it there before
ok, if I hit right <alt> the sysreq still opens but when I hit D it does open KDL
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so it opens Screenshot then KDL
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I'm looking around for where to turn off the opening of Screenshot. I don't see it defined in Shortcuts
HaikuUser is now known as neural
geniodiabolico is it a 'Fn' key combination ?
heh, i fixed it my vm by disabling the linux sysrq handler :P
when i push my PR; i got this strnage error message : « ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master (duplicate request) »
hello from an eeepc 900 and Haiku running native :)
neural i have haiku native on a fizzbook zoostorm too :)
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good, I am testing it, I had an old version of linux but I wanted to try haiku out, so I replaced it
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neural do you have an accelerometer in it ?
no, it is a very old pc
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This is the exact command i'm running > ../configure --use-xattr --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools/ --build-cross-tools x86_gcc2 --build-cross-tools x86
* hi, i am trying to build the buildtools following this tut (Step 4) > https://www.haiku-os.org/articles/2015-02-05\_building\_haiku\_mac\_os\_x\_1010\_yosemite/ The --use-xattr flag does not seem to work on the mac os Sequoia ( getting "Invalid argument"). Did anyone face this before
that argument has been deprecated and removed, that guide is kind of outdated
the configure script will now automatically detect host xattr support
bah! -- Could NOT find Qt6WebEngineWidgets (missing: Qt6WebEngineWidgets_DIR)
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one error down in R :)
<waddlesplash> "that argument has been deprecate..." <- Could you please point me to an updated doc if any. Thanks!
* if any for building haiku from source on Mac. Thanks!
running "git diff" on configure source is bogus, list of change is too long (and not related to the source)
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hey great work team haiku developers :)
i had great ease getting wired LAN and WAN to function on routers
experimenting getting apache to run is fun :)
just gotta get another router with better support for web servers
glad you enjoy it HaikuUser
oh its draKon
HaikuUser is now known as draKon
Vision IRC resets sometimes on its own :S
whats the CD/dvd copying scene like with haiku users?
im getting in to copying hopefully when another desktop/portable desktop arrives
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guess its not to prevalent like it once used to be
im so happy, got a router setup to sell wifi and free one :)
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