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<OscarL> waddlesplash: you may want to change "Merged in hrev58751." to "Merged in hrev58752." in
<waddlesplash> whoops. fixed, thnx
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Begasus[m]> yay! texlive update :D
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<nekobot> • Begasus (cd21f590): texstudio, bump to 4.8.6 (#12000)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (ae6d731c): Waterfox: add recipe for 6.5.5 version (disabled)
<nekobot> [haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • threedeyes (f64c8a03): waterfox_bin: add recipe for 6.5.5 version
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 153 commits to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • cdumez (00f68ab6): Address Safer CPP failures in SourceBufferPrivateRemote.cpp…
<nekobot> • youennf (80d318b8): MediaStream from canvas.captureStream and then read VideoFrame using MediaStreamTrackProcessor, copyTo does not produce any content.…
<nekobot> • cdumez (5a0c64ee): Address a lot of Safer CPP failures in UIProcess proxy classes…
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 1000 commits to branch main:
<nekobot> • cdumez (c19cbbd8): Unreviewed, address unexpected safer cpp failures in BitmapImageDescriptor.cpp…
<nekobot> • fujii (02300b5b): [Win] Unreviewed test gardening…
<nekobot> • fujii (2733dd0b): REGRESSION(291247@main): Crash in JSC::MarkedBlock::vm under WebCore::Element::attachShadow if ScopedCustomElementRegistryEnabled is off…
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<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (e9235188): Enable building WebKit2 (non-legacy)
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy force-pushed 42 commits to branch haiku-webkit2:
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (e90d3b94): Enable MiniBrowser, launch subprocesses, load blank URL…
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (d4c1aaa9): ProcessLauncherHaiku: implement using BRoster::Launch…
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (270332bc): dvipng: bump to version 1.18
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<Begasus[m]> another MR upstreamed at KDE ;)
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (b45003ff): dvisvgm: bump to version 3.4.4
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<nekobot> • jmairboeck (1584bedd): gregorio: bump to version 6.1.0
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (703ca7d0): HaikuWebKit 1.9.20
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed tag HaikuWebKit-1.9.20:
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<nekobot> • jmairboeck (2d616687): libpaper: bump to version 2.2.6
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<Begasus[m]> jmairboeck: also followed the conversation on commit messages? ;)
<nekobot> • Begasus (443a754a): blinken, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12001)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<Begasus[m]> time to move some of those KF5 ones over to KF6
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (c2ae17d3): bomber, add KF6 bomber game version 24.12.3 (#12002)
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (b5548ca0): bovo, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12003)
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<Begasus[m]> spot the difference ...
<Begasus[m]> first one uses: m_entry.size = statbuf.st_blocks * statbuf.st_blksize;
<Begasus[m]> second one defines: #define S_BLKSIZE 512
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<Begasus[m]> second one looks more correct
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<nekobot> [haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (9a56232f): HaikuWebKit 1.9.20
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<Begasus[m]> Hi Skipp_OSX
<Begasus[m]> question :)
<Skipp_OSX> hello
<Begasus[m]> I deleted a directory with files in it earlier
<Skipp_OSX> ok...
<Begasus[m]> but going into Trash directory and in that subdir, when I clicked "restore" on one of those files, it went missing
<Begasus[m]> eg, the directory where it was in isn't re-created and I got no clue where it went (had a backup so no harm is done)
<Begasus[m]> was just wondering if this is a known/fixed issue?
<Skipp_OSX> Restore is not a known issue except sometimes conflicts get overwritten
<Begasus[m]> updating qemu image
<Begasus[m]> so it doesn't ask when the same file is already in place?
<Skipp_OSX> no but it tries to duplicate and fails sometimes
<Skipp_OSX> there is a ticket somewhere to fix file merging which is more likely the issue. It's possible I changed how restore works incidentally but it should be the same.
<Begasus[m]> OK, it's good in nightly, so seems fixed there
<Begasus[m]> sorry for the noise :)
<Begasus[m]> Mozilla doesn't only eat RAM, it also consumes disk space (1.2GiB) :O
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<scanty> Begasus[m]: space is cheap these days ;-)
<Begasus[m]> yeah, but still :)
<scanty> i do agree that for a browser, that is quite a lot of memory
<Begasus[m]> that's only disk space, didn't really check ram usage (as I mostly got multiple apps running) :)
<scanty> i'm not so worried about ram, i have 16gb
<Begasus[m]> same here
<scanty> probably will update to 32 eventually, but for now, everything is running fine
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<scanty> i'm mostly happy because my computer is "recent"
<scanty> oh, and also that haiku runs really well on it :-)
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<Begasus[m]> yeah! :D
<Begasus[m]> and I'm able to run it on bare metal again! :)
<scanty> hooray!
<Begasus[m]> if nothing pops up I can build the full KDE framework suite in a bit over an hour :)
<scanty> nice
<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (eb367fd8): psutils: bump to version 3.3.9
<scanty> nobody updated librewolf package yet.
<Begasus[m]> it is updated, somehow didn't make it to the depot?
<scanty> i just checked the depot
<scanty> rechecking
<Begasus[m]> ow, librewolf also not ?
<scanty> oh, it is on the depot
<scanty> my bad
<Begasus[m]> already running that :)
<Begasus[m]> np, I know you had issues with iceweasel
<scanty> I checked software updater first.
<Begasus[m]> pkgman ftw! :)
<scanty> hehe okay cool it works
<scanty> too bad about the mouse trail
<Begasus[m]> yeah, guess it's a GTK issue there
<scanty> yeah, hope it can be fixed... it's quite a fast browser comapred to others
<Begasus[m]> well ... you "can" watch youtube in there :P
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<Begasus[m]> I'm just not sure which one to pick now, first we had one, now three clones :)
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<scanty> three?
<scanty> iceweasel, librewolf, and what else?
<Skipp_OSX> Waterfox according to forum post
<scanty> ah
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<Begasus[m]> sticking to librewolf for a bit
<Begasus[m]> beside WebPositive* :)
<scanty> i mostly use falkon
<Begasus[m]> got an issue with that, keeps consuming a cpu thread
<scanty> yeah, that happens sometimes
<Begasus[m]> same for akregator, switched to alligator because of that
<scanty> what's that?
<Begasus[m]> rss feed reader
<scanty> oh
<scanty> nice
<Begasus[m]> alligator doesn't use qtwebeingine, so it has a smaller footprint :)
<scanty> that's good :)
<Begasus[m]> but there are still some good native sollutions! :D
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<nekobot> • Begasus (223c397d): granatier, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12005)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
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<nekobot> [haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (6ffba30e): upmendex: bump to version 1.11
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<nekobot> • pulkomandy (69ca0e6a): Merge commit '2733dd0b5570' into Haiku…
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 5 commits to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (68f5b7de): HaikuWebKit 1.9.21…
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed tag HaikuWebKit-1.9.21:
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<nekobot> [haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (4669ff20): HaikuWebKit 1.9.21
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<cocobean> pthread_create/detach: seems to finally pass testing.... only had an issue with one test.... magnifico...
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<jhj> Haiku doesn't have adjtimex or ntp_adjtime :(
<jhj> Is there a proper way to check if the clock is externally synchronized?
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