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good evening.
no love for scanty tonight?
hello phschafft
mau scanty :)
cats rule
so, what's new?
i finished a really good book today on quantum mechanics
"Reality is Not What it Seems" by Carlo Rovelli. not a difficult read at all, very interesting and pleasureable.
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scanty got mu Master System Everdrive, so i will go to the dark side soon :) Still have to find it's own micro sd card (it suck shopping for this, price is all over the place)
AlienSoldier: cool. I think there's a NES Everdrive, too
my small NES dev setup is much older
and much more limited
yes, but i still have to have the system, the SMS is the one i was having when a kid.
yeah, SMS was pretty cool, but I think overall NES had better games
yes. i think the SMS might get the upper hand eventually when homebrew start seriously, right now the NES one are still better.
also got a SNES one for my superfamicom, and this one should also play GBC games
contacted a guy for a non working colecovision last week, got no response.
anyways, bbiab, going for a smoke
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I have just installed haiku
nice! what do you think so far?
It's pretty much everything I want in an os!
It has a very nise asthetic to it that makes me feel like working
although I have no idea what you can actually do with this os
how do you change your name?
i think /name ?
i dont quite remember
it is "/nick name"
thank you
HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
there we go
poopnugget142 you can watch porn and cat video but you can learn about all the available app here https://depot.haiku-os.org/#!/?viewcrttyp=MOSTRECENT
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is here any dev?
I think I found dead code in some part of the translation kit.
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bleh, i just can't code today.
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just go back and comment stuff, that is what i did when that happened, then i started to code without even thinking.
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i try my best to write "self-commenting" code.
i think the SMS and SG1000 are similar, right?
(i don't really know much about sega hardware)
the SG1000 is in the SMS
haha, i had no idea!@
i think more RAM and a superset of the video chip
probably for sprite
and the SMS is in the Megadrive but the SG1000 is not in the megadrive (and the SMS is not really in the genesis 3)
i actually have a dreamcast, and one game(!), Rez, which i like a lot but can't save my progress because i don't have a memory card.
AlienSoldier: interesting, i never knew that
there is cool new memory card with LOT of capacity
so you can play SMS carts on a megadrive directly, or you need to do some hardware work
will have to get one eventually, SegaGT was almost taking one card itself
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yeah, i'll pick up a memory card sometime.
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interesting, but i don't think sega (in america at least) mentioned that
well, not directly in the slot, there is an adaptor
ah okay
and it should allow to unlock the FM music soundtrack
i thought genesis/megadrive used FM directly
yes, but SMS needed an add-on, and was later integrated but only in japan
but i prefer non FM music on SMS
depend of the game
do you remember the emulator "Meka"
i thought it was great
i loved how back in the day each emulator would have it's own GUI
(if it had one, obviously!)
i forgot what emu it was but i was playing the fist asterix game and there was one jump i could not do. Finished a lot of games int hat emu that said.
never played that one
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SMS game are awsome when you want to finish a game within a month. They where a bit easier than NES american game (those got made often too hard)
yes, i remember a lot of games on the nes were notoriously difficult.
but that is how they made their money.
there were what, 6 MegaMans? and those are fucking impossible
they made that so you still wanted to buy games after renting them.
often it is best to play the japanese ones, as they play like to creator intended them
*the creators
i have rockman 4 and 5, i think for famicom
but they are just too hard for me.
those are nice
i must say, given it's limitations, there are some pretty nice looking games on the NES, mostly the later ones.
but it is also the goal of rockman, to figure out that is the best weapon for each boss and plan to take ithem in the best order.
yeah, but i think it takes some of the fun out of it, though
yes, Konami pushed the envellope on new mapper all the time.
other needed to follow,
there was not that dynamic on SMS
yes. some konami carts have external sound circuitry
which is pretty cool
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works natively on famicom afaik, but not nes
Dreamcast hombrew are on full swing lately
that's cool.
"hello world" was as far as i got on DC dev.
i remember building the toolchain and all that
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time for backing up the backups :)
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hi janking
nice, Gerbera shows up in Windows Explorer :)
Dolphin doesn't show it in Haiku
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hi BrunoSpr
when I get around to it I'll try to do some more checking on ScummVM and QK7 (if I can find it)
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what's the best place to clear doubts regarding haiku codebase ?
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akashkumar, here/forum/mailing list?
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Begasus, Setting the save path will work with KQ7, /boot/system/apps/ScummVM --savepath=/boot/home/config/settings/kq7 for example, but I have no clue how to make the patch
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typing with a qwerty keyboard layout isn't my thing anymore :)
can't find how to change it directly on Fedora
about 600K files to go (should really learn to clean up work directories) :)
Begas_ moreover, bfs is not very fast to delete so many files
Anarchos, glad enough I can use Fedora to access the BFS partition to recover the files there, just can't do anything on the filesystem itself, so it copies full directories that weren't cleaned before :)
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Begasus[m] ok
phschafft i posted my segfault screenshot :)
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Anarchos: I did, but when I build the minimal nightly image, it does not build my driver
my driver is in a directory under haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/pci
I added the directory in the Jamfile inside haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/pci, is that enough?
Krutarthpatel[m] i don't understand : you don't add directory to jamfiles. Just compilation targets, and the boilerplate needed (including some header paths etc)
I meant, I added this line: SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci vmd ;
inside vmd/ I have my Jamfile which compiles the driver
Krutarthpatel[m] it should work if the minimum profile compilation you use references the pci.
I build my driver by executing jam inside my driver directory. After this, building nightly-raw throws don't know how to make vmd. What does that mean?
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you have a target but no instructions on how to build it
please don’t spam code here… use a pastebin
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anyhow, in your vmd directory there is also supposed to be a Jamfile, check one of the neighbours directories for an example
nephele_xmpp: I have one, and it builds if I run jam inside vmd/
Ah, so this is just a problem for the nightly-raw target?
Have you adjusted the target to include this driver? if so maybe show your modifications there aswell
* nephele_xmpp
is about to go out the door though, but will check back later (and sadly is also not a jam exppert)
Krutarthpatel[m] nightly-raw or nightly-minimum ?
Anarchos: I tried raw
Krutarthpatel[m] and there is no clock skew ?
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what is clock skew?
I tried: jam @nightly-raw
Krutarthpatel[m] if your files have modified time before the jamfile, so your jam never sees you modified it
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And we're live again!!!
so it seemed that the data partition stood in the way of booting into the live system
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welcome back
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is anybody else getting a KDL on boot since yesterday?
either the acpi_thermal or one of the kernel changes that immediately proceeded it
It has to be the ASSERT from ece9fcbaa8c65a03e2f5aca310783bae2b19bd87 from hrev58548
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confirmed ece9fcbaa8c65a03e2f5aca310783bae2b19bd87 is responsible
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I made a bug report, hopefully it's a quick fix
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so far so good :)
thanks zdykstra :)
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long time since I've seen only 28 items in Applications :P
what caused the reinstall?
faulty zlib package
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k, gerbera needs to link to libuuid, not the one from util_linux :/
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will be for tomorrow, basics setup now :)
heading out, cu peeps!
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* nephele_xmpp
installed a new debian
* nephele_xmpp
is now on the first task of "how to delete firefox"
i was/am on debian 10 here.
using haiku mostly now though, which is fun
i had 3 week uptime
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I have debian so I can use this graphics card to play games. As a side bonus this PC is beefy enough to compile webkit, so i'm doing that on my haiku install
my gpu part finally arrived so I'm testing that out now
I've recently played blade runner on Haiku
maybe I should write up a guide on how one can use innoextract to install gog games in scummvm
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I was thinking of reporting MAME to Haiku at some point.
I have most of the graphics and sound code.
that would bring us a ton of great games.
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(AGMS) Oddly, I'm currently using MAME under Linux to write some retro-gaming C code for a 1982 Z80 based computer. Seems to emulate it well, until a MAME version update breaks it. Amazing what a 1000 times faster CPU can do.
C on a z80?
(AGMS) C mixed with assembler for the 32 bit physics math. Using Z88DK which uses the SDCC compiler. Good thing the system has 64K, just writing a bunch of debug printfs uses several kilobytes.
AGMS: neat. they have a C toolchain for 6502, as well, cc65. it can generate NES code, but i have never used it.
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i do however like it's assembler, ca65, it is very powerful
yeah, on a CPU like that you can't really beat hand written code
nice to see them side by side, though, admittedly, my z80 is a bit rusty
i'm a 6502 guy.
(AGMS) I benchmarked it at 25000 16 bit additions per second. At a 30hz frame rate, that's about 1000 additions per frame, 32 bit math is half that, floating point is 1/8 that.
(AGMS) So how do you rotate a velocity vector (X and Y are 32 bit fixed point, 16.16) by an angle to simulate steering?
(AGMS) Without using multiplication, division, square root, ... Argh!
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yeah, you can manually do all the math, or use tables
or both
(AGMS) I'll have to do some spreadsheet experiments to see if I can fake sin and cos matrix multiplication of a vector.
(AGMS) Anyway, it's challenging.
for sure
16x16 multiplies on the 6502 are a little more difficult since all the registers are 8-bit, but clock for clock the 6502 was faster than the z80
(AGMS) I think the 6502 may be slightly faster, though the bigger registers do help the Z80.
yeah, it's a trade off, i suppose
both were fairly successful, although the 6502 was much cheaper
(AGMS) Yup, which is why everyone was using it in new home computers rather than then Intel 8080.
(AGMS) Or the 6800 series, $150 vs $25 for the 6502.
right i was just going to mention the 6809
(AGMS) Anyway, lots of videos on YouTube covering that history, and it's time for lunch over here. Nice chatting.
i read somewhere that the 6502 was designed on a kitchen table
indeed, AGMS
hope to chat with you another time
(AGMS) I'll keep an eye out for your nick.
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does anyone know why falkon eats so much CPU, especially when idle
I suspect it have something to do with the app being written for 32-bit CPU. Noticed how it always maxes ot only one core?
yes, exactly.
and i noticed while using it, it eats a little bit of two cores
which is fine, because i don't notice it
otherwise it is pretty good.
I see various apps in Process controller behave like that - they will eat 50% CPU (I have 2 core CPU).
ah, four here.
but yeah, same behaviour
Why Haiku BTW?
For me, I tried many systems.
because 25+ years ago i used to use BeOS
and it brings back good memories of fun computing.
But none have the level of customization and run from USB Stick.
don't need that ;-)
i think you can run linux from a usb stick
I went from Windows to Mac to Linux to Android back to Windows and Haiku reads the disc very little.
i have a MacBook that i use only for audio work, i don't really like mac os x, but it's very stable for my needs
Installing and running lubuntu from USB Stick is not possible - too many disk operations that makes it hang.
Plus I like how I can make fonts big everywhere and colors.
yes the ui is very customisable. i keep to the stock ui, but i have the beos "yellow" for window borders, it looks pretty neat
sorry, the same yellow as the window tabs
and my deskbar entries are larger than the default size
pol: here is a shot of my desktop, it's a repost from earlier: https://0x0.st/8HKI.png
I don't use the Workspaces widget since I learned the keyboard hotkeys.
that's cool.
ALT + F1/F2 to move to different workspace.
yeah, i just like to see what windows i have open
ALT + SHIFT + F1/F2 to move the current focused window to different workspace.
i don't really go back and forth that much
WINDOWS + UP/DOWN switch the windows on current workspace (like ALT + TAB on other systems).
I use way bigger font than what's on your picture.
Is that some emulator?
whatever you like. that's part of the beauty.
pol: yes, that is my nes emulator
Not in the depot yet.
when it's ready, it will be.
main problem right now is fighting with haiku sound api
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other than that, it's probably ready for a first release.
some video code to work on too
I had a game console similar to NES but I think it was an imitation.
yes, there were a lot of fakes
There was a Contra game and Mario.
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the original contra is one of my favourite nes games
Haiku's explorer reminds me of OS 9 I had a chance to try on an emulator only.
MacOS 9?
yes, the sheepshave emulator to be precise.
i had an old ibook with os9 on it
it was fun
then i switched to yellow dog linux
(much faster)
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I was thinking of a rewrite of this app minimizeAll.
why do you need to rewrite it?
I was watching yab scripting channel on YT and I think a script is possible to make it work properly.
1st reason I want to invoke it and see the Desktop and then invoke it again to see the windows back.
sounds reasonable
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2nd reason the icon that is in taskbar. I remember there was something wrong with it, need to test it again.
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I guess the inability to get rid of this icon from the deskbar is what bothered me.
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And there is room for improvement in adding the Configuartion window. For example excluded apps so it does not minimize the 8dock.
But the idea is instead of minimizing a lot lets switch the w-spaces.
I don't think I even need MinimizeAll that much - it's something one brings from other OS'es.
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yt-dlp does not always return to terminal prompt
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skipp_osx: gpu part arrived :)
tommorow I will reinstall Haiku, and then test your patchh
nice what did you get?
you mean the gpu model?
Radoen RX 7900 XTX
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ooooooo I got a Radeon 6800 XT
fancy next gen with ray tracing v2
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I kind of want to try and get radeon_hd to use this properly, and then work on displayport link training
I have a 4k 240hz panel, and i want to work on gettiing input latency down :)
you could have gotten a cheaper card for that!
haha, yes indeed
But I also have the idea to use this computer for VR at some point, the CPU and RAM are already beefy because of webkit compiles
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7900 XT should be nice although my 6800 XT is from my friend who replaced it with a 7950 GTX
I'm using the AMD bc of the Mac drivers, he gave up on that uses Winders/
Ah, I don’t have any windows installs
and mesa drivers on linux are okay
ah yes Nvidia doesn't play ball with that either.
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