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<phschafft> mau nephele_xmpp.
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<scanty> good evening.
<scanty> no love for scanty tonight?
<phschafft> !?
<scanty> hello phschafft
<phschafft> mau scanty :)
<scanty> *mreow*
<phschafft> :)
<scanty> :-)
<scanty> cats rule
<scanty> so, what's new?
<phschafft> hm...
<scanty> i finished a really good book today on quantum mechanics
<scanty> "Reality is Not What it Seems" by Carlo Rovelli. not a difficult read at all, very interesting and pleasureable.
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<AlienSoldier> scanty got mu Master System Everdrive, so i will go to the dark side soon :) Still have to find it's own micro sd card (it suck shopping for this, price is all over the place)
<AlienSoldier> *my
<scanty> AlienSoldier: cool. I think there's a NES Everdrive, too
<scanty> my small NES dev setup is much older
<scanty> and much more limited
<AlienSoldier> yes, but i still have to have the system, the SMS is the one i was having when a kid.
<scanty> yeah, SMS was pretty cool, but I think overall NES had better games
<AlienSoldier> yes. i think the SMS might get the upper hand eventually when homebrew start seriously, right now the NES one are still better.
<AlienSoldier> also got a SNES one for my superfamicom, and this one should also play GBC games
<scanty> cool!
<nekobot> [haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • ElectrodeYT (a75fb8ec): limine: bump to 8.7.0 (#11670)
<scanty> I think SNES was better than genesis, but genesis had the better cpu
<AlienSoldier> The super famicom work, i had no way yo test it after i bought it from japan for cheap.
<AlienSoldier> *super famicom
<scanty> I have an original Famicom+Disk System
<AlienSoldier> those dang thing stay black when powered without card. damn nintendo
<scanty> hehe
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<AlienSoldier> yuzo koshiro made a new Genesis game, i hope he does some SMS one also.
<scanty> yeah, i think the genesis dev scene is pretty hot right now.
<scanty> nobody does SNES dev that I know.
<AlienSoldier> i saw a pretty cool one so far
<scanty> i still have to test my devkit on Haiku with OscarL's peek/poke driver, hopefully it works
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<AlienSoldier> peek/poke driver?
<scanty> yeah, it's a driver that lets you read/write from PCI registers
<scanty> the parallel port I have is a PCI card
<AlienSoldier> wow, that is interesting
<AlienSoldier> that is nice if you can fill all the slot with PP bord
<scanty> yeah, i just hope it works. i wrote a basic driver for it on BeOS many years ago, i wish i still had the code
<AlienSoldier> is there something with interrupt support?
<scanty> i don't think so
<scanty> luckily i don't need them.
<AlienSoldier> you want that for controllers? or to write directly into your NES cart?
<scanty> write directly to my NES cart
<scanty> that's my modified NES
<AlienSoldier> contacted a guy for a non working colecovision last week, got no response.
<scanty> :(
<scanty> anyways, bbiab, going for a smoke
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<HaikuUser> test
<erysdren> hello
<HaikuUser> hello
<HaikuUser> I have just installed haiku
<erysdren> nice! what do you think so far?
<HaikuUser> It's pretty much everything I want in an os!
<HaikuUser> It has a very nise asthetic to it that makes me feel like working
<HaikuUser> although I have no idea what you can actually do with this os
<HaikuUser> how do you change your name?
<erysdren> i think /name ?
<erysdren> i dont quite remember
<AlienSoldier> it is "/nick name"
<erysdren> thank you
HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
<poopnugget142> there we go
<AlienSoldier> tasty
<AlienSoldier> poopnugget142 you can watch porn and cat video but you can learn about all the available app here!/?viewcrttyp=MOSTRECENT
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<concealed> is here any dev?
<concealed> I think I found dead code in some part of the translation kit.
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<scanty> bleh, i just can't code today.
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<AlienSoldier> just go back and comment stuff, that is what i did when that happened, then i started to code without even thinking.
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<scanty> i try my best to write "self-commenting" code.
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<AlienSoldier> might not need a coleco if they nail those port to SMS finally
<scanty> neat.
<scanty> was coleco Z80 as well?
<AlienSoldier> yes, all a big familly with MSX
<scanty> ah, right.
<scanty> i think the SMS and SG1000 are similar, right?
<scanty> (i don't really know much about sega hardware)
<AlienSoldier> the SG1000 is in the SMS
<scanty> oh
<scanty> haha, i had no idea!@
<AlienSoldier> i think more RAM and a superset of the video chip
<AlienSoldier> probably for sprite
<scanty> cool.
<AlienSoldier> and the SMS is in the Megadrive but the SG1000 is not in the megadrive (and the SMS is not really in the genesis 3)
<scanty> i actually have a dreamcast, and one game(!), Rez, which i like a lot but can't save my progress because i don't have a memory card.
<scanty> AlienSoldier: interesting, i never knew that
<AlienSoldier> there is cool new memory card with LOT of capacity
<scanty> so you can play SMS carts on a megadrive directly, or you need to do some hardware work
<AlienSoldier> will have to get one eventually, SegaGT was almost taking one card itself
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<scanty> yeah, i'll pick up a memory card sometime.
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<AlienSoldier> directly
<scanty> neat
<scanty> interesting, but i don't think sega (in america at least) mentioned that
<AlienSoldier> well, not directly in the slot, there is an adaptor
<scanty> ah okay
<AlienSoldier> and it should allow to unlock the FM music soundtrack
<scanty> i thought genesis/megadrive used FM directly
<AlienSoldier> yes, but SMS needed an add-on, and was later integrated but only in japan
<AlienSoldier> but i prefer non FM music on SMS
<AlienSoldier> depend of the game
<scanty> do you remember the emulator "Meka"
<AlienSoldier> yep
<scanty> i thought it was great
<scanty> i loved how back in the day each emulator would have it's own GUI
<scanty> (if it had one, obviously!)
<AlienSoldier> i forgot what emu it was but i was playing the fist asterix game and there was one jump i could not do. Finished a lot of games int hat emu that said.
<AlienSoldier> *first
<scanty> never played that one
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<AlienSoldier> SMS game are awsome when you want to finish a game within a month. They where a bit easier than NES american game (those got made often too hard)
<scanty> yes, i remember a lot of games on the nes were notoriously difficult.
<scanty> but that is how they made their money.
<scanty> there were what, 6 MegaMans? and those are fucking impossible
<AlienSoldier> they made that so you still wanted to buy games after renting them.
<AlienSoldier> often it is best to play the japanese ones, as they play like to creator intended them
<AlienSoldier> *the creators
<scanty> i have rockman 4 and 5, i think for famicom
<scanty> but they are just too hard for me.
<AlienSoldier> those are nice
<scanty> i must say, given it's limitations, there are some pretty nice looking games on the NES, mostly the later ones.
<AlienSoldier> but it is also the goal of rockman, to figure out that is the best weapon for each boss and plan to take ithem in the best order.
<scanty> yeah, but i think it takes some of the fun out of it, though
<AlienSoldier> yes, Konami pushed the envellope on new mapper all the time.
<AlienSoldier> other needed to follow,
<AlienSoldier> there was not that dynamic on SMS
<scanty> yes. some konami carts have external sound circuitry
<scanty> which is pretty cool
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<scanty> works natively on famicom afaik, but not nes
<AlienSoldier> Dreamcast hombrew are on full swing lately
<scanty> that's cool.
<scanty> "hello world" was as far as i got on DC dev.
<scanty> i remember building the toolchain and all that
<poopnugget142> DC dev?
<scanty> dreamcast
<poopnugget142> oh the console that has daytona? I like it's ui
<AlienSoldier> yes dayton is on it.
<AlienSoldier> *a
<scanty> wow that looks really cool.
<AlienSoldier> too bad they did not daytona 2, they did not want to calibalize the market for the still in demand arcade cabinet
<scanty> well, i'm certainly not paying $132 for this thing, i only have one game
<AlienSoldier> there is another memorycard in the work but i forgot the name
<poopnugget142> is slow internet a feature of haiku or is my pc just messed up?
<AlienSoldier> i don't think network in on par with top OSes but i would not call it slow.
<scanty> it is by no means slow, but i don't really use a lot of bandwidth (no cat porn etc)
<poopnugget142> the computer I'm using didn't have any wifi so I got a usb wifi adapter and I'm starting to think there are issues with it
<poopnugget142> it came with a dvd to install something is that important?
<scanty> that's more likely a usb problem.
<scanty> i don't think our usb stack is "perfect" yet.
<AlienSoldier> perfect and usb don't go int he same phrase :)
<poopnugget142> intersting
<AlienSoldier> TRS connector forever!
<scanty> ;-)
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<scanty> GeekPort FTW
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<poopnugget142> how can I test if audio is working on haiku?
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<bjork1intosh> play a sound, poopnugget142.
<poopnugget142> what sound?
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<scanty> lols
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<HaikuUser> what is aliases?
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<poopnugget142> I'm having issues with my time setting it's completely off
<poopnugget142> oh nvm
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<HaikuUser> I've been having some trouble with my email I can send messages but can't receive them and I can't quite figure out whats wrong.
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<poopnugget142> oh it started to work nvm!
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<janking> USER 'KS': watching node ??? help if me if you can.
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<janking> good morning
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 4 commits to master [hrev58550] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5a2be54dd0b1 - kernel: data_acquisition_other is also found in drivers
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 77f06cf2aecb - pch_thermal: use user_memcpy() to write in a user buffer
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4d5debea9ed8 - amd_thermal: new driver
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e01dfaf620fb - build: add acpi_thermal, amd_thermal and pch_thermal to minimum definition
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<Begasus> morning peeps
<Skipp_OSX> heyo
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<Begasus> Hi Skipp_OSX, I mostly see you when it's time to close down here :)
<Begasus> reboot ..
<Skipp_OSX> yeah pretty late here so it's the opposite
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<Begasus[m]> Need to check it some more, but just noticed heavy cpu usage with LLVM19 installed, system responds better now
<Begasus[m]> there are conflicts that are not handled also (the lld packages)
<Begasus> reboot to nightly :)
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<Begas_VM> checksum error on haiku package (nightly)
<Skipp_OSX> it doesn't look like a new nightly has been created yet
<Begas_VM> this install doesn't boot that often, so it's behind on latest hrev's
<Begas_VM> 58541
<Skipp_OSX> 58550 just dropped so you're not that far behind
<Begas_VM> but demo for QK7 launches fine here also in ScummVM
<Begas_VM> well, no big deal, it's intended to check up on things like this
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<coolcoder613> Anyone have ideas to lower the latency?
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<Begasus[m]> time for backing up the backups :)
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<janking> Hi
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<Begas_> hi janking
<Begas_> nice, Gerbera shows up in Windows Explorer :)
<Begas_> Dolphin doesn't show it in Haiku
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<janking> :)
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<Begas_> hi BrunoSpr
<Begas_> when I get around to it I'll try to do some more checking on ScummVM and QK7 (if I can find it)
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<akashkumar> what's the best place to clear doubts regarding haiku codebase ?
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<Begas_> akashkumar, here/forum/mailing list?
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<BrunoSpr> Begasus, Setting the save path will work with KQ7, /boot/system/apps/ScummVM --savepath=/boot/home/config/settings/kq7 for example, but I have no clue how to make the patch
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<Begas_> typing with a qwerty keyboard layout isn't my thing anymore :)
<Begas_> can't find how to change it directly on Fedora
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<Anarchos> If anyone can help me :
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<Begas_> about 600K files to go (should really learn to clean up work directories) :)
<Anarchos> Begas_ moreover, bfs is not very fast to delete so many files
<Begas_> Anarchos, glad enough I can use Fedora to access the BFS partition to recover the files there, just can't do anything on the filesystem itself, so it copies full directories that weren't cleaned before :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m] ok
<Anarchos> phschafft i posted my segfault screenshot :)
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<nephele_xmpp> coolcoder: the latency of what?
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<Krutarthpatel[m]> hello, I am trying to build a driver for haiku, how do I compile it and add it to a minimal image I already have?
<Krutarthpatel[m]> should I edit haiku/haiku/build/jam/images/definitions/regular? or is there a simpler way?
<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] for compile : add it to the corresponding Jamfile
<phschafft> Anarchos: where?
<Anarchos> to add the binary to an image you already have : mount the image, put the binary in it, and unmount the image.
<Anarchos> phschafft :
<phschafft> ah, yes. Thank you.
<Krutarthpatel[m]> Anarchos: I did, but when I build the minimal nightly image, it does not build my driver
<Krutarthpatel[m]> my driver is in a directory under haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/pci
<Krutarthpatel[m]> I added the directory in the Jamfile inside haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/pci, is that enough?
<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] i don't understand : you don't add directory to jamfiles. Just compilation targets, and the boilerplate needed (including some header paths etc)
<Krutarthpatel[m]> I meant, I added this line: SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci vmd ;
<Krutarthpatel[m]> inside vmd/ I have my Jamfile which compiles the driver
<Krutarthpatel[m]> s/meant, I//, s/HAIKU_TOP/HAIKU\_TOP/
<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] let me look at haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/pci/Jamfile...
<Krutarthpatel[m]> * haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/pci/Jamfile:
<Krutarthpatel[m]> SubDir HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci ;
<Krutarthpatel[m]> SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci designware ;
<Krutarthpatel[m]> SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci ecam ;
<Krutarthpatel[m]> SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci x86 ;
<Krutarthpatel[m]> SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src add-ons kernel busses pci vmd ;
<Krutarthpatel[m]> I added the last line.
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<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] it should work if the minimum profile compilation you use references the pci.
<Krutarthpatel[m]> I build my driver by executing jam inside my driver directory. After this, building nightly-raw throws don't know how to make vmd. What does that mean?
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<nephele_xmpp> you have a target but no instructions on how to build it
<nephele_xmpp> please don’t spam code here… use a pastebin
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<nephele_xmpp> anyhow, in your vmd directory there is also supposed to be a Jamfile, check one of the neighbours directories for an example
<Krutarthpatel[m]> nephele_xmpp: I have one, and it builds if I run jam inside vmd/
<nephele_xmpp> Ah, so this is just a problem for the nightly-raw target?
<Krutarthpatel[m]> yes
<nephele_xmpp> Have you adjusted the target to include this driver? if so maybe show your modifications there aswell
* nephele_xmpp is about to go out the door though, but will check back later (and sadly is also not a jam exppert)
<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] nightly-raw or nightly-minimum ?
<Krutarthpatel[m]> Anarchos: I tried raw
<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] and there is no clock skew ?
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<Krutarthpatel[m]> what is clock skew?
<Krutarthpatel[m]> I tried: jam @nightly-raw
<Anarchos> Krutarthpatel[m] if your files have modified time before the jamfile, so your jam never sees you modified it
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<Begasus> And we're live again!!!
<Begasus> so it seemed that the data partition stood in the way of booting into the live system
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<zdykstra> welcome back
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<Skipp_OSX> is anybody else getting a KDL on boot since yesterday?
<Skipp_OSX> either the acpi_thermal or one of the kernel changes that immediately proceeded it
<Skipp_OSX> <= bt
<Skipp_OSX> It has to be the ASSERT from ece9fcbaa8c65a03e2f5aca310783bae2b19bd87 from hrev58548
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<Skipp_OSX> confirmed ece9fcbaa8c65a03e2f5aca310783bae2b19bd87 is responsible
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<Skipp_OSX> I made a bug report, hopefully it's a quick fix
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<Begasus> so far so good :)
<Begasus> thanks zdykstra :)
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<Begasus> long time since I've seen only 28 items in Applications :P
<zdykstra> what caused the reinstall?
<Begasus_32> faulty zlib package
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<Begasus> k, gerbera needs to link to libuuid, not the one from util_linux :/
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<Begasus> will be for tomorrow, basics setup now :)
<Begasus> heading out, cu peeps!
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* nephele_xmpp installed a new debian
* nephele_xmpp is now on the first task of "how to delete firefox"
<scanty> i was/am on debian 10 here.
<scanty> using haiku mostly now though, which is fun
<scanty> i had 3 week uptime
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<nephele_xmpp> I have debian so I can use this graphics card to play games. As a side bonus this PC is beefy enough to compile webkit, so i'm doing that on my haiku install
<nephele_xmpp> my gpu part finally arrived so I'm testing that out now
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<scanty> that's cool
<scanty> most of the gaming i do is on emulators
<scanty> so i don't have a real fancy gpu
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<nephele_xmpp> I've recently played blade runner on Haiku
<nephele_xmpp> maybe I should write up a guide on how one can use innoextract to install gog games in scummvm
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<scanty> I was thinking of reporting MAME to Haiku at some point.
<scanty> I have most of the graphics and sound code.
<scanty> that would bring us a ton of great games.
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<B2IA> (AGMS) Oddly, I'm currently using MAME under Linux to write some retro-gaming C code for a 1982 Z80 based computer. Seems to emulate it well, until a MAME version update breaks it. Amazing what a 1000 times faster CPU can do.
<scanty> C on a z80?
<B2IA> (AGMS) C mixed with assembler for the 32 bit physics math. Using Z88DK which uses the SDCC compiler. Good thing the system has 64K, just writing a bunch of debug printfs uses several kilobytes.
<scanty> AGMS: neat. they have a C toolchain for 6502, as well, cc65. it can generate NES code, but i have never used it.
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<scanty> i do however like it's assembler, ca65, it is very powerful
<B2IA> (AGMS) Some assembler code tests and screen shots of the game are on my blog at
<scanty> neat...
<scanty> checking it out now.
<scanty> yeah, on a CPU like that you can't really beat hand written code
<scanty> nice to see them side by side, though, admittedly, my z80 is a bit rusty
<scanty> i'm a 6502 guy.
<B2IA> (AGMS) I benchmarked it at 25000 16 bit additions per second. At a 30hz frame rate, that's about 1000 additions per frame, 32 bit math is half that, floating point is 1/8 that.
<scanty> nice
<B2IA> (AGMS) So how do you rotate a velocity vector (X and Y are 32 bit fixed point, 16.16) by an angle to simulate steering?
<B2IA> (AGMS) Without using multiplication, division, square root, ... Argh!
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<scanty> yeah, you can manually do all the math, or use tables
<scanty> or both
<B2IA> (AGMS) I'll have to do some spreadsheet experiments to see if I can fake sin and cos matrix multiplication of a vector.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Anyway, it's challenging.
<scanty> for sure
<scanty> 16x16 multiplies on the 6502 are a little more difficult since all the registers are 8-bit, but clock for clock the 6502 was faster than the z80
<B2IA> (AGMS) I think the 6502 may be slightly faster, though the bigger registers do help the Z80.
<scanty> yeah, it's a trade off, i suppose
<scanty> both were fairly successful, although the 6502 was much cheaper
<B2IA> (AGMS) Yup, which is why everyone was using it in new home computers rather than then Intel 8080.
<B2IA> (AGMS) Or the 6800 series, $150 vs $25 for the 6502.
<scanty> right i was just going to mention the 6809
<B2IA> (AGMS) Anyway, lots of videos on YouTube covering that history, and it's time for lunch over here. Nice chatting.
<scanty> i read somewhere that the 6502 was designed on a kitchen table
<scanty> indeed, AGMS
<scanty> hope to chat with you another time
<B2IA> (AGMS) I'll keep an eye out for your nick.
<scanty> cool
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<scanty> does anyone know why falkon eats so much CPU, especially when idle
<pol> I suspect it have something to do with the app being written for 32-bit CPU. Noticed how it always maxes ot only one core?
<scanty> yes, exactly.
<scanty> and i noticed while using it, it eats a little bit of two cores
<scanty> which is fine, because i don't notice it
<scanty> otherwise it is pretty good.
<pol> I see various apps in Process controller behave like that - they will eat 50% CPU (I have 2 core CPU).
<scanty> ah, four here.
<scanty> but yeah, same behaviour
<pol> Why Haiku BTW?
<pol> For me, I tried many systems.
<scanty> because 25+ years ago i used to use BeOS
<scanty> and it brings back good memories of fun computing.
<pol> But none have the level of customization and run from USB Stick.
<scanty> don't need that ;-)
<scanty> i think you can run linux from a usb stick
<pol> I went from Windows to Mac to Linux to Android back to Windows and Haiku reads the disc very little.
<scanty> i have a MacBook that i use only for audio work, i don't really like mac os x, but it's very stable for my needs
<pol> Installing and running lubuntu from USB Stick is not possible - too many disk operations that makes it hang.
<scanty> interesting.
<pol> Plus I like how I can make fonts big everywhere and colors.
<scanty> yes the ui is very customisable. i keep to the stock ui, but i have the beos "yellow" for window borders, it looks pretty neat
<scanty> sorry, the same yellow as the window tabs
<scanty> and my deskbar entries are larger than the default size
<scanty> pol: here is a shot of my desktop, it's a repost from earlier:
<pol> I don't use the Workspaces widget since I learned the keyboard hotkeys.
<scanty> that's cool.
<pol> ALT + F1/F2 to move to different workspace.
<scanty> yeah, i just like to see what windows i have open
<pol> ALT + SHIFT + F1/F2 to move the current focused window to different workspace.
<scanty> i don't really go back and forth that much
<pol> WINDOWS + UP/DOWN switch the windows on current workspace (like ALT + TAB on other systems).
<pol> I use way bigger font than what's on your picture.
<pol> Is that some emulator?
<scanty> whatever you like. that's part of the beauty.
<scanty> pol: yes, that is my nes emulator
<pol> Not in the depot yet.
<scanty> nope
<scanty> when it's ready, it will be.
<scanty> main problem right now is fighting with haiku sound api
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<scanty> other than that, it's probably ready for a first release.
<scanty> some video code to work on too
<pol> I had a game console similar to NES but I think it was an imitation.
<scanty> yes, there were a lot of fakes
<pol> There was a Contra game and Mario.
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<scanty> the original contra is one of my favourite nes games
<pol> Haiku's explorer reminds me of OS 9 I had a chance to try on an emulator only.
<scanty> MacOS 9?
<pol> yes, the sheepshave emulator to be precise.
<scanty> ah
<scanty> i had an old ibook with os9 on it
<scanty> it was fun
<scanty> then i switched to yellow dog linux
<scanty> (much faster)
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<pol> I was thinking of a rewrite of this app minimizeAll.
<scanty> why do you need to rewrite it?
<pol> I was watching yab scripting channel on YT and I think a script is possible to make it work properly.
<scanty> ah
<pol> 1st reason I want to invoke it and see the Desktop and then invoke it again to see the windows back.
<scanty> sounds reasonable
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<pol> 2nd reason the icon that is in taskbar. I remember there was something wrong with it, need to test it again.
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<pol> I guess the inability to get rid of this icon from the deskbar is what bothered me.
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<pol> And there is room for improvement in adding the Configuartion window. For example excluded apps so it does not minimize the 8dock.
<pol> But the idea is instead of minimizing a lot lets switch the w-spaces.
<pol> I don't think I even need MinimizeAll that much - it's something one brings from other OS'es.
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<AlienSoldier> yt-dlp does not always return to terminal prompt
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<nephele_xmpp> hi
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<Skipp_OSX> heyo
<nephele_xmpp> skipp_osx: gpu part arrived :)
<nephele_xmpp> tommorow I will reinstall Haiku, and then test your patchh
<Skipp_OSX> nice what did you get?
<nephele_xmpp> you mean the gpu model?
<Skipp_OSX> yeah
<nephele_xmpp> Radoen RX 7900 XTX
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<Skipp_OSX> ooooooo I got a Radeon 6800 XT
<Skipp_OSX> fancy next gen with ray tracing v2
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<nephele_xmpp> I kind of want to try and get radeon_hd to use this properly, and then work on displayport link training
<nephele_xmpp> I have a 4k 240hz panel, and i want to work on gettiing input latency down :)
<Skipp_OSX> you could have gotten a cheaper card for that!
<nephele_xmpp> haha, yes indeed
<nephele_xmpp> But I also have the idea to use this computer for VR at some point, the CPU and RAM are already beefy because of webkit compiles
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<Skipp_OSX> 7900 XT should be nice although my 6800 XT is from my friend who replaced it with a 7950 GTX
<Skipp_OSX> I'm using the AMD bc of the Mac drivers, he gave up on that uses Winders/
<nephele_xmpp> Ah, I don’t have any windows installs
<nephele_xmpp> and mesa drivers on linux are okay
<Skipp_OSX> ah yes Nvidia doesn't play ball with that either.
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<nekobot> • pulkomandy (ac443a6f): Fix back/forward navigation…
<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 2 commits to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (70cb0aa8): Indentation cleanup
<nephele_xmpp> Nice!
<nephele_xmpp> that back-forward bug was one of the most annoying ones
<Skipp_OSX> does this mean the back button actually works?
<Skipp_OSX> well I suppose it worked before, it just didn't look like it would
<nephele_xmpp> It already did before if you switched tabs
<nephele_xmpp> but yes, it should now work
<Skipp_OSX> hooray
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<BrunoSpr> n
<BrunoSpr> nice
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<BrunoSpr> nice to have back/forth back again
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<Anarchos> hello
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<dovsienko> I wonder why in WebPositive the forward and back buttons are always greyed out
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<PulkoMandy> I just pushed the fix, forgot to implement a method in the latest release
<PulkoMandy> Now I have to make a new release...
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy force-pushed 45 commits to branch haiku-webkit2:
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (1d4690b3): Enable building WebKit2 (non-legacy)
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (8514efde): Enable MiniBrowser, launch subprocesses, load blank URL…
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (c902608e): ProcessLauncherHaiku: implement using BRoster::Launch…
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<Anarchos> PulkoMandy thanks a lot !!
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<BrunoSpr> Oh, nice surprise, tomorrow it will work, thanks
<BrunoSpr> night
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<PulkoMandy> No it won't, the haikuports recipe is not updated yet. Maybe this weekend
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<nephele_xmpp> Hello Anarchos
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