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I see.
you do? ... not waterproof here ... :P
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Hola OscarL !
sleeping in? ;)
Morning Begasus[m].
almost noon here :P
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Nah... was going crazy trying to find out the bug(s) on my /dev/misc/pc_beeper driver.
Kept crashing the VM, no matter what I've tried, and couldn't even replicate the "play toccata and fugue and crash" I had yesterday.
many tries, slightly different crashes...
was about to give up... turns out it wasn't an issue with buffers as I thought it was, but a division by zero, due to /me forgetting to call one initialization function :-/
with nightly?
had issues yesterday launching qemu image after updating 32bit (nightly)
nah, plain beta5.
ow, still good here (crosses fingers)
not sure. similar driver on other *BSD has the ugly 4-clause BSD on top.
But the earliest version I can find (from NetBSD) doesn't has a license header either.
bugger, only way to find out is contact them?
or try to find the original version from Eric S. Raymond (before it got imported into {Free,Open,Net}BSD, and see what license it had originally (if any).
those can be hard to track down :)
oldest I can find is from 386BSD... but that's still not the original version by ESR (and doesn't has a license header either :-/)
At least I'm happy that managed to play those test "tunes". Had meant to ust that test files for years, but as I never used any BSD, and Linux doesn't supports that notation in its pcspeaker driver... I was left for deaf :-P
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at least you get some sound now :P
found the original code! /me hopes to find a sane license in it (*crosses fingers*)
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some other annoying thing
when running PATCH() and want to run "git add" in the source it takes in that and the patchset isn't clean anymore :(
with "git commit --amend"
<OscarL> Original "license" seems permisive enough for me to lift the parts I was interested in.
IIRC, hp has an option to NOT apply the patch function. Still, yeah... hit that annoyance once or twice.
disabled now, for smaller projects it's not so bad, but fintuning the patchset for kdevelop is annoying this way :)
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"hp --patch-files-only" or "hp -B"
thing is to remember to use that BEFORE one notices that it is needed :-D
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ah, so capitol B, should check that next time :)
lol, I think this PATCH() isn't even needed for kdevelop :P
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Hi Anarchos
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Begasus[m]: hello !!!
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also experience some lag Anarchos ? ;)
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Begasus[m]: difficult to say , cause i am connected through an AZURE VM ...
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* Anarchos
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hello chilledfrogs
hello jmairboeck
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rvense hello !
currently coding a small "notes" app on haiku... i did a little beos programming 20 years ago when i was starting out, it's really fun to revisit now