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<kidplayer666> How do you recommend me expand the Linux partition?
<leio> I don't think you can as it's presumably ordered at the end of the disk, just before system recovery; but one could make another partition in front of it and extend on top of that; maybe btrfs supports that directly
<ChaosPrincess> gparted allows you to move partitions in theory
<ChaosPrincess> in practice it tends to have issues around apfs partitions, so, move that one with dd
<holiday> the mic doesnt work on asahi? like with headphones
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<kidplayer666> holiday: it does?
<kidplayer666> Bluetooth ones can be weird tho
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<janneg> holiday: headset mic should work, device microphone do not work
<holiday> it's not bluetooth
<holiday> but it does not work when i try to speak on discord
<holiday> (discord is opened in browser)
<cy8aer> headset mic does not work for me either. Is there a parameter we miss in alsamixer to enable/increase?
<janneg> please mention the device you're testing on. works for me on j375
<janneg> `arecord -t wav -f S16_LE -r 48000 test.wav; aplay test.wav` should work
<janneg> it's rather quiet even at 100%
<holiday> yeah it seems it works
<holiday> ok now it works
<holiday> on discord
<holiday> weird
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<cy8aer> ok, for me it was all adc parameters on zero 😕
<cy8aer> works j314
<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: Gparted warns me that moving one of the apfs partitions (not the recovery one) may lead to the system becoming unbootable
<kidplayer666> while another one, a fat32 efi partition is not able to be moved at all
<ChaosPrincess> strange that it refuses to move the ESP
<kidplayer666> want a screeshot?
<ChaosPrincess> unmount it first
<kidplayer666> is that risky though
<ChaosPrincess> what is risky?
<kidplayer666> cause i aint fond of losing my files
<kidplayer666> unmounting and moving the partitions in such a way
<ChaosPrincess> somewhat
<ChaosPrincess> like, it should be fine, but no warranty
<kidplayer666> ah crap
<kidplayer666> well, imma backup
<kidplayer666> justin case
<kidplayer666> this one failed
<ChaosPrincess> iirc its `fuser -vm /boot` to see what has it open
<ChaosPrincess> nvm, i see what has it open, unmount /boot/efi too
<Tramtrist> huh.. how did i not know about fuser
<Tramtrist> what a useful command
<kidplayer666> its merely the kernel
<kidplayer666> that has it opened
<ChaosPrincess> yea, yea, its kernel, umount /boot/efi
<ChaosPrincess> then you will be able to unmount /boot
<kidplayer666> did sort it out
<kidplayer666> error ocurrred
<ChaosPrincess> what error
<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: what do I do
<ChaosPrincess> just run umount -R /boot, then manually run that e2fsck command it showed
<kidplayer666> Im supposing on an elevated prompt
<ChaosPrincess> ofc
<kidplayer666> Unmount is not a command
<kidplayer666> How do I actually unmount
<ChaosPrincess> umount
<kidplayer666> Oops
<ChaosPrincess> there is no n
<kidplayer666> I read unmount
<kidplayer666> Yep
<kidplayer666> Says in use
<kidplayer666> The e2fsck fails and says it’s in use
<ChaosPrincess> fuser -vm on both /boot/efi and /boot
<kidplayer666> Boot has a bunch of stuff
<ChaosPrincess> like?
<kidplayer666> The kernel
<kidplayer666> Systems
<kidplayer666> *systemd
<ChaosPrincess> start killing stuff that us using it
<ChaosPrincess> in case of systemd, systemctl daemon-reexec should probably do it
<kidplayer666> It’s a real lot of programs tho
<kidplayer666> it is literally everything i got opened
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<ChaosPrincess> oh, nvm then
<ChaosPrincess> e2fsck should now just work
<ChaosPrincess> in theory
<kidplayer666> same error
<kidplayer666> its in use
<ChaosPrincess> what does `mount` output?
<kidplayer666> Wait, it worked now
<kidplayer666> I just rebooted
<kidplayer666> Unmounted and e2fsck again
<kidplayer666> Now, how the hell do I move the main boot partition
<ChaosPrincess> and this is the part that is pain
<kidplayer666> I smell I need to boot to a live cd image
<kidplayer666> That would’ve been probably the easiest from the beginning
<kidplayer666> Honestly, the best tool I ever found for managing partitions was mini tool partition wizard
<kidplayer666> The free version covered all my use cases and never gave me any problems
<ChaosPrincess> there is a way to do it without using a live boot
<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: ah crap
<kidplayer666> Am supposing that macOS use just panic at the sight of btrfs
<ChaosPrincess> make a new partition in free space, turn your disk into raid1 across both new and old, then remove old and convert into normal
<ChaosPrincess> then delete old and extend new into full space
<leio> can't you just let btrfs make use of a new partition in front of it seamlessly like lvm2 and zfs?
<leio> maybe not perfect, but...?
<ChaosPrincess> you can, but its not perfect
<leio> I guess that's what you just linked too as I typed
<leio> actually no, that was the raid1 stuff
<leio> personally I wished the asahi installer layout would put the APFS at the end of what it carves out of the disk when it goes from end towards start, not at the beginning
<leio> (the 2.5GB APFS)
<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: is that ever a convoluted process
<ChaosPrincess> its harder with ext4. Especially if you are doing it on a server over ssh :P
<kidplayer666> fair enough
<kidplayer666> but no chance of trying to use a live usb?
<kidplayer666> or no chance of doing it through macos?
<ChaosPrincess> you can do it from macos with dd
<kidplayer666> Hmmm
<kidplayer666> No idea how that works
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<kidplayer666> Ik it’s a command line tool
<ChaosPrincess> create a new partition in the target location, then run `dd if=<path to old partition> of=<path to new partition> bs=1m`, and it will copy from one to another
<ChaosPrincess> just be very careful with arguments, it will gladly overwrite absolutely whatever you pass as of
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<kidplayer666> That sounds very scary
<kidplayer666> Gotta reboot into Linux I suppose, otherwise macOS just can’t see empty space
<ChaosPrincess> gui disk utility is terrible and can't, cli diskutil can
<kidplayer666> Can’t I use cli diskutil for this too?
<ChaosPrincess> cli diskutil can create/delete volumes but it can't move them or resize non-macos filesystems
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<kidplayer666> Ah crap
<kidplayer666> God dammit
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<Tramtrist> huh.. caps lock doesnt work on my M2Air 🤔
<Tramtrist> oh have to hold shift...
<j`ey> thats not expected..
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<Tramtrist> Im on sway and its possible i mapped this in the past
<Tramtrist> hmm
<Tramtrist> Also Japanese keyboard
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<mort_> I update my kernel and suddenly HDMI just works, good stuff
<mort_> however, the colors do look a bit less vibrant than in macOS.. I wonder if that's a wayland color management thing?
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<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: I really don’t trust myself to pull this off correctly…
<ChaosPrincess> the raid1 path should be safer, less likely to overwrite a random partition that way
<kidplayer666> yes, imma try it
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<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: wait a minute, can’t I access the Mac as if it were an external hdd from another computer
<ChaosPrincess> if you have a mac from like 2006
<kidplayer666> God dammit
<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: can’t I use the processes indicated above?
<ChaosPrincess> the process above shares the filesystem, not the block device
<kidplayer666> So just the macOS partition
<kidplayer666> Crap
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<Tramtrist> nice video.. thanks ydalton !
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<kidplayer666> ChaosPrincess: how bout if I installed fedora to an external drive, booted off that and used that to play with the partitions on the internal drive
<ChaosPrincess> that would work
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<kidplayer666> j`ey: I’m supposing this gets me to a tty that I could use, right?
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<j`ey> yeah
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<kidplayer666> While trying to boot to the usb…
<kidplayer666> Foggedaboutit, now it worked
<kidplayer666> Just restarted and did the exact same thing as previously, but now it worked
<kidplayer666> All that is left is finding the command that moves the partition to the left
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<spyndling> is this thing on
<spyndling> i had to figure out irc to help my friend install asahi
<tpw_rules> hi
<spyndling> basically the problem is we're trying to run the asahi fedora install script, which is then trying to resize the main partition of the mac system. but the problem is, since Big Sur, the main partition (as i understand it) is a snapshot volume that is mounted on boot instead of the root
<spyndling> so when running the script we are getting an error that says there are 0 kilobytes of free space and that's because we're getting read only access to the filesystem somehow?
<spyndling> so we need i guess a way to mount the root on boot instead of a snapshot
<spyndling> or alternatively, my friend has manually made a new partition. is it possible to install asahi to that partition instead of making asahi try to make its own
<tpw_rules> what script are you running? can you paste the output? it sounds like you are doing things a hard way
<tpw_rules> and as for the last thing, no
<tpw_rules> if you delete that partition you can create new ones in the free space but the installer script hast o create the
<tpw_rules> has to create them*
<tpw_rules> the installer script should also let you resize to create free space
<spyndling> % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
<spyndling> Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
<spyndling> Bootstrapping installer:
<spyndling> 100 1415 100 1415 0 0 5416 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5421
<spyndling> Checking version...
<spyndling> Version: v0.6.24
<spyndling> Downloading...
<spyndling> Extracting...
<spyndling> Initializing...
<spyndling> The installer needs to run as root.
<spyndling> Please enter your sudo password if prompted.
<spyndling> Welcome to the Asahi Linux installer!
<spyndling> This installer will guide you through the process of setting up
<spyndling> Asahi Linux on your Mac.
<spyndling> Please make sure you are familiar with our documentation at:
<tpw_rules> irc lesson: don't paste large blocks of text into it
<spyndling> Press enter to continue.
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<spyndling> Collecting system information...
<spyndling> Product name: MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021)
<spyndling> SoC: Apple M1 Max
<spyndling> Device class: j314cap
<spyndling> Product type: MacBookPro18,4
<spyndling> Board ID: 0x8
<spyndling> Chip ID: 0x6001
<spyndling> System firmware: iBoot-10151.61.4
<spyndling> Boot UUID: A70CDCB5-F95E-4B15-A8A0-BC5B0CB67600
<spyndling> Boot VGID: A70CDCB5-F95E-4B15-A8A0-BC5B0CB67600
<spyndling> Default boot VGID: A70CDCB5-F95E-4B15-A8A0-BC5B0CB67600
<spyndling> Boot mode: macOS
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<tpw_rules> do we have a recommended paste
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<spyndling> OS: [B*] [Macintosh HD] macOS v14.2 [disk3s1s1, A70CDCB5-F95E-4B15-A8A0-BC5B0CB67600]
<spyndling> 2: APFS (System Recovery) (5.37 GB, 2 volumes)
<spyndling> OS: [ ] recoveryOS v14.2 [Primary recoveryOS]
<spyndling> [B ] = Booted OS, [R ] = Booted recovery, [? ] = Unknown
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<j`ey> are there really clients that keep pasting when you join again?
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<tpw_rules> i think so
<tpw_rules> hi spyndling welcome back
<tpw_rules> please put the info here and share a link: v
<tpw_rules> j`ey: it's a phenomenon i'm familiar with. idk why it happens
<spyndling> the command we ran was the one from the fedora asahi remix main page
<spyndling> curl the url | sh
<tpw_rules> okay. it doesn't look like your friend added any new partitions?
<tpw_rules> or they accidentally added volumes to the existing partition
<tpw_rules> in any case, you need to do that time machine cleanup it talks about to get the ability to resize
<spyndling> there's a difference between a volume and a partition??????
<spyndling> we went to the time machine settings and there was no checkbox there like what we were told to look for
<spyndling> this is sonoma 14.2 beta
<tpw_rules> i'm not sure why that might be off the top of my head. but that page does have command line instructions you can follow too
<spyndling> which page?
<tpw_rules> the one linked to by the installer. search fo "How to manually delete Time Machine local snapshots"
<tpw_rules> for*
<tpw_rules> on that linked page
<tpw_rules> maybe another sonoma user here knows where the checkbox got relocated to
<spyndling> we'll delete them in finder and rerun the command
<tpw_rules> in finder?
<spyndling> is that not how you're supposed to do it? i'm googling and all i'm finding is about how to unchcek the check box
<tpw_rules> i don't think you can delete them in finder
<tpw_rules> go to this link:
<tpw_rules> then search for "How to manually delete Time Machine local snapshots" on that page
<tpw_rules> marcan: looks like that link does need updating though for the new OSes
<spyndling> we found them in macintosh/Volumes/ name
<tpw_rules> i don't think you can delete them there. i imagine that will just corrupt your backup
<tpw_rules> (if it's not just read only)
<spyndling> ok good thing we didn't
<spyndling> bro i'm gonna be so happy if we can get into asahi tonight
<tpw_rules> ah, apple has a good link: . search for "delete local snapshots manually" on that page
<spyndling> exact same problem having deleted the snapshots
<tpw_rules> please pate a new log
<tpw_rules> paste*
<nicolas17> "there's a difference between a volume and a partition?"
<nicolas17> a partition with an APFS container can have multiple APFS volumes, which share the same pool of disk space
<spyndling> ok we have deleted the blank volume and run the command again
<spyndling> i don't think this has a damn thing to do with the backups
<tpw_rules> and you're sure tmutil listlocalsnapshots / is empty?
<tpw_rules> it also mentions a pending macOS upgrade...
<spyndling> all it has is the recent software update
<spyndling> but there's nothing pending. we are on the bleeding edge beta
<nicolas17> a pending macOS upgrade could take up space in snapshots, but not *800GB*, that's weird
<spyndling> yeah exactly
<spyndling> the beta update was like 3 gb
<tpw_rules> i think the problem is if it's allocated at the end of the disk, then the snapshot can't be changed to move it to allow the disk to be smaller
<nicolas17> I thought snapshot data could be mixed all over the partition just like volumes
<nicolas17> it's all a single pool of disk space
<tpw_rules> yes, but i don't think it can be modified
<spyndling> i think it's mounted like an immutable system somehow
<tpw_rules> so if snapshotted data is at the end of the partition then it can't be moved to shrink the partition
<tpw_rules> but does disk utility list any snapshots in any volumes?
<spyndling> yeah the startup snapshot
<tpw_rules> what's the listed tidemark?
<nicolas17> tpw_rules: hm would "diskutil list" help see what's going on?
<spyndling> under "data" there is nothing listed for snapshots at the bottom
<spyndling> tidemark?
<tpw_rules> it should be a column of data in the snapshot list
<spyndling> there is no snapshot list, the only one is the startup snapshot which is its own thing outside of where the list is supposed to be
<tpw_rules> so the apfs snapshots table is empty?
<tpw_rules> and you went into the view menu up top and selected show apfs snapshots?
<spyndling> no we did not do such a thing hold on
<spyndling> oh god he clicked first aid
<spyndling> show apfs snapshots is grayed out
<tpw_rules> nicolas17: do you know how to list snapshots with diskutil? the manpage on ventura is not helpful
<tpw_rules> make sure you have a disk selected and that disk utility isn't busy trying to do stuff
<spyndling> TIDEMARK 1.98 TERABYTES
<spyndling> also size 106 gb
<spyndling> that'll do it
<tpw_rules> yes, that's the problem. you need to delete the snapshot which has that tidemark
<tpw_rules> the tdemark is the minimum size you can currently resize the volume to
<tpw_rules> what's the problematic snapshot called, out of curiosity?
<spyndling> oh it's already gone idk
<tpw_rules> okay. if the tidemark is something more reasonable than the install script should be good to go
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