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<RoundDuckKira> how can you run FEX on Fedora Asahi?
<RoundDuckKira> I am having the page error but this has been like this for a year so I wondered if the 4K paging stuff got added to the Asahi Linux kernel
<RoundDuckKira> anyone here?
<chadmed> RoundDuckKira: you will have to use slp's microvm work
<chadmed> running 4K kernels on bare metal is probably never going to be supported
<RoundDuckKira> what is the microvm stuff @chadmed
<RoundDuckKira> obv 4K kernel is impossible but yeah I remember hearing of stuff the Asahi peeps did
<chadmed> lovely little containerised VM that comes with FEX preinstalled
<chadmed> its alpha though so dont expect support
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<RoundDuckKira> @chadmed, I bet performance is gonna be worse though if virgl is required right?
<RoundDuckKira> I tried virgl on Parallels and the performance is eh
<RoundDuckKira> but yeah it looks like it may be the only way as the Linux project probably will not handle such a change
<RoundDuckKira> so much for my funny memey delusions of hoping Mac users would dual boot in Linux for gaming, when the truth is we'd probably need MS to make an ARM64 ISO and Asahi-like drivers for Windows
<RoundDuckKira> since Linux support for userspace x86 emulation is pretty crap
<RoundDuckKira> wait, DRM native context?
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<chadmed> virgl and virglrenderer can pass BOs and stuff straight to the asahi drm driver from the VM
<chadmed> so the performance is near-native
<RoundDuckKira> huh
<RoundDuckKira> interesting
<RoundDuckKira> well I think that's the solution then, even if my limited storage screams about making a vm...
<chadmed> its like a 2gb image
<chadmed> its called a "microvm" but its essentially a container
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<RoundDuckKira> I'll try it out
<pitust> how do I properly enable bankstown? (and possibly all the other dsp thingies?) none of this is documented afaict :/
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<chadmed> pitust: it's automatic
<pitust> i see
<chadmed> like literally zero intervention required. wireplumber detects the sound "card" and loads the correct DSP profile automatically
<chadmed> assuming it has been installed properly
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<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: you asked about EasyEffects the other day. Have you got it working?
<kidplayer666> PaulFertser: haven’t tried it again
<kidplayer666> Currently being annoying at the fact AirPods Pro can’t connect correctly to asahi
<kidplayer666> They connect but then while playing back audio they stutter and get interrupted constantly
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<sven> sounds like the 2.4 GHz Bluetooth coexisting problems we haven’t fixed so far
<kidplayer666> The weird thing is
<PaulFertser> That is easy to verify by putting wifi interface down?
<kidplayer666> With my old Bluetooth earphones they work perfectly
<sven> Check if you’re in a 2.4 GHz wifi
<sven> I tested the driver with my AirPods Pro when I wrote it originally so they at least used to work :D
<PaulFertser> "iw dev wlan0 link" "iw dev wlan0 station dump" (put real wifi interface in the place of wlan0) to see all the real wifi link parameters.
<kidplayer666> huh, I hadn't seen that issue yet
<kidplayer666> does indeed work
<kidplayer666> now I am able to absolutely wreck my music!
<kidplayer666> the eq has too may bands :P , it makes it quite laborious to achieve that awful V shaped curve that makes music fun
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: please do not forget to pastebin your wifi link parameters
<kidplayer666> oh sorry
<kidplayer666> I will do so
<PaulFertser> iphone15 exploration with Central Scrutinizer starts in 5 minutes
<j`ey> for the browser link
<kidplayer666> I find it kind of weird that I have these BT issues on my airpods, but not on my Oppo FreeBuds
<sven> freq: 2462
<sven> yup, 2.4 GHz
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: doesn't your AP support 5 GHz band?
<kidplayer666> I am using google wifi stuff for mesh networking
<sven> that coexistence issue is weird anyway, I can reproduce it on my machine and I think marcan also didn’t have any issues on 2.4 GHz wifi
<sven> *can‘t
<kidplayer666> With different buds I dont have these issues
<PaulFertser> btw, notice how brcmfmac isn't reporting MCS number etc there, just the link rate, compared to mac80211 drivers.
<kidplayer666> its just the airpods
<sven> it very much sounds like interference between wifi and bt though :/
<sven> no idea why only the AirPods would cause it though
<kidplayer666> just confirmed, it is the wifi and BT interfering.
<kidplayer666> with the good old playing music with wifi off
<PaulFertser> sven: somewhat related to the topic, about how older broadcom wifi-only module can be configured in different ways to be used with other protocols:
<sven> thanks, will read it later
<kidplayer666> also, this happened too on a completely different wi-fi network
<sven> i didn’t see anything suspicious on the bt side and I do my very best to avoid brcmfmac ;)
<kidplayer666> which is fairly odd (tho it was probs a 2.4Ghz too)
<sven> it’s all weird anyway because bt and wifi are on the same board and they could just speak to each other without relying on the main SoC
<sven> but apparently they don’t. Or that has to be somehow enabled first :/
<kidplayer666> any suggestion about how to solve this crap?
<leio> there was also the geoclue scanning, when you otherwise are on 5GHz already, unsure if that is tweaked somehow out of the box yet or made to not affect things
<kidplayer666> ( no changing to 5Ghz wifi is not an option)
<sven> either switch to 5 GHz or figure out wtf is required to get wifi and bt to coexist :/
<PaulFertser> The "station dump" output is missing information about 802.11w being used or not :/
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<j`ey> hm, SPMI in this talk could be related to m3 stuff..
<j`ey> sven: you probably shoudl try get one of those tamarinC boards!
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<sven> I’ll have to watch that talk later and see what that’s about :)
<kidplayer666> is it not possible to force the airpods to use another band?
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: what's the problem with your AP, why can't it give you 5 GHz, why is it not an option?
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: bluetooth is by definition a single band (but multiple channels it hops between constantly).
<kidplayer666> range makes it not an option
<kidplayer666> and can't I force another channel
<PaulFertser> Indeed, 5 GHz is worse at penetrating walls.
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: well at least you could check if it's indeed a coexistence issue or not.
<kidplayer666> I just tested it in a stupid way
<kidplayer666> Just played music with wifi off
<PaulFertser> Yes, that's what I suggested an hour before :)
<kidplayer666> yes ik
<kidplayer666> i read it and did so
<j`ey> PaulFertser: he tested it an hour ago :P
<kidplayer666> I also said i did so a while ago
<kidplayer666> lol
<j`ey> 11:05:01 < kidplayer666> just confirmed, it is the wifi and BT interfering.
<kidplayer666> :P
<PaulFertser> Sorry, missed it :)
<kidplayer666> so what do i do now
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<sven> Figure out how to fix coexistence :(
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<kidplayer666> :|
<kidplayer666> Can't I foce BT to use another channel
<sven> <PaulFertser> kidplayer666: bluetooth is by definition a single band (but multiple channels it hops between constantly)
<kidplayer666> Can I tell it to hop between particular channels
<kidplayer666> Why do I feel it’s easier to just change the channel of my Wi-Fi
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<sven> no
<sven> Bluetooth is a 80MHz or so band with 1 MHz channels it hops between >1k times per second iirc
<sven> A single wifi channel in 2.4 already is 20MHz (though some of them are overlapping)
<sven> Not sure if the wifi and bt bands completely overlap
<leio> bt is supposedly 2400-2483.5Mhz, wifi pretty much the same
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<kidplayer666> God freaking dammit
<kidplayer666> How come I don’t have these problems on every single other device pairing
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<leio> I generally stay away from anything wireless, but maybe those pods don't do the channel mapping negotiation well that would exclude the noisiest channels automatically?
<leio> just a random guess from the limited info I learned from wikipedia :)
<leio> probably wrong
<kidplayer666> leio: I use wireless mostly due to convinience. I'd rather have wired, but for a setup on the go, it is a heck of a lot easier (especially when you take into consideration the inexistence of a 3.5mm jack on iPhones).
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<kit_ty_kate> what's the status of webcam support on j316 ? says it's supported with the asahi kernel but while it's working I'm seeing artefacts on it
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<chadmed> what kind of artefacts
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<chadmed> oh i think thats something to do with how some apps choose the default res
<chadmed> try in ffplay or similar
<chadmed> some apps pick the stupid vertical resolutions for some reason
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<kit_ty_kate> how do i install ffplay? It doesn't seem to be bundled with the ffmpeg package on Fedora
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<kit_ty_kate> oh it's installed now, I'm not sure what happened
<kit_ty_kate> chadmed: i've never used ffplay, how do i use it? Using /dev/video0 directly doesn't open a window
<chadmed> huh it should
<chadmed> ffplay /dev/video0 works here
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<PaulFertser> This is really insane . So Apple SoCs including M1 have a secret DMA engine that required knowing secret table for hash calculation. How on Earth?!!
<MichaelLong> PaulFertser, ah missed that talk, is on my watch list now :)
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<sven> yeah, that's just insane
<sven> i also wonder *how* that was found
<kidplayer666> quick question, how do I remove zram
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<kit_ty_kate> chadmed: idk, mine keep looping showing things like:
<kit_ty_kate> [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0xfffeb0000c20] Dequeued v4l2 buffer contains 3548160 bytes, but 3505920 were expected. Flags: 0x00002001.
<kit_ty_kate> ah that's actually the same line repeated over and over
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<janneg> kit_ty_kate: try `ffplay -video_size 1920x1080 /dev/video0` ffplay will not touch the resolution and the previously used one sticks
<ArcaneNibble> PaulFertser: missed that talk, can you summarize more?
<ArcaneNibble> it's not APIODMA is it?
<kit_ty_kate> janneg: ah yes thanks, it works indeed
<j`ey> janneg: thanks, I couldnt find the link either
<janneg> ArcaneNibble: starts at 27:30
<ArcaneNibble> ty
<ArcaneNibble> are you on site btw?
<janneg> no
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<Smartlinuxcoder> Hi
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<ArcaneNibble> okay that _is_ a really bizarre hardware feature
<ArcaneNibble> and it's not APIODMA
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<kidplayer666> question, how do i disable the zram swap
<ArcaneNibble> curious if the mystery MMIO exists for other ASCs or just the GPU
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<ArcaneNibble> unfortunately i don't have a second computer with me at c3
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<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: is it not in fstab?
<kidplayer666> PaulFertser: I will suppos it is this UUID=ec02ac1a-d63c-42f9-afaf-362349197e01 /home btrfs x-systemd.growfs,compress=zstd:1,subvol=home 0 0
<kidplayer666> what do I do to it? Simply delete the line?
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: no that's your home
<sven> ArcaneNibble: I have a separate m1 mini with me
<PaulFertser> kidplayer666: checked ?
<kidplayer666> ill pastebin the whole file maybe
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<sven> ArcaneNibble: grabbing food+beer with friends now and may crash at the hotel afterwards but we can take a look tomorrow
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<kidplayer666> PaulFertser: thanks
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<kidplayer666> also, on the better news, thanks to easyeffects, now speakers sound a heck of a lot better
<cy8aer> kidplayer666: which easyeffects version do you have. I ask because my debian version disables the connections between MacPro Speakers and Internal Audio. I have 7.1.3
<kidplayer666> I saw today a workaround which is excluding the effect_output_convoler
<kidplayer666> and i have the same version
<cy8aer> How is this done?
<cy8aer> Somewhere in settings?
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<kidplayer666> I'll use a screenshot to show
<cy8aer> It works 🙂 Thank you
<kidplayer666> You're welcome!
<kidplayer666> Also, as far as I am aware you will have to do this every time you apply the EQ apparently
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<cy8aer> Yep, but it works
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<kidplayer666> also, my problems with bluetooth are essentially the problems Linus (LTT) was having with his speakers (except his speakers used the actual 5GHz range to syncronize and deliver the surround experience).
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<ydalton> hi, i switched from gnome to kde and i notice my battery goes down a lot faster. sometimes the mac gets quite warm whereas with gnome i never had that. is this normal behavior?
<zzywysm_> ydalton: not that i've seen
<ydalton> i used to get 10 hours of battery life on gnome and now i maybe get 6
<PaulFertser> ydalton: is "powertop" working to show you which app causes how many wakeups per second?
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<ydalton> says "tick_sched_timer" does 440 events per second
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<ydalton> i feel like doing a fresh install of fedora asahi with kde
<ydalton> might help
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<janneg> ydalton: doubtful that that changes anything
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<ydalton> i looked at the energy section in the info center, and i got around 7 watts power consumption with only 4 things open
<ydalton> a friend of mine said he got a watt less with far more open (we're on different models tho)
<ydalton> i'm getting around 5000 wakeups per second
<leio> and what is waking up?
<ydalton> [asahi_sched], tick_sched-timer, apple_rtkit_rx_work are the top 3
<leio> I have a lot of that as well, it must be caused by something else making it do work
<leio> no obvious thing that takes CPU consistently in htop or otherwise?
<ydalton> it's mostly firefox due to the software decode but it wasn't always this bad
<leio> about:performance or so not pointing at some weird background tab usage that just didn't run rampant yet under gnome?
<ydalton> it's the youtube tab that uses a lot of cpu, but like around 10%
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<j`ey> I made a rug of the asahi logo :D
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<nicolas17> :3
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<eiln> :D
<eiln> kit_ty_kate: what app is that? looks like gnome but I can't tell
<eiln> ydalton: turn off background services if you haven't
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<joske> j`ey: very nice!
<leio> eiln: quite sure that's cheese in there
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<kidplayer666> Real nice rug!
<j`ey> :3
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<kidplayer666> Anyone aware of a semi easy way to run llms on arm64 Linux?
<qdot> Hi! Looking for some pointers (monolithic custom kernel) on why I'm getting "Apple DWC3 requires role switch support" when CONFIG_USB_ROLE_SWITCH=y (6.6.0-p14)
<kidplayer666> Cause for images there is Easydiffusion (even if it takes like 7 minutes to generate a single image because it is on CPU)
<qdot> kidplayer666: llama.cpp ?
<qdot> kidplayer666: might be too low-level of a driver, though..
<kidplayer666> qdot: I can interface that with Python, can’t I?
<qdot> kidplayer666: I think so.. you can also probably run llama-server
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