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<rennj> agilent was spun off
<rennj> from hp
<rennj> Agilent Technologies, Inc. is an American company with global headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California. Agilent was established in 1999 as a spin-off from Hewlett-Packard. The resulting IPO of Agilent stock was the largest in the history of Silicon Valley at the time
<rennj> not like ATT lucent spin off...failed plan9/inferno
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<rennj> From 1999 to 2014, the company produced optics (LED, Laser), semiconductors, EDA software and test and measurement equipment for electronics; that division was spun off to form Keysight.
<rennj> yeah keysight now...bah...
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<rennj> back when hp and sun know for being engineering companies
<rennj> back when hp and sun known for being engineering companies
<rennj> prior to agilent or lucent
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<rennj> Desktop GPU Sales Hit 20-Year Low bah
<rennj> after the crypto mining foo during covid...
<rennj> cry me a river
<rennj> when people got price gouged
<rennj> score me 8core/16thread laptop with 32GB or 64GB ram...of course amd based...fuck intel
<rennj> yeah i see purchase soon...timing may be right
<rennj> and samsung is going go cheap on ssd prices again
<rennj> flood the market with cheap ssd drives...w00t...8core/16threads 64GB and 1TB m.2/pciE ssd not sata...
<rennj> pciE nvram ssd has lest commands then sata ssd...
<rennj> besides the faster bus/signal choices
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<rennj> hehe the glut 2011 vs notice im lame i didnt change things in decade
<rennj> hehe 2decades+ fvwm and rox-filer/mime-type enough
<rennj> pretty much just swapping kernels..vmware ftw!
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<cocobean> Happy New Year!! Radeon_gfx package for Haiku x86 (unoffical):
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<rennj> model name : AMD A10-8700P Radeon R6, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G
<rennj> ill try it out perhaps on baremetal of shits and giggles
<rennj> meanwhile i got m$ or linux for optimal driver foo
<rennj> ill go with linux.. over m$ ...ill go with haiku over m$
<rennj> ill go with pen and paper over m$ telemetry
<rennj> * cocobean has quit () bah
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<Begasus> HNY peeps!
<AlienSoldier> happy hapiness! Time to reboot to test that Radeon driver.
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<netpositive> happy new year!
<Begasus> HNY netpositive !
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<AlienSoldier> ... driver is not kicking in for me, i'm still in VESAland
<AlienSoldier> perhaps this have to do to needing a ID number enabled in the driver.
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<AlienSoldier> here are the pci data for my card if cocobean can read this
<AlienSoldier> device/type0x3
<AlienSoldier> device/subtype0x0
<AlienSoldier> device/interface0x0
<AlienSoldier> device/vendor0x1002
<AlienSoldier> device/id0x9830
<Begasus> on 32bit AlienSoldier ?
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<OscarL> People trying RadeonGfx on 32 bits already? I guess kids these days don't read ALL the IRC logs... sigh.. :-P
<rennj> it says 64bit in the name
<rennj> radeongfx-1.0.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<OscarL> Last link from cocobean: radeongfx_x86-1.0.0-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<rennj> oh heh
<rennj> 32bit gcc2
<OscarL> For the record... RadeonGfx on 32 bits needs a bug fix on Haiku that is not merged in yet. (and that's assuming I got that one right :-D)
<Begasus> HNY OscarL rennj
<rennj> -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 users 1326785 Dec 31 14:52 radeongfx-1.0.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<rennj> -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 users 2449435 Dec 31 23:27 radeongfx_x86-1.0.0-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<rennj> merry fishmas !!!
<OscarL> Good year to you to Begasus, long time no read :-D
<Begasus> for the 32bit there is a way around that ticket OscarL , but still ended up in an error here yesterday
<rennj> when i hear the fan spinning full tilt ill know i boot haiku!
<OscarL> Begasus: not talking about the BBitmap one... but the problem with the poke driver :-D
<Begasus> ah, that one :)
<OscarL> Seems not even old timers read ALL the logs! :-P
<Begasus> I was around remember :P
* Sark pokes the driver
<raymondmendoza> Dang it. I was thinking of installing Haiku on my elderly Inspiron. But, it has an old ATI card.
<Begasus> hey I'm getting a bit older here you know!
<Begasus> there is still VESA raymondmendoza
<vdamewood> raymondmendoza: It's sold the card is branded ATI?
<vdamewood> so old*
<OscarL> AlienSoldier: if your card (0x9830) is a Radeon HD 8400... it is not supported by either RadeonGfx (nor radeon_hd originally)
<Sark> I mean, I have Haiku installed on a machine with an older ATI card - I have no idea what driver it's using but it works well and I can get like 400fps in glteapot.
<raymondmendoza> I can't remember which card it is, but it's something from 2005.
<OscarL> Sark: nice to see you around.... I was meaning to ask you...
<vdamewood> raymondmendoza: Wow, that *is* old.
<Sark> Meow?
<OscarL> what are you trying to use pycryptodome with? As in... it is a dependency of what else you're trying to use?
<OscarL> (just to have an idea of what's used for... and to have something to test it with, if my packaging attempts ends up being succesfull)
<Sark> I wrote a program to load code into an ancient NABU computer from the 80's. The pak files it uses are encrypted with DES. The decryption uses the Crypto library that's part of pycryptodome, which won't install on Haiku because it crashes with that EINVAL thing.
<OscarL> ah... in that case... have you tried with "pycrypto" instead? as in... "pkgman install pycrypto_python39"
<Sark> Also, recently I tried to install spotdl (spotify music downloader) but that needs pycrytodomex, which hits the exact same error, I don't know what the difference between pycryptodome and pycryptodomex is.
<rennj> listdev in cli!!!!!says what or gui application--->devices should have video info
<Sark> pycrypto won't work because it lacks the padding function that's part of pycryptodome
<rennj> right under : Display Controller
<Sark> pycrypto seems to be very old and also dead.
<OscarL> I see. Ok. Just mentioning as a possible stop-gap untill we get pycryptodome working :-)
<Begasus> seems to depend on libtomcrypt
<raymondmendoza> rennj: It currently has an very old install of Fedora, and is sitting in the closet. I thought about bringing it back from the dead.
<OscarL> Begasus: I'll use the pycrypto recipe as a base for pycryptodome. It has some weird issue when trying to compile it, but disabling SSE2 instructions might be enough to get it working (albeit slower, of course).
<Begasus> OscarL, there is a wheel package that you could use also? :)
<rennj> On the left side of the window, you see a representation of your screen with the manufacturer and model it reports and its resolution in dots per inch (dpi). It also shows the name of graphics card if it's supported by a driver. Otherwise it says "VESA", the quick fallback solution that works with pretty much every hardware.
<Sark> The wheel package breaks horribly, then it falls back to the other package... which also fails horribly.
<rennj> Sark, like i said "listdev" cli i.e. terminal or use the gui
<Begasus> ok, strike that :)
<rennj> you will know if you in vesa mode
<OscarL> Sark: wheel works, but you need to use the one from pkgman, not the one from pip.
<Sark> Oh, I dunno. Don't really care, the pycryptodome thing actually affects me, I don't know how the video is being rendered.
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<Sark> Devices reports the drive used for the video card as "unknown",so VESA maybe?
<OscarL> raymondmendoza: here you have a list of old cards supported by the older "radeon" driver on Haiku:
<OscarL> (line 252 onwards)
<raymondmendoza> OscarL: I'll try it another day. Thank you!
<AlienSoldier> OscarL indeed not working but at least it did not trow me in KDL.
<rennj> vendor id / pci id
<rennj> it helps knowing your hardware
<AlienSoldier> OscarL do you know what is the default haiku driver stance for video card with multiple output. I currently use DVI for monitor and VGA for my TV. On R5 i was only able to have Svideo output one one of my card with VESA and not with the native driver.
<rennj> lscpi on linux anyway...whould show this like listdev on haiku
<OscarL> Sark: for the record, and from what I've just learned: pycryptodome is a "drop-in" replacement for pycrypto (you can't have both installed at the same time as system packages, for example), while pycryotodomex is basically the same... but under a different name as to not cause conflicts.
<rennj> 15AD:0405
<OscarL> AlienSoldier: can only speak from how it works with my hardware: no multimonitor support with either of VESA, radeon_hd, or intel_extreme, drivers.
<rennj> same one listdev reports ...
<OscarL> my old Atom N450 based netbook can use an external VGA connected monitor (if connected before boot), but the built-in screen then shows pure garbage.
<rennj> yeah intel wired it for shit
<rennj> blame intel
<AlienSoldier> OscarL ok, here with the kabini i have DVI and VGA at the same time (i don't care if it only show the main desktop on both). I hope this get replicated on native driver.
<rennj> baremetal vs vm is like 10% if that
<OscarL> AlienSoldier: you should ask kallisti5[m] about all things involving the radeon_hd driver (IIRC).
<rennj> run the optimal drivers for your hardware get the TCO/ROI on investment
<Sark> OscarL: I tried installing pycrypto but with that it wouldn't work because it complained about the padding functionality not being there.
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<Sark> It's intended to use pycryptodome
<OscarL> Understood. Will do my best to get something working, Sark.
<Sark> That would be awesome if you could figure out why it won't work.
<Sark> Between my code for the NABU and then also failed attempt at installing spotdl, the lack of pycryptodome(or pycrypodomex)is something that affects a lot of stuff
<rennj> w00t! 2023
<rennj> made it..
<OscarL> I don't really understand the underlying issue (above my "paid-grade")... but that SSE2-disabling workaround might just work well enough in the meantime :-D
<rennj> spectre/meltdown disabling hyper threading is big performance hit
<OscarL> (pulling from the wrong remote, no wonder I wasn't getting any updates... too 5 AM still, I guess)
<rennj> Disabling hyperthreading eliminates the risk in current CPUs; meanwhile, Intel is designing new CPUs that will not be vulnerable to the current attacks.
<rennj> yeah ...
<rennj> your 2core intel i5 is now 2core/2threads
<rennj> and not 2core/4threads smt2
<rennj> ibm and sparc has smt4/8 foo...
<rennj> 4threads per core
<rennj> or 8threads
<rennj> sparc t1 was like 128cores/128threads and thats 20 years ago
<rennj> opensparc qemu-sparc has it
<rennj> emulate 128core beast anyway
<rennj> OpenSPARC T1 project haha
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<rennj> 8cores/4threads i would assume qemu-sparc support
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<rennj> beos on machine like that
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<Begasus> OscarL, for new python recipes I'm using a template like the generic recipes in haikuporter ;)
<OscarL> Will take a look at it, thanks!
<Begasus> right-click, New -> generic_python-1.2.3.recipe :)
<OscarL> nice, but I'm hoping this to not become a habit enough as to actually need to use that one, heh!
<OscarL> When would I work on my OWN bugs, eh? :-P
<rennj> you got into make other people do the work for you!!!!!!netbsd pkgsrc...wrapper that for beos!
<Begasus> you're about the same as me, to easaly side-tracked :)
<OscarL> yeah :-(
<rennj> you dont have to worry about upstream...just focus on wrapping it like xlibe
<rennj> when security vuln/cern hits..upstream has to worry..
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<rennj> lazy...binarys provided...dont even have to compile
<OscarL> Using something like that would require mapping a lot of paths from *bsd to Haiku FS layout, I assume.
<rennj> more like glib
<rennj> which cover all the xdg bull etc
<rennj> basically qt/gtk foo covert just like x11...
<rennj> Xlibe pave the way
<rennj> best of all worlds..
<rennj> kde neon
<rennj> and gnome foo
<rennj> course all the stupid low level dbus/systemd/consolekit/polkit/alsa/pulse/jacks/pipewire...blah
<rennj> sysctl/ioctl foo...
<OscarL> might as well just switch plarforms and call it a day.
<OscarL> :-)
<Begasus> no you don't :P
<rennj> w00t slayer for 32bit better than process controller
<rennj> slayer use to be able to live in dock space
<rennj> not anymore
<rennj> anyway airstrike and java i had could not kill windows...i bet slayer can
<rennj> slayer ftw is my bet
<rennj> yeah worked
<rennj> now lets try process controller again for dead airstrike window
<rennj> yep fail
<rennj> haha
<rennj> process controller is junk
<rennj> always was
<rennj> who picked that junk
<rennj> that app is worthless for killing dead windows
<rennj> slayer smokes it
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<LinuxUser> @Begasus hi
<OscarL> Nice, now it is missing 3 different error definitions: ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA, ERR_NULL and ERR_MEMORY. Sigh...
<Begasus> hi LinuxUser
<OscarL> Hola LinuxUser, good day (and year!) to you.
<Begasus> looking into libtomcrypt atm OscarL :)
<OscarL> sounds cryptic! :-P
<OscarL> this cryptodome is also hard to read :-D
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<Begasus> yeah, the gentoo ebuild files are a bit tricky :)
<OscarL> here it doesn't even complains about libtomcrypt yet... still fighting compile errors.
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<Begasus> it's included in pycryptodome
<Begasus> in src/libtom
<OscarL> ah... yes...
<Begasus> # make sure we're unbundling it correctly
<Begasus> rm -r src/libtom || die
<OscarL> still didn't got to that one.
<OscarL> that gentoo patch is making sure it uses the system-wide and not that included version, right?
<Begasus> tried it here but didn't get pass the EINVAL error :)
<Begasus> yep
<OscarL> adding "#include <OS.h>" on top of src/ghash_clmul.c will get rid of that EINVAL error.
<Begasus> doesn't solve the new errors I see
<Begasus> it needs the new compiler, so it can't be "any" arch (just mentioning) :)
<OscarL> 64 bits only then, got it! :-P
<Begasus> tsss ...
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<OscarL> I have no idea where "ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA" is supposed to come from.
<OscarL> found the god damn thing... sigh...
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> found another static library :P
<OscarL> I think I want to kick some of pycryptodome developer in the teeth.
<Begasus> whoops
<Begasus> is it their fault or yours? ;)
<OscarL> Theirs.
<Begasus> patches welcome? /me ducks
<Sark> I mean, you always need more data. Or more Worf. Depends on the episode.
<OscarL> will revert everything... apply a change in a damn header guard... and confirm :-D
<OscarL> The thing is... pycryptodome's src/errors.h has a header guard that it is THE SAME as Haiku's Errors.h one so.... the latter was never included.
<OscarL> Changing "#ifndef _ERRORS_H" for "#ifndef _ERRORS_CRYPTODOME_H" solved all issues... well except my errors in the recipe :-P
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> Now I want to kick C/C++ authors in the teeth and give pycryptodome's a break :-D
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 725edc2 - libtommath, remove static library (#7713)
<Begasus> hey botifico is back :)
<Begasus> also fixed the EINVAL error OscarL
<OscarL> I'm THAT good :-D
<Begasus> nice! kudos to you! :)
<OscarL> Thanks :-D
<OscarL> See Sark... sometimes miracles DO happen! :-D
<OscarL> "grabbing pycryptodome_python39-3.16.0-1-x86_64.hpkg"
<Begasus> only python3.9? ;)
<OscarL> yes... I dislike old versions :-D
<Begasus_32> grabbing libtomcrypt_x86-1.18.2-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/libtomcrypt_x86-1.18.2-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<Begasus_32> grabbing libtomcrypt_x86_devel-1.18.2-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/libtomcrypt_x86_devel-1.18.2-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<Sark> Woo! I'm glad you figured it out! That pycryptodome problem has been lingering for a long time
<OscarL> (would have switched already to 3.10... if only I had fixed that one already :-D)
<Begasus> think it should be good seeing 3.9 is default atm
<OscarL> Sark: the recipe still needs some polishing (that "conflicts with pycrypto" thing, among others).... but... we're getting there!
<Sark> Well, pycryptodome and pycrypto aren't supposed to coexist.
<Begasus> if python3.10 is done you could update the python recipes OscarL , I have 214 directories there, so could earn some commits :P
<OscarL> and I'm just too new too this so... Begasus will need to fix my mistakes :-D
<Sark> pycryptodome is a replacement for pycrypto - I think you need to uninstall pycrypto even on Linux if it's installed.
<Sark> But pycrypto doesn't have all the functions I need... pycryptodome does :)
<Begasus> OscarL, there should be a conflict for those two as mentioned upstream
<Sark> Plus, stuff like spotdl needs it too, not just the code I wrote for th NABU computer.
<OscarL> Heh... fixing Python 3.10 requires concentration that I'm not having lately :-( Nothing too terrible... just need attention to details.
<OscarL> Sark: still need to codify that conflict on the .recipe file so the package manager knows about the conflict.
<Sark> ah
<OscarL> That was what I was aiming at Begasus... my wording has failed me again :-(
<Sark> Well, I'm sure it'll get sorted out at some point - I really appreciate you finding the issue! Glad it can be fixed!
<OscarL> Glad to finally fix something, for once! :-D
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<Sark> I'm going to bed now anyway but I'll have to play with it tomorrow - it would be great to finally run my code on Haiku!
<OscarL> Sleep well!
<Begasus> 'night Sark
<Sark> Good night everyone! And Happy New Year!
<Begasus> Same to you!
<OscarL> will do now.
<OscarL> installed, and I'm able to import it... and call help(Crypto) Begasus!
<Begasus> good to go then :)
<OscarL> Good enough for my use case :-D
<Begasus> libtomcrypt updated license after the last release, so keeping the old for that one :)
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<OscarL> Fedora says (for pycryptodome): License: BSD and Public Domain
<OscarL> Gentoo says: "BSD-2 Unlicense".
<Begasus> yeah, sometimes it gets confusing
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<Begasus> new license for libtomcrypt is "Unlicense" the one in the source is "Public Domain" + "WTFPL v2" :)
<OscarL> Seems like "Public Domain", but if you can't use that... Unlicense it is.
<Kokito> Happy New Year Begasus!
<Begasus> Happy New Year Kokito !
<Begasus> Hope you had a good transition
<OscarL> "The Unlicense is a template for disclaiming copyright monopoly interest in software you've written; in other words, it is a template for dedicating your software to the public domain." from
<Begasus> yeah, just read that
<Begasus_32> SUCCESS: passed=10 failed=0 nop=11 duration=0.3sec real=0.3sec
<Begasus> nice (tests for it) :)
<OscarL> at first I used "BSD (2-clause)" + "Public Domain" + "Unlicense" in the recipe... but it complained about the Unlicense not being in the package or some such.
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<matt3> happy New Year !! to everybody ;)
<OscarL> Haikuporter actually showed "Unlicense" as one of the known choices before that, when I had a typo in there :-D
<OscarL> hello matt3. Good year to you too!
<matt3> thanks OscarL
<OscarL> Begasus: "License 'Unlicense' isn't contained in package!"
<OscarL> (right at the end of the build)
<Begasus> tsss ...
<Begasus> add it :P
<Begasus> Public Domain is contained default :)
<OscarL> Unlicense is already there in /system/data/licenses
* OscarL scratches his head.
<Begasus> probably from another package OscarL :)
<OscarL> ah... makes sense.
* OscarL is thinking of adding glob support to TextSearch.
<Begasus> if they are not listed in there you need to add them to the recipe
<OscarL> nice! I was about to ask for a list of the "no need to add it" ones :-D
<Begasus> always have a hard time finding the right link there, should put this up on my wiki ;)
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<OscarL> +1
<Begasus> I should enable texlive for that then :P
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<Begasus_32> /bin/sh: line 1: latex: command not found
<Begasus> should be possible
<Begasus> nope
<Begasus> I think that for most recipes just using make BUILD could be skipped
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<Begasus> what's the difference in using cmd:gcc vs cmd:cc ?
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<Begasus> in the build I see it is using "libtool: compile: cc: ..." but I've got cmd:gcc in the recipe
<OscarL> cc is whatever the default C compiler is for a system... gcc is specifically asking for GCC.
<OscarL> AFAIK, at least :-D
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<Begasus> checking with the change, I see some recipes using it too
<OscarL> state: Exception (Invalid opcode exception) <<< not sure if it's due to my VM, or my CPU is actually lacking some instructions :-D
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<OscarL> I think my CPU is too old to have "pclmulqdq" :-/
<Begasus> would that matter in a VM?
<OscarL> no idea. I'm trying to run pycryptodome's tests, and that came out.
<Begasus> looked through the issues there? maybe it has been mentioned
<OscarL> (not sure if the VM somehow limits some instructions, or some such)
<OscarL> wouldn't be the first time I ran into "your CPU is too old for this".
<Begasus> do the test take long?
<OscarL> Happended with Zig once, but they reverted the change that made it incompatible with old CPUs like mine :-D
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> (after I asked nicely)
<OscarL> There are two sets of test...
<OscarL> one the are "unit tests": "python3 test" those ends OK after some ... dunno 5 minutes or so?
<OscarL> then there's "src/tests", with a make file... have to call it, from that directory, like this: "> PYTHON=/system/bin/python3 make"
<OscarL> was compiling along...until it hit my old CPU weak spot :-D
<Begasus> k, when the one here is finished I'll give it another spin here, just need to see your patch :)
<Begasus> you are running with release 3.16.0 too right?
<OscarL> yes.
<OscarL> I'm going slow thou, as I'm trying to actually understand what I'm doing, and I'm not feeling 100%.
<Begasus> no hurries :)
<OscarL> I know, thanks!!!
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 aa0e7f7 - guides/virtualizing: Add a quick guide for Google with our official image
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<Begasus> back to EINVAL undeclared ...
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<OscarL> Begasus:... I don't think I will be able do anything productive today, so... I'll leave it here:
<OscarL> Seems to work fine, conflicts with pycrypto as intended, etc.
<OscarL> lacks secondary arch, and some polishing... but my brain is not really working.
<Begasus> np OscarL , got through the first part
<OscarL> "Ran 2711 tests in 441.622s"
<OscarL> and seems I forgot something in the TEST()...
<OscarL> "/port.recipe: line 88: make: command not found" heh.
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> TEST_REQUIRES=cmd:make or something?
<Begasus> libgmp and wheel required?
<Begasus> should be ok yes
<OscarL> mmm "wheel" might not.
<OscarL> libgmp I think it does, yes.
<Begasus> build went fine without it here, although the first test run failed
<Begasus> but my patch was a bit weird perhaps :)
<OscarL> I'll do a push for the TEST_REQUIRES and the wheel removal.
<Begasus> k rebuild here with libgmp added and your patch
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<OscarL> Builds ok here as well... push made.
<OscarL> calling --test also works (until it hits my old CPU :-D)
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<OscarL> Not sure about how to go with that "pycryptodome vs pycryptodomex" thing I've mentioned on the PR... for now Sark will have to do with this one :-D
<Begasus> seems gmp is only required for the tests?
<Begasus_32> Crypto.Math implementation: {'library': 'gmp', 'api': 'ctypes'}
<Begasus> test failing here though (default one, not the one with make)
<OscarL> I ve read something about SSE2 instructions in 32 bits... something about memory aligment issues.
<OscarL> (read on the code)
<Begasus> I've also seen this pycryptodomex, don't know how it's build though
<OscarL> "lib = load_lib("gmp", gmp_defs)" <<< this is from seems it does uses GMP for more than tests.
<Begasus> ok :)
<OscarL> not 100%, but... some tomcrypt_math.h also mentions it :-D
<OscarL> *100% sure
<OscarL> *not 100% sure. damn it.
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> there is also some mentions for blake2 ;)
<OscarL> William Blake?
<OscarL> :-P
<Begasus> removed that from the Makefile, but it's still in there
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<OscarL> what's in there? that whole line? or one of the defines?
<Begasus> lol, need the libtomcrypt patch to use mine :)
<OscarL> I don't even had that one installed... wondered why both gentoo and fedora have patches to make it use the system one.
<Begasus> I haven't pushed that one to haikuports yet, so you can't have it atm :)
<OscarL> good thing the built went ok anyway then :-P
<OscarL> (here at least)
<Begasus> because you still have the included one :)
<OscarL> yup... "seems to work for me" was my thought :-D
<OscarL> (it's only a bunch of .h in the end, so... :-P)
<OscarL> well and ONE .c :-D
<OscarL> (didn't even noticed till now)
<Begasus> k, round *
<Begasus> patch applies nice
<Begasus> using local libtomcrypt package
<Begasus> build ok
<OscarL> nice.
<Begasus_32> Target does support SSE2(x86intrin.h)
<Begasus> but still fails
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<Begasus> my recipe atm
<Begasus> mind you, it's still based on the generic recipe, so not everything is filled in as it should :)
<Begasus> the recipe for libtomcrypt-1.18.2
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 10368b8 - gst_plugins_good: bump git revision for haikuaudiosink module
<OscarL> found how to generate that pycryptodomex (with the X, and not conflicting with pycrypto)... if a file named ".separate_namespace" exists in the root of the sources (next to, for example)... then it will install under the "Cryptodome" name instead of "Crypto".
<Begasus> testrun for libgtomcrypt :)
<Begasus> yeah, but seems like Gentoo en Fedora provide pycrytodome only, while Alpine provides both ... :)
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<Begasus> line 24 ;)
<OscarL> I'm adding it to the .patchset instead :-P
<Begasus> local -x PYTHONPATH=${S}/test_vectors:${PYTHONPATH}
<Begasus> maybe I need this for the tests also
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<OscarL> Not sure.
<OscarL> Just in case... I've added that pycryptodomex recipe/patchset to the PR.
<OscarL> Maybe they should be combined into one file only... but I'm not going there today :-D
<OscarL> ( covid-head ain't helping :-( )
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 201ce39 - libtomcrypt, new recipe (#7715)
<Begasus> that should deal with libtomcrypt :)
<Begasus> np, need to head out to the grandchildren in a bit also
<OscarL> enjoy them Begasus!
<Begasus> as always :) (when we head back home) :P (jk)
<Begasus> k, first looking if buildmaster is fine
<Begasus> fine on 64bit
<Begasus> 32bit fine too :)
<Begasus> heading out, take care and some rest in between OscarL !
<Begasus> cu l8r peeps!
<OscarL> cu!
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<extrowerk> Happy new to everyone.
<extrowerk> Begasus: in case you have too much time could you pleasecheck my musikcube recipe?
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<OscarL> Hello extrowerk. Happy new year to you too.
<OscarL> BTW, seems like could be closed.
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<rennj> stupid disconnects...annoying
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi and Happy new Year!!!
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<Begasus> re, just got home, extrowerk will do a check on 32bit
<Begasus> on that note, could you have a look at the comments on the fontforge PR, maybe just create it as a binary without gui for now so we can close this :)
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<augiedoggie> that recipe is set up for commandDinDir but it isn't actually used
<augiedoggie> commandBinDir*
<augiedoggie> the musikcube one
<Begasus> not checked yet augiedoggie
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<Begasus> just pulled in the PR
<haiky_try> hi! and happy hew years! can anyone tell why the ISOs downloaded (both 32bit and 64bit) down work? the error is something about IA32
<haiky_try> I don't wish the latest version, the 1.4beta ( I could do wish something older too
<Begasus> did you try nightly download?
<Begasus> augiedoggie, did you check on 32bit?
<augiedoggie> i didn't check anything, i just glanced at it quickly
<haiky_try> no, I did not. I tried to stick with something "more" stable so to speak; also where is the nightly build? thank you.
<Begasus> ok :)
<Begasus> depending on what you want your best bet is to choose the x86_64 or the x86_gcch
<Begasus> other ones are wip
<Begasus> not checked yet extrowerk , but indeed, this seem to be missing: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR=$commandBinDir
<Begasus> and for the cmd's: commandSuffix
<haiky_try> is only 547MB; the r1beta4 had 1.4GB (both x64 and x32)
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<haiky_try> hah, rennj ;-)
<Begasus> correct me if I'm wrong, the official beta contains sources needed to be supplied
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<nielx[m]> correct Begasus , it includes all (GPL) source code
<haiky_try> BIOS_IA32 stage1: Failed to load OS. Press any key to reboot
<haiky_try> should I try the other nightly in reverse order?
<haiky_try> this BIOS_IA32 error I had it on the r1beta4 too
<Begasus> no idea there
<haiky_try> any way to debug to see from where the error comes?
<haiky_try> currently I'm trying on an Atom PC
<Sark> Morning everyone and Happy New Year!
<Begasus> Evening Sark HNY :)
<haiky_try> hmm, good point, I'll open a x64 laptop that I have around
<haiky_try> Sark: hny yo you too!
<haiky_try> Begasus: same error on x64 like on Atom; I'm downloading another nightly
<Begasus> Sark, Oscar managed to do a good thing on the pycryptodome recipe, I've managed to create a recipe for libtomcrypto that has been merged, wip, but progress :)
<Sark> Yeah! That's great news! I saw that he had found the problem with pycryptodome - I'm looking now to try to figure out how to use that, since I don't quite know how/where the recipes are used.
<Sark> Searching local disk I don't seem to have any .recipe files so I don't know at what point in the pip install process those get downloaded, or how I'd change to the new one
<Begasus> have you ever worked with haikuporter?
<Begasus> you can install it with HaikuDepot/pkgman, but best to clone haikuporter localy and make a symlink as described there
<Sark> I have not - but I'll go do some reading
<Begasus> OK, I'm sure there are plenty people around here to guide you through if needed :)
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<haiky_try> Begasus: could be because the "Disklabel type: dos" but I see an EFI partition?
<haiky_try> Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
<haiky_try> . /dev/sdd1 * 12288 1241087 1228800 600M eb BeOS fs
<haiky_try> . /dev/sdd2 1241088 1246847 5760 2.8M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
* Begasus so far feels lucky to not have to deal with EFI
<Begasus> for now :)
<haiky_try> I use DD to write the ISO to /dev/sdd directly
<Begasus> my setup atm:
<Begasus> (for my build laptop)*
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<haiky_try> Begasus so you have Haiku and Haiku32 at the same time? do you see differences in speed or something?
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<Begasus> 64bit and 32bit, 64bit is usualy faster, but my focus is on 32bit
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<rennj> jdiskreport better than diskusage app
<rennj> <None> swap file
<rennj> 108MB of png files
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<haiky_try> rennj: did you try the SPARC version, by any chance? just wondering
<Begasus> rennj, nice
<rennj> that is on openjdk11 32bit jre...
<rennj> jdiskreport is same one ive used for decades
<rennj> on all types of boxes
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<rennj> du -sk |sort -n |uniq blah
<rennj> not like you need that
<rennj> find | awk |sort |uniq blah
<rennj> but jdiskreport does its job alright..
<rennj> i have few java apps to try...
<rennj> SweetHome3D-7.0.2 would be cool
<rennj> pdf editing util in java
<rennj> squirrel-sql-snapshot-20221207_2042-standard.jar
<rennj> jedit5.6.0install.jar
<rennj> yeah bunch of things to play with
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<Sark> So, I got HaikuPorter set up and HaikuPorts cloned, and try to build pycryptodome with it, but t says it's not found in the repository. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
<cocobean> Remember, the new Haiku 3D infrastructure uses Zink/Lavapipe (Mesa 22.2.x/22.3.x) update) and few other pieces. Right now, I just compiled and pieced together what was provided by x512 for Radeon-gfx.
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<cocobean> Technically, DRM supports up to Radeon RX 6800(current) - but x512 mentioned only supporting Radeon SI (HD 7000) for now. Kabini/Kaveri/Mullins are under another family grouping.
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<Begasus> Sark, the PR hasn't been merged, so you have to pull/copy that localy
<Sark> OK. And it doesn't matter that the file isn't in haikuports in it's original form either?
<AlienSoldier> cocobean when is the next radeon update planed? (my card did not made the cut)
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<Begasus> it does, and needs to be in the correct path Sark :)
<Begasus> normaly if you cloned haikuports it would be in ~/haikuports
<cocobean> Work needed on radeonhd (there was a radeonhd dependency). Radeonhd (2D) with & versus Radeon_gfx (3D/compositor).
<Sark> Hrm, so, I copy and paste the text from these files into Pe or something, and save them to the correct part of the tree? Create a directory in haikuports/dev-python/?
<Sark> As it is there's no pycryptodome or pycryptodomex in dev-python
<cocobean> But, x512 is the architect.
<cocobean> (and kallisti5)
<Begasus> not yet Sark you'd have to create it there
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<Sark> gah
<Sark> When I copy and paste the text from GitHub into Pe I get all kinds of garbage in it.
<Begasus> you could "wget" that, copy the content (or just use view raw at github for individual files)
<Sark> That's the problem - I am viewing the file "raw".
<Sark> If I copy and paste from the raw view of the file I get all kinds of garbage upside down question marks in Pe
<Sark> Web doesn't have a save feature, so I can't just hit "save as".
<Begasus> I'm used to do it other wise
<Sark> And Github doesn't have a download feature.
<Sark> so it's really obnoxious. haha
<Begasus> you can use "wget" in Terminal
<Begasus> (but you'd need the raw files then), there is an easier way, maybe OscarL is awake by now :)
<Sark> Yeah, I mean, I don't know why GitHub doesn't just have a "download zip" button on this one like it does for other stuff.
<Sark> Gah. That's... quite the stuff to type in.
<Begasus> etc
<Sark> Probably be easier to ssh into this box I'm running IRC on from Haiku and copy and paste.
<Begasus> anyway, this is the structure you need to setup:
<Begasus> running 32bit or 64bit?
<Sark> I'm on 64 bit.
<Begasus> ok, then no changes should be needed
<Sark> Geez, there'd be no way to use a 32 bit machine with Haiku, you wouldn't be able to have enough RAM!
<Sark> I've got 22 gig and I'm still nine gigs into the swap.
<Begasus> err ... if I'm off from work it's my daily driver (aside from this ubuntu install) :)
<Begasus> running builds with only 6GB RAM
<Begasus> and external drive :)
<Sark> To be fair it's Web that uses the bulk of the memory if not all of it.
<Begasus> Hence I have Otter installed also, with the both of them installed I can do what I wan't (for my needs)
<Begasus> want*
<Sark> If you weren't using Web it would probably run fine. But in order to use Web (which, you basically need if you do any daily stuff with it), you need HEAPS of RAM and a really fast CPU. This is the fastest machine I own and it struggles badly.
<Begasus> I'm not a heavy surfer anymore, so only basic things :)
<Sark> Hrm. OK, I'm looking at that list of files, but since there isnt a way to download them, and it looks like it's only showing me part of the file so I can't copy and past it either. And there isn't a thing to click to view raw.
<Sark> I'm... really confused.
<Sark> I don't really use GitHub, but I've downloaded tonse of stuff and it always had a "download zip" button, or a "view raw" button, but this doesn't.
<Sark> I'm not sure how you got those direct links to the files, I don't see it here.
<Sark> That's just it there is no "view file" button.
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<Begasus> there are these three dots on the right side of the file, click on that
<Sark> Oh, geez, it's in the stupid dots button.
<Sark> Yeah, just found it.
<Sark> grrr.... I hate garbage UI design.
<Begasus> ;)
<Sark> That's why I want to use Haiku... it's well designed and the UI is so easy to use!
<Begasus> I mostly setup a remote repo for things like this: git remote add ...
<Begasus> git fetch *
<Begasus> etc
<Sark> Hrm. Error: Error: No match found for license Unlicense
<Begasus> do you have "tree" installed? (if not: pkgman install tree)
<Sark> oh, wait, I need to create those subdirectories don't I?
<Begasus> yep :)
<Sark> blah. I'm stupid.
<Begasus> licenses/patches
<Sark> Huh. Created the directory and moved the files but same error.
<Begasus> which one?
<Sark> Error: Error: No match found for license Unlicense
<Sark> I guess I need to rename it to one of the ones it says it wants?
<Sark> But then why is it called Unlicense if that doesn't work?
<Begasus> you got ~/dev-python/pycryptodome/licenses/Unlicense ?
<Sark> correct
<Sark> It's there. It sees it. It just doesn't like that filename apparently.
<Begasus> LICENSE="BSD (2-clause)
<Begasus> Unlicense
<Begasus> Public Domain
<Begasus> "
<Begasus> this in the recipe?
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<Sark> yes
<Begasus> Unlicense should match the name in "licenses"
<Sark> The error it gives me is huge, but it lists the valid filenames for licenses and Unlicense isn't one of them.
<Begasus> could you install "tree": pkgman install tree
<Begasus> and then run tree from the directory ~/haikuports/dev-python/pycryptodome
<Begasus> (in Terminal)
<Begasus> paste it somewhere (preferably not here if it's too long) :)
<Sark> .
<Sark> ├── licenses
<Sark> │   └── Unlicense
<Sark> │   └── pycryptodome-3.16.0.patchset
<Sark> ├── patches
<Sark> ├── pycryptodome-3.16.0.recipe
<Sark> └── work-3.16.0
<Sark> └── port.recipe
<Sark> same thing in pycryptodomex
<Sark> And neither one works.
<Begasus> OscarL put them in the same directory (recipe + patchset)
<Sark> I tried that originally and that didn't work - it seemed to find the files but it didn't like them for the same reason.
<Begasus> got some other thoughts there, but that's beside the issue here, at first glace I don't see anything wrong
<Begasus> let me boot my laptop and check, got another recipe here
<Begasus> bugger ... need to boot to 64bit
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<Begasus> works ok here
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<Begasus_64> /Opslag/haikuports_64/dev-python/pycryptodome> tree
<Begasus_64> .
<Begasus_64> ├── licenses
<Begasus_64> │   └── Unlicense
<Begasus_64> ├── patches
<Begasus_64> │   ├── pycryptodome-3.16.0.patchset
<Begasus_64> ├── pycryptodome-3.16.0.recipe
<Begasus_64> │   └── pycryptodomex-3.16.0.patchset
<Begasus_64> └── pycryptodomex-3.16.0.recipe
<Begasus_64> 2 directories, 5 files
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<Begasus> pycryptodomex fine also (with a small fix)
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<cocobean> AMD Radeon HD 7730 -> 7990
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<Begasus> heading down here, Sark I'm sure OscarL will be around later (he reads the logs) :) if not I'm back again in the morning
<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<cocobean> Radeon HD 7790 preferred.
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<matt3> g++ ? gcc = collection ?
<DarkHorse> horrible weather outside, so gathered up some old parts (core i7-2600, AMD HD5450 GPU, 24GB RAM, 1TB sata SSD) and have R4 Beta running. working great!
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<matt3> where is : screensaver.h in git ?
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<AlienSoldier> old part, core i7... some don't have the same time line as mine
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<matt3> but no libscreensaver
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<HaikuUser> hey
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<George> hey guys
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<Guest961> beta4 is nice
<Guest961> whatever
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<Guest961> I finded one thing and think this problem with incompatible Haiku x64
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<Guest961> version for Haiku
<Guest961> someones can run this on beta4 64
<Guest961> btw
<Guest961> Happy New Year
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<HaikuUser> Testing Beta 4. Very nice!
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<andreasdr[m]> Yarrrrrrr
rennj has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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kinkinkijkin has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]