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<scanty> good evening.
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<erysdren> good evening scanty
<scanty> what's new?
<erysdren> retooling my youtube video archive
<erysdren> or rather, organizing and adjusting the grab scripts
<scanty> nice. i am workng on my nes emulator.
<scanty> a little more IRC than work.
<scanty> you know the 90/10 rule...
<scanty> some call it the 80/20 rule.
<erysdren> i waste so much time on irc and discord
<erysdren> lol
<scanty> have to figure out why my connection to here drops after a few hours.
<scanty> something is up with my BNC
<scanty> never had issues with it on Freenode, or efnet
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<scanty> hmm.... can anyone read this?
<moparisthebest> Yes
<scanty> interesting, it's not showing up on the IRC logs
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<Calisto> heyy
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<erysdren> hi
<Calisto> heyy
<cynic[m]> musl-only version of libroot would be something interesting to see
<cynic[m]> Are there any benchmarks comparing Haiku to other OS's?
<erysdren> not that im aware of, what kind of things are you hoping to benchmark?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<cynic[m]> <erysdren> "not that im aware of, what..." <- i want to know if haiku sucks or not
<Begasus> only one way to find out, it beats the * out of other OS's for me
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<Begasus> wb Bones223
<Bones223> Begasus Hey friend!
<Bones223> Sorry it's so late lol
<erysdren> good morning!
<Bones223> Good morning my friends!
<Begasus> morning here :)
<Begasus> hi erysdren!
<Bones223> Hey guys! So good to see you!
<Begasus> and yet another round on llvm :P
<Bones223> Llvm? Lol
<Bones223> Begasus How was your day, friend?
<Begasus> Not to bad thanks
<Bones223> Nice I'm glad to hear that! What are you up to?
<Bones223> Sorry to @ you lol
<Begasus> need to remind myself to move the newer KF6 frameworks out of the way to check upcomming packages :)
<Bones223> Ah I'm sorry, I don't know what a kf6 package is lol >u<
<Begasus> well llvm will keep the laptop busy for a bit here
<Begasus> np :)
<Begasus> How's it going there?
<Bones223> Oh very fun! I'm showing my beautiful lovely girlfriend this operating system, she thinks the aesthetic is amazing just like I do!
<Begasus> There are still some downsides for Haiku, but if you are a bit like me they don't stop me from daily driving it :)
<Bones223> Begasus I really love this OS, and I just can't wait for when hardware acceleration is a thing! That, and more Wine support will make this a no-problem to daily drive! I'm planning on getting a laptop to daily-drive this OS
<Begasus> why would you need wine?
<cynic[m]> Begasus: many good old apps for win32
<Bones223> Begasus you're telling me anything that runs on win32 will run on here!? That's gamechanging!
<Begasus> HW acceleration won't be for a while, so better not count on it for now :)
<Bones223> No rush!
<cynic[m]> Begasus: why?
<Begasus> My guess is therre isn't much that runs on Win32 that doesn't have an alternative that runs on Haiku
<Bones223> Begasus good to know, I'll keep looking into it! I really want this to be my daily driver because it just feels right! I just worry I'll miss out on native Windows options
<Begasus> If not, give a yell, maybe we could look into something simular that is around :)
<cynic[m]> > Even better, Haiku now has a port of the WINE compatibility layer, allowing some Windows applications to run without modification. Haiku said in its blog post, "it is somewhat limited at the moment, being available only on 64-bit Haiku and only supporting 64-bit Windows applications. It is also a bit inefficient performance-wise at present due to some limitations in Haiku, but that will likely improve with time as Haiku gains more I/O
<cynic[m]> APIs."
<Bones223> Oh! That's awesome!
<Bones223> Tanks again you guys, you help me a bunch!
<Begasus> Never really checked Wine on Haiku, don't have a need for it myself, not sure, but think it's kinda broken atm also
<Bones223> I have trouble with Wine on here... It's a troublesome app
<Bones223> Even Linux Mint gave me issues!
<Begasus> heh
<Bones223> I make and play lots of indie games, so I worry that it would be an issue to play those with Haikue
<Bones223> *haiku
<Bones223> I've had issues with Mint on here so far
<Begasus> k, build launched ..
<Begasus> Have been using Ubuntu for years here, up untill I got this laptop that runs Haiku like a blast :D
<Bones223> Very cool stuff!
<Bones223> I wanna try Ubuntu, but I actually prefer Haiku
<Bones223> I tried Ubuntu like a decade ago... So maybe not
<Begasus> Image previews:
<Begasus> There is Krita ... plenty of alternatives for the ones in that screenshot :)
<Begasus> Inkscape is also in the depot
<Begasus> no Wine needed for those :)
<Begasus> Even default Tracker can show image thumbnails
<Bones223> Ah! So many good options! Someone was showing me a Haiku OS Gui layout for Ubuntu that looked faithful! (moreso the Beos layout)
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<cynic[m]> I'm a little bit concerned about Golang
<Begasus> k, afk for a bit
<Bones223> Copy that Begasus
<Begasus> yeah, that one is still lacking behind :(
<cynic[m]> will I be able to run any app and its dependencies?
<Bones223> What's Golang cynic[m]
<Begasus> biab
<cynic[m]> Go
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<Begasus> ro
<Begasus> re* :)
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<Begasus> about 2 hours for llvm :) (kdevelop detection still fine)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e83d7d7 - kruler, new KF6 recipe (#10594)
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<Calisto> Heyyy... I just had a pretty silly question
<Calisto> If anyone could help me out it would be really helpful :)
<Calisto> I basically wanted to import a header file from a different directory and use it in a certain file. Is there some sort of a better way to do it than including it using a relative path in the #include <> preprocessor directive?
<Begasus> I can't tell how Haiku's source is kept together :)
<Calisto> I didn't get you :(
<Begasus> I'm guessing you need a header from in the source somewhere that isn't public?
<Begasus> Call me blond (not a dev) :)
<Calisto> hehe that exactly
<Calisto> I need to import something that's there in the bin directory while im in the kits/tracker directory
<Calisto> i mean apart from doing it by just including it using relative path
<Begasus> can't you grep the source to see if "that" header is used elsewhere ?
<Calisto> just did that
<Calisto> but the header hasn't been used anywhere esle
<Begasus> no hits?
<Calisto> nope
<Calisto> its the FilteredQuery.h and FilteredQuery.cpp files in the bin directory
<Begasus> I'm no help here, but what header is it?
<Calisto> basically has been unused anywhere in the source code
<Calisto> but since my project introduces filtered queries, this class is basically a gift xD
<Calisto> I remember OscarL pointing me to this
<Calisto> I guess for now, I could just try including it using a relative path, and then just change it accordingly in a better way if someone points me to that kind of a way that does it differently then I guess I can change it to that
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<Begasus> zard to the resque! :)
<Begasus> Hi zard :D
<zard> o/ :D
* zard reads the logs
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* zard tries out the query command
<Begasus> TFilteredQuery only yealds those 3 files in there
<zard> Interesting. Now I have an alternative to the slower `find -name`
<zard> Aye, that's what I would expect. Still looking into it...
<zard> Ok, I see why you want to use it.
<zard> The trouble is, it's pretty clearly meant to only be used to help the query command
<zard> The question now is how to move it to a place that both the command and the query window can use it
<zard> Option 1: Make your own copy. Not ideal...
<zard> Hmm, the src/kits/shared directory looks interesting
* zard checks prior commits in that folder to see why people use it
<zard> Ok, seems like not too bad a place to put it
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<zard> So, Option 2: Move FilteredQuery into src/kits/shared. Much better
<zard> waddlesplash: Does that sound right?
<zard> TLDR of above discussion: FilteredQuery is in src/bin, but it would be nice to have it in a shared location so that it can be used elsewhere
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<Begasus> c'mon llvm ... (unpacking)
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<Begasus> k, patchset still apllies (all I needed to know for now) :)
<Begasus> think we can drop LLVM9 by now? ;)
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<Calisto> hi zard
<Calisto> just gimme a min.. I'll just read the log to check whether I missed out on anything
<Calisto> was afk for a while
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<Calisto> okay that sounds much better I think
<Calisto> so in the case that it was in src/shared/FilteredQuery.h and src/shared/FilteredQuery.cpp
<Calisto> would I still need to the relative path inclusion?
<Calisto> or would I have to do something using an include path
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<zard> I think it would just be `#include <FilteredQuery.h>`
<Calisto> oh okay perfect
<Calisto> so for now what should I do? I'll move it to the that directory and include it in the relevant source file?
<zard> Move it to the directory, add the source file to the relevant Jamfile, include the header file, make sure query still works
<zard> Relevant Jamfile is src/kits/shared/Jamfile
<Calisto> oh okay
<Calisto> thanks a lot zard
<Calisto> I'm basically going to include it in the QueryPoseView.cpp file
<Calisto> and just replace the existing code with the newer class
<Calisto> i'll also just write and keep a filter function and keep it so that it can be integrated in later
<Calisto> wait so I move both the files?
<Calisto> this directory consists of only .cpp files so that's why
<Begasus> Calisto, wouldn't this work with the files not moved? (adding in the jamfile: SubInclude HAIKU_TOP src bin filteredquery ;)
<zard> Yes, it would. But afaik it's a bit weird to include a file from the bin directory
<Calisto> ohh okay
<Begasus> ok, loud thinking here :)
<Calisto> i didn't know we could do that :(. I'm pretty new to tools like jam and things.. so now which thing should I do for the inclusion of the code?
<Calisto> I mean as far as I can see its not being used anywhere else in the source code as well
<zard> Kinda like trying to include a header file from another program in the system for your program :-)
<zard> If you want a quick way of testing whether things will work, Begasus's method is fine. If you want to do things right, then I think the method I suggested is better
<Calisto> so I should put the source code in src/kits/shared and the header file in headers/private/shared?
<zard> Looks right
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 039cb8c - yaml_cpp: trigger rebuild with fixed GCC13
<Calisto> thanks a lot btw zard
<Calisto> not sure whether I mentioned it before :)
<Calisto> it works
<zard> Nice :)
<Calisto> tho I have to replace quite some stuff
<Calisto> unfortunately a lot of the sections use BQuery objects directly
<Calisto> rather than pointers
<Calisto> so object slicing removes the stuff I wanted xD
<zard> Mmm, been a while since I've heard of object slicing
<zard> I think I've dealt with it only once a year ago
<Calisto> yep
<Calisto> thing is the QueryEntryListCollection was defined directly as an ObjectList<BQuery>
<Calisto> i mean I guess I could just replace every BQuery instance with a TFilteredQuery and call it a day xD
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<Begasus> could do the same on the new KF6 frameworks, but quite some changes related to DBus, so looking them over 1/1
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<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [btrev43215] -
<nekobot> [haiku/buildtools] 6502ec2e054a - gcc/config/i386: apply change from 13.x to haiku
<Begasus> nice, now buildtools need to rebuild ;)
<Calisto> oh I see.
<Calisto> Well in my case, there is just a bit of code that needs to be changed
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<Calisto> btw zard does the os/support not use anything in the shared libraries?
<zard> What shared libraries? I'm confused
<Calisto> nevermind I think I was making some random error.
<Calisto> got it fixed :)
<zard> :)
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<Begasus> closing down for today, cu peeps!
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<scanty> good evening.
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