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<ilzu[m]> nephele: The requirement would probably be the file sharing and getting those few users to switch their shared files to the new platform. And perhaps nostalgia keeps it going too. It doe's have some nice BeOS / Haiku specific features though, as it's messaging is quite close to BMessages over network and it does support live queries and extended attributes. I'm not an active user (is there any of those anymore), though I fire it up once on a
<ilzu[m]> while to search some old BeOS software or alike. There is something I do like about BeShare that I don't think "getting the requirements added to Renga" could capture.
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<qwebirc74529> are there any plans for i2c support at all?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
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<Begasus> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> sad that haiku doesnt have much support for USB wifi dongles
<erysdren> i have one for my desktop, and it doesn't work under haiku
<erysdren> not r1b4 or the newest hrev
<Begasus> don't think it's the dongle as is (using one here too), but rather the chip used in it?
<erysdren> most likely
<erysdren> here's the one i bought
<Begasus> so it doesn't matter if it's internal/external in that case
<erysdren> linux says the driver is rtw_8822bu
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<Begasus> woot
<Begasus> internal one here is in the 8822* section too, not supported
<erysdren> so it doesnt work under haiku? or it does?
<erysdren> yours, i mean
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<Begasus> the internal one? no that doesn't work, hence the external dongle
<erysdren> ah right
<erysdren> and to be clear, we can't adopt drivers from the linux kernel because of the source code license?
<Begasus> :)
<Begasus> waddlesplash added some not that long ago, but they only go up to 8821* iirc
<erysdren> darn
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there.
<erysdren> hi
<Begasus> g'morning andreasdr[m] :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Good morning erysdren ( and Begasus (
<erysdren> good morning
<Begasus> the famous lag :)
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<andreasdr[m]> :DDD
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<coolcoder613> Arrr andreasdr[m]
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrrrrr.
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<Nephele> hi
<Nephele> coolcoder613, bit confused what you expect me to do with the flagged post, suspend them twice?
<coolcoder613> I hadn't gotten to the bit where they were supended when i flagged it
<Begasus> hi nephele
<Nephele> you can click the users avatar, it will say. I've added a note to the top of the forum entry :)
<Nephele> hello Begasus
<Begasus> 'lo coolcoder613
<Begasus> this lua thing just doesn't stop :/
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<Nephele> Begasus, i don't get the feeling that lua is making you happy :)
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<Begasus> it isn't nephele, just when I think it's good enough for now something new pops up :/
<Begasus> one plus side, suggestion on how to fix are included in the issue's response
<Nephele> i'm annoyed with the build, it keeps building the 32bit bootloader even if i dont want it
<Begasus> fix that so I could boot 32bit on this laptop then? ;)
<Nephele> fix what?
<Begasus> the bootloader? ;)
<Nephele> it's not broken
<Begasus> iric nielx can't boot 32bit on one of his hw also
<Nephele> i just don't have a 32bit toolchain on my 64bit computer, because the bios loader is the *only* thing that needs it, i don't have bios, and it takes hours to compile the 32bit toolchain
<PulkoMandy> the easiest fix is probably to make the gcc shipped by haikuports able to build 32bit executables, so you don't need to build another one
<Begasus> is that build separetly?
<Nephele> yes, during the ./configure part of the haiku build
<PulkoMandy> but otherwise there's a way to skip this, I think waddlesplash knows how to do it but I don't remember what it was
<Begasus> well, should be a "one" time thing (if no changes are done) then?
<Nephele> I have a post it on my desktop telling me how to skip it
<Nephele> but it requires i use the "correct" target, if you only use @nightly-anyboot it won't work
<Nephele> PulkoMandy, Yes probably. I don't really understand why this is seprate? 32bit toolchain would be usefull for other things too
<PulkoMandy> just no one ported the chages from the configure script to the haikuports recipe
<Nephele> I really like the approach of ziglang, where the compiler can just natively target whatever and doesn't need to be compiled in a special way
<Nephele> seriously?
<Nephele> .-.
<Begasus> think I saw something passing by not that long ago about that
<PulkoMandy> yes, it's probably just some compiler flags to pass to gcc, may need some include path adjustments maybe
<PulkoMandy> to pass to gcc cnfigure script*
<Nephele> well, i sure hope somebody else does that on github eventually :P
<Begasus> tsss :P
<Begasus> already checked out how to build D with gcc not that long ago (had to use an older version though) :)
<Begasus> PulkoMandy, I think I saw this in an issue, was this at haikuporter/haikuports or in the bug tracker?
<Nephele> should make sure haiku builds with clang :P
<Begasus> I'm happy enough to have the script setup to build Haiku correctly :P
<Nephele> i heard that NL lost yesterday
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<Nephele> oranje beneden? xD
<Habbie> yes, it's over, finally ;)
<Begasus> Hi Habbie, only found out this morning on the radio, totally forgot about that :P
<Habbie> it was hard to miss here
<Habbie> actual loud crying from a house down the street
<Begasus> I can imagine :P (have seen the dutch streets in "oranje" before) :)
<Nephele> I want to visit NL sometimes in the next months, it's so damn hard to get vla here
<Habbie> remind me, where are you?
<Nephele> if it is available at all it's like 1 or 2 flavors, 5 times as expensive and small packages
<Nephele> Habbie, you mean where i live or where i am? :P
<Habbie> por que no les dos
<Habbie> *porque no los dos
<Nephele> originally I am from limburg, like begasus, but the right limburg :P
* Begasus slaps nephele
<Begasus> there is only 1 Limburg! :P
<Begasus> and it's not "vla" it's "vlaai" :D
<Habbie> you call it vlaai?!
<Nephele> Begasus, there is atleast one unrelated german city also called limburg
<Habbie> if a time traveller heard you say there is only 1 limburg he would assume it's 1815-1830
<Nephele> Begasus, I mean vla, not vlaai
<Habbie> yeah that's vlaai
<Habbie> that's not vla
<Habbie> nephele, looks easy enough to make yourself btw
<Habbie> In het Limburgs wordt het woord vla soms ook gebruikt om Limburgse vlaai mee aan te duiden. Limburgers spreken dan ook vaak over pudding. Ook in Noord-Brabant en Vlaanderen wordt de benaming 'pudding' voor vla vaak gebruikt.
<Habbie> aha!
<Begasus> ah lol
<Habbie> there's more words on the page
<Begasus> just say "pudding" (almost) :)
<Habbie> 'vloeibare pudding'
<Begasus> warme vannile pudding met korrels bovenop! takes me back ... hmm
<Nephele> Pannekooke zijn "pfann-kuchen" in duits ... of "eierkuchen" ... of "krapfen"
<Nephele> Begasus, warme??
<Habbie> eierkuchen are not eierkoeken?
<Habbie> nephele, oh yes, warme
<Nephele> Habbie, in duits well :P
<Begasus> yeah, our mother made those from time to time
<Nephele> I honestly have never had that
<Nephele> maybe you should show me sometime Begasus
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<Nephele> i'm sure i can find another excuse to visit brussels
<Begasus> hard to take with me on some FOSSDEM meeting ;)
<Begasus> cold it's also nice, ps, that "pudding" was pretty solid, not "vloeibaar" ;)
<Nephele> I suppose it is a bit different viscocity than i am used to, then
<Nephele> Begasus, by the way, of course it is the right limburg, on most maps ;)
<Nephele> east limburg
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<Begasus> heh
<Nephele> i suppose without context that would be very confusing :)
<Nephele> my vhost is kind of pissing me off. Told them i did not get an email for the new pw for the server. He tells me to reset it in the panel. The panel sais "only works on linux"
<Nephele> ugh
<Begasus> slap it :)
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) i'm confused and i'm fresh out of context. I must put that on my shopping list - 550g of context
* phschafft enters and surly starts by refilling the cookie bowl as it got emptied quite some over the last few days.
<Nephele> phschafft, you don't look limburgese or dutch to me *stares*
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) ak cookies! i only like the essential ones
<Begasus> thanks on the refill phschafft!
<Nephele> Begasus, am i insane? wasn't there a "pkgman i" shortcut for install?
<Nephele> i keep trying to do that and it always sais unknown command
<phschafft> mau?
<Begasus> doesn't seem so nephele
<Begasus> add one? ;)
<Nephele> Habbie, dunno. Doesn't seem to want to build one? maybe it's lazy.
<Nephele> huh. I can loggin to the CI service. Doesn't seem like i can do anything though :D
<Begasus> don't push the wrong button :P
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) how hard would it be to write a Haiku kernel for all the old ipads in this world... now that would be a sight to see
<Nephele> a haiku kernel?
<Nephele> the problem is that most ipads don't nicely support mouse and keyboards. newer ones do i guess, but for old ones it's quite icky
<Habbie> so a haiku ipad kernel -and- good touch support
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) ...that's becasue of the terrible os....
<Nephele> ... or because of the not-usb port?
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) Be had good touch on the Be "Internet Device""
<Nephele> haiku has no touch support, and the interface is not designed to support it. Yes, you *can* make a touch interface with the interface kit
<Nephele> but this wouldn't be compatible with existing apps pretty much
<Nephele> in which case, why even use haiku? :P
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) because for older iPads, apple offers no updates nor improvments... haiku could change the world!
<Nephele> don't get me wrong, i do want to have a mobile OS with some elements of Haiku, which is compatible with Haiku as a desktop. buuuuuuut, that isn't Haiku itself
<Nephele> You would basically need a new project dedicated to this, maybe with some overlay. but still
<Nephele> Apple also offers no support for old macs, and we are in a much better position there ;)
<Nephele> basically you would need an mobileOS for your desktopOS, drawing on some of the same parts. beeing only partially compatible
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<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) basically you would just need a touch conversion of a mouse driver to touchpad.... and a Lightening to USB adapter... the rest is semantics, if the underlying kernel was in place...
<Nephele> Let me put it like this: MacOS on an iPad would be utterly terrible and hard to use
<Nephele> and so would Haiku
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) i beg to differ
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<Nephele> there is *no* application in haiku designed to work in such an environment. Take only say stylededit. No shortcuts for text formatting anymore; only software keyboard; only way to modify text is through some tiny hard to reach menu you have to click on severall times to get the option you want; selection of text is utterly busted
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) if only there were keyboards availble for iPads.... oh look, their are...
<Nephele> So connect your keyboard and mouse and make it utterly pointless as a tablet
<Nephele> in which case you might aswell just put linux on it *shrug* Haiku is an OS that tries to do one thing, be a good desktop OS only. No design compromises required. If you want something working with touch it needs a different system
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<Nephele> stuff like windows touch laptops or ipad apps with mouse and keyboard have made it terribly obivous that "convergent" just doesnt work
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) i beg to differ. great chat.
<Nephele> you need to design your application specifically to work in an environment
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<Begasus> we can have different ideas, shouldn't be an issue, just takes work done to get somewhere even :)
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) i'm currently playing a Majong game in Haiku... would be great on a tablet. Any drawing app, great on a tablet... the list goes on. Nevermind.
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<Nephele> Exactly. All these applications don't work properly in a touch environment and would have to be ported
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) 'nuf said
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<Begasus> g'morning OscarL!
* OscarL looks up "vlaai", points to Argentine's and the "Spider-men pointing at each other" meme
<OscarL> Hello Begasus :-)
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> this one at least:
<Begasus> ah you found it :)
<OscarL> k, using $libExecDir instead of $libDir on gnuplot recipe works. (testing on x86, for both "--with-x" and "--with-x=no").
<Begasus> ah, kinda like bindir vs sbindir
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL cef3932 - gnuplot: fix recipe issue preventing build on x86 32 bits. (#10679)
<OscarL> if gcc 64 bits could compile 32 bits binaries... would we be able to build "_x86" packages with haikuporter? (that would be sweeet)
<Nephele> you can do that now. or do you mean on 64bit haiku? if so... probably not, no
<OscarL> yeah, I mean from 64 bits haiku.
<Nephele> the compiler toolchain may be able to emit 32bit binaries but haikuporter will try to install a 32bit userland in the porting dir
<Nephele> which doesn't work on the 64bit kernel on haiku now
<OscarL> :-(
<Nephele> so, maybe possible, but would require more work. or maybe a rework of how haikuporter does this
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<Nephele> there is nothing techincally preventing building 32bit applications on 64bit
<phschafft> hm.
* OscarL thinks opencv should *not* pull Qt in (maybe in a opencv_qt package, but not on the main package).
* OscarL runs "pkgman uninstall qt5*" anyway.
<Begasus> fix it? ;)
<Begasus> probably doesn't require it then for the main package
<OscarL> My thinking is... you might just want to use opencv from python, that should not pull in Qt at all. (same why I don't want main gnuplot package to include the Qt GUI).
<Begasus> I guess if you build gnuplot for Qt it supplies a different binary for that?
<OscarL> should have a gnuplot_qt under $libExecDir/gnuplot/5.4/
<OscarL> as it does now for gnuplot_x11
<Begasus> gnuplot_qt
<Begasus> just checked the one from Arch
<Begasus> they use Qt6 there, so it doesn't pull in the full suite OscarL ;)
<OscarL> still merrits a separate package, IMO. (I'm not adverse to using Qt apps, just don't want to be "forced" to install it).
<OscarL> (specially when I just want to use a CLI app :-D)
<Begasus> :P
<OscarL> got it covered! "--with-lua=no" :-P
<Begasus> cheater! :P
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<Nephele> what kind of fiber optics network cards are available :3
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<OscarL> would be nice if haikuporter had a "--cleanup-old-workdirs" option
<OscarL> I have a bazillion "work-1.2.3" / "work-x86-1.2.3" (and interim versions) besides current ones.
<Begasus> OscarL, you had that with the profile alias?
<Begasus> iirc I got that from you :)
<OscarL> I have a crude "list_work_dirs()" that you can pipe into "xargs rm -f" yeah, but that removes ALL work dirs, not only the out-dated ones :-)
<Begasus> can't have them all :)
<OscarL> mmm. I *do* have a WIP "list_outdatedwork_dirs()" thou :-D
<OscarL> seems I never finished it :-)
<Begasus> ps, gnuplot 6.0.1 should be good to use :)
<OscarL> saw that one, but as 6.0.0 was added in disabled state...
<OscarL> I went first for the one I already had half-finished :-)
<OscarL> (just wanted to reduce/fixup its dependencies, really)
<Nephele> i heavily dislike that e-mail server does not upload send emails to imap into the send folder .-.
<Begasus> just use yours as a base to bump to the latest
<OscarL> Begasus: after I see if I can test lxml :-)
<Begasus> bucket list! :D
<OscarL> I really want to give Python 3.9 the boot :-)
* Begasus ducks
* Begasus runs very hard away and let OscarL take care of that!
<OscarL> If you're bored... see if app-text/sigil can be switched to 3.10 (requires Qt stuff)
<OscarL> (would be one less user of lxml_python39, and there are not many of those)
<Begasus> working through kde frameworks 6.4.0-rc1 ...
<OscarL> k, toss it on the "todo_when_ever.txt" then :-P
<Begasus> that one got lost in the trash after the lua stuff :P
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<OscarL> seems that yeah... we could drop lxml_python39, once we switch sigil to 3.10
<Begasus> launched
<OscarL> this is nuts... having an empty "TEST() {}" on the recipe, causes hp to declare that the recipe is broken
<OscarL> adding "# foo bar" in it... still broken, adding "Work, please!" (uncommented), makes it work again :-D
<OscarL> error message is: "Error: Can't evaluate config file /boot/home/[...]/work-4.9.1/port.recipe"
<Begasus> AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Callable'
<Begasus> python error when switched for sigil
<Begasus> on opening a test ebup file I have here
<OscarL> Work for 3DEyes then :-)
<Begasus> opens the epub though
<OscarL> latest sigil, 2.2.1, 3dEyes version seems a bit stale :-)
<Begasus> he's been doing a lot of things, hard to keep track on all :)
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<Begasus> anyway, it builds for python3.10, opens the epub fine
<Begasus> hmm .. should check the current from the depot ...
<Begasus> k, no errors on the current one from the depot
<OscarL> Begasus: if you're willing to try a quick-and-dirty hack...
<OscarL> see if chainging: "if isinstance(parser, collections.Callable)", by "if isinstance(parser, typing.Callable)", on
<OscarL> (might need to add "import typing" at the top)
<OscarL> ah... change it to "" then.
<Begasus> rebuild ... (just had it cleaned!) :)
<Begasus> maybe bs4 needs to be patched for python3.10?
<Begasus> hmm ... nope, doesn't change this behaviour
<OscarL> might need to patch *both* bs4 and sigil's then :-)
<Begasus> rebuild again (revbump)
<OscarL> but if that's all there's to it, I wouldn't feel too bad about droping lxml_python39.
<Begasus> lol, crashes now :P
<OscarL> ok. leave it be then. Thanks for trying.
<Begasus> fixed :)
<Begasus> (just did a copy/paste from previous link)
<Begasus> you got me started on python again!! :P
<OscarL> are you sure "+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup" is needed? (I can't find any usage of BeautifulSoup on that file)
<Begasus> nope
<Begasus> bs4 = beautifulsoup4
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<Begasus> updated without that line
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<OscarL> lxml build fails on 32 bits... "fatal error: iconv.h not such file or directory" (from libxml2/libxml/encoding.h) :-(
<Begasus> build is fine without that line
<Begasus> gcc2?
<OscarL> lxml_x86
<Begasus> did you add it in the recipe?
<OscarL> re: sigil... good. small patchset + switch to python310 till 3dEyes has time to update it sounds like a plan :-)
<Begasus> yep ... small one :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: first build attempt. Shouldn't devel:libxml2 pull devel:libiconv? or that only works for runtime deps?
<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrr
* OscarL steals andreasdr[m]'s rum, gives it a sip to warm up, and gives it back.
<Begasus> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6
<Begasus> previous: 67% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 6
<Begasus> OscarL, libxml2 doesn't have a dep on devel:libiconv
<Begasus> yeah, in BUILD_REQUIRES
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<Begasus> not in REQUIRES_devel
<OscarL> ah... BUILD.. yehea.
<OscarL> (I can't type fast with these gloves)
<Begasus> if I would do that for the KF6 frameworks it would mean a lot of rewrite :P (cycling deps)
<OscarL> I'm not experienced enough on these, Begasus. Maybe it *should* have it on REQUIRES_devel?
<Begasus> in this case it probably should
<Begasus> I know fbrosson was hammering on those (hence I checked with pkg-config a lot back then) :)
* OscarL notices it does has "devel:libz" in there.
<Begasus> -I/packages/libxml2-2.12.5-2/.self/develop/headers/libxml2 -I/packages/zlib-1.3-3/.self/develop/headers
<Begasus> yeah, no iconv
<Begasus> so, in this case libxml2 shouldn't have the requirement in REQUIRES_devel (I think) :)
<Begasus> and you should add it in lxml
<OscarL> I don't understand why libz but not libiconv.
<OscarL> (context: I have no clue about pkg-config stuff)
<Begasus> you would have to go through the source I guess
<Begasus> iconv is optional I think, while libz is required?
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<Begasus> so probably not all that uses libxml2 will need iconv
<OscarL> well, currently libxml2 has a hard requirement for libiconv, same with libz, that makes it confusing to me :-(
<OscarL> not too fond of /me adding dependencies on the wrong place... after all... I DO complain about those all the time :-D
<Begasus> just put it in BUILD_REQUIRES and be done with it? ;)
<OscarL> "pkg-config --print-requires libxml-2.0" ---> "" :-D
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<Begasus> see, what I said :P
<OscarL> so... libz shouldn't be there, then?
<OscarL> (just trying to wrap my head around it)
<OscarL> (I mean on REQUIES_devel)
<Begasus> I guess "pkg-config requires" refers to libraries, not headers?
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<OscarL> no idea.
<Begasus> biab
<Begasus> tsss
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<Begasus> from libxml++-5.0.pc: Requires: libxml-2.0 >= 2.7.7
<OscarL> not sure if lxml_python build is too slow... or it just hang (one CPU core 100% for several minutes).
<OscarL> k, seems just slooooow.
<Begasus> feed it some boost ... :P
<OscarL> wish I had any :-)
<Begasus> just released 1.85 :D
<OscarL> CPU temp still at 32 C (ambient: 0 C)
<Begasus> keep it close now! :)
<OscarL> "grabbing...", now... to figure out how to run its tests.
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<Begasus> Hi zard
<zard> Hello Begasus :)
* zard is working on addressing the review on
<Begasus> ah, see the issue with OS vs PLATFORM
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<Begasus> does darwin have them both also?
<coolcoder613> Hello zard
<zard> Darwin is the OS (mac's kernel), COCOA is the platform (mac's interface kit)
* coolcoder613 applauds zards work on webkit
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> multiple processes in Web+ could help stability a *lot*
<zard> Yes. Then you would just have to deal with browser tabs crashing :P
<coolcoder613> COuld become as good as Falkon ;)
<zard> ...or maybe all of the crashing is fixed, who knows?
<zard> Aye, I do wonder how it will do
<coolcoder613> As good as falkon at nto crashing the whole browser i mean
<coolcoder613> *not
<coolcoder613> just individual tabs
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<Nephele> waddlesplash: maybe #haiku-offtopic should be in the topic :)
<waddlesplash> why?
<Nephele> so that peeps here know that channel exists
<waddlesplash> PulkoMandy: nephele: anyway, 64bit GCC can build 32bit binaries easily, the problem is that we need a static libgcc compiled for the bootloader
<Begasus> someone disabled that option for haikuporter ;)
<Nephele> waddlesplash: for the bootloader to link against? is that the bootsector in the partition table or on the partition itself?
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<waddlesplash> the boot sector in the partition table does not link against anything
<Begasus> OscarL ... Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/kdnssd6/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement :)
<Nephele> yes, that would suprise me :)
<waddlesplash> it's for the bootloader itself
<Begasus> -- Found DNSSD: /boot/system/lib/
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<OscarL> Begasus: I'll go back to mDNSResponder sooner, if you didn't had me chasing lxml :-P
<Begasus> I didn't start it :P
<Begasus> I knew there was something in the frameworks checking avahi :)
* OscarL is "this" close to drop 3.9 support from both beautifoulsoup4 and lxml.
<OscarL> if only sigil didn't required it... /me ponders.
<Nephele> I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to replace some of those higher level kde deps with simple stub translation layers
<Begasus> open an issue upstream?
<Begasus> not up to me nephele, just poking around in it ;)
<OscarL> Begasus: thought you had a patch/PR already! :-D
<Begasus> to bad it doesn't come with a test suite
<Begasus> I do OscarL :P
<Begasus> but I'm not working on it :D
<OscarL> if it works, it works. I say push it... you can tell 3dEyes I forced you to do it! :-D
<Begasus> I didn't get this old to let anyone "push" me into something I don't want :P
<Begasus> checked it out "for you", you can take it from here OscarL :D
<Nephele> too bad nobody answered on the qt6 issue on github
<Nephele> quaternions qt6 version is still kinda broken
<OscarL> Begasus: fair enough. Thanks for checking it.
<Begasus> np :)
<OscarL> finished build of lxml_python39 AND 310 anyway :-D
<Begasus> can always step in if need be :)
<Begasus> haven't checked on that nephele
<OscarL> (will open PR for the inclusion of iconv dep, and TESTS())
<Begasus> Got a nice response on the latest fix for nheko, they plan to drop wayland iirc there :)
<Nephele> huh? link?
<Begasus> ah no, wasn't directly wayland :) Thanks! (Although hopefully soon everyone just has Qt6.7+)
<Nephele> why do you want to get rid of wayland? qt doesn't use wayland on haiku
<Nephele> this seems to be wayland specific code needed for older qt versions, i'm not sure why the older ifdef checks for os unix and not about wayland
<Begasus> just wanted to get rid of the error (that somehow was related to wayland)
<Nephele> or hmm, maybe qt config wayland just didn't exist for older qt versions
<Begasus> that'll probably change there
<Nephele> Begasus: yes, that if is supposed to only include the code if you use wayland
<Nephele> i guess QT_CONFIG(wayland) was only introduced too late :)
<Nephele> not sure why there isn't a nheko specific config instead then...
<Begasus> anyway, fixed for now, will see how it proceeds
<Nephele> nice that you are having fun :)
<Nephele> i honestly gave up on matrix, it's such a mess
<Begasus> keepiing the old brains busy ;)
<Nephele> phschafft, opinions?
<Begasus> it's about choices also nephele :)
<Nephele> i don't see how
<Begasus> no one is forcing anything to anyone if they don't want to :)
<Nephele> not beeing forced to do something is a bad argument in support of anything :P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> k, for kimageformats to support jxl we need a newer version :)
<Nephele> is jpegxl already in the nightlies/haikuports?
<Begasus> yep 0.6.1
<Begasus> at haikuports
<Begasus> there is even a translator for it
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<Begasus> biab
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<Nephele> Apparently no sniffer rules though
<Nephele> the translator doesn't let me view it in ShowImage
<Nephele> Begasus: seems broken? wierd
<Nephele> ~/proj/renga: /system/add-ons/Translators/JPEG2000Translator
<Nephele> ~/proj/renga: /system/add-ons/Translators/JXLTranslator
<Nephele> /bin/mksh: /system/add-ons/Translators/JXLTranslator: not executable: 64-bit ELF file
<Nephele> or it has no settings/about window like the others do?
<Begasus> I don't think it has, it has been added by someone else some time ago
<Nephele> it doesn't show up in save as either
<Begasus> didn't even had it installed atm :)
<Nephele> WebPositive uses libjxl directly. huh
<Begasus> think the translator is broken
<Begasus> could be suffering from the same thing I experienced with the exr translator
<Nephele> we should import it into the haiku tree
<Begasus> bugger, side tracked again ...
<Nephele> add? :P
<Nephele> Would be cool if Paladin could learn about the difference between like, a project, and a sourcetree. Say i could tell it "this is the haiku tree", and then seperately "my next project is tracker"
<Nephele> and it could then focus on libtracker, the tracker application etc
Nephele is now known as Guest1177
<Guest1177> bqah
Guest1177 is now known as nephele
<nephele> one big disadvantage of irc
<nephele> "of you accidentally opened your laptop! sucks for you!"
<nephele> brb for a bit
<phschafft> nephele: hm?
<Begasus> nogo here for the translator
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<_dodo75> Hi I am tinkering with tje intel_extreme driver... have compiled a modifed version but how do I test it out? Just rename and copy to /boot/system/non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin? and then reboot?
<_dodo75> in syslog I can see that driver that is used is frame_buffer... but previous in syslog I also see: intel_extreme: CALLED status_t init_hardware()
<PulkoMandy> That probably means the intel driver doesn't know about the pci id for your system
<PulkoMandy> init_haroware is whsere it checks if it knows that
<nephele> phschafft: opinions on the library
<nephele> i think with libopus and the media kit i can add voice calling to Renga
<PulkoMandy> The easiest way to test may be to build haiku.hpkg including your modified driver and installing that. Otherwise, yes, copy the files in the right places in non-packaged and reboot
<_dodo75> PulkoMandy that what I tried.. kind of noob on this (way out of my comfort zone) I found a device.cpp file and just tried to add my pci id.
<_dodo75> PulkoMandy do I have to create folder structure that match the /boot/system in the non-package folder?
<nephele> for the driver, yeah
<nephele> it will look in the same place, but with non-packaged in the path
<_dodo75> nephele ok thanks. will give it a a try :)
<waddlesplash> am I the only one that sees "perl: warning: Setting locale failed." with the new perl?
<augiedoggie> heh, i haven't tried perl but that's the error i get with bsdtar and other tools
<waddlesplash> yeah, I debugged it
<waddlesplash> seems the datetime patterns in the new ICU contain U+202F (NARROW No-BREAK SPACE)
<waddlesplash> when we convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8 this overflows the buffer and then we return an error
<waddlesplash> PulkoMandy: I think it makes the most sense to just represent U+202F as " " in here?
<waddlesplash> not sure why ICU decided to add this anyway
<nephele> for what is it used?
<waddlesplash> it's just a space character in the datetime pattern
<nephele> well, the non-breaking part is significant
<nephele> it's not the same as a normal space
<waddlesplash> this is my current patch
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<nephele> it would be better to fix the buffer overflow
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<waddlesplash> nephele: we use regular spaces in most places for these strings
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<waddlesplash> all the locale defaults use just regular spaces
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<nephele> yes, but icu is correct that it should be a non-breaking space
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<waddlesplash> but it doesn't use it for the whole string
<waddlesplash> just some parts of the string
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<nephele> which parts?
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<nephele> do you have an example?
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<waddlesplash> it looked like the space between the date and the time sections
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<waddlesplash> hm
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<waddlesplash> it appears using kDefault instead of kFull for the datetime format has it not use this character
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<waddlesplash> that may be what we want anyway since we use kDefault for everything else
<waddlesplash> so we'd be consistent
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<waddlesplash> " FULL is pretty completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST. "
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<nephele> well in that case i agree, then we should use kDefault
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<nephele> maybe fix the buffer overflow regardless ;) there are valid cases for the higher space chars
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57819] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4dcd60085ba5 - ICUTimeData: Use kDefault instead of kFull for the datetime format.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57820] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 48c334396088 - EXRTranslator: Remove from the tree.
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<nephele> waddlesplash: next we should import the JXL translator and fix it up ;)
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<waddlesplash> lol no
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<nephele> why not?
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<waddlesplash> because JXL images are uncommon?
<waddlesplash> people can just install the package if they need it
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<nephele> So, we ship libjxl... but not the translator... that doesn't make much sense to me
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<waddlesplash> why do we ship libjxl?
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<nephele> Webkit uses it
<waddlesplash> ah
<nephele> and rightfully so :)
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<waddlesplash> well, I guess then it may make sense
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<nephele> anyhow, the translator seems busted :(
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<nephele> if we start removing uncommon image formats from the tree it may be a good idea to add a note in e.g filetypes that an external translator is required
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<waddlesplash> nephele: perhaps even more ideally, if we can sniff the file mimetype, we could set up the package server to query it for translators that support the mimetype
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<waddlesplash> like Debugger does for debuginfo packages
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<nephele> hmmm. something like translator:image/exr or so?
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<waddlesplash> ideally should also work for applications (e.g. download .odt, query package server, "want to install LibreOffice or Calligra?")
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<nephele> that does sound good yeah
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<nephele> maybe a generall querry supports:mime/type
<nephele> ShowImage should expose translator settings somehow, maybe with a replicant
<Guest217> I found my EeePC 701
<nephele> excelent
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<nephele> i once found a netbook under the freezer
<Guest217> and I picked up a charger for it because while I know exactly where it is right down to which box inside which box, a major component of "where" is "a two hour drive away"
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<gordonjcp> ffs OFTC can you stop doing that
<gordonjcp> right
<gordonjcp> place your bets, I'm about to upgrade it from hrev54298 to current
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<Guest1180> how badly is this going to go?
<nephele> i'm on 57818
<nephele> there have been some format changes in the package kit between major releases, but if your client can install the packages it should work fine :)
<nephele> i once installed beta1 from a dvd and upgraded it (in steps) to beta4
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* nephele wonders if PulkoMandy will bring more DVD's
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<PulkoMandy> No. You yhould have asked before I left home
<PulkoMandy> Even forgot to take stickers ..
<nephele> Don't worry, i brought some matrix stickers
<nephele> do you mean you have haiku stickers at home? is that just the H logo type?
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<PulkoMandy> yes, that and also walter stickers
<nephele> the icon guidelines from the Inc are kind of wierd
<Begasus> Enjoy the meeting you both :)
<gordonjcp> "*** Failed to download package <various>" across three attempts
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<gordonjcp> oh well
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<nephele> gordonjcp: what's the next highest beta from your snapshot?
<nephele> you can download that image, unpack it, install the packages manually. and then go to the next beta
<Begasus> k, done with the frameworks, heading out
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<gordonjcp> nephele: I will most likely just wipe and reinstall
<gordonjcp> nephele: I don't think its tiny screen is up to running modern Haiku
<gordonjcp> waddlesplash: you might know, how much traffic do the mirrors see?
<waddlesplash> I don't know off the top of my head
<waddlesplash> and we don't have this data collected centrally I don't think
<gordonjcp> okay
<gordonjcp> how much disk space for the ISO mirrors?
<nephele> gordonjcp: what's the resolution?
<gordonjcp> 800x480 iirc
<nephele> heh. the listed minimum is 800x600
<nephele> though i know atleast pref/locale violates that
<nosycat> A lot of apps don't do well in 800x480, but some do.
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<nephele> do we have sendmmsg?
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<gordonjcp> nephele: sendmmsg?
<PulkoMandy> I don't think so, but it's trivially implemented as a loop that calls sendmsg, if you don't need the performance
<Raweden> one curious question; would a improved TLE (text-layout-engine) be a intresting contribution to Haiku?
<nephele> C call, seems linux has this. I'm trying to compile a library (which should detect for this) but it chokes on many forward declarations based on it
<nephele> raweden: maybe. depends. We have an improved one in HaikuDepot, you could work on that.
<PulkoMandy> raweden: we already have a work-in-progress one in haikudepot, and someone trying to donate us a 20 years old one called paige that needs a not of cleanup and modernization
<PulkoMandy> Is it about one of these, or yet another one?
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<waddlesplash> even FreeBSD just syscalls in a loop
<nephele> that's not what the call is for though
<waddlesplash> ?
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<nephele> It's there to save on system calls, if it just calls system calls for you in a loop you are better off just calling sendmsg in your application in the first place
<waddlesplash> system calls are pretty cheap these days
<nephele> so?
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<Raweden> PulkoMandy: I've never heard of paige.. But i've check the one used in haikudepot. I've not started to implement one yet.
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<PulkoMandy> nephele: The setup for sendmmsg (creating and filling all the structures) is quite complex, if you're not sending hundreds of thousands of messages at once, it my not be worth saving on syscall overhead
<PulkoMandy> So, before implementing it the complicated way, see if you find an app that would benefit from that
<nephele> PulkoMandy: that is my point though, calling it is *harder* than sendmsg. so why would a library use this unless they actually needed it? :P
<phschafft> nephele: no specific opinion.
<phschafft> it supports Opus, ;)
<phschafft> that is one of the important key aspects to look for.
<nephele> well, i'd likely use libopus indeed
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<gordonjcp> is there a trick to getting Atheros wifi working?
<gordonjcp> I've selected my AP, stuck in the WPA key, and it shows "Configuring" for about a second then "No Link"
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<Shaka444> ANybudy experienced with indexes in Haiku? I have a bunch of files (haiku source files) that keep coming up in my new email window. Whats the proper way to handle this?
<nephele> did you change the querry?
<Shaka444> no
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<Shaka444> I shared a picture on Telegram
<PulkoMandy> Try to reset the mimetype on these files using mimeset -f maybe?
<nephele> well, mine is only "MAIL:status=="New""
<nephele> i don't think that is related to mimetypes
<PulkoMandy> Ok. Then check if the files have thisattributeand remove it (using lsattr and rmattr)
<nephele> if it is on haiku source files that'd mean they have this attribute somehow? can you check with listattr and catattr
<Shaka444> I uploaded one of the files to telegram if that helps
<nephele> no. it doesn't.
<nephele> Please check on your device with listattr and catattr
<Shaka444> k
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<Shaka444> listattr output: MIME String 19 "BEOS:TYPE"
<nephele> nothing else?
<nephele> what does your new mail querry look like?
<nephele> check with file->edit querry
<Shaka444> its correct MAIL:status=="New"
<Shaka444> did a checkfs on volume
<waddlesplash> somehow the wrong files have gotten into the index
<Shaka444> nephele no other attributes
<waddlesplash> you can delete and recreate the index
<waddlesplash> (or you can delete and recreate the files)
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<Shaka444> they are all source files so I could just delete them
<Shaka444> wow, deleting them caused Tracker to crash! Hmm
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<Shaka444> I saved the crash report
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<PulkoMandy> Probably a good idea to backup any important files and try to run checkfs and hope it doesn't damage things further
<Shaka444> anyway I got rid of them
<Shaka444> I will as soon as I'm done DL'ing source
<nephele> tracker for me crashes everytime i reset appearence prefs to default. i think it is a bit crashy sometimes :)
<waddlesplash> can you report that perhaps?
<nephele> hmm... apparently not.
<nephele> maybe you fixed it intermittently. updated my system yesterday :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb f1a1345 - yt-dlp: update to 2024.07.09
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<kantraa> hello guys! is there any way to use the experimental i2c_hid driver in haiku? i've done some googling and found out it exists but isn't included in any builds yet
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<nephele> if it's not included then it probably either doesn't work at all or is very crashy, it would be difficult to use it if you are not a developer :g
<kantraa> i know but i still wanna give it a shot
<kantraa> because for some reason keyboard and touchscreen works but not touchpad
<nephele> then you will have to compile it :)
<kantraa> i can't find the sources
<nephele> for haiku?
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<kantraa> no for the driver
<PulkoMandy> src/add-ons/kernel/busses/i2c, .../kernel/bus_managers/i2c, and .../kernel/drivers/input/i2c_hid
<nephele> okay, here is how i would usually search for that: going on , checking log entries that mention it, and see what files the commit modified
<PulkoMandy> I just opened a terminal in haiku sources and 'find . -name "i2c*"'. Much faster, I think
<nephele> PulkoMandy: If you don't mispell i2c, like i did. then yes it is :D
<nephele> ftr find . -iname ic2_hid, doesn't return anything
<kantraa> how can i compile it with i2c_hid enabled?
<nephele> seems enabled? check the Jamfile in the directory above it
<nephele> and in the same directory
<kantraa> i just did ctrl-f on the file and it returned 0 results for "i2c" or "hid". unsure if thats how im supposed to do it
<nephele> huh? it's not that long. which file are you looking at?
<nephele> src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/input/Jamfile is what i was looking at
<nephele> check the file i mentioned
<kantraa> yeah i saw it
<kantraa> so if i compile an iso from source i'll have i2c_hid?
<nephele> I think it's enabled ... but i'm not sure, i build my system like that but i don't seem to have it
<nephele> maybe it has to be anebled in another place aswell
<kantraa> should i still give it a go?
<nephele> hmm, dunno. Maybe PulkoMandy has a hint :)
<_dodo75> btw... yt-dlp rocks :-)
<nephele> i'm not sure how the rules work what drivers it wants to put in the package and which not
<PulkoMandy> You have to include it in the image ifyou want to build an image
<PulkoMandy> The i2c bus manager and the pch_i2c drivers already are, but the i2c_hid driver isn't
<kantraa> how can i do it?
<PulkoMandy> See build/jam/images/definition/minimum and build/jam/packages/Haiku
<PulkoMandy> There is an i2c_elan driver, you can see how it's included and add i2c_hid next to it
* nephele signs off for tonight
<kantraa> thanks!
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<kantraa> if i install haiku on my pc using an external mouse is there a way i can install this driver or do i have to compile the image with it?
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<PulkoMandy> You can also try putting the driver in the non-packaged directory but I don't know exactly what's needed, for me it's easier to build an image and test that
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<kantraa_> what's the nonpackaged directory?
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<_dodo75> hi kantraa, /boot/system/non-package folder you mean?
<Raweden> The same one goes for the home directory, not sure if this one goes into /boot/home/config/non-packaged/add-ons/input_server/devices
<Raweden> or somewhere within ~/config/non-packaged/add-ons/kernel/drivers
<_dodo75> no clue actually... maybe it is a symlink
<Raweden> placing a symlink within one of those dir should work
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<Raweden> but the rule is that the kernel looks in both these 'non-package' for add-ons and drivers and the folder structure should look them same.
<kantraa> so if i just download the "i2c_hid" folder from haiku git and drop it in one of these directories it would work?
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<Raweden> naah, you need to build it first
<kantraa> or do i have to manually enable the module like i have to in linux with modprobe
<Raweden> no modprobe
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<Raweden> But like PulkaMandy said it will likley be easier just to build the entire system.
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<HaikuUser> hi
<HaikuUser> i'm trying to compile firebirdsql on haiku... but it says ... unsupported plataform x86_64-unknown-haiku :P
<HaikuUser> starting a long walk throw the universe of unkown galaxies
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<HaikuUser> finally. start compiling :P need to change configuration
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<HaikuUser> what I need to install in haiku to pass the error: ICU support not found - please install development ICU package...???
<Raweden> HaikuUser: pkgman search icu
<HaikuUser> it is installed icu74 and icu66 :( and the error still here
<Raweden> HaikuUser: here you go; pkgman install icu74_devel
<Raweden> just the regular package does not include the headers needed for building with it
<HaikuUser> raweden, thanks, it is installed, but why it is not in haikudepot?... trying to compile again... and passed the error...
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<HaikuUser> raweden do you know if termcap is available?
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<Raweden> HaikuUser, no idea
<HaikuUser> raweden thanks anyway
<HaikuUser> trying to discover what is "termcap"
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<HaikuUser> found it is libncurses5-dev ... can't find in haikudepot
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<Habbie> ncurses5 is in haikuports, so presumably in depot too
<HaikuUser> I can only find ncurses6 but not libncurses6-dev
<Habbie> looks like -dev is not separate there
<Raweden> did you try pkgman?
<HaikuUser> pkgman install libncurses6
<HaikuUser> name not found :(
<Raweden> pkgman search ncurses
<HaikuUser> I think this libncurses5 is very used... am I wrong?
<HaikuUser> thanks for the tip raweden, searched and installed ncurses6_devel
<HaikuUser> cool, it worked, i installed the necessary libraries and run autogen sucessfully, now time to MAKE :)
<Habbie> woo
<Habbie> autogen? or configure?
<HaikuUser> autogen
<Habbie> ah got it, their autogen script runs configure
<Habbie> that's not unusual
<Habbie> ok, good
<Habbie> go make!
<HaikuUser> it's running MAKE :)
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<HaikuUser> grrrr could not find -lstdc++
<HaikuUser> maybe the problem is that it will install in /usr/local/firebird...
<HaikuUser> maybe I need to change that configuration :P
<HaikuUser> make
<Habbie> most things run fine without installation too
<Habbie> also, once you have it running, it would be very cool if you added it to haikuports
<HaikuUser> I was almost there, autoconf executed, but make gives error in lstdc++, I think it needs a library... libstdc+
<HaikuUser> I was almost there, autoconf executed, but make gives error in lstdc++, I think it needs a library... libstdc++
<HaikuUser> Habbie ya, it would be cool to have firebirdsql on haiku :P
<Habbie> hmm, stdc++ should definitely be present on haiku
<Habbie> i don't know if you need to do something to find it
<HaikuUser> ../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++: No such file or directory collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
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