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<OscarL> welp, at least I'm getting a different symbol name now :-D
<OscarL> "Could not resolve symbol 'res_check'".
<OscarL> that's what I get for blindly stealing code from NetBSD :-D
<OscarL> I think I'll just have to leave the stuff out, until waddlesplash can take a look at this, and "kindly do the needfull" :-D
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<OscarL> res_check() needs kqueue/kevent, so... can't do it on my beta4 anyway. that's settles it... leaving this stuff for the big boys :-)
<OscarL> see you around folks! /me quits for today.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<_Dario_> good morning Begasus
<_Dario_> (good night here LOL)
<Begasus> Hello there _Dario_ :)
<_Dario_> hello!
<_Dario_> not sure what changed recently, but looks like I have to recompile my version of RSSGuard
<_Dario_> probably something in the QT libs
<Begasus> back
<Begasus> well, some changes done there recently
<Begasus> maybe a rebuild is enough _Dario_?
<_Dario_> that is what I am doing right now
<Begasus> +1 :)
<_Dario_> I am waiting to finish the build, before going to bed
<_Dario_> Yeah!
<_Dario_> Now is working again :)
<Begasus> is it the same version still? (haven't checked in the last half year I think) :)
<_Dario_> I am on Haiku 32 bit, and this package is not available anymore. Looks like after the upgrade to version 4, is not compatible with 32 bit.
<_Dario_> So I basically, keep an old version for myself.
<_Dario_> I just rebuild the same version that I was using before.
<_Dario_> in HaikuDepot for 64 bit, there is the 4.2.1 version.
<Begasus> doesn't work for secondary architecture on 32bit then?
<_Dario_> IIRC, no.
<Begasus> yeah, just did a rebuild also on 64bit, but installed the one from the depot first
<Begasus> so far I see no issues (but I haven't filled in the survey) :)
<_Dario_> I remember that at some point, the package in Haikuports was disabled for 32 bit version
<_Dario_> let me check
<Begasus> yes it's disabled
<Begasus> already saw that
<Begasus> needs an account?
<_Dario_> sorry, don't understand your question. what account?
<Begasus> I can't add a feed like
<_Dario_> let me try here
<_Dario_> no, you do not need an accout
<_Dario_> *account
<_Dario_> Is working here
<Begasus> call me blond ... can't find out where to add a feed link :)
<_Dario_> ok, is a bit tricky
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> well, that dependency should be fixed I guess
<_Dario_> go to the "Account" menu
<_Dario_> select "new account"
<_Dario_> and select the "Standard online feeds" option
<_Dario_> this will populate a few sample RSS
<Begasus> ok, got it, thanks :)
<_Dario_> after that, you can manually add the RSS that you like
<_Dario_> the "account" menu is a bit confusing... because looks like you need some online account or something like that.
<Begasus> yeah, was my first understanding too
<_Dario_> but if you only use the "Standar online feeds" options, is like any RSS readr
<_Dario_> *reader
<Begasus> works pretty well +1
<_Dario_> yes, I tested with lot of feeds, and works pretty well
<_Dario_> well, time to sleep here... is around 4:30 AM
<_Dario_> :)
<Begasus> have a good one :)
<_Dario_> Thank you!!! Have a nice day!!
<Begasus> will run a check on 32bit
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57774] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 36ad35bb2da4 - Update translations from Pootle
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 289b4316da14 - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> RSSGuard works fine on 32bit :)
<coolcoder613_> anniversary of my joining the Haiku forum
<coolcoder613_> got a badge
<Begasus> Happy anniversary coolcoder613_ then :)
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<Begasus> g'morning jmairboeck
<jmairboeck> Hi Begasus
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<Begasus> me wondering why this secondary arch thing didn't work for the translator ...
<Begasus> paths in the Makefile don't point to x86 subdir :)
* Begasus bumps head
<Begasus> needs fidling with sed for secondary arch ...
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<Begasus> k, that worked, now only apply it for secondaryArchSuffix
<Begasus> weird, build for primary and secondary (exr-translator) on 32bit, when installed the primary one replaces the sytem one, the secondary doesn't replace the system one (paths are good for both)
<jmairboeck> I think it is quite random which files are visible from which package if there are conflicts. I think it would be better to explicitly add the system one the blocklist to test this.
<Begasus> ah right, the system one is still linked to the older EXR
<Begasus> bugger ...
<Begasus> hmm .. doesn't explain why it works here on 64bit?
<Begasus> the system one on 64bit is also still on older EXR
<Begasus> nothing pops up in syslog
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<Begasus> getting even more complicated :P
<Begasus> primary on 32bit is 2.2.* secondary 2.4.*
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<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus> hi Anarchos
<Begasus> k, not even the one build with 2.4 replaces the x86 one
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<BrunoSpr> Hi all, is LUA kind of JavaScript?
<phschafft> no?
<Begasus> don't think it can be compared to that
<BrunoSpr> Looks to me like it, but not tested it! Thanks!
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<OscarL> Morning guys.
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<OscarL> BrunoSpr: while Lua and JavaScript are scripting/interpreted languages, similarities kinda end there. Both have pretty different syntax and other defining characteristics.
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<OscarL> Good day Begasus!
<Begasus> k, same thing on a nightly with this translator
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<OscarL> Are you sure you can have gcc13 translators at all? aren those like the addons for Tracker? only gcc2 ones supported on 32 bits?
<OscarL> If Tracker can't load both gcc2 and gcc13 addons... I wouldn't be surprised if DataTranslations couldn't either.
<Begasus> grrr .... falkon is acting up ...
<Begasus> comment by korli
<OscarL> I see. Guess Tracker case is special because there's no "GCC13 Tracker"... but gcc13 apps may want to use Translators (and yeah... that means having gcc13 addons).
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* OscarL haven't had his coffee yet, so brain's slower than usual.
<OscarL> LGTM.
<Begasus> it works also creating the packages
<OscarL> that last screenie shows your x86 EXRTranslator "replacing" the system one correctly, no?
<OscarL> sorry.
<OscarL> misread :-D
<Begasus> the primary one is replaced (check dates)
<Begasus> secondary one isn't replaced
<OscarL> yeah.... no idea what rules packagefs follows when deciding what files "goes on top" when multiple packages provide the same file.
<Begasus> checked with another add-on that's in the depot
<Begasus> that worked
<Begasus> but it's a new one, so no replacement
<OscarL> (I think in those cases it should at the very least, log something into syslog)
<Begasus> nothing pops up
<Begasus> aside from (de)activating ...
<OscarL> I mean... "should" as in... it would be nice if it did, but currently doesn't.
<Begasus> right
<Begasus> did a check here on a nightly in qemu, same thing
<OscarL> at least it is consistent :-)
<Begasus> sometimes qemu loses focus on keyboard it seems :/
<OscarL> So... according to korli's comment... rule should be "newer file 'overrides' older one". I guess it is the most sensible (or intuitive) choice.
<OscarL> but clearly not working on your case :-/
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<phschafft> anyone into PRNG on Haiku?
<Begasus> primary one from the translators package, secondary one from Haiku's (x86) hpkg?
<Begasus> OscarL, it does overrule for primary
<OscarL> phschafft: does half-remembering arc4random(), rdrand instruction, and something about Mersenne twisters count?
<phschafft> kind of.
<OscarL> Begasus: quite annoying.
<OscarL> Not sure what else you could compare it to, except maybe create "out of tree" packages for the simplest Translator you can find, and see if it acts the same?
<Begasus> yeah, was happy enough to get them packaged for both arch's on 32bit
<OscarL> "simplest Translator" (from the ones that Haiku ships, I mean)
<Begasus> checked iff_ilbm_translator
<Begasus> that installs fine on both arch's
<Begasus> ah :)
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<Begasus> don't know what else I could do, even tried building it with 2.4 on secondary
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<OscarL> try making test packages for BMPTranslator (seems to have no dependencies), and see if it also fails to override the x86 translator?
<Begasus> nothing in haikuports for that?
<OscarL> would serve at least to get data for a bug report :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: I mean... take the one from Haiku, add a makefile and .recipe of your own.
<OscarL> nothing fancy... just to test it.
<Begasus> brain is too distracted atm
<OscarL> (because I can't think of another package that would override Haiku provided files on both gcc2/gcc13)
<Begasus> think the haiku_x86-hrev... can't be over ruled maybe
<OscarL> or your translator packages are loaded after haiku-*.hpkg, but before haiku_x86-*.hpkg (and then assuming that the last being loaded takes precedence).
<OscarL> no idea really, sorry.
<Begasus> ow bugger
<OscarL> I don't follow korli's last comment. if system package is preferred, it the gcc2 translator shouldn't be "overriden" then.
<Begasus> that's in datatranslator package, not Haiku's package
<OscarL> I mean the SYS:PACKAGE attribute
<OscarL> isn't that what korli means by "the haiku package is marked system"
<Begasus> haiku_x86
<OscarL> in any case... unless I boot into 32 bits to test things... I better shutup :-)
<Begasus> nothing fancy (diff) in either translator package or haiku_x86 in attributes
<Begasus> pkgman uninstall haiku_x86 ...
<Begasus> :P
<Begasus> k, Haiku IS x86 on 32bit (no primary package)
<Begasus> so the primary translators are additional
<OscarL> still not updated Beezer on my 32 bits install :-.
<Begasus> getting confused already? :D
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] owenca c88a3fb - haiku-format: update to 18.1.8 (#10623)
<OscarL> So... the x86 translators are still on haiku_x86, while the gcc2 got moved into haiku_datatranslators, hum?
<OscarL> seems like someone forgot to create a haiku_datatranslators_x86 package ?
<Begasus> right
<Begasus> on 64bit they are seperated
<OscarL> as thery are only of one kind. Seems lika simple case of "Ooops! Forgot about those" on the 32 bits case :-D
<Begasus> and since they are not "owned" by the system on 64bit they can be over ruled (my guess)
<OscarL> that at least sounds possible.
<Begasus> going to get drunk on "non" alcaholic been in a bit! :P
<OscarL> welp... there you have it Begasus... your next Trac issue: "Move x86 translators into its own package!"
<Begasus> I think korli got my point on that one :)
<Begasus> think it kinda "supplements" the system package
<Begasus> heading out for a bit, put my brain into beer :P
<Begasus> cu later! :)
<OscarL> enjoy!
<Begasus> "non" alcaholic been/"non" alcaholic beer* :)
<OscarL> sonds like drunk-talk to me already! :-P
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<nosycat> When a package is only available on 64-bit Haiku, that's usually for technical reasons, right?
<OscarL> depends. could be just marked as untested, if the porter didn't check on 32 bits.
<OscarL> do you have any package in mind?
<nosycat> ecl
<nosycat> There's also sbcl, but I think it's not built for 32 bits in Debian, either.
<nosycat> So there may be a technical reason.
<nosycat> Don't really need either, mind. Just poked around and noticed.
<OscarL> it is marked with "?" for gcc2 and x86. Usually if a package is literally broken, it is signaled via "!" (as in "!x86_gcc2")
<nosycat> That's smart!
<OscarL> ? can either be: "I haven't even tested it yet", or... "Disable it for now, because something seems fishy".
<nosycat> That makes sense too.
<OscarL> (could be that it worked on a previous version, and the updated one kinda-works-but-not-quite, etc, etc.)
<nosycat> Oh, okay.
<OscarL> nosycat: usually, we look at the commit messages (or the PR descriptions) to find more details if/when needed.
<OscarL> you can use that, or "git log" / "git log -S" / "git blame" locally.
<OscarL> let me find you a link on gh that shows how to do it for that ecl case.
<OscarL> (the ARCHITECTURE lines)
<OscarL> click on the "..." on the right margin of that line, select "vie git blame"
<nosycat> I see, thank you!
<OscarL> there you can follow which commit changed those lines (and hopefully understand why it changed)
<OscarL> np!
<nosycat> While ecl has a ?
<OscarL> in the case of "!x86_gcc2"... it is most likely that the project simply requiers a more modern compiler. Not much to do there.
<OscarL> that the sbcl case remains "?x86" for secondary arch could simply mean... it wasn't tested.
<OscarL> not much devs/porters doing 32 bits (compared to the ones running 64 bits).
<nosycat> Naturally.
<OscarL> Some of us try at least to test thing, but it is a secondary target at best (and a chore at its worse cases :-D)
<nosycat> Ye.
<OscarL> if you *do* build those, and seem to work, PRs welcomed! (or wait for Begasus to be bored, and ask him to test stuff :-D)
<nosycat> That's fair.
<OscarL> nosycat: before I leave my 32 bits install... do you want me to test scl/ecl ? (as long as they are not too giant of a package)
<nosycat> Nah, better not.
<nosycat> sbcl is large, and it will probably fail as you pointed out
<nosycat> and ecl is still pretty involved
<OscarL> we're at ecl 21.2.1, upstream is on 24.5.10. Maybe we'll test it on the next version update then.
<nosycat> Sounds like a plan. :)
<OscarL> alright... back to 64 bits, to see if I make any progrees on my mDNSResponder recipe.
<nosycat> Fingers crossed.
<Begasus> re
<nosycat> o/
<Begasus> nogo on ecl/sbcl nosycat (on 32bit)
<nosycat> Oh well. Thanks for looking into it!
<Begasus> did a few times, untill I gave up
<Begasus> well, maybe someone can tackle it :)
<nosycat> I'm not even very good at building stuff on Linux where I'm at home. :P
<Begasus> heh
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<nosycat> To be honest I haven't done anything useful with the notebook since installing Haiku on it.
<Begasus> nosycat, looking at the recipe I see that sbc should be available for 32bit x86?
<nosycat> pkgman told me otherwise
<nosycat> Let me check again, one moment.
<Begasus> checking
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<Begasus> yep it's listed here
<nosycat> I'll dig out the machine.
<Begasus> ah, you need sbcl?
<nosycat> Yes.
<nosycat> Well, "need".
<nosycat> As expected. Must be tricky if Debian packagers couldn't do it.
<Begasus> bootstrap issue too
<nosycat> Always a problem with Lisp systems.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> hence you don't see much of those in the depot :)
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<nosycat> Yeah. Well, there's NewLisp and Janet.
<nosycat> Chicken Scheme too, minus the compiler.
<Begasus> k, not touching sbcl even on 64bit atm, pretty big patchset and chance on it not applying anymore :P
<nosycat> Sounds bad. :O
<Begasus> not always, did ICU75 last week, patchset is still good :) only 1 small part not needed anymore
<OscarL> speaking of large patchsets... the one for mDSNResponder... 181.21 KiB, LOL.
<Begasus> woot!
<Begasus> KISS :P
<OscarL> think I'll just trim the nss_mdnsd stuff (includes code from NetBSD, and older Haiku private headers).
<OscarL> more changes are needed on Haiku's side to make it work, anyway so...
<Begasus> groundwork is done, so +1 :)
<OscarL> guess I'll just pack half of the ZeroConf functionality (being able to advertize services)
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<Begasus> heh, forgot a thing at the PR for raylib :)
<Begasus> jmairboeck, is that haiku or haiku_x86 in the blocklistEntries? ;)
<jmairboeck> whereever the original translator is, so I suppose haiku_x86 and/or haiku_datatranslators
<Begasus> plain haiku didn't work
<Begasus> the datatranslator package is gcc2, so that isn't involved
<jmairboeck> you have to use the package name there
<Begasus> k, haiku_x86 thing worked, new one now in the system
<Begasus> now I need some x86 Haiku app that displays images :)
<Begasus> and an exr image (getting that now)
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<Begasus> is Tracker gcc13 on 32bit?
<Begasus> thumbnail shows OK on the Desktop :)
<augiedoggie> no
<Begasus> bugger
<jmairboeck> no, the main Tracker is gcc2, but you can use a file dialog in any gcc13 app
<jmairboeck> that is gcc13 Tracker
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<jmairboeck> do the thumbnails work in file dialogs?
<OscarL> scratch that... not an _x86 package, lol
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> I keep misreading that _x86_gcc2 at the end :-D
<OscarL> guess you could add a SECONDARY="x86" to butterfly's recipe? :-)
<Begasus> still doing first checks in qemu, not that fast there :P
<augiedoggie> there probably aren't very many _x86 apps that use the translation roster
<augiedoggie> the only one that comes to mind is emacs
<Begasus> that one only produces jibirish ;)
<Begasus> checking with default one ... (translator)
<Begasus> WonderBrush also gcc2
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<OscarL> k, got full .patchset down to 117.2 KiB after some rebasing. And down to 6.57 KiB for the parts that actually seem to work :-)
<Begasus> progress OscarL! :)
<phschafft> :)
<OscarL> indeed.
<Begasus> nogo on emacs
<Begasus> png works fine
<augiedoggie> yeah, it doesn't have exr in its list of recognized types
<augiedoggie> it would be possible to fix, but it would take a bit
* OscarL looks around for watchers or forks of his mDNSResponder fork. No one on sight... proceeds to force push some branches.
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* Begasus hasn't fetched OscarL for a while ...
<Begasus> git fetched* :P
<OscarL> this is on my mDNSResponder fork, so... you're safe, for now :-P
<OscarL> trying to tidy-up my commits there, so extracting .patchsets for use on the .recipe gets easier.
<Begasus> got enough on my plate for now :)
<Begasus> looking Arch dependency list for emacs I don't see any exr mention there
<OscarL> and it shouldn't, if it is relying on Haiku Translators for loading images.
<OscarL> as augiedoggie mentioned... problably it probably misses .exr extention (or mimetype) to recognize those files as images.
<Begasus> one nice thing there at Arch, you can see depending packages :)
<OscarL> and thus it doesn't asks translators for it.
<Begasus> nogo with gimp
<OscarL> buildiong butterfly for x86 shouldn't take long, considerign is a native app. just saying :-D
<Begasus> tss ...
<Begasus> ... me checking
* OscarL ended up really appreciating "git rebase -i".
<Begasus> multiple definition of `StringsRsrc'
<Begasus> needs patch
<OscarL> same error on 64 bits :-D
<Begasus> k, works on 32bit
<Begasus> shows exr image
<Begasus> still with the system one there though
<Begasus> now I need to build it in qemu :p
<OscarL> adding an "extern" on BFPrefs.cpp line 10 made it build here on 64 bits.
<Begasus> yep, already did it on both here
<Begasus> that's an easy fix
<OscarL> well, sorry señor hacker... not everyone is as fast as you, mister!!!
<OscarL> :-P
<Begasus> has been a brain breaker in the past :)
<Begasus> ok, on 64bit atleast it shows fine with the new translator aswell as the system one
<OscarL> kinda like this butterfly. could use some BLayout love, and better filtering of image files on the left but. cool enough.
<Begasus> qemu is acting up
<augiedoggie> emacs uses the translation kit, it doesn't need dependencies on (most of) the other image libraries
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<Anarchos> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
<Anarchos> nosycat hello
<nosycat> How are you?
<Anarchos> what are the news about qemu emulation improvements ?
<nosycat> Dunno, sorry.
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<HaikuUser> succes!
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
<OscarL> Begasus: nice. Now to convince Haiku devs to move _x86 translators out of haiku_x86 :-)
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<Begasus> The major ones are around, so I'm guessing they've read it by now :)
<OscarL> need. to. yell. LOUDER. :-P
<Begasus> well, the plan would be to migrate the exr translator to HaikuArchives and package it with haikuporter, so it should be clear there :P
<Begasus> at least I "know" now that the build with latest openexr is working as it should be
<OscarL> yeah... that would work (on this case) too.
<Begasus> just started out there as a test if it was possible at all
<Begasus> I guess next thing would be to see if the locales can be included
<Begasus> where is humdinger when you need him :D
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<OscarL> korli's hgsl translator might serve as a guid? (it has locales)
<Begasus> yeah
<Begasus> just need to find where they are stored in the Haiku source :)
<Begasus> doing locale test before pushing anything to the branch
<OscarL> Begasus: haiku/haiku/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/
<OscarL> grab the exr folder, and rename it as "locale" on your EXRTranslator repo
<Begasus> done, now adding some languages in the Makefile
<OscarL> +1
<Begasus> let's start with one :)
<Begasus> hmm ... changing locales it already shows in Dutch :)
<Begasus> and didn't even install the changed version
<Begasus> do I need to run bindcatalogs after make?
<OscarL> no idea.
<Begasus> didn't take the change ...
<Begasus> make catalogsinstall (did the trick) :)
<OscarL> nice!
<OscarL> weird we don't have a .recipe for korli's hgsltranslator, no?
<Begasus> nope ... didn't work
<Begasus> yeah, saw something in Haiku's source earlier
<OscarL> and translators related... kinda bad we don't have native animade gif support.
<OscarL> s/animade/animated/
<Begasus> that was/is mentioned at the jxl_translator iirc
<Begasus> k, looks like the catalogs need to be manually installed?
<Begasus> not for now ....
<Begasus> it ends up in: objects.x86_64-cc13-release/x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator
<Begasus> objects.x86_64-cc13-release/x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator/nl.catalog
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<OscarL> "make && make catalogs && make catalogsinstall" *should* place the catalogs under " B_USER_NONPACKAGED_DATA_DIRECTORY)/locale/catalogs"
<OscarL> at least that's what I understand by reading this:
<OscarL> B_USER_NONPACKAGED_DATA_DIRECTORY not being the place you want them on a .recipe, thou :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: maybe you can just set $CATALOG_INSTALL_DIR= before calling make catalogsinstall ?
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<Begasus> will probably check later or tomorrow OscarL
<Begasus> already saw the manual installed path (that worked) :)
<OscarL> no hurries :-)
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<Begasus> tv time :)
<Begasus> later!
<OscarL> enjoy!
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<HaikuUser> Hello
<OscarL> o/
<HaikuUser> This is awesome
<HaikuUser> do people really daily this??
<HaikuUser> like this OS
<OscarL> some folks do, yes.
<HaikuUser> That's incredible
<HaikuUser> Very unique I like this
<OscarL> some of us in a mix of VMs+bare-metal, depending on what we're working on (or availability of drivers, and such)
<Habbie> i could probably daily it for non-work
<HaikuUser> Yeah I have this running in a VM right now just checking it out
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: I kind of daily it
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: I have it running on one of my laptops, that I use for noodling about with Python webby stuff
<gordonjcp> HaikuUser: mostly though I just daily Haiku on that laptop so I can play with the Mandelbrot set generator
<gordonjcp> I have a VM running it on my server in Finland that I can VNC to with a web frontend in Apache Guacamole
<gordonjcp> this lets me use the Haiku Mandelbrot set generator when I'm at work, and stuff
<gordonjcp> it's kind of the killer app for me
<Habbie> ~ If the series of Zs will always stay, close to Z and never trend away, that point is in the Mandelbrot Set
<gordonjcp> Habbie: you know what the B in Benoit B Mandelbrot's name stands for?
<Habbie> i do
<Habbie> :)
<gordonjcp> :-D
<Habbie> anyway, you should look up the song i quoted, i love it
<gordonjcp> Habbie: heh :-) Big Tom Lehrer energy
<Habbie> hah yes
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<PetePete> Does anyone know how to become moderator of an irc channel on oftc? I registered the channel successfully but I cannot find documentation on what to do next
<OscarL> PetePete: ask on the #oftc channel?
<OscarL> that's what I get on the server messages upon connecting: "If you require assistance with using the OFTC IRC network, stop by in channel #oftc, or email"
<PetePete> will do
<PetePete> well that was easy
<PetePete> thanks OscarL
<OscarL> np :-)
<Begasus> "/chanserv op #channel_name"
<Begasus> iirc :)
<PetePete> If IRC...
<PetePete> I see what you did, there.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> k, pushed the locale files to the repo
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