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<erysdren> morning
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> howdy
<Begasus> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> Begasus, do you think there's chance of a ZFS driver for Haiku?
<erysdren> wait
<erysdren> does it already have one?
<erysdren> i just assumed it didnt...
<erysdren> nevermind im dumb, was just misinterpreting google results :P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> ps, no idea :)
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<Begasus> afk
<tetrislyf> Hi people,
<tetrislyf> Looking to run Haiku bare-metal, but no outlandish expectations (2010 Macbook). Beta4 USB live image boot works fine, install to spinning disk too went through. Couple of blockers ...
<tetrislyf> Boot from disk doesn't work, legacy boot said "no operating system" (I will try the UEFI install steps on Linux).
<tetrislyf> USB live image boot is fine, except Ethernet doesn't work.
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<arraybolt3> I've been doing some research into adding full disk encryption support to Haiku. I'm nowhere near writing any code, but so far:
<arraybolt3> * I've found the algorithm I want to use. It's a Google-developed disk encryption technique called Adiantum, which is basically a clever combination of two different encryption algorithms and a couple of hashes. It's designed to be very fast, faster than the typical disk encryption solution (AES-XTS) while also looking reasonably easy to implement. It's speed is supposedly good enough
<arraybolt3> for slow, lightweight Android devices, so it should be OK on old 32-bit Intel hardware too.
<phschafft> I would strongly suggest not to repeat the errors of the past and not hard-code any algo.
<arraybolt3> good idea
<arraybolt3> also I have some ideas for how the encrypted volume format would work (inspired slightly by LUKS)
<phschafft> naturally one will start with one. but at some point with crypto stuff you *need* to move on, and with crypto that moment can come any time.
<arraybolt3> and I spent some time digging around in the kernel code to figure out how one would write an I/O device driver. I'm not quite sure how (or if it's possible) to have I/O on one device dispatch to another device, but if it's possible I can probably figure that out.
<phschafft> :)
<arraybolt3> man, with the amount of work spent actually doing all that research, actually mentioning it here felt like it was surprisingly "pffft".
<arraybolt3> like there just wasn't that much for me to say
<arraybolt3> but oh well, I guess that means I need to actually make design docs and write code :P
<phschafft> the first steps are the hardest.
* phschafft nods.
<phschafft> I'm currently spending like an hour on a function that converts a byte array into a hex string. ;)
<arraybolt3> heh
* arraybolt3 has done that a few times without wanting to "cheat" by using a built-in language feature, and so instead defined a massive string array that looked like "byte[] hex = { "00", "01", "02", ... }"
<arraybolt3> thankfully I've (hopefully!) grown out of doing that
<arraybolt3> erysdren[m]: It could happen, depends on how hard it is to translate Solaris syscalls into Haiku syscalls and pass them to the existing ZFS driver from illumos. AIUI that's basically what the Linux ZFS driver does (translating between Linux and Solaris syscalls).
<arraybolt3> I assume it's significantly more complicated than "just" doing that but that seems to be the basic idea
<phschafft> arraybolt3: my problem is more that I need to do it in a streaming way, adding correct formatting marks, support seeking, all stuff like that. ;)
<phschafft> plus such an array is clearly outside my memory constrains. ;)
<arraybolt3> ah
<arraybolt3> now you're getting all fancy
<phschafft> ;)
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<Nephele> Vision in Haiku is a joy. It just feels sturdy and "working". xchat on macos feels very flimsy to me
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<Forza> Good morning :)
<phschafft> :)
<Nephele> hi
<Forza> Wanted to ask if someone could look at
<phschafft> nephele: do you have a few minutes for me today?
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<OscarL> Forza: better ping kallisti5[m] about that one (he might be sleeping right now)
<phschafft> so, let's see if it works at all.
<Nephele> phschafft: heute ist etwas schlecht, habe noch einiges zu tun :) eventuell abends ginge aber
<phschafft> hm, halte mich auf dem laufenden!
<phschafft> :)
<phschafft> ok, it *mostly* works.
* OscarL not sure if that's German, or he's having a stroke.
<phschafft> if I print the same variable twice it's blank the second time (seeking problem).
* OscarL better makes some coffee and rubs his eyes out of sleepiness.
<Forza> OscarL: yea, just didn't want to bother him too much
<OscarL> Forza: understandable, but considering the issue is from may... I'd say... let's ping him :-)
<phschafft> OscarL: maybe ;)
<OscarL> hello there, BTW, phschafft and nephele.
<Forza> OscarL: :) It's not like its urgent yet. Afaik there is no verification against mitm attacks yet and no easy way for users to find mirrors other than for the iso download
<OscarL> yeah... hopefully that "minisign" gets added eventually.
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> this change was much better than expected. saved 4918 bytes.
<phschafft> I hoped for something more along 2KB. so I'm very happy.
<Begasus> re
<OscarL> wb Begasus :-)
<OscarL> phschafft: noice!
<Begasus> Hi there OscarL phschafft Forza nephele ... and all others :)
<phschafft> mau :)
<OscarL> not sure if launch_roster/launch_deamon is buggy, my computer is cursed, or I'm just too dumb to get it right. Sigh.
<Begasus> that's a lot of "if's" :)
<OscarL> anyway, I give up on that for now, time to test on 32 bits.
<Begasus> latest llvm still "initializing" on 32bit here
<OscarL> "launch_roster stop x-vnd.cronie-crond" ain't working for me either (and that is my work) so... It might not be *just* my fault :-D
<Begasus> k, should rebase the 32bit branch (or re-create) it for the translator to be on par with master (latest changes)
<Begasus> since I'm still using srcGitRev it doesn't make any diff for now :)
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<phschafft> OscarL: I find that in general it's no easy task to estimate larger data vs. larger code in optimisation. specifically the cost of branches and calls is something that is often miss-estimated.
<Nephele> Profiling is nice :3
<Nephele> then you can know :D
<phschafft> at one client we had some time ago I showed an example on how the initial value and modifiers of a variable can affect the code and data segment sizes as well as it's location in memory.
<OscarL> Begasus: the difference is only on their respective makefiles, no?
<phschafft> most developers expected that some midifiers could make a difference, but nobody in the group thought that the value can make a difference.
<Nephele> posix env variables do that too
<phschafft> happy I got rid of them ;)
<phschafft> but that is a totally different story.
<phschafft> have you ever considered where environ and it's data is lives? it's one of those non-trivial questions.
<Begasus> no OscarL, 3 source files included, the Makefile is the same
<OscarL> I see. Carry on then :-)
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<Forza> OscarL: thanks for the link. Seems already noted there is need to verify the packages. But couldn't we use another way if minisig is too difficult to implement?
<Forza> Begasus: hey :)
<phschafft> and another 178 bytes saved by... removing some function that was hardly fiting the API concept to begin with.
<OscarL> Forza: as far as I understand things... using anything else than minisgn would still require basically the same ammount of work on PackageKit/pkgman.
<Forza> Seems at least that we have the checksums for everything, so 'just' the package manager needs to get the feature to check them?
<OscarL> that's my understanding, but... I'm not a dev, so don't rely on anything I say :-)
<Forza> There's one more step, to verify the package list/checksum files against a trusted source too.
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<OscarL> ah, I see that's already linked from the Trac issue I linked earlier.
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<Forza> It was. But it's a step in the right direction :)
<HaikuUser> Hi! I dont know how to use this app. Is there a posibility that changing font size can affect also the size of icons font from the desktop?
<HaikuUser> it seems like changing font only affects the apps, not the font using for the icons/folders from desktop
<HaikuUser> sorry if I didnt post this question here
<HaikuUser> sorry if I post this question here and it shouldnt
<OscarL> HaikuUser: question about anything related to Haiku are just fine, don't worry :-)
<OscarL> Welcome, by the way.
<OscarL> (you can use a less generic nick-name by typing "/nick YourNewName" right on the chat window)
HaikuUser is now known as Andi
Andi is now known as Guest10560
<Guest10560> I use Haiku as main operating system for about two years. I have a lot of good ideeas, most of them doable, but my english sucks
<OscarL> Guest10560: don't worry too much about your English either, most of us are not native speakers...
Guest10560 is now known as AndyPanda
<AndyPanda> ok, thanks, so what's the real purpose of this app? To discuss with people who develop Haiku?
<OscarL> regarding the font issue... if you changed the fonts from the Appearance preferences app... you might need to re-start Tracker and Deskbar for them to take effect there.
<AndyPanda> if I reboot the system, this is not done automatically? Should I kill the tracker process and start it again?
<OscarL> AndyPanda: you are using "Vision", it is an IRC client (Internet Relay Chat). Think of IRC like if it is your grandfather's Discord.
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<OscarL> guess he went for the reboot.
<Nephele> You can restart tracker and deskbar directly, but not team monitor :D
<Nephele> (iirc it is a part of input_server)
<OscarL> killing input_server should do it, right?
* OscarL always too slow to reply.
<Nephele> I don't know if restarting input_server properly reconnects to app_server and running applications :g
<OscarL> used to work on BeOS without issue... known to give me problems on Haiku.
<Nephele> I got two samsung 16:10 rotateable office monitors, those are nice and high when rotated, i really want multi monitor support so i can put documentation on them
<OscarL> (but I was messing with input_server addons at the time so... YMMV)
<OscarL> A vertical monitor to the side would be *sweet*
<Nephele> I have three display ports, i don'
<Nephele> t know if all work at the same time though
<Nephele> two displayport and one vga
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* OscarL ponders on rotating his monitor, and splitting it into two 1080x960 virtual ones.
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<OscarL> always keep tripping over $secondaryArchSuffix and related vars on recipes... took me 4 tries to get it right this time :-)
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<tetrislyf> Got UEFI boot working as per the guide. Still needed to point out the installed partition though.
<tetrislyf> Ethernet still doesn't work. 2010 Macbook, Nvidia chip. Does that need firmware?
<Begasus> k, think I got it now :)
<tetrislyf> Got Haiku to freeze, a little after maximizing the teapot demo window.
<Nephele> IIRC we ship all the firmware out of the box we are allowed to ship legally
<Nephele> that excludes some quite old wifi chipsets only
<Nephele> tetrislyf: does the kernel debugger still respond?
<tetrislyf> Yeah, only mentions Intel and Broadcom
<tetrislyf> debugger ... Couldn't see where PrintScr is on a Macbook :-) i'll get there
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<Nephele> don't ask me, i've got a touchbar xD
<tetrislyf> I am a C++ dev, I hope to understand some of what I see
<Begasus> Haiku could use some of those :)
<Nephele> Hmm, let's see if openttd works on haiku too
<OscarL> tetrislyf: re: ethernet, see if your device is mentioned among the supported nvidia ethernet devices:
<tetrislyf> Hopefully. I have sat on the sidelines of FLOSS for long.
<Begasus> k, EXRTranslator checked on 64bit R1B4/32bit R1B4 and nightly (for both arch's), should be good now :)
<Nephele> Hmm, openttd is available but quite old version
<OscarL> wonder if I can get mdnsresponder to compile with gcc2... one way to find out...
<tetrislyf> OscarL: thanks. Macbook 7,1 has MCP89, no mention in that code
<Nephele> OscarL: why bother?
<jmairboeck> I have been trying to build perl with thread support, but have been unsuccessful so far. Apparently it uses pthread_atfork to lock some mutex before fork and unlock them in the parent and the child afterwards. Is that not supported on Haiku? One of the processes panics at mutex_unlock with B_NOT_ALLOWED (if I decoded that error code correctly), and one process (presumably the child) hangs in _kern_mutex_lock, pegging a CPU core.
<OscarL> nephele: because I want mdns stuff to work on 32 bits too, and part of that means getting libnetwork to interact with the mdnd daemon (via nssswitch modules).
<Nephele> 32bit does not require you to use gcc2
<Nephele> Since gcc2 applications can't take advantage of mdns anyway it seems not that worth it to integrate it
<OscarL> I have to compile a .so to be loaded by Isn't gcc2 only on Haiku 32 bits?
<jmairboeck> libnetwork is available for both, as are all libraries actually
<Nephele> I don't think so, third party applications need to use it and don't work with gcc2 either
<jmairboeck> it depends on the app which one is being used
<OscarL> jmairboeck: noice! that should make it easier then :-)
<OscarL> because I got A LOT of compile errors with gcc2 :-P
<jmairboeck> so, if ping is built with gcc2 it uses the gcc2 version of, for example
<Nephele> Really, only bother with gcc2 if it required for OS support for BeOS applications, anything else no need
<OscarL> jmairboeck: makes sense. Thanks for making things "click" for me.
<jmairboeck> and utilities such as ping could be switched to gcc13 if needed, if they aren't already
<OscarL> nephele: that's my usual approach to 32 bits. I wan't sure I could integrate things only on the x86 side of
<OscarL> thus why I did just a quick compilation test with gcc2 for this recipe.
<jmairboeck> is it C only, or C++?
<OscarL> I think the parts I'm using are C only.
<jmairboeck> if so, a similar hack like ffmpeg for the media kit could maybe be used, if you want gcc2 apps to be able to use it
<Nephele> gcc2 apps would not benefit from mDNS
<Nephele> (the rfc is from February 2013)
<OscarL> yeah... all .c files.
<Nephele> according to the rfc it was available on windows first in 2004 :)
<OscarL> in any case... we need more code from NetBSD in to make resolving .local hostnames anyway... and I'm not going to be the one doing that :-)
<OscarL> the _x86 things I have should be good enough for advertizing services at least.
<Begasus> k, all good, the new one on 32bit working fine still :)
<Begasus> doggies ...
<tetrislyf> How often are network drivers taken from the BSDs? Nvidia MCP89 is supposedly supported in current OpenBSD, not seen in the Haiku code OscarL: linked above.
<Nephele> in general? all the time xD. Windows 7 used FreeBSD code, the playstation uses freebsd directly, macos derives from bsd it's networking code
<tetrislyf> ha ha!
<Nephele> tetrislyf: we have OpenBSD drivers for WiFi, perhaps we can port an ethernet one too
<tetrislyf> Are Ethernet drivers written for Haiku? The code OscarL: linked above had OpenBSD copyright.
<OscarL> but is seems to be originally from FreeBSD.
<OscarL> latest if_nfe.c from FreeBSD does indeed mentions that MCP89 chip.
<tetrislyf> Is automated porting of code a valid idea? Using something like ?
<OscarL> we seem to have "$OpenBSD: if_nfe.c,v 1.54 2006/04/07", current one from OpenBSD reads: "$OpenBSD: if_nfe.c,v 1.126 2024/05/24" :-D
<OscarL> but ours seems to have stuff from FreeBSD dated "2016-04-19". quite a werid mix :-D
<tetrislyf> Many thanks for the discussion. I will try my luck with USB tethering for my first upgrade from beta4.
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<Nephele> OpenTTD uses sdl1 on Haiku, is there a reason to keep this or should i switch it to SDL2?
<Nephele> it can do both it seems, the asks for sdl2 though
<OscarL> tetrislyf: good luck with that. Regarding your question about haiku specific drivers... we had quite a few, some got replaced by the ported ones. here a more or less up-to-date list:
<Nephele> tetrislyf: like most OS we have native drivers, but we also have ported ones
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<OscarL> so... seems "our" if_nfe.c comes from FreeBSD, and that one was originally based on OpenBSD, that explains the diffs on version numbers at the top at least.
<nosycat> SDL 1.x is long out of warranty, and very limited.
<OscarL> tetrislyf: you may want to open a ticket over, requesting that driver to get updated to include your chipset.
<Begasus> there ... :)
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<Begasus> time to run some builds against llvm18.1.8
<OscarL> awesome! I can see my 32 bits Haiku VM advertizing ssh, from the host OS at least.
<Begasus> cool, I see it too! ^^
<OscarL> "ping a760g-32bits.local" from Win10 host also works, NOICE!
<Nephele> Begasus: do you have thoughts on openttd using sdl1 over sdl2?
<Begasus> nephele, haven't touched either for a while, last experience with SDL2 hasn't been to well, maybe it's gotten better since then
<Begasus> but not a lot has been using SDL latetly at haikuports :)
<Begasus> eg, I see SDL2 more used then before
<OscarL> mmm, the /bin/mdnsd daemon fails hard on 32 bits :-( (previous test was with the standalone tools)
<Begasus> -- Builtin include directory: /boot/system/lib/clang/18.1.8/include (nice)
<Nephele> Begasus: as in sdl2 worked worse?
<Begasus> it did in the past
<Begasus> if I could skip SDL2 I'd use regular SDL back then
<Begasus> what's our current one use (openttd?)
<Nephele> sdl1.2
<Nephele> Well, i did do some patches for sdl2 in the past (as in improving sdl2) not sure if it is in a better place now
<Begasus> guess if it still builds with it it should be enough for that? (my 2 cents)
<Begasus> before you may get yourself into patching things for SDL2 :)
<Nephele> Well, improving sdl2 is a good investment in the future for ports on haiku though ;)
<FreeFull> For SDL1.2, there's a compat library that uses SDL2 underneath
<Begasus> true! and should give you a chancee on checking openttd with it :)
<Nephele> Since we have sdl1 currently and openttd supports both i don't see the point
<Nephele> a compat library is just one layer of indirection (and possible errors) more :P
<FreeFull> All SDL2 bugfixes also affect the compat library
<FreeFull> While SDL 1.2 is stuck as it was
<Nephele> If the support of sdl1 is better than sdl2 there is nothing to be gained from improving sdl2 for games that are still stuck on sdl1
<nosycat> SDL2 is a lot bigger and more complicated, but it's what everyone uses nowadays.
<nosycat> I'm not fond of it either.
<Nephele> does sdl1 have an event loop too?
<nosycat> I think event handling works essentially the same way.
<OscarL> "ssh OscarL@a760g-32bits.local" worked now using /bin/mdnsd + /bin/dns-sd on Haiku's side :-D
<OscarL> need to do some minor fine-tunning to the recipe to make it work out of the box, but... progress!
<Nephele> Do we have any smb2 support?
<erysdren> im a big fan of SDL, infact these days i'm using the indev version of SDL3 for my projects
<erysdren> just cuz
<Nephele> sdl3? is that a breaking version?
<erysdren> yup, still in development but SDL2 is officially "done" besides stability and security updates
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<erysdren> there's an SDL2->SDL3 migration page here:
<FreeFull> I wonder how the Haiku support from Rust libraries is
<Begasus> k, clazy and kdevelop still fine with new llvm :)
<Nephele> Rollercoaster tycoon 3 was re-released on gog last month, now if only i could play it in wine on haiku xD
<FreeFull> For example, does winit work on Haiku?
<FreeFull> I'll have to test it
<Nephele> > [100%] Linking CXX executable openttd
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus a5e3d30 - osl, bump version, add latest release (#10621)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] hoanga 1811d52 - raylib: new recipe (#10622)
<OscarL> "Failed to read .PackageInfo: Invalid Argument", welp... that's a first.
<jmairboeck> looks like some syntax error in the recipe.
<jmairboeck> Did you forget to escape a quote or something?
<OscarL> knowing me... most likely :-)
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<Nephele> Begasus: 14.1 works fine, only had to change version and shasum
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<Nephele> but it sais the package doesn't declare some dependencies it needs
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<Begasus> someone missed them nephele?
<Nephele> Begasus: maybe?
<Begasus> I'm guessing you don't run haikuporter in "strict" mode and got some POLICY warnings then
<Begasus> me know nothing :P (checks)
<Nephele> don't know what strict mode is, i did indeed get policy warnings
<Begasus> hp -S *
<Begasus> it turns the warning into errors
<Begasus> nope, wasn't me (I think) :)
<Nephele> Anyhow, the new shasum is 2c14c8f01f44148c4f2c88c169a30abcdb002eb128a92b9adb76baa76b013494
<Nephele> and then just moved 12.2 to 14.1
<Nephele> and it works
<Begasus> no other adjustments?
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<Nephele> yes
<Begasus> k, let's see what the complaint is at the end :)
<Begasus> PS, you got some weird fonts in use there nephele :P
<Nephele> wdym?
<Nephele> oh, Shantell sans
<Nephele> it's very nicely readable
<Nephele> i know the complaint begasus, i have the terminal open
<Nephele> i cant join my multiplayer game though
<Begasus> ah, should see if this works with ICU75 too :)
<Nephele> the game version on my mac is "OpenTTD 14.1" and on Haiku it is "OpenTTD ORIGIN" not sure what that means?
<Begasus> well, you could make a PR and fix them?
<Nephele> no
<Begasus> :P
<Nephele> I can send you an updated recipe maybe, but cannot make a patch on github
<Begasus> it needs a patch then?
<Nephele> Oh. the ORIGIN comes from the git tag it seems
<jmairboeck> the "ORIGIN" could come from haikuporter, that is what it names its initial tag
<Begasus> cmd:git
<Nephele> it refuses to connect in multiplayer duo to version mismatch
<Begasus> maybe leaving that out will fix it?
<jmairboeck> if you add a PATCH() function, you would get "PATCH_FUNCTION" ;-)
<jmairboeck> what happens if you build it with -G (without a git repo)?
<Begasus> should get some style fixes also (recipe)
<Nephele> gonna try "git tag $portVersion ORIGIN"
<Nephele> the released openttd version also has this origin bug though, so likely won't be able to do multiplayer either
<Nephele> except with other haiku users xD
<OscarL> buildmasters running hp without -G seems silly/wasteful to me (if not for the fact that some patches do not apply cleanly unless you do it via git :-D)
<OscarL> (imo, we should fix the patches instead of relying on a work git repo on the builders).
<Nephele> why?
<OscarL> the git init repo on builders can take waay, waay more than the actual compilation / package building time for some packages.
<Nephele> What is the reason for using git in the first place in that scenario?
<OscarL> you anin't gonna be doing any hp -e on the builders anyway, so... not much of a point on having them using git.
<Begasus> k, seems some third party lib pulls in requirements for ICU and harfbuzz
<Nephele> okay, that does make sense
<Nephele> Begasus: this "rm -r $dataDir/{applications,icons,pixmaps,mime}" should be done automatically, or be a shortcut in haikuporter
<Nephele> so many recipes have that junk in them
<Nephele> maybe a warning that the port installed them and could be fixed but remove them then
<Nephele> openttd has checks for emscripten in their build... so .... does it run on the web?
<Begasus> nephele, some do use those directories, so removing them default wouldn't be a good idea
<Begasus> well, for the icons I saw already a few that miss the icon in their about box then
<Nephele> eh
<Begasus> and saw some apps using "applications" from a comment by 3dEyes (not sure if it was in dataDir or a subdir for that though)
<Begasus> err ... no provides for app:openttd?
<Begasus> man!
<Begasus> nephele, I guess this can be launched in Terminal too with additional targets?
<Nephele> Targets? what do you mean?
<Begasus> like in extra functions (--fullscreen ... --windowed ...)
<Nephele> No idea. I don't usually run gui applications on the commandline
<Begasus> it supplies a manpage, so I presume it has
<Nephele> It has ingame help, what do we need a manpage for?
<Nephele> seems you can select video drivers and such things
<Begasus> it's included in the package :P
<Nephele> building openttd took quite long on my small intel pc
<Nephele> don't really want to build it again to check the version tag thign
<Nephele> i haven't found where it picks this up
<Begasus> there is a test case too :)
<Begasus> 1: + runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /boot/system/lib/ No such file or directory
<jmairboeck> ok, updating perl is trickier than expected ... looks like I'll have to rebuild git as well to test it properly, because that also requires perl ...
<Begasus> -D [host][:port] = Start dedicated server
<Begasus> seems to be able to launch one itself
<Nephele> I was testing against the same version on macos
<Begasus> think I got it for the version
<Begasus> packaging/installing/check
<Begasus> ~> openttd --help
<Begasus> OpenTTD 14.1
<Begasus> the "cmd:git" was in the way
<Begasus> think korli did some comments about this at haikuports
<Nephele> nice begasus
<Nephele> would be happy for a new version :D
<Begasus> I'm just wondering where it picks up the dependency for ICU and harfbuzz
<Nephele> It does this intentionally
<Nephele> according to the cmakelists.txt it uses icu and harfbuzz to render right to left arabic text
<Begasus> ah freetype -> harfbuzz -> icu
<Begasus> and with harfbuzz still on icu74 I can't check icu75 :)
<Nephele> oh :g
<Nephele> trying to get rid of older icu versions still?
<Begasus> missing some other things too
<Begasus> no, ICU75 hasn't been merged yet
<Begasus> and the old(er) ones still in use for 32bit
<Begasus> 64bit arleady uses ICU74
<Begasus> Haiku*
<Begasus> curl would be a candidate to add I think (network related)?
<Nephele> It seems to want curl yeah
<Nephele> it did find my network server without it though? wierd
<Nephele> rude
<Nephele> CMake Warning at cmake/InstallAndPackage.cmake:235 (message):
<Nephele> Unknown Linux distribution found for packaging; can only pack to a txz.
<Begasus> heh
<Nephele> Please consider creating a Pull Request to add support for this
<Nephele> distribution
<Begasus> yeah, just read that :)
<Begasus> I think curl is used for some dns resolving?
<Nephele> I don't know
<Begasus> fluidsynth/fontconfig?
<Nephele> > - (encouraged) libcurl: content downloads
<Nephele> fluidsynth i dunno. but the ingame music is midi apparently. fontconfig is used on linux to find font configuration and use it iirc
<Begasus> building scripts/api*
<Begasus> well, seen some issues passing by using fontconfig not finding things, so no big deal there
<Begasus> but fluidsynth could give an extra boost to music
<Begasus> seems to do a full rebuild with curl/harfbuzz/icu added
<Begasus> don't the subpackages have an update?
<Begasus> something is in the back of my head about that from before ...
<Nephele> i don't think it matters
<Nephele> there is an in-game download thingy where you can download contentpacks/mods
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<OscarL> jebuz... that "Failed to read .PackageInfo: Invalid Argument" surely is missleading. Turns out that "invalid arguments" comes from a sub-process, not from faiing to parse something on the recipe.
* OscarL makes a not to patch haikuporter so it actually explain from where the error comes.
<OscarL> s/not/note/
<Nephele> :)
<Nephele> that's unix for you
<erysdren> mhm...
* phschafft is going to solder for a few minutes...
<OscarL> sounds like HaikuPorter failing to properly report errors, as it is known to do from time to time.
<erysdren> either the error is dumbed down beyond the point of usefuless (i.e. "something broke") or too specific to be useful (i.e. "error code 5324 from process 53252"
<Nephele> please, this is haiku. it would be error -5324 ;)
<erysdren> :P
<erysdren> true
<Begasus> 1: + Error: Failed to find a graphics set. Please acquire a graphics set for OpenTTD. See section 1.4 of
<Begasus> tss ...
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<OscarL> Mmm, seems the "less than useful" error message comes from PackageKit actually.
<OscarL> PackageKit code gives me the creeps, but... found the source of my issue... this block:
<OscarL> my recipe didn't have a matching PACKAGE_GROUP=
<Begasus> ?
<OscarL> Begasus: recipes "needs" a custom user. You add those via PACKAGE_USER=
<OscarL> copied that line from other recipes... and I was getting an error message that was not helpful at all.
<OscarL> turns out I had to add PACKAGE_GROUP= containing a group that matched the one used on PACKAGE_USER.
<Begasus> never came accross to it
<OscarL> only 7 recipes use it (+ mine now)
<Begasus> nephele, I could patch this out, but not sure if it's worth a patchset: rm -r $dataDir/{applications,icons,pixmaps}
<Begasus> ah, seeing where it's used it makes a bit of sense?
<Begasus> k, seems the additional packages for openttd haven't been updated since 2021, so should still be good
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<phschafft> so, board is now improved.
<Begasus> time to surf? ;)
<phschafft> haha, kind of.
<phschafft> I added a USB connector for power in. used a programmer as adapter USB -> pin header.
<phschafft> thought that could be improved. ;)
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<jmairboeck> perl itself is now "done", now on to updating/rev-bumping everything that needs perl ...
<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> nephele, still around?
<Begasus> added debuginfopackage for openttd, now the base one is only 10.97MiB instead of 138.59MiB ;)
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, any thing I could try out tomorrow on the perl PR?
<Begasus> not going to tackle nielx[m] PR :)
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<Begasus> if you don't mind downloading a 10MiB package to try out :)
<jmairboeck> you could test 32 bit if you want, I haven't done that yet, but please keep in mind that it breaks git and everything else that depends on perl, if you actually want to install it
<Begasus> ouch, can't have git broken
<jmairboeck> it is a draft for a reason still
<jmairboeck> I'm going to rebuild git now (and bump its version)
<scantysnax> good afternoon.
<Begasus> yeah thought so, still have to tackle llvm18.1.8 on 32bit (have been bugging me hole day) :(
<Begasus> hi scantysnax!
<scantysnax> hi Begasus, what fun are you working on now? :^)
* OscarL yells at clouds: why do I always have to keep bumping into corner cases?
<scantysnax> hi OscarL
<OscarL> hey there scantysnax!
<Begasus> nephele got me sidetracked :)
<scantysnax> how are you doing?
<Begasus> exrtranslator should be done
<scantysnax> Begasus cool.
<OscarL> scantysnax: Sorry I missed a message from you last time! (I kinda suck at IRC :-D).
<Begasus> oh, and this morning launched new version for llvm :D
<scantysnax> OscarL, that's OK, if you want the USB ethernet thingy I can fedex to you so the mail people won't steal it.
<Begasus> email fraude? ;)
<scantysnax> Begasus, nope actual real mail
<OscarL> much appreciated, but I can't even get regular delivery of my power-bills... doubt postman even knows I live here :-D
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<scantysnax> OscarL, gotcha. If you want it let me know.
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<scantysnax> we'll figure out some way to get it there
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<OscarL> scantysnax: also... found a workaround for now... either use it under a VM for updates, or get a different router.
<scantysnax> okay, no problem. like i said, if you want it it's yours, i know exactly where it is
<OscarL> seems wifi card works, but it is really picky about wpa vs wpa2 settings, or something.
<OscarL> thanks pal! :-)
<scantysnax> sure thing.
<OscarL> mean while... haikuporter just likes to troll me.
<OscarL> forget to add file to GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES... complains about: Included file "settings/et/resolv.conf" not declared as global writable file.
<OscarL> k... I add it.
<OscarL> now I get:
<OscarL> Package declares non-existent global writable file "settings/etc/resolv.conf".
<scantysnax> what a mess.
<OscarL> what the hell, hp! Make up your damn mind,
<Begasus> forgot: keep-old?
<OscarL> no.
<OscarL> problem is... I'm trying to include a symlink...
<OscarL> that will only resolve at install time.
<Begasus> created with a postinstall script?
<OscarL> I think that POLICY ERROR is going too far. Let me include a damn broken symlink, I know what I'm doing (for once) :-)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> disabled it for a few reasons :)
<OscarL> Begasus: yeah, that's the alternative, but damn if this is not annoying.
<Begasus> not as bad as "waiting for package to ..." :D
<OscarL> I needed a post-install script anyway (to make sure /var/run/ exists). Sigh.
<Begasus> well, you could have kept with the simple (python) updates ;)
<OscarL> heh, yeah... my bad.
<OscarL> *numpy/scipy/cython laugh evily in the background*
<Begasus> what's up with those? (gr)
<Nephele> Begasus: hi im here
<Begasus> nephele, me too (for now)
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<Nephele> what did you want me to test?
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<Begasus> stripped down openttd (link above in the history)
<Nephele> what did you strip?
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<Nephele> multiplayer with my mac works atleast
<Begasus> the binary
<Begasus> defineDebugInfoPackage openttd$secondaryArchSuffix \
<Begasus> $appsDir/openttd
* OscarL decides to just add another patch to mDNSResponder instead of fiddling with symlinks.
<Nephele> You stripped the debug info?
<Nephele> oh, you put it seperately
<Nephele> that makes sense
<jmairboeck> Begasus: I added a git bump to the perl branch
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<Begasus> debuginfo package 128.25 MiB nephele, if it still funtions as it should it saves a LOT of download (local checks were fine, with added curl/harfbuzz/icu and fluidsynth)
<Nephele> Nice
<Nephele> Well, i'm downloading a texture pack right now and before tried to play a bit with the server running on the mac
<Begasus> not doing anything today anymore, so the link should stay for a while :)
<Nephele> but that is really quite a lot saved, not bad
<jmairboeck> Begasus: there is something else you could test tomorrow, also on 32 bit: test if the perl bindings of subversion still work or still build at least, after perl switching to secondaryArch
* OscarL is glad we have jmairboeck looking at the perl stuff.
<Begasus> running subversion or building it jmairboeck?
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I fear that I am becoming the "perl guy" (like you are for python) ;-)
<Begasus> yes! now I need to find one for lua and rust ... :D
* Nephele has a signed "perl 6" book, which evidently ceased to be called perl 6
<OscarL> yeah... tends to be a running problem around these parts :-D
<jmairboeck> Begasus: just try a build first, it could be that it fails now. I don't know how swig works exactly
<Nephele> for lua heh, i'm contemplating rewriting my game in c++
<Begasus> ok, that I can do :)
<Nephele> at this point i think that work better
<jmairboeck> that it apparently what is used there for the perl bindings
<Begasus> for now luarocks should work ok, so if someone is missing something there ... :P
<Begasus> jmairboeck, if need be subversion could move to gcc13? (haven't look anywhere yet)
<jmairboeck> yes, should be no problem I think
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus df4dadb - icu75, add recipe (#10617)
<Begasus> still can't get PR's drop below 30 :P
<OscarL> I'll try to "undraft" some of mine after I finish with mDNSResolver (at least this round of it).
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<Nephele> Do you want to put the mdnsresponder patches on haikuports?
<HaikuUser> Hello, where I can find Falkon browser for Haiku?
<erysdren> its in the HaikuDepot manager, or you can install it with pkgman on the commandline
<erysdren> i believe its called falkon or falkon_x86 in the terminal depending on your architechture
<OscarL> nephele: yep. for now at least. so proper developers can take a look, fix my mistakes, and then find someone to upstream them.
<erysdren> (x86 for 32-bit x86, no extension for x86-64)
<Nephele> upstream to where?
<OscarL> apple :-D
<HaikuUser> I have x64 :(
<Nephele> do they take patches for mdnsresponder?
<Nephele> anyhow, i'm interested in those patches (and would make beta5 depend on mdnsresponder) so let me know when they are available
<OscarL> no idea, but it includes code for windows/linux, and docs says it aims for portability, so...
<Nephele> Yes, I am aware. but they don't seem to develop this "in the open" so to say
<Begasus> HaikuUser: in Terminal as erysdren mentioned: "pkgman install falkon"
<jmairboeck> Begasus: maybe we should just remove the "vendor_perl" dependency from git?
<Begasus> be aware that it takes quite some extras to download
<Begasus> you're the master there jmairboeck :)
<HaikuUser> thanks
<jmairboeck> As I have seen it, it doesn't actually install anything there (but in data/perl5 instead)
<OscarL> nephele: changes already up on my fork (will post a link next), they don't amount to much. As I've said in the forum... worst part was understanding how this works.
<Begasus> jmairboeck, maybe track it's history?
<jmairboeck> good idea, I'll have a look
<Begasus> when I hit something simular I find obsolete I try to do the same
<Begasus> and poke the one who introduced it :P
<OscarL> nephele: <<< branch from where I took the patchset I'm using for the recipe)
<jmairboeck> the first hit is OscarL: ;) (but that rewrote the file too much to track the change, so it doesn't really count)
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<Nephele> I don't think apple will take a patch removin all client examples
<OscarL> they're not about to take PRs from my github fork in any case. I have another branch without that commit.
<Nephele> the unsupported ipv6 options would be worth a ticket
<OscarL> same as for some missing functions from NetBSD "resolv" that I need to make nss_mdnsd load without runtime_loader errors :-D
<jmairboeck> yeah, found it already
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<Begasus> ;)
<jmairboeck> that commit message is right of course, but at least now, the perl modules of git aren't installed into the vendor_perl directory
<Begasus> well, should give you an idea on wether it's usefull still or not
<jmairboeck> I'll see if I find when or if it was changed on the git side
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<Begasus> +1 jmairboeck
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<Nephele> Gonna play a bit openttd
<OscarL> enjoy.
* OscarL is gonna test this damn package, hopefully for the last time today on 32 bits.
* Begasus is looking into TBB PR
<OscarL> that worked nicely. off to retest changes on 64 bits, before opening the PR.
<Nephele> I'm a bit wierded out that i can't set the currency ingame to euro
<Nephele> i can set it to *anything* except for euro
<Nephele> that's grayed out
<jmairboeck> Begasus: it seems to work, just tested git-svn, it seems to find its perl modules in data. But it kind of "feels wrong", they are supposed to go into the vendor_perl directory ...
<jmairboeck> openSUSE puts them there too
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<Begasus> the other ones using it are correct?
<jmairboeck> I'll remove vendor_perl from git now and then test if it still works with the old perl version (having been built with the new one). If it does, I'll commit it like that.
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<jmairboeck> ok, removing the vendor_perl dependency doesn't help, because it also requires cmd:perl which is also versioned by haikuporter
<jmairboeck> so we don't gain anything
<jmairboeck> I tried it without that requirement, and it does work with the older perl, but I think we have to keep that dependency :(
<jmairboeck> which also means that the packages that need to be rebuilt after bumping perl just got a bit longer, namely all that require cmd:perl
<Begasus> another hurdle to tackle allong the way?
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<Anarchos> HELLO
<Anarchos> i am installing ubuntu in a qemu
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<arraybolt3> mmm, sounds slow
<arraybolt3> you know there's a project currently ongoing to add hardware virtualization to Haiku
<arraybolt3> so in the future that might be significantly faster
<Anarchos> yes i know
<boody24[m]> Hello
<boody24[m]> I created a local branch
<boody24[m]> and trying to push it to remote
<boody24[m]> but It gets rejected
<Begasus> what's the error?
<Begasus> where are you trying to push to?
<boody24[m]> one moment
<Begasus> ps, Hi there :)
<Begasus> k, TBB 2021.1.1 still good it seems (with a few changes to the recipe)
<boody24[m]> I'm on branch master
<boody24[m]> I tried multiple things but all pretty much got the same result
<Begasus> can't push to haiku, you're not a member there
<boody24[m]> what does that mean?
<boody24[m]> How to be a member?
<Begasus> and Haiku's source is being worked on at gerrit, the github is just a mirror
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<boody24[m]> yes
<boody24[m]> oh
<boody24[m]> am I pushing to git ?
<boody24[m]> not gerrit?
<Begasus> you could start out explaining what the patch does and why it's needed at the bugtracker
<Begasus> ps, I'm not part of Haiku source myself :)
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<boody24[m]> Okay but I want to send it first
<boody24[m]> it's still not 'there'
<Begasus> not sure how gerrit works, there should be others around to help you out with that
<Begasus> but as I'm working at haikuports I forked it and do my PR's from my fork
<Nephele> boody24[m]: you need to push to a special target
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] nielx 713f7d4 - Rust: Update to 1.79.0 (#10625)
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<Begasus> nice, ICU75 builds completed :)
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<Begasus> no!!
<Begasus> bugger ... back to 30
<OscarL> heh :-D
* OscarL goes to make something hot to drink, he's hands are freezing.
<boody24[m]> thanks!
<boody24[m]> <nephele> "see this: https://www.haiku-os...." <- it worked
<boody24[m]> Could I get a review?
<boody24[m]> About the commit message and else
<boody24[m]> This is my first time dealing with gerrit
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<Begasus> nice boody24[m]
<OscarL> boody24[m]: reviewing might take some time... depending on free time from devs.
<Begasus> my guess is that it fixes IOM from moving all over the place when opening?
<OscarL> boody24[m]: for now, you already got 4 message from the "haiku-format bot" about coding-style things to improve.
<OscarL> if in doubt about those... see
<OscarL> Begasus: his change should fix
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<OscarL> btw, boody24[m], it's always good to mention related ticket numbers (if any) on your commit messages. in this case: "Fixes #18865", for example.
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<OscarL> heh, noticed that I too have some coding-style changes to make on my last patch :-D
<Begasus> thought so OscarL
<Begasus> also annoying bug :)
<OscarL> I'm talking about my last change on gerrit... do you found something wrong on my last PR?
<Begasus> error: 'abort' was not declared in this scope ...
<Begasus> no the bug boody24[m] is trying to fix for IOM :)
<Begasus> haven't looked at your PR yet OscarL :)
<OscarL> no problem, just making sure, in case you had spotted something already :-)
<Begasus> nah, wasn't planning to do anything anymore today, untill TBB bite me ...
<OscarL> now... how do i use this haiku-format thing....
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> giving good advise away :P
<OscarL> "warning: code should be clang-formatted" wat?
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> seems to complain about every single line on this file :-D
<Begasus> fix those loose ends, we're waiting on beta5 :P
<boody24[m]> <OscarL> "btw, boody24, it's always good..." <- Okay will add it
<OscarL> pushing to gerrit always slow as molasses. :-/
<OscarL> boody24[m]: minor clarification... when you use: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master -o topic="something"
<OscarL> you're supposed to change the last "something" to something relevant to your change, in your case, say: "IOM"... or just not use that -topic= parameter at all :-)
<Nephele> boody24[m]: link?
<Nephele> oh, you already send it
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<Begasus> time to close down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<OscarL> nephele: aren't the last two bot comments on boody24[m] change related to not needing braces for single line ifs?
<OscarL> and line 301 contains trailing space.
<Nephele> Ah, that makes more sense xD
<OscarL> nephele: in case you find it interesting... I've tried to merge the ZeroConf work done for GSoC 2009, by student Jie Ma.
<OscarL> I surely need to adjust the location of header files and such..., but beats having that work as a bunch of .diffs in a tarball.
<OscarL> my idea was to eventually sent that to gerrit (so that work doesn't gets lost), once I settle the "where do I put these headers" question :-)
<boody24[m]> <OscarL> "boody24: minor clarification..." <- will I have to git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master every time?
<boody24[m]> and I want to push to a branch other than master
<boody24[m]> but I can't create the remote one
<boody24[m]> it's always rejected
<OscarL> boody24[m]: you can't create branches on gerrit. you always push to refs/for/master. reviews are done on a commit-by-commit base.
<OscarL> you can work on branches on your local clone, no problems with that.
<boody24[m]> oh
<boody24[m]> Got it
<boody24[m]> do you suggest that I make local branches though?
<boody24[m]> Or it should be based on needs?
<boody24[m]> I mean what is more practical and better?
<gordonjcp> PulkoMandy: ping?
<gordonjcp> PulkoMandy: love the look of Renga
<OscarL> boody24[m]: when you push from your branch, you'll be pushing all the commits you haven't pushed already. they get seen on gerrit as a "series of commits" (I think they show as "uploaded together" or something similar.
<OscarL> boody24[m]: working from local branches makes things easier in my opinion.
<gordonjcp> PulkoMandy: what's happening with your domain, in the wake of the .tk shutdown?
<OscarL> boody24[m]: allows to yo "git switch master" any time, and makes "cleaning up" easier.
<OscarL> .tk going down?
<OscarL> man... still remember its early days.... you needed at least xxx amount of montly hits to keep your .tk domain up :-D
<gordonjcp> OscarL: apparently the registrar has closed down
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<OscarL> “We are building nationhood here,” he explains. “We are on a pathway toward self-determination. We want to use the .tk as a catalyst to promote our nationhood and be proud of it—our domain name and our identity among the internet community.”
<OscarL> seems they want their .tk back (after being scammed off whatever money that TLD ever made).
<boody24[m]> <OscarL> "boody24: allows to yo "git..." <- cool thanks!
<OscarL> boody24[m]: no problem. thanks for your interest (and work!) on Haiku :-)
<PulkoMandy> gordonjcp: Is .tk shutting down? No one told me
<gordonjcp> PulkoMandy: apparently. There was some chat about it in #bitfolk a week or so back, apparently someone there has a couple of .tk domains
<PulkoMandy> It looks like they shut down free domains, mine is a paid one so for now it's still working
<PulkoMandy> I guess I need to start preparing a backup...
<PulkoMandy> Maybe I can migrate it to another registrar. Well, time to sleep now, will look into that tomorrow...
<OscarL> good dreams!
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<Nephele> gordonjcp: it's like midnight in europe, probably sleeping :)
<Nephele> (or not)
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