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<PetePete> Hola
<PetePete> Q pas?
<cynic[m]> PetePete: niente
<PetePete> Watching 1988 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
<PetePete> Just got Revolution IRC client. Seems okay.
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<scantysnax> i was cleaning my room and i found about 10 records i didn't know i had ;)
<coolcoder613> Hi PetePete
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<shaka444[m]> Heads up- I'm getting a KDL on boot in latest x86_64 nightly hrev57763
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<bbjimmy> should be fised when allows the next build.
<PetePete> scantysnax nice
<PetePete> So this is the night shift, ha?
<erysdren> yup yup
<PetePete> Not a bad lookin group :)
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<PetePete> If anyone had the forethought to make repos available for archiving, I could be enjoying my favorite old linux distros today. Instead, they died because there is no way to install software on them (assuming one would want to use outdated software to begin with - which I would for fun). Why can't we have nice things?
<PetePete> All this technology for what? So they can spy on us? So we can watch stupid shows in 8K? Play mindless games with more pixels? Fooey.
<cynic[m]> PetePete:
<cynic[m]> PetePete: Fuck Big Tech btw.
<PetePete> I think I remember DWM
* coolcoder613 waves to PetePete
* IIsi hugs Netflix. "Shhh, it'll be okay. We'll make the Bad Men return atleast half of all the streamings stuffs to you."
<PetePete> Hey coolcoder613
* coolcoder613 points out Fiwix
* IIsi sinks several equally expensive 'competing' streaming services in the Channel, for their betrayals
* coolcoder613 goes diving for HDMI cables
<IIsi> Good idea. Before the salt ruins them.
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<PetePete> Violence... I like that
<PetePete> 37 years of using computers and I have nothing to show for except perhaps some old screens shots and memories
<IIsi> I have slightly more, due to the not-really-a-backup-strategy of "old HD gets copied to the new, and then gathers dust".
<PetePete> I thought it would be cool forever. I cringe at my own naivety
<IIsi> Occasionally I find old things I've forgotten or thought lost.
<PetePete> I have lots of cold storage and even some puppy Linux persistence files. But it's like trying to spend confederate dollars
<IIsi> Quite valuable by now?
<PetePete> Try buying a soda and a beef jerky with them!
<PetePete> Fine. Bad example.
<IIsi> Trying buying such with a painting. (^:
<PetePete> I'll shut up
<IIsi> It's okay.
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<PetePete> I'm bitter about having to upgrade. 2006 Linux was fine!!
<PetePete> We had FLASH and LIBDVDCSS for crying out loud!
<PetePete> What more could you ask for?
<IIsi> . o O ( HomestarRunner, too. )
<PetePete> *systemd enters the room*
<IIsi> ...and is defenestrated by Haiku
<PetePete> I was a Beryl/Emerald whore... and I liked it.
<PetePete> E17 Bling theme was peak cozy
* coolcoder613 thinks
<coolcoder613> Better tab completion?
<PetePete> Lol
<coolcoder613> `fish`?
<coolcoder613> much better than bash
<coolcoder613> xonsh
<PetePete> You always know just what to say
<IIsi> See? Coolcoder613 keepin' it cool.
<PetePete> Keeps me grounded
<PetePete> I'd kill for a working e17 Bling setup
<PetePete> It was like using a computer in heaven
<PetePete> So weird and pretty
* coolcoder613 doesn't know what he's posting links about
<PetePete> Ha
<PetePete> The original was dope. Those gtk/qt recreations are abominations
<PetePete> I wonder if Moksha on Bodhi does all the original stuff
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<coolcoder613> I have used bodhi once
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<PetePete> It's 1:30am here. I should be 4hrs into my sleep by now.
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<Begasus> stupid thing again ... recompile with -fPIC
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<Begasus> Feels like being on the dark web (got dark theme enabled with these dark days)
<Begasus> We NEED some sun!! :)
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<Begasus> looks like OIIO's library doesn't link properly to libnetwork
<Begasus> runtime_loader: /boot/system/lib/ Could not resolve symbol 'connect'
<Begasus> now it does :) 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
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<Begasus> k, Blender2.79b up and running :)
<Begasus> on 32bit too*
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f2cfe3a - openimageio2.2, revice recipe for libraries needed for blender 2.* (#10605)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e57306e - opensubdiv3.4, revive lib package for blender 2.* (#10606)
<Begasus> bugger 64bit buildmaster reconnecting ...
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* phschafft comes in with some cookies.
* zard takes one
* phschafft nods.
<zdykstra> might I trouble you for a cookie, kind sir?
* phschafft holds the bowl in a offering way for zdykstra and nods.
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<bbjimmy> All Right! Sll four cores are running again!
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<bbjimmy> *all
<Begasus> nightlies updated then :)
<bbjimmy> hrev57768
<Begasus> +1
<Begasus> I guess the builder was stuck for a bit
<Begasus> biab
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<UW_Mill> dead chat?
<zard> Somedays, sometimes it is :)
<UW_Mill> i'd still be asleep if I didnt have work, i understand
<nosycat> Ha ha. Welcome.
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> speed is good.
<UW_Mill> as in acceleration?
<phschafft> em.
<phschafft> sleep.
<phschafft> not speed. too sleepy to type.
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<nosycat> Mmm, sleep.
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<PeetPeet> What's good, devs and nondevs?
<PeetPeet> Daily reminder: Haiku is awesome and your efforts are appreciated
<UW_Mill> 🥳
<zard> Debugging MiniBrowser step by step. I'm currently at WebProcess sending a message but MiniBrowser not receiving it :-)
<nosycat> I've been learning Scheme and Common Lisp, but not on Haiku.
<PeetPeet> I spent some time this week spinning up old Linux distros with XFCE 4.4 and below, and in the default theme selection, there were two BeOS themes (back in the day, I knew they were retro but had no idea what inspired them). Pretty good WM themes to be honest (very close to the original)
<zard> I've been narrowing down the problem over the past several days and that's where I am now.
<nosycat> People used to go wild with WM themes.
<PeetPeet> nosycat: I was a theme whore.
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<PeetPeet> Wish it were still like that but I also really appreciate that Haiku keeps it simple in that department. As long as it stays old school, I'm happy :)
<zard> Ha, yes! I've seen those themes.
<PeetPeet> zard, is that the new browser I think I just read about on the forum?
<zard> "[GSoC 2024] Fixing the crashing"? That's the one
<PeetPeet> zard: it's cool to have some context for where those themes came from, even if it is WAAAAY on the other side, and not from the genuine 90s experience haha
<Begasus> checking a build for Blender3 with updated dependencies on boost/ICU and EXR
<PeetPeet> Does Blender curently run on Haiku? (holy crap)
<Begasus> has been around for while, hence outdated dependencies :)
<PeetPeet> "but I DEPEND on you!!!!"
<PeetPeet> Open source software is so codependent it's cringy...
<PeetPeet> Makes a creepy ex-boyfriend blush
<nosycat> That's one way to put it.
<PeetPeet> "You was my cinnamon APPLE!"
<PeetPeet> "Well now I'm your cinnamon apple 1.4-r3"
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<PeetPeet> So... VB gives Haiku 1024x768. Does Qemu do a better job of providing display options?
<zard> bbl
<PeetPeet> o/
<nosycat> It defaulted to the same when I tried it.
<PeetPeet> Ah.
<nosycat> Didn't try to change it, that was ideal for me.
<PeetPeet> Then I don't have to feel so bad about being too stupid to make qemu work
<nosycat> Dunno, I kind of treat its command line like a magic spell.
<PeetPeet> Learning syntax is like reading fiction (I barely have time to make breakfast)
<PeetPeet> Perhaps I should romance the qemu. Excuses are for lazy butts
<UW_Mill> taking a stab in the dark - anyone here know jinja?
<nosycat> Nope, sorry.
<Begasus> knowing not, but it's in the depot
<UW_Mill> the what now?
<Begasus> haikuports/dev-python/jinja/jinja-3.1.2.recipe
<PeetPeet> a city in eastern Uganda close to the source of the Nile River
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<PeetPeet> I also sprinkle a little jinja on my rice for flavor
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<Begasus> at least doesn't like openexr-3.2* (blender3) :)
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<PeetPeet> Anyone here know hot to build a pipeline in QuickBase? ;)
<nosycat> What's QuickBase?
<zard> re
<UW_Mill> ✋i do
<arraybolt3> what
<UW_Mill> quickbase is just a cloud-database, pipelines is their automation tool
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<nosycat> Ooh, okay.
<PeetPeet> I was just sussin' someone out
<PeetPeet> I knew that boy was in here
<UW_Mill> ^-^
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<Begasus> OK, so that's why there are 2 blender versions around, blender3 crashes on here :P
<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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<gordonjcp> talos: my 3.5-year-old son loves the movie representation of you
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<B2IA> (Butler) Welcome to
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<PeetPeet> is smartctl available in Haiku?
* zard runs `pkgman search cmd:smartctl`
<zard> Looks like it isn't
<PeetPeet> Haiku's slogan should be: "Livin' on the edge!"
<PeetPeet> but then... I run Puppy (all root. all the time.)
<zard> Puppy Linux? Nice, I kinda like that distro
<PeetPeet> More flavors than Mountain Dew
<PeetPeet> MacPup was my favorite for a long time. LXpup was great too. Those projects are stalled
<PeetPeet> HAIKUPUP????
<zard> I found it interesting that DebianDog let you install packages through apt
<PeetPeet> Oh LXpup is still being maintained.. huh...
<PeetPeet> I wonder if I could revive MacPup with Moksha...
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* zard waves goodbye
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<PeetPeet> Anarchos: o/
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<Anarchos> hello PeetPeet
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<UW_Mill> anyone remember enlightenment?
<Anarchos> UW_Mill what was that ?
<UW_Mill> i know that its a linux distro, I saw it as a kid and thought the effects were so cool, idk if its still actively developed or not
<UW_Mill> i dont even know how popular it was
<UW_Mill> but turning my desktop into a rotatable cube was peak
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<Ellenor> weird
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<gordonjcp> UW_Mill: yeah, it was pretty cool, limited usefulness beyond looking cool, but sometimes that's enough
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<UW_Mill> anyone know an online tool to combine many jpegs together into a pdf with exactly 6 images per page?
<gordonjcp> imagemagick could probably do that
<gordonjcp> possibly with a bit of scripting
<gordonjcp> also maybe ghostscript
<Anarchos> gordonjcp i miss the bealpha4 display target for ghostscript..
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<PeetPeet> I have to say, Compiz/Beryl whatever, was WAY useful. It was the most useful window manager ever. It made switching tasks so easy and being able to see what's on different virtual desktops without having to actually switch to them or squint at a tiny thumbnail was dope.
<PeetPeet> I can't believe it got sidelined so hard.
<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: enlightenment is a window manager and it is different from Compiz (spinning cube you mentioned) and is not a Linux distro either.
<PeetPeet> but enlightenment was one of my all time favorites.
<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: How many jpegs total?
<Anarchos> gordonjcp i don't understand why it was dropped
<scantysnax> it was fun for a while.
<PeetPeet> Honestly, you can just run imagemagick on those jpegs to resize them all at once, then start a gimp file with some page guides. add them, export as pdf (as many pages as you need), then use pdfarranger to glue them all together as a single pdf doc.
<UW_Mill> @peetpeet ~2000 😭
<PeetPeet> scantysnax: It was the best. Super useful and amazing looking. It made computing fun and productive at the same time.
<scantysnax> i liked it too.
<scantysnax> a compositor on haiku would be fun. too bad new hw graphics yet.
<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: hm... easy to resize them all with imagemagick but setting up pages is ore tricky. Probably a tool out there that can do it though.
<PeetPeet> I secretly wish Haiku WM could act like e17 with ecomorph.
<PeetPeet> But I'm a degenerate.
<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: I would ask this question on libera chat, channel #linux
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<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: I think I can show you how to do it in like three simple steps
<PeetPeet> You're on Windows, right?
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<PeetPeet> You should be able to select as many photos as you want (all, some etc) then right click and print. In the print dialog, you can choose how many per page. If you version of Windows doesn't have a "print to pdf" option, then install Bullzip printer first.
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<PeetPeet> If you want one huge pdf, Windows might struggle. In that case, make a few pdf files and once you have a folder with 6-up pdfs (however many pages per pdf), use pdfarranger to glue them together (I can do that for you in linux).
<UW_Mill> aight let me give that a shot
<Habbie> PeetPeet, i have to ask, are there any Dutch origins to your nick name? :)
<PeetPeet> Habbie: Afraid not. One of my good friends is a Netherlander though!
<Habbie> :)
<UW_Mill> from the nether regions?
<Habbie> UW_Mill, my country does not have any other regions )
<PeetPeet> *waits anxiously for the punchline*
<UW_Mill> *tension grows in the nether regions*
<PeetPeet> O.O
<PeetPeet> o.O
<Habbie> that's just water levels, they do that
<PeetPeet> Is this what passes for a punchline these days?
<Habbie> i strongly suspect UW_Mill was not ready for followup questions ;)
<PeetPeet> hahaha
<PeetPeet> He's a Windows user
<Habbie> some of my best friends are Windows users
<UW_Mill> ^out of necesity
<UW_Mill> its not my fault everything i need to do on pc can only be done in windows
<PeetPeet> That's what they all say
<UW_Mill> i am a small part of a grand design
<PeetPeet> QuickBase is cloud based (so is MS Office these days. You LIE!
<UW_Mill> yes but sekiro def doesnt run on linux
<Habbie> you need sekiro for your job?
<UW_Mill> lmao
<UW_Mill> tbf i dont get a choice of OS at work
<PeetPeet> Shadows Die Twice runs on Steam in Linux. EXCUSE MAKER!!
<Habbie> also, def does:
<PeetPeet> lololol
<UW_Mill> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<PeetPeet> But this is a Haiku channel so we're all a bunch of hypocrites haha
<UW_Mill> yeah i havent seen a single person write in prose this entire time
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<arraybolt3> Those who use Windows
<arraybolt3> Are doomed to sorrow
<arraybolt3> Switch now, quickly
<PeetPeet> I'm too busy ENJOYING Haiku to develop it *SoyJack smirk*
<arraybolt3> (I have no idea if that's how you write a haiku but whatever :P)
<PeetPeet> arraybolt3: I...
<arraybolt3> yeah I have the syllable count entirely wrong
<arraybolt3> but it was kind of close if you squint hard
<PeetPeet> lol
<Habbie> if you don't count the syllables, anything can be a haiku
<PeetPeet> Ima start a Haikrew with all my homies
<PeetPeet> We will ONLY speak in Haikus and battle other crews with Haikus
<UW_Mill> haiku game is strong
<UW_Mill> undefeated champions
<UW_Mill> haiku gang 4 life
<PeetPeet> ...*slow clap*
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<PeetPeet> Alright. You're in.
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