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<erysdren> hello
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<PetePete> Hi
<PetePete> I'm stupid tired but can't sleep
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<arraybolt3> erysdren, PetePete: I mean would FDE be that hard to implement? I think the Haiku kernel supports it already no?
<arraybolt3> if not then there would be some porting work to do, but if so it's just a matter of getting all the "glue" to work
<PetePete> Not sure
* arraybolt3 is highly experienced with glue
<PetePete> Glue. Love it
<arraybolt3> (in the technical sense, for instance tweaking FDE behavior for the Calamares installer and implementing an OEM installation mode for Lubuntu and a couple other Ubuntu flavors)
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<arraybolt3> so if FDE is something people here would find valuable, and I find time to hack on Haiku...
<arraybolt3> not saying it's going to happen, but I am saying I'd enjoy trying
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<PetePete> If enjoy buying you many beberse for it
<arraybolt3> I see there was an older attempt at it: so this may be more complicated than I thought
<arraybolt3> and it's a bit of a messy hybrid of licensing between TrueCrypt (who's license is objectively bad) and MIT.
<arraybolt3> is there any particular standard about what license Haiku is under?
<arraybolt3> is it something like "only BSD or permissively licensed code in the kernel"? Or are there GPL bits and therefore it's fine to integrate GPL stuff?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<Begasus> Hello erysdren
<erysdren> its been just over a year since i started frequenting this channel
<erysdren> i think may 2023 is when i got interested in haiku
<Begasus> happy anniversary! :)
<erysdren> i caused a kernel panic twice on my desktop trying rebuild networking in Rise of the Triad.... bleh....
<erysdren> though i think it was because of GDB.
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<Begasus> eeps, reported?
<Begasus> if it's reproducable I guess the devs would like to know about it
<erysdren> yeah, same thing each time
<erysdren> something to do with debuginfod downloads
<erysdren> when it got to a specific download the system would kpanic.
<erysdren> no idea why, i didnt write it down either. was just too annoyed
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> maybe next time if you try again :)
<MisthaLu> So eh...... if it's "forbidden" to access $_POST and $_GET directly... for example with: if (isset($_POST["somevariable"])) - then how do we unset a $_POST variable? We can't do unset($_POST["somevariable"]) - so what do we do?
<MisthaLu> what - do - we - doooo? ---- heeeeelp!!!
* Begasus has no clue
<MisthaLu> Whoops... wrong channel.
<MisthaLu> Thought I was in #php.. :D
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> happened to the me also :)
<erysdren> heh
<Begasus> progress :) -- Found minizip-ng (version "4.0.7")
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<Begasus> grabbing opencolorio2.3-2.3.2-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/opencolorio2.3-2.3.2-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> Thanks Fedora (again) :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2f0a07a - minizip-ng, new recipe (#10611)
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<Begasus> bugger ... needs another check
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0380a5d - minizip_ng, fix debug package, move /cmake to devel package (#10613)
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<coolcoder613> ChatGPT is... good
<Begasus> tss :P
<phschafft> always good to bake your children!
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<coolcoder613> See if you can find the mistake
<coolcoder613> *mistakesd
<coolcoder613> *mistakes
<Habbie> i don't see them
<Begasus> too much distraction :)
<FreeFull> Can I see the reference JSON for comaprison?
<FreeFull> comparison*
<FreeFull> Ok, I just typed the URL manually
<FreeFull> chatgpt wrote "a small greased pan" instead of just "small greased pan"
<FreeFull> Also 350°F instead of just 350°
<Habbie> which is not wrong
<Habbie> it certainly didn't want to be °C
<FreeFull> The bad part is that it failed to follow the example json properly
<Habbie> ah!
<FreeFull> Which can't be seen just from the screenshot, unless you manually type out the URL..
<Habbie> right, minor deviations there
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<Begasus> k, time to check latest OSL with latest OICO/OIIO/EXR and LLVM18 :)
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<Begasus> better :)
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<coolcoder613> Hi zard
<zard> Hello coolcoder613 :)
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<PeetPeet> Good morning, ye yeasty ill-nurtured harpies!
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* Begasus is looking up some English dictionary ...
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
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<PeetPeet> Hi BrunoSpr
<zard> Begasus: For context, the phrase is quite esoteric, filled with words that I (native speaker) only half-understand
<Begasus> I understood it zard :) kiddos typing skills :P
<Begasus> at least, most of it I understood :D
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<Begasus> ok, got around to all this openexr/opencolorio/openimageio/osl only to find out there is still a ticket at the bugtracker :P
<Begasus> maybe I should just push the ICU75 one :D
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<PeetPeet> I'm on a mission to gather all the e17 related stuff I can get my hands on
<Begasus> Should have some screenshots from Elive back then ... somewhere ... :)
<UW_Mill> i remember elive
<UW_Mill> thats another one i thought looked really good
<Begasus> yeah, was pretty nice, too bad the (I think) only developer stopped with it
<Begasus> iirc he lived in Belgium for a while :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli bf79bda - openexr: trigger rebuild with fixed GCC13
<Begasus> clean jamming ...
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<Begasus> k, exr translator isn't building it seem, probably missing some things then ...
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] robante15 cd8e6ed - moonlight_embedded: new recipe (#10595)
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<PeetPeet_> I wish it weren't such a life suck to release you own distro.
<nosycat> Would you like to?
<PeetPeet_> Yes, but not for glory or official release. I have other plans (kinda semi-private plans) and don't want to break eula of Linux Mint for example
<PeetPeet_> It's a gray area, I know.
<PeetPeet_> For now, it's not a big deal.
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<PeetPeet_> I have highly customized a distro and cloned it down to a 12GB drive layout. Compressed (with partclone) it's 2.9GB so that's nice.
<PeetPeet_> It would just be nice to have the option of installing it, rather than cloning it, so I could choose whether or not to use full disk encryption.
<nosycat> Good work!
<Begasus> build-feature packages unavailable on x86_64: openexr live555 (doesn't stop the build) but doesn't include the exr translator ...
<Begasus> afk
<nosycat> The most I've done was a little Debian spin once.
<nosycat> It was actually useful a couple of times.
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<PeetPeet_> It is extremely useful to have a custom os at your disposal
<nosycat> Yeah, but you need time, patience and a powerful machine.
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<PeetPeet_> nosycat: I have 2/3 :)
<nosycat> :D
<Begasus> build-feature packages unavailable on x86_64: live555
<Begasus> progress, thank korli! :)
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<Begasus> zard around?
<nosycat> Not recently.
<Begasus> wanted to know if it's possible to run jam on a specific translator or only on the translators
* zard waves
<Begasus> hoho :)
<zard> :D let me see
<nosycat> Oh, hi!
<Begasus> would be nice if jam could do something like "jam -l" to show the targets :)
<zard> Answer is `jam EXRTranslator`
<Begasus> k, checking, if something is wrong I should get an error :)
<Begasus> ../src/add-ons/translators/exr/IStreamWrapper.h:9:10: fatal error: ImfIO.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> gotcha!
<zard> You can list all jam targets with `jam -dm`. It's a *very* long list though, so you better have an idea of what you're looking for
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<Begasus> headers: $(developHeadersDir) $(developHeadersDir)/OpenEXR $(developHeadersDir)/Imath
<Begasus> got this in BuidFeatures (both mentioned headers are in there)
<Begasus> grep can be handy there zard :)
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* phschafft refills the cookie bowl before he needs to head out.
<Begasus> kudos phschafft :)
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<Begasus> Hi madmax :)
* madmax following your progress
<Begasus> halted atm :)
<Begasus> hmm ... got 2 of exr devel packages in download I think
<Begasus> nope, not that also
<Begasus> mind you, me first time trying this :)
<madmax> I guess given that you've changed the build feture name, you should also change it where used, like in src/add-ons/translators/exr/Jamfile
<madmax> or maybe just keep the feature name in BuildFeatures and just change the name of package and maybe files there
<Begasus> changing openexr to openexr in src/add-ons/translators/exr/jamfile doesn't fix it
<Begasus> openexr30*
<Begasus> there are some library name changes also in the packages, those are done in BuildFeatures
<madmax> Not even the header file? It would seem that part at least should
<Begasus> both developheader paths are in
<madmax> Maybe it's time I boot Haiku and try myself
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<Begasus> My diff atm:
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<Begasus> cleaner diff:
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> maybe I should just check this with the latest one I got here :)
<Begasus> but then upstream can't follow
<PeetPeet_> uw_mill: sup
<UW_Mill> yo
<PeetPeet_> My wife saw me playing with Haiku this morning and was like, "what interface is THAT?"
<PeetPeet_> She never cares what I'm doing on the computer. I guess it caught her eye
<nosycat> Good sign!
<madmax> you have it named openexr30 in BuildFeatures and then openexr32 in the translator jam, at least in the linked diff
<PeetPeet_> She uses Mint (for years)
<Begasus> ow lol, that was it madmax :P
<Begasus> deprecated and overloaded errors now :)
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<Begasus> first block of errors
<Begasus> due to -Werror I guess
<madmax> Unrelated to those errors: there are other places to update
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<madmax> src/data/package_infos/generic/haiku_datatranslators the name in that long ifdef, and I guess the library ersions below
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<madmax> build/jam/images/definitions/regular: that @openexr may also refer to it, though I don't know enough to be sure
<Begasus> that can be tricky as the library mentioned in there isn't in the 3.* packages
<madmax> I don't really know what it refers to, maybe it doesn't need to be changed
<Begasus> #else
<Begasus> lib:libilmimf_2_4
<Begasus> no such file in 3.*
<Begasus> guess those could be tackled once a build finishes there I guess
<Begasus> The library is now called libOpenEXR (instead of libIlmImf). No header files have been renamed, they retain the Imf prefix
<Begasus> shouldn't be to hard to switch once a build succeeded I think?
<madmax> I guess, yep, step by step
<Begasus> right
<Begasus> k, added diff and build error to the ticket
<madmax> translator builds for me with
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<x512[m]> Ubuntu 24.04 LTS probably means Long-Term Suffer. All Ethernet adapters suddenly disappeared, while it work fine in Haiku and Windows.
<x512[m]> I need some Linux to investigate Nvidia driver behavior.
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<Begasus> must be doing something wrong here madmax :/ ../src/add-ons/translators/exr/IStreamWrapper.h:22:17: error: extended character   is not valid in an identifier
<madmax> if you copy-pasted from the browser maybe it included some control character for colors or something. I once had that problem pasting from the bebook
<madmax> as a summary: the Int64 type has changed to uint64_t, and the Imath_3_0::Math<T>::something are deprecated in favour of (as there's already a using std in the file) powf, log, etc
<madmax> I also didsn't change the build feature name in BuildFeatures, so I didn't have to change it anywhere else
<Begasus> guess it's also some copy/paste thing, didn't change the other parts
<Begasus> Chmod1 objects/haiku/x86_64/release/add-ons/translators/exr/EXRTranslator got it :)
<Begasus> added updated patch with your changes madmax
<Begasus> now let's see what readelf has to say
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<Begasus> k, let's do a full build
<Begasus> but I guess this would need rework for 32bit?
<madmax> for x86 just adding the package to the repo list should do. For ggc2, though, there's no openexr3, so it just won't be built
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<Begasus> doesn't gcc2 use the source in src/add-ons/translators/exr then?
<madmax> as the build feature depends on package openexr30_devel, it won't be activated there
<madmax> it'd be possible to use v2 with conditionals, there are other places that do different things for gcc2
<PeetPeet_> Discord is pure scum
<Begasus> so no EXR translator on 32bit?
<PeetPeet_> Took me hours to finally get into a server
<Begasus> if that can be done here I think you should be good :)
<madmax> "new" 32bit would be no work, "gcc2" 32bit may be quite some. I don't know what is used.
<Begasus> haiku_datatranslators.hpkg: Creating the package ... almost there
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<UW_Mill> lmao whats wrong with discord
<Begasus> no EXR plugin in the image
<PeetPeet_> uw_mill: Discord is a bastard
<UW_Mill> ?
<PeetPeet_> Account required, cookies are a nightmare, interface is cluttered... I could go on
<UW_Mill> thats all personal preference ^-^
<PeetPeet_> sure is
<madmax> Probably one of the other references to the feature. As I didn't change its name, mine has it :-P
<madmax> It still says it requires lib:libilmimf_2_4>=24.0.0, as I didn't get to change that
<Begasus> just changed that to lib:libOpenEXR_3_0
<Begasus> and in build/jam/images/definitions/regular: EXRTranslator@openexr30
<madmax> For 32bits, the package is of the primary arch variety, so more work is needed
<Begasus> not sure if it works ...
<Begasus> as in you kept: ExtractBuildFeatureArchives openexr :?
<Begasus> got too much files open ... too much tabs ... :P
<madmax> yep, the first argument to ExtractBuildFeatureArchives is the feature name. Also kept it in EnableBuildFeatures and unavailableBuildFeatures
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<Begasus> k, would be the next check then
<madmax> and didn't touch the exr Jamfile
<Begasus> but not that much anymore, it's getting late(r) :)
<madmax> same for me, dinner time
<Begasus> 21PM
<madmax> CEST, Spain
<Begasus> got it in now :)
<Begasus> should be in the same timezone then madmax :)
<madmax> well now all is left is make v3 compile with gcc2 and test everything. You know, the easy stuff
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<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> for the record, tried it, no go with gcc2 :P
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<Begasus> k, let's try this with latest in the pipeline openexr3.2-3.2.4.recipe :)
<Begasus> is there a quick way to check if the translator actualy works?
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<Anarchos> hello
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<PeetPeet_> Okay, I got enlightenment WM working on Haiku. It's a but buggy but the drop shadows are amazing!
<PeetPeet_> (I hurt myself with my own lies)
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<Begasus> problem 1: nothing provides lib:libiex_3_0>=29.0.0 needed by libjxl-0.6.1-4
<Begasus> k, not for today :)
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps
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