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<dorje> I need help building Haiku from within Haiku x86_64
<dorje> I followed the instructions here:
<dorje> and I couldn't get it to build
<dorje> still can't get it to build
<dorje> I run ./configure in the haiku directory, and that works successfully
<dorje> then jam -q -j4 @nightly-anyboot
<dorje> it says gutenprint8 not available, but it is active in haikudepot
<augiedoggie> you can ignore that
<dorje> hi
<dorje> thank you
<augiedoggie> there is a patch waiting to be merged to fix that
<dorje> so it isn't a problem though?
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<augiedoggie> shouldn't be a problem, i see it all the time when i build(from linux)
<dorje> oh ok
<dorje> i'm building again rn to see the error messages
<dorje> ...failed updating 2 target(s)...
<dorje> ...skipped 7 target(s)...
<dorje> ...updated 1253 target(s)...
<dorje> ...failed Link generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/add-ons/kernel/bus_managers/ata/ata ...
<dorje> cannot find generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/add-ons/kernel/bus_managers/ata/ATATracing.o: No such file or directory
<augiedoggie> there is probably another error message further up
<dorje> I was looking
<dorje> couldn't find it
<dorje> the only file in that "ata" directory is: ATAChannel.o
<augiedoggie> you can paste the entire jam output to a pastebin site
<augiedoggie> or a github gits
<augiedoggie> gist
<augiedoggie> or something
<dorje> I just did a git pull in case there was an error in the tree, and it is up to date
<augiedoggie> checking on something...
<augiedoggie> my test build is still running, but, i think you need to delete the generated directory and `./configure --target-arch x86_64`
<dorje> oh
<dorje> i'll try that
<dorje> ok... jamming again
<dorje> i didn't ever specify arguments to the configure command
<dorje> so we shall see if that helps
<augiedoggie> did you delete the generated directory before running the configure again?
<dorje> yep, i did an open ., and then put it in the trash, and then emptied the t rash
<augiedoggie> i wonder if it's not happy because mawk isn't installed
<dorje> ok, i'll make sure I get t hat from haikudepot
<dorje> it's active
<augiedoggie> i had to install that one too, then i deleted generated, configured, jammed
<augiedoggie> still running for me
<dorje> I did a software update today and saw that Mawk was installed
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<augiedoggie> strange that it gives an error message about it when you start the build though
<dorje> same with gutenprint8 ...that's installed
<augiedoggie> are you on a nightly build of haiku? do you need to reboot after the update?
<dorje> no, i'm on beta4
<augiedoggie> ok
<dorje> i did a reboot, and a cold boot since the update
<augiedoggie> hm, i dunno, i did get similar errors to yours when i first started but after installing mawk and configuring it seems fine
<dorje> in haikudepot, I uninstalled mawk, and reinstalled it ...the jam still says it's not installed
<dorje> maybe I have a corrupt disk
<dorje> it's not an SSD or anything like that
<dorje> I have never been able to build Haiku ...I just started trying again today ...been a while
<augiedoggie> maybe i am still getting errors
<dorje> maybe I should install a nightly
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<augiedoggie> eh, i think this is a problem where it wants a 32 bit compiler installed
<augiedoggie> at least from the errors i'm getting, it's trying to compile the bios loader
<augiedoggie> i seem to recall this being a problem, but i never build full images within haiku
<dorje> I read something about the 32bit bios on the instructions
<augiedoggie> i have to run and do some other stuff but you can also ask on the forums
<dorje> but I couldn't find any reference to any files I should download to accomodate
<dorje> thanks for your time
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> ah right, buildtools needed to be rebuild ... :)
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
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<Begasus> H erysdren
<Begasus> k, build error on the buildtools
<Begasus> /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.3.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: ../libiberty/libiberty.a(hashtab.o): in function `htab_size':
<Begasus> hashtab.c:(.text+0x330): multiple definition of `htab_size'; /packages/zstd-1.5.6-1/.self/develop/lib/libiberty.a(hashtab.o):/sources/gdb-6.3/libiberty/./hashtab.c:229: first defined here
<Begasus> I know I've seen this before ...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 90e44ad - openimageio, revbump, bump some dependency packages (#10607)
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<BrunoSpr> Hi all, every time I update it makes me wonder why I cannot just type "rebbot" after the update!
<BrunoSpr> Very unconvinient!
<BrunoSpr> * reboot
<BrunoSpr> Or why is it not just: Type "restart -r" for reboot!
<BrunoSpr> Just asking!
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<Begasus> tss ... OpenEXR could not be found because dependency libdeflate could not be found.
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<Begasus> lol, first time I see this passing by: Try setting Nuke_ROOT ?
<madmax> BrunoSpr: it's shutdown -r, you may alias it to reboot in your shell profile, maybe even add a link in ~/config/non-packaged/bin to /bin/shutdown with reboot as a name
<Begasus> nice: lib:libopenexr_3_2 >=
<Begasus> Hi there madmax :)
<madmax> Hi, everyone
<Begasus> bugger, libVersionCompat for OCIO is wrong too ...
<madmax> the buildtools "solution" is just a guess, not at my Haiku machine now
<Begasus> buildtools "solution" madmax?
<Begasus> reported issue about it earlier today that it's broken here
<madmax> ticket 18918. Check what's giving you /system/develop/lib/liiberty.a (it seems it would be gdb), uninstall it and try again
<Begasus> ah, weird that I didn't receive an email on a reaction
<madmax> that's without having tried myself a recent build, so I may be off
<Begasus> it was gdb, uninstalled ... checking
<Begasus> seems to be OK now madmax, thanks! I'll report later if things build and image is created (could take some time)
<Begasus> maybe our package at haikuports could use an small update on that one?
<Begasus> deff progress :)
<Begasus> now I have to wait for it to finish before I can proceed with openexr/openimageio/opencolorio/osl :P
<madmax> I see dgb provides some devel: things, but I don't know what they are for, so can't say if they can be removed, or if they are still available after removing the static lib
<Begasus> trungnt is in the other channel, maybe he could know something more there, could add some info to the ticket
<Begasus> it's a static library, most of those end up in devel packages too
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<Begasus> on par again :) haiku_datatranslators.hpkg: Creating the package ...
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<Begasus> Golden catch madmax! (so little package that can cause this) :)
<madmax> glad to have guessed
<Begasus> I knew I had this before, and gdb was somehow involved, at least now I can find it back again when searching the issue tracker :)
<Begasus> ticket can be closed
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<Begasus> now what was I doing ...
<Begasus> this ... opencolorio2.3-2.3.2.recipe :)
<madmax> have fun
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<Begasus> jikes, this is wrong!! IMPORTED_LOCATION_NOCONFIG "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/lib/"
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* Begasus blames mmu_man :P
<Begasus> "/boot/lib/" ... almost
<Begasus> wondered how the headers got through, they don't :P "/boot/develop/headers"
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<Begasus> they still make a mess at pystring
<zard> Got a breakthrough in debugging MiniBrowser: `hey MiniBrowser let Handler 1 do 'loop'` makes MiniBrowser do what I believe it should do
<zard> Now it's just to make sure MiniBrowser sends the 'loop' message correctly by itself.
<Begasus> And make an announcement with MiniBrowser on the forum? ;)
<Begasus> Nice progress! :)
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<PeetPeet> Hola, Q pas?
<zard> Not yet :)
<PeetPeet> I gots me some fresh bread in ze oven.
<PeetPeet> Two loaves.
<Begasus> Hi PeetPeet
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<PeetPeet> "Hey Begleg" *in my best Hank Hill voice*
<Begasus> should push some small changes before I forget them :P
<PeetPeet> I need some small changes. I woke up wishing I had some.
<PeetPeet> Mornin' UW_Mill o/
<PeetPeet> Are you lining the pipes?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f8951b7 - pystring, bump version (#10608)
<Begasus> nope :) lining libs
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<botifico> [haiku/website] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/website] nielx 80f638f - Coding Guidelines: correct incorrect brace whitespace after class definition (#686)
<UW_Mill> im uh
<UW_Mill> trying to figure out how to query for the two "most recent" related child records
<UW_Mill> cant think of a good analogy for that
<UW_Mill> its more like banging the pipes together trying to get just the right sound out of them
<PeetPeet> Begasus: should I fire up my Haiku laptop and run updates?
<PeetPeet> Will it be everything I ever hoped for?
<Begasus> I'm not the one doing Haiku updates :)
<PeetPeet> hrmm
<Begasus> pystring won't solve any problems :P
<Begasus> well not for all
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<PeetPeet> I'll be the judge of that
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<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: bro, you left the laptop ram on the table.
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<PeetPeet> 8 mins to freshly baked bread. Seeth, cope and dilate at your earliest convenience.
<PeetPeet> seethe, even.
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<UW_Mill> omg please dont say dilate lmao
<UW_Mill> im trying to drink my coffee
<PeetPeet> Ze bread is out. The whole house smells amazing
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<PeetPeet> If I wint the lottery, bros... I'm donating heavily to my favorite projects, of which there aren't many (Haiku is one)
<nosycat> :)
<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: "/packaging/minizip_ng/lib/" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus> k, let's try something else :P
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<Begasus> nothing ...
<Begasus> will be for tomorrow
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<PeetPeet> UW_Mill: be sure to bring your umbrella and patio furniture in or cloe to the house and put away anything you don't want to lose. Also make sure you clear the drain paths and clean you gutters. It's going to flood, especially south.
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<UW_Mill> thankfully our house is a bit elevated compared to the immediate surrounding land
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<UW_Mill> anyone here know C#?
<UW_Mill> is there a c# channel lol
<phschafft> hint: it's not #c ;)
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<UW_Mill> ill check them out
<UW_Mill> in the meantime
<UW_Mill> anyone here know a lot about unicode?
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<Habbie> UW_Mill, i know a bit, maybe just ask your question :)
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<UW_Mill> document.write ("<thead style=\x22display:table-header-group\x22>");
<UW_Mill> vs code is showing an errer on the first quote escape
<UW_Mill> "\x22d" is showing red
<UW_Mill> as if the d character is interrupting it?
<UW_Mill> do you know why it would be doing that?
<UW_Mill> its doing it with a few other characters as well
<UW_Mill> f and b and e
<UW_Mill> idk if vscode is misidentifying these as errors
<UW_Mill> i cant find anything about it online
<Habbie> what language?
<UW_Mill> should be c++
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<Habbie> Hex escape sequence out of range
<Habbie> clangd agrees it's bad
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<UW_Mill> ive come to the conclusion that the client is boned
<UW_Mill> this issue is no quickbase's end
<UW_Mill> on
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<PeetPeet> erysdren: o/
<erysdren> howdy!
<PeetPeet> Short slf test on a pair of brand new 8TB WD Red Plus took days. Long test never completed after 10 days. I just gave up.
<erysdren> holy crap
<PeetPeet> I wonder why. I ersonalyl think it's the firmware.
<PeetPeet> personally*
<erysdren> i can do a ZFS scrub of huge drives in like, 15 minutes...
<erysdren> though i'm sure it's not the same processs
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<PeetPeet> They are silent, run very cool and are very fast.
<PeetPeet> erysdren: I think I'll fill them with data about a quarter of the way, then run ZFS scrubs and see where we're at.
<PeetPeet> I need to charge my Haiku laptop.
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<PeetPeet> Alright friends, if you won the lottery tomorrow, what open source project, past or present, would you pay to have done, done right, revived, expedited, customized, forked, or completed? You can spend millions on this project. GO!
<PeetPeet> Oh! Or killed!
<PeetPeet> haha
<FreeFull> Servo
<FreeFull> But Haiku would be good to invest into too
<erysdren> hmm
<erysdren> well Haiku is my favorite one to tinker with right now
<erysdren> i think it could actually benefit people to have a third, user-focused option away from Windows and Linux
<erysdren> not that linux is bad, i use it every day, but it's simply not friendly to average computer users
<erysdren> haiku *could* be
<erysdren> thats just me being idealistic though
<PeetPeet> If my pick were Haiku, the massive donation would be conditional: Priritize full disk encryption.
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<PeetPeet> prioritize* (my keyboard super sucks)
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<erysdren> sure, i'd agree with that
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<erysdren> i think average computer users should be more concerned about privacy. but that's neither here nor there
<erysdren> my father for example is super lax about everything, always says "i'm not doing anything weird so i don't care if they spy on me"
<erysdren> i just hate that outlook
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<PeetPeet> It's just a weird perspective. Privacy is important for so many other reasons.
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<cynic[m]> maybe if people on Earth did more weird things they wouldn't be stuck in this pathetic state of mediocrity
<PeetPeet> So... I have too many projects to list but the top of my list is e17. That Moksha fork is aaaalmost good but I would pay absurd amounts to get it all back.
<PeetPeet> cynic[m]: I mean if it can be imagined, humans do it. The masses however... they are brain dead. Not a thouht in their minds wasn't put there by some mainstream influence (culture, media, whatever)
<PeetPeet> It's no wonder world governments take so many liberties... they and many other powerful people/orgs know they can get away with whatever because of the human condition.
<cynic[m]> "authoritative sources"
<PeetPeet> "The more you spend, the more you save!"
<PeetPeet> I love that one. hahahaha
<cynic[m]> war is peace
<cynic[m]> liberation is subjugation
<PeetPeet> *it's all so tiresome face*
<PeetPeet> whew, lads... I am too old to be doing landscaping. My back is killing me.
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<erysdren> so many petes
<phschafft> :)
<Habbie> erysdren, /whois me :D
<PeetPeet> Yeah, I have machines all over the house
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<phschafft> system updates. see you on the other side! (may take a little longer as we move between servers :)
<erysdren> cya
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<PeetPeet> Someone gave him the phschafft!
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<erysdren> :3
<coolcoder613> Hi PeetPeet
<coolcoder613> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> hi
<PetePetePete> coolcoder613
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