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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] owenca aab165d - Add recipe for haiku-format 18.1.7 (#10573)
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<Begasus> llvm18.1.7 build launched on 32bit ...
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] cmeerw c970db0 - updated luajit to 2.1.1716656478 (#10577)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57755] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9c29972eca55 - Update translations from Pootle
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<jmairboeck> Does anyone have any last minute concerns about moving perl away from gcc2 to have only one perl version on x86? (i.e. merge Otherwise I'll do that now.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck f7bfb6e - perl: drop gcc2, making perl_x86 the default (#9439)
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<jmairboeck> phew: I thought I messed up because SoftwareUpdater complained that the writeable_files directory [...]/lib/x86/perl5/[...] doesn't exist any more, which is true. But I think this problem should concern only me (and maybe other haikuports contributors who tested my changes), because I had a locally built version of perl_x86-5.32.1-2 installed before with the different paths.
<jmairboeck> The fix was to move the lib/x86/perl5 directory inside writable_files to lib/perl5, so essentially one level up, prior to the update, and then it succeeeded
<jmairboeck> I just saw that the contents of the in there is still wrong, so maybe better just delete that instead
<Begasus> thanks there jmairboeck!
<jmairboeck> I started fixing up the rest of perl now, starting with korli's texinfo PR ...
<Begasus> yeah, just saw the email, reduces some open PR's +1 :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c6b5654 - miniupnpc, bump version (#10578)
<Begasus> checked that one with ppsspp :)
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<Begasus> CLion still launches :)
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<jmairboeck> I just pushed a commit to a foreign fork for the first time (korli's texinfo one)
<Begasus> +1 :)
<Begasus> hm miniupnpc failed on 32bit primary, maybe disable that (so far haven't seen any usage there)
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<jmairboeck> texinfo-7 would be broken otherwise I think, because there is no lib:libperl_x86 any more
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<Begasus> just saw that :)
<Begasus> always good to keep an eye on those
<jmairboeck> yeah, I already checked before what uses any perl$secondaryArchSuffix thing, I'm going to fix them now
<Begasus> nice!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus efc3312 - miniupnpc, disable gcc2 build (#10579)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 84cd34b - luv, bump version (#10580)
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<Begasus> looks like we need to keep older lpeg around for vis Habbie
<Begasus> saves an update on that one then :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 2a9a9a0 - lpeg, bump version (#10581)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c63be02 - fennel, bump version (#10582)
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<scanty> good afternoon everyone!
<nosycat> Hello!
<scanty> *meow*
<Begasus> meep
<scanty> hi Begasus! What are you working on now?
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<Begasus> lua :)
<scanty> ah cool
<phschafft> lua can be fun.
<scanty> never touched the stuff.
<Begasus> as much as python stuf phschafft :P
<scanty> never touched python either.
<Begasus> neither did I, only for packaging ;)
<phschafft> I'm more a fan of fluffy fur. ;)
<Begasus> not that rust(y) then ;)
<Begasus> ow scanty, and launched a build for llvm18.1.7 on 32bit this morning :)
<Begasus> not even half-way there
<scanty> cool
<scanty> are we eventually going to move to clang?
<scanty> i'm not complaining, current gcc is great.
<Begasus> not if I can help it, I'm fine with gcc :)
<scanty> yeah, it supports c++17, which is great for my needs
<Begasus> but was looking into something else and that needed >= 18.1.4
<scanty> wow, we're only up to 13.2 or something like that.
<nosycat> Nah, that's clang.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> right llvm >= 18.1.4
<nosycat> Guess they just release more often.
<Begasus> gcc14 is out, maybe should poke nielx[m] for that ;)
<scanty> well, i am aware of a blocker on 32-bit dealing with gcc and exceptions.
<Begasus> already know the pachtset doesn't apply nielx[m] :P
<scanty> perhaps a newer gcc would fix that.
<Begasus> not sure there, but I'm not in the release team :P
<Begasus> still no fan of the gentoo ebuilds
<scanty> gentoo is whacky.
<scanty> you have to do everyhting yourself
<scanty> everything*
<Begasus> nah, got some nice templates here already, and Arch ones are pretty good (read-able) :)
<Begasus> luarocks make --pack-binary-rock --deps-mode none
<Begasus> at least something that makes sense ;)
<scanty> last time i tried gentoo was many years ago on a Sun machine. it took a few days to compile everything.
<Begasus> luarocks --tree /boot/home/destdir/ install --deps-mode none --no-manifest luacheck-dev-1.all.rock (nice if things work) :D
<Begasus> never used luarocks like that
<scanty> never even heard of luarocks.
<scanty> hm, interesting.
<scanty> nice
<scanty> i might release an alpha of my nes emulator... not sure i want to before we revamp the video code.
<Begasus> you could package it and do an announcement at the forum?
<scanty> yeah, perhaps.
* phschafft waves to erysdren.
<erysdren> howdy!
<phschafft> all good?
<scanty> it's just not full of features yet, which is why i might want to wait.
<erysdren> yeah im chillin
<Begasus> sure, no pressure scanty, we all got plenty to play around with ;)
<scanty> :-)
<phschafft> :)
<jmairboeck> Begasus: irssi is done. It was a bit more work than expected to get it done "properly", i.e. put everything where it is supposed to be.
<jmairboeck> I created a PR because I'm not sure about the devel stuff. Maybe we should just remove it instead ...
<Begasus> only contains headers jmairboeck?
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<jmairboeck> and a pkgconfig file which refers to some libraries, but I'm not sure if trying to use those would actually work
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<jmairboeck> the only libraries it contains are "modules" in a subdirectory of $libDir and the perl stuff
<Begasus> checking a build atm
<jmairboeck> I disabled building the static ones also, which seems are referred to in the pkgconfig file
<jmairboeck> haikuporter didn't complain about them because prepareInstalledDevelLibs wasn't used. That wouldn't work here, because the libraries are in a subdirectory and not directly in $libDir. They also don't have an so-version because they are probably loaded dynamically and not linked to.
<Begasus> nothing fancy showing up with pkg-config
<Begasus> ~> pkg-config irssi-1 --libs
<Begasus> -L/packages/glib2-2.78.0-1/.self/develop/lib -lglib-2.0 -lintl
<jmairboeck> openSUSE has a devel subpackage, also with just the headers and pkg-config file:
<Begasus> not sure this is correct "-I/packages/irssi-1.4.5-2/.self/develop/headers"
<Begasus> but one would only know if something is looking for those headers
<jmairboeck> yes that looks fine
<Begasus> headers are installed in subdir
<jmairboeck> ah, yes, that you mean, sorry
<jmairboeck> can I merge it like this anyway, or what are your thoughts?
<Begasus> required by irssi-xmpp :) (so I guess that would use the headers)
<Begasus> should be good for now, nothing is using them, and not needed for anything else
<jmairboeck> ok then :)
<Begasus> now you got me sidetracked :P
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck d50f573 - irssi: perl fixes and cleanup (#10585)
<jmairboeck> sorry Begasus!
<Begasus> 2017 ... :)
<Begasus> np :)
<Begasus> had been cleaning up my wip dir for new stuff :D
<Begasus> module.h:3:10: fatal error: irssi-config.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> 3 | #include "irssi-config.h"
<Begasus> :P
<jmairboeck> I didn't actually test it much besides starting it in Terminal
<jmairboeck> I haven't tried using the headers
<Begasus> tsss ... cc -fPIC -DUOFF_T_LONG -I../../src/core -I/usr/local/include/irssi -I/usr/local/include/irssi/src -I/usr/local/include/irssi/src/core -I/usr/local/include/irssi/src/fe-common/core -I/usr/local/include/irssi/src/fe-text `pkg-config --cfla
<jmairboeck> these paths look wrong :P
<Begasus> a tad yes ;) buggers
<Begasus> after that: /system/develop/headers/irssi//src/common.h:39:10: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory
<Begasus> just nuke it ... :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 8986ed4 - lilypond: fix perl reference
<jmairboeck> ah, I should have added the devel: entries from BUILD_REQUIRES to REQUIRES_devel ...
<Begasus> this is in Terminal, so shouldn't matter there?
<jmairboeck> yeah, but you would have gotten glib_devel automatically when installing irssi_devel
<Begasus> probably could be done, but not worth investigating further
<Begasus> yeah, but like we are mostly doing some building, those are default installed :)
<jmairboeck> you can also add it to BUILD_REQUIRES of downstream packages, that's true
<Begasus> fbrosson used to hammer on those (to add them in REQUIRES_devel) :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck f5caeb7 - haikuwebkit: fix perl reference
<jmairboeck> my first commit to haikuwebkit :P
<Begasus> can we have frozen-bubbles now on 32bit? (ducks)
<jmairboeck> I will try, but I can't guarantee it ...
<jmairboeck> but first I have a bit more cleanup to do
<Begasus> sure, no hurry (haven't played it in a long time)
<jmairboeck> me neither ... should do that more often :)
<Begasus> got knetwalk up and running for those moments now :)
<scanty> what's knetwalk?
<Begasus> tss :)
<nosycat> It's a "pipes" type game where you have to connect computers to a network.
<scanty> ah, cute.
<nosycat> Pretty good take on the concept.
<Begasus> yeah, fills the gaps :)
<Begasus> 3060/5107 ... maybe when the weekend is over :)
<jmairboeck> why do we have two versions of fs-uae? (3.0.5 and 3.1.66)
<Begasus> beats me, same goes for luafilesystem, 4 in there
<Begasus> 3*
<scanty> Begasus, do you develop on beta4, or do you work on nightlies?
<phschafft> fun, (ref: knetwalk)
<Begasus> beta scanty (building packages), not a developer remember :)
<scanty> Begasus, right. gotcha. i work on beta4, too.
<Begasus> sometimes build a Haiku image to check things in qemu
<scanty> ok, just checking ;^)
<Begasus> np, R1B4 for the packages so I know I'm on par* with the builders
<scanty> right. i think there's only one blocker for beta5, but i might be wrong.
<Begasus> as far as I know too, but not that involved there
<scanty> same.
<scanty> i didn't study cs, so i'm not the best programmer.
<scanty> more of a hobby for me lately.
<phschafft> I have seen some who did and who I wouldn't let touch a computer.
<phschafft> it's not about what you got taught, it's about what you learned.
<Begasus> +1 there
<Begasus> tried the programming lessons, I keep being stuck on lesson1 :P
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 543af0b - knetwalk, add recipe for gear24 (#10586)
<scanty> i took an assembly course in college, that was fun.
<Begasus> k, let's see how this goes, first KF6 app/game :)
<nosycat> Good luck! See you!
<Begasus> mind you, it's using the KF6 frameworks, so prepare to have some additional downloads for that
<scanty> good luck!
<Begasus> well, I know it already runs fine, only needs to be build on buildmasters ;)
<scanty> ah i see.
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<Begasus> install package knetwalk24-24.05.0-1 from repository HaikuPorts :)
<Begasus> ow bugger, still installed in submenu :P
<scanty> Begasus, no pressure... how about a new KMail with KF6?
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> no go there scanty, needs qtwebengine
<scanty> i see.
<Begasus> scanty, did you try launching that one from Terminal?
<Begasus> was thinking the other day, maybe misses dbus-launch
<Begasus> that and akonadi is tightly linked to dbus it seems too
<phschafft> I'm currently fighting a bit with names for operators.
<Begasus> AND/OR ...?
<phschafft> yes, basically.
<Begasus> like me sometimes with || and && :)
<scanty> let me see.
<scanty> i don't have kmail installed anymore.
<phschafft> the problem I fight with is the mode of operation based on the provided or forced type.
<scanty> i tried your packages the other day, but they didn't work.
<phschafft> hm.
<Begasus> (don't go looking into the openssl dir, curl is broken for WebP there)
<scanty> need lib:libkpim5mailcommon>=5.24.5 needed by kmail-23.08.5-1
<Begasus> in the second link
<Begasus> pimcommon
<scanty> I dont' see it
<Begasus> err .. mailcommon :)
<scanty> i have mailcommon
<scanty> but it still complains
<scanty> pkg manager
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/kde-apps/mailcommon/mailcommon-23.08.5.recipe:20: lib:libKPim5MailCommon$secondaryArchSuffix = $libVersionCompat
<Begasus> should be in there, got it installed? ;)
<scanty> i see mailcommon-23.08.5-1-x86_64.hpkg
<scanty> but not likpim..
<scanty> libkpim*
<Begasus> in /system/packages?
<scanty> on my machine>?
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<Begasus> yeah, kmail can't find it if it isn't installed
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<scanty> /boot/system/packages/administrative/state_2024-03-13_10:58:22
<scanty> mailcommon is in there
<scanty> but not the version the package is asking for.
<phschafft> Begasus: I think you solved my problem for now. ;)
<phschafft> thank you.
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<Begasus> I did phschafft?
<phschafft> yes you did. :)
<Anarchos> hello
* phschafft waves to Anarchos.
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos!
<Begasus> at least something good then phschafft :P
<scanty> Begasus:
<Begasus> need mailimporter too ...
<Begasus> checking scanty
<Begasus> could take some time in qemu :)
<scanty> ok, thanks :)
<Anarchos> Begasus thanks for your comment on my blog post :)
<Begasus> works here scanty
<Begasus> but fails to launch: runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /boot/system/lib/ No such file or directory
<scanty> weird.
<Begasus> just grabbed those 3 packages from the testdrive*
<Begasus> ps, needs gpgme_qt5
<scanty> I have five packages here from your repo.
<scanty> account_wizard, kmail, libksieve,mailcommon and mailimporter
<Begasus> yes
<scanty> still same problem
<scanty> hmm seems OK now
<scanty> let's see if i can launch it.
<scanty> installing libqgpgme
<phschafft> Begasus: so, there is now a new tool 'bool' that force-casts to bool ;)
<scanty> Begasus, still segfualts, nothing written to terminal
<Begasus> lost me again phschafft :D
<Begasus> weird
<scanty> looks like it works for you, but just segfaults here
<scanty> no idea why, as i said, nothing is written to terminal
<Begasus> yeah, and that's a pretty clean image
<Begasus> so no leftovers from local install
<Begasus> well, I didn't pull in the package for ksieve, that should be in the depot already
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<Begasus> k, food and tele
<Begasus> bbl (maybe) :)
<scanty> too bad i can't get kmail working :-(
<phschafft> Begasus: working on SIRTX again. adding a filter that casts to bool allows to limit the type in a way that makes boolean operations unambiguous.
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<scanty> going to lay down for a while, bbl.
<phschafft> nachti scanty :)
<Habbie> Begasus, hmm, then we have two lpegs? that sounds suboptimal
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-2/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck 0780a1c - fs-uae: cleanup, fix 32 bit build
<jmairboeck> I took the liberty to remove the old version of fs-uae
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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