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<HaikuUser2> media plaer is no longer as efficient as before, can't watch a 720 video wihtou skiping anmore (being a while i did not use m laptop)
<HaikuUser2> same with VLC, and QMPLAY2 close when sent in full screen.
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<HaikuUser2> wtf
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<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) HaikuUser2: If you go into Preferences > Screen... what is the name of the video driver under the words "Display Info" and above the thumbnail of the screen workplace? if you see the words "Framebuffer Driver", then that explains it! Your first task is to write yourselve a new display driver to suit your graphics card.
<PulkoMandy> The framebuffer driver is not slower than the other ones. The only limitation is you can't change video modes. The otqer drivers provide no acceleration at all
<B2IA> (UnrealNeil) PulkoMandy: and there one thing that I learnt today! many thanks.
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<PriyanshuGupta[m]> PulkoMandy: can u review my work regarding read cache in xfs driver
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> i have completed the work
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> there
<PulkoMandy> I will not have a lot of time available for Haiku this month unfortunately. I will try having a look during lunchbreaks at work this week, if things are quiet enough there that I can have hroper lunchbreaks
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> okay
<PriyanshuGupta[m]> np here :)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<phschafft> mau
<Begasus> whoof
<Begasus> ;)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 0c5c598 - Telegram: bump version
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<NaGERST> howdy friends
<NaGERST> I have a tiny problem. None of my AMD gpu systems will boot at all. and i can not boot in vesa mode. Nvidia on the same machines works just fine 750GTX and 980Ti. But on the 6670XT and the 6950XT it either goes black or gets to the first icon but stays gray.
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<phschafft> currently thinking a bit on how to reduce the memory pawprint of some operations.
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* coolcoder613 waves to phschafft
<phschafft> Good evening coolcoder613 :)
<coolcoder613> I didn't know you maintained icecast
<phschafft> oh. seems I do.
<coolcoder613> I don't think I even knew icecast existed
<phschafft> hm.
<coolcoder613> Anyway, I was looking at the website and i saw a familiar name
<coolcoder613> (phschafft)
<phschafft> that's me! ;)
<coolcoder613> I was looking for BeOS audio software....
<phschafft> I guess there is more in there with my pawprints on it.
<coolcoder613> It records large wav files, and I wanted to transcode them to mp3
<phschafft> don't go for mp3.
<coolcoder613> Why not?
<phschafft> we had like 40 years of digital audio evolution since then?
<phschafft> it's like copy your tapes to cheap tapes.
<coolcoder613> It's a lot smaller
<coolcoder613> And they *are* cheap tapes
<phschafft> and it's twice the size of what a modern codec can do at the same quality.
<coolcoder613> They are voice recordings
<coolcoder613> And I'm recording from BeOS
<phschafft> to perserve it use FLAC, for just keeping a copy around for listening use Opus.
<coolcoder613> I'm anyway getting not great quality
<phschafft> so because quality is bad already you go with the worst option so it degenerates the maximum amount?
<phschafft> please make sure you select the 24kbit/s option for MP3 then!
<phschafft> or you go with 64kbit/s Opus and get CD quality.
<coolcoder613> Qaulity is so bad that I don't really care, as long as I can make out the owrds
<phschafft> my point here is that there is not a single advantage in MP3 over any other codec.
<coolcoder613> One word. BeOS.
<phschafft> it is the worst options in all areas.
<coolcoder613> Also old mp3 players/car thingies
<coolcoder613> I only have one computer with audio in, and that runs BeOS
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<Begasus> re
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus eb9ecae - qtkeychain_qt6, bump version (#10562)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly e5ab3ef - openssl3: new recipe
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<Habbie> i haven't used haiku in 18 months, i forget everything. how do i reboot from the terminal? :>
<Habbie> (i clicked now)
<Begasus> shutdown -r ?
<Habbie> right. i tried reboot, halt and poweroff, but not that one i think :D
<Habbie> yeah
<Begasus> wasn't sure (it's a good thing if you don't need it) :)
<Habbie> :)
<Habbie> ok, this is the right haiku install, it has a script '' which crashes/reboots the machine by building haiku over and over again ;)
<Habbie> hrev56578
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy a21829d - ca_root_certificates: update to latest version
<Habbie> (+70)
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: will you be able to test some custom builds for that rwlock problem maybe later this week?
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: also, if it happens on 32-bit, that may make debugging a bit easier
<Habbie> waddlesplash, i'm currently waiting for 56578 (march 2023) to crash
<waddlesplash> ok
<Habbie> i thought it crashed but it was the screensaver
<Habbie> is there a command that inhibits screen sleep temporarily?
<Habbie> playing video perhaps?
<PulkoMandy> MediaPlayer andShowImage can do this, yes. Or you can also configure various things in screensaver preferences (disable it completely or set an active corner and leave your mouse in that corner)
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<Habbie> oh corner, thanks, that's perfect
<Habbie> why did i not think of that
<Habbie> there's a red 'forbidden' sign on the corner config in ScreenSaver
<Habbie> ha, it rebooted
<Habbie> going to upgrade now
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<Habbie> waddlesplash, just checking, is pkgman add$(getarch)/current the one i want?
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<Begasus> Habbie, for switching to nightlies?
<Habbie> yeah, i want 57753
<Begasus> and on beta now?
<Habbie> yeah b4
<Begasus> that should do the trick :)
<Habbie> ack
<Habbie> i used the simple 'add' instead, which asks if it should replace the old one
<Habbie> simple enough
<Begasus> mind you, switching back isn't always with success :)
<Habbie> that's fine
<Habbie> nothing to lose here
<Begasus> +1
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<Habbie> upgrade package tio-2.5-1 to 2.5-1
<Habbie> i guess because i switched repos :)
<Habbie> ok, getting 57754, perfect
<Habbie> Walter (x86_64) - what's Walter?
<Begasus> A fish? :)
<Habbie> i doubt that :D
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<Begasus> This one?
<Habbie> yes, in About
<Habbie> although i use the replicant, but that's besides the point
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<Begasus> yeah, haven't put those up in the qemu images
<nosycat> Looks like a release code name.
<Begasus> nah, it's an oldie :)
<PulkoMandy> It was (jokingly) one of the suggested names before "Haiku" was chosen
<Habbie> ah
<Habbie> to be clear, i'm not even sure what my previous non-nightly said
<PulkoMandy> As a result, the conference where the new name was announced was named WalterCon, there were Walter T-Shirts and everything
<Begasus> iirc it switched here when I ran a full-sync
<bbjimmy> waddlesplash I do not have a 32bit install. maybe I can boot from a sub stick.
<PulkoMandy> It's used when you don't configure haiku in "official release" mode. There's also another mode where the haiku branding is completely removed and you get a Walter logo instead
<PulkoMandy> Recently I have also printed some Walter stickers :)
<bbjimmy> The issue is not easy to re-produce.
<phschafft> (for anyone interested, new batch of updates to the SIRTX website: )
<Begasus> or like me, get a hrev-* dirty :)
<Habbie> PulkoMandy, got it, thanks :)
<scanty> I don't know if this message got through, as I am having problems with Vision staying connected.
<scanty> does anyone know how many blockers there are for beta 5
<nosycat> Not really. There was a thread about it on the forum a while ago.
<nosycat> Fewer of them than before.
<scanty> well, that's good :-)
<scanty> hrm, just one... seems like they're moving in the right direction... a new beta would be great considering all the changes that have occurred since beta4
<scanty> changing gears for a mintue, has anyone had any success with Trojita mail client? Inbound seems to work OK, but outbond throws an error... if anyone can help me, i would kindly appreciate it.
<PulkoMandy> Yes, the beta release is late, as usual :( but we're working on it
<scanty> oh PulkoMandy, i forgot to tell you, i got the BPushGameSound working in my emulator, thanks for the help :-)
<scanty> I might release a beta since we have to rewrite a portion of the video code, and it will probably take a while.
<scanty> if there's enogh interest, of course.
<scanty> enough*
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<PulkoMandy> Good to know you got it working eventually :)
<scanty> thanks. Once I figured out the semantics, it was pretty easy.
<scanty> much simpler than the MediaKit code I was using
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<Begasus> Maybe some interest in Kiten? ;)
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* phschafft likes more big cats. ;)
<nosycat> Meow?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to openssl3 [+0/-0/±8]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy c4ae7c5 - Enable Openssl3, bump recipes that depend on it and are used by Haiku
<botifico> [haikuports] pulkomandy created branch openssl3 -
<Begasus> afk for a bit
<scanty> seeya!
<nosycat> o/
<scanty> anyone having any problems with Vision where it seemingly just stops responding to IRC traffic?
* phschafft offers nosycat a cookie.
<scanty> I have to periodically restart it, and it's getting old.
* nosycat turns into kitten.exe?
<nosycat> I don't use it, but it sounds like what happens to my MUD client on Linux.
<scanty> it's really strange.
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<nosycat> The culprit might not be where you're looking.
<scanty> other than this problem, my connection is rock solid.
<nosycat> Keep in mind that nowadays most apps use HTTP.
<scanty> vision threads are still alive, but i don't get traffic.
<nosycat> Indeed.
<Molnija> grombly grimblo
<erysdren> howdy people
<nosycat> Hi there!
<scanty> hello erysdren
<scanty> erysdren, is your nick backwards?
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<erysdren> is it?
<erysdren> its supposed to be erysdren :P
<scanty> i dunno, i read it backwards and it looks like nerdsyre
<scanty> so i was just curious.
<scanty> anyways, errands. be back later :-)
<nosycat> Take care!
<scanty> thanks, you as well. *meow*
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<Habbie> waddlesplash, .. what if you fixed the cause of the double fault meanwhile as well?
<waddlesplash> Habbie: I doubt it
<waddlesplash> but it's possible I suppose
<Habbie> ok
<waddlesplash> you can try with a build just before the fix and see what happens
<Habbie> makes sense
<Habbie> i'm going to wait a while first, it's been 3.5 hours, i do recall it sometimes surviving longer
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<Habbie> oh
<Habbie> it just died
<Habbie> 6 icons are colouring up one by one
<Habbie> so it rebooted
<Habbie> should i have enabled anything to get KDL instead of a reboot? any chance there are logs this time?
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<Habbie> nothing of interest in /var/log it seems
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps!
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<scanty> how do I get BeMail/Email to not load on startup? I have a mailbox in my deskbar that I want to go away.
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<scanty> nevermind, figured it out :)
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