ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
Begasus has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
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<HaikuUser> hi
<coolcoder613_> hi
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<B2IA> (SavoryBear) Hello?
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<HaikuUser> Test
<scantysnax> pass!
<HaikuUser> Is Vision generally the main Haiku IRC app?
<scantysnax> probably.
<HaikuUser> Should Haiku have a swap partition?
<scantysnax> no.
<HaikuUser> Okay so just the one partition formating in the Be file format?
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<scantysnax> wow.
<HaikuUser> What just happened there?
<HaikuUser> Something exploded...
<HaikuUser> That was probably just one of the servers getting hit by a Russian nuke...
<scantysnax> just a netsplit perhaps.
<scantysnax> all the ipv6 connections down.
<scantysnax> is what it looks like.
<HaikuUser> Oh... true... those are all ipv6 addresses
<HaikuUser> So.. just one partition in the Be file format should be good then?
<augiedoggie_> yes, unless you need to boot with EFI
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<HaikuUser> Is there a particular reason that trying to stream YT in MediaPlayer would throw an error "out of memory"
<HaikuUser> VLC also fails and gives a diffrent error.
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<AlienSoldier> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Iex_2_4::InputExc'
<AlienSoldier> /boot/system/apps/NetSurf
<AlienSoldier> Abort
<AlienSoldier> what(): File is not an image file.
<AlienSoldier> Kill Thread
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<shaka444[m]> I'm confused.. What should be considered the official or main chat for Haiku- Here in Matrix or IRC?
<IIsi> Seems to be diversified, to suit different preferences.
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<shaka444[m]> These things ususally flow naturally and land on one or two places.. I was just wondering where I should steer new users.
<SamuraiCrow> IRC works on everything. Even Haiku. :-p
<B2IA> (Shaka) Steer them to BeShare! :-)
<shaka444[m]> Yes IRC does have that advantage
<shaka444[m]> Hey SavoryBear you can make making an IRC to BeShare your first project ;-)
<HaikuUser> Oh look I'm here... but what about the matrix channel
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<cynic[m]> <HaikuUser> "Oh look I'm here... but what..." <- working just fine
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<HaikuUser> How do I change my name on Vision?
erysdren has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
<bbjimmy> HaikuUser /help nick
HaikuUser is now known as SavoryBear
<SavoryBear> :)
<SavoryBear> Good... very good...
<SavoryBear> note: /help doesn't output anything
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<bbjimmy> under network setup you can set a perferred nick.
<SavoryBear> @bbjimmy interesting...
<bbjimmy> more vision info
<SavoryBear> Oh... now I am figuring out that window more... eee... definately not an intuitve interface.
<SavoryBear> The name change is enough, for now anyways.
<SavoryBear> The majority look like they actually are not matrix users, but other IRC users.
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) So does anyone actually live in here?
<SavoryBear> Oh so that makes its way into the IRC also from BeShare...
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) And vise versa...
WahidShaikh[m] has joined #haiku
<SavoryBear> Do matrix chats also make their way into BeShare?
<SavoryBear> Welcome @WahidShaikh
<B2IA> (bbjimmy_64) as far as I know, only #hsiku is repeated in beshaer on
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) @bbjimmy_64 I guess, I would have to see a matrix user post in the IRC to know if it makes it here.
<bbjimmy> If matrix is an irc client then yes as long as the post is in OFTC #haiku
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) That makes sense.
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) You mean to tell me I can share files here in BeShare?
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) Like just pop it over into the share folder and bamo!?
<B2IA> (bbjimmy_64) yes
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) :O
<cynic[m]> This bot is no good, the color it uses.
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) Amazing...
<cynic[m]> the bridge bot
OrangeBomb has quit [Quit: Slacking off]
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<arraybolt3> TIL Haiku is self-cloning. Didn't know the installer could do that.
<Begasus> That can be hand at times
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<nielx[m]> Morning. Going to update discuss to 3.2.2 (bugfix release)
<coolcoder613_> Why is the forum readonly?
<nielx[m]> It is literally one message above
<coolcoder613_> I'm using a bouncer, so you didn't see that I just rejoined
<nielx[m]> And it's back, all good in the logs, but let me know if something seems to be not working.
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 6d3c23f - Discourse: deploy 3.2.2
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<Begasus> re
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<Begasus> anyone able to run Blender atm on 64bit?
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<Begasus> k, blender3 is still good on 64bit, blender (2*) is broken due to no opensubdiv and openimageio for that version
<nosycat> Hey, Begasus. Sorry, can't help with any of that.
<Begasus> np, on it :)
<Begasus> PR for those 2 files, we only need to have the libraries, no need to revive the devel package
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<nosycat> Good luck!
<Begasus> checked it out, that's working :)
<Begasus> only leave it for a bit in case for some comments
<Begasus> biab ... doggies :)
<nosycat> Good work! Have fun!
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<Begasus> they are easaly pleased :)
<nosycat> <3
<Begasus> really not in the mood to fix blender 2.*, got plenty of old deps around in there :/
<nosycat> Whole other set of libraries?
<nielx[m]> FYI: Going to update HaikuDepotServer in 5 minutes
<scantysnax> how will we know what's new?
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<nielx[m]> scantysnax: i'd check the commit log
<scantysnax> ah, thanks nielx[m]
<nielx[m]> Backup complete, deploying new image
<nosycat> Fingers crossed.
<nielx[m]> Initial deployment failed, looking into details
<nielx[m]> Correcting configuration, retrying
<nielx[m]> And we're back!
<Begasus> wb :)
<nosycat> Woo!
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] nielx 56435fb - HaikuDepotServer: deploy 1.0.161
<scantysnax> hooray!
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<Anarchos> hello
<nosycat> Hi there!
<Anarchos> nosycat hello
<nosycat> How are you?
<Anarchos> tired.
<Anarchos> nosycat and a bit freightened by my work tomorrow cause i can't finish my task in time
<nosycat> Good luck!
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<scanty> good afternoon.
<Anarchos> scanty thanks
<scanty> :)
<scanty> also secretly testing my IRC traffic.
<scanty> bnc not behaving lately.
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<SavoryBear> How do I join with the same nick each time?
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<B2IA> (SavoryBear) Check the query and see if you can look up
<B2IA> (SavoryBear) I am curios if the shared folder is actually able to be viewed.
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