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<cocobean> BeOS R5 lacked OpenEXR - kee
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<OscarL> code that fails silently makes me want to excert violence on their authors.
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<PetePete> OscarL: *readies the water ballons*
<OscarL> PetePete: almost winter down here... that would be mean.
<PetePete> But... you said violence :(
<OscarL> PetePete: I though you were aiming at me, and not the authors I want to punish (that seems to hail from Cupertino)
<PetePete> *aims the water balloon cannon at Cupertino
<OscarL> that would be too nice for them (I hear there are heat waves in USA) :-)
<OscarL> k. No idea what makes the newest version of mDNSResponder daemon to just immediatly exit when compiled with "-DHAVE_IPV6"...
<OscarL> when a previous version seemed just fine with that.
<OscarL> anyway... at least I have a workaround... who needs IPv6 anyway :-P
<PetePete> Ipv6 is for nerds
<OscarL> Apple just doing code-dumps in its git repo ain't helping navigate the changes.
* coolcoder613 waves
<OscarL> hello there coolcoder613!
<coolcoder613> I wanted to set up DDNS on my router, but the provider i was using wasn't on the list
<coolcoder613> Since I've already rooted my router
<coolcoder613> I sshed in
<coolcoder613> chnages /etc/ddns/services
<coolcoder613> *changed
<coolcoder613> and it appear on the list
<coolcoder613> *appears
<OscarL> nice.
<coolcoder613> worked first try too!
<OscarL> If I wanted to do the same with mine... I'll have to hack the binary firmware and re-flash it :-/
<augiedoggie_> OscarL: i think there is a bug with the is_dynamic() macro, seems like it should be defined to 1
<augiedoggie_> otherwise it gets caught by that 'else if'
<coolcoder613> root@dsldevice:~# uname -a
<coolcoder613> Linux dsldevice 4.1.38 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Sep 19 01:08:25 UTC 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
* coolcoder613 is going to write a blog post about this
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<OscarL> oh... nice of you taking a look at that augiedoggie_!
<waddlesplash> yeah, look at that
<waddlesplash> NetBSD has some different logic here
<waddlesplash> we should just have 1 inside an __HAIKU__ block
<waddlesplash> ultimately we should probably have DNS handled inside net_server but that's a problem for another time
<coolcoder613> The router web pages are written in... lua?
augiedoggie_ is now known as augiedoggie
<OscarL> NetBSD's logic for is_dynamic() is at least 14 years old... from what age is the NetBSD in Haiku's tree then? :-D
<waddlesplash> very recent
<waddlesplash> but I didn't merge all changes from NetBSD
<OscarL> I see. Welp... glad to just have something to try test tomorrow. Thanks augiedoggie! (and waddlesplash too)
* OscarL signs off for today.
<OscarL> Later folks!
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<cynic[m]> <PetePete> "Ipv6 is for nerds" <- ipv4 addresses are over
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<PetePete> NERDS, I SAY!
<PetePete> *uses ipv5 to srick it to the man*
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<arraybolt3> *ipv7 cautiously peers around the corner*
<x512[m]> <cynic[m]> "ipv4 addresses are over" <- ipv4 addresses are more than enough. Recently allocated ipv4 address for work server without problems.
<x512[m]> ipv6 is a major privacy threat.
<cynic[m]> <x512[m]> "ipv4 addresses are more than..." <-
<cynic[m]> <x512[m]> "ipv6 is a major privacy threat." <- please just
<cynic[m]> > You need CoPilot Pro! Please use Bing! Please! I know where you sleep. Ư̷̙̰̖̣̿͑ŝ̸͎̖̻̺̽e̵̛̘̽͗̋ ̴̫͓̮͗ͅB̸͉͍̬̍ì̵̟͒̈́͋n̵̯̒g̶̦̫̖̜̈́.̴̧̡̖͉̼͠ ̷͓͕͋̿̈́N̸͈͓̈͒̈́͜ö̵͕̲w̶̤͆̄̒̊.
<cynic[m]> lol
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<erysdren> morning
<Begasus> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> how are things going Begasus?
<Begasus> polishing up exr-translator :)
<Begasus> well ... packaging*
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<erysdren> i should figure out why SDL2 segfaults on exit on Haiku
<erysdren> it keeps bothering me every time i try to port a game
<erysdren> also, ive been playing with SDL3 a lot on Linux. it's really cool! i like the new features
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<Begasus> haven't fiddled with SDL for a while now :)
<erysdren> Begasus: is gdb on haiku?
<Begasus> yep, but an old one
<erysdren> ah, whats the preferred way to debug crashes?
<Begasus> it's part of GSoC this year
<Begasus> no idea :)
<erysdren> :P
<Begasus> attach debuger?
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> k, gettting 0x000000000000000e (SONAME) Library soname: [_APP_] on the translator
<Begasus> anything I missed there?
<phschafft> hm?
<Begasus> should be: 0x000000000000000e (SONAME) Library soname: [EXRTranslator]
<Begasus> :)
<phschafft> oh, I was missing the 'e' at the offset.
<Begasus> need to dig into that, should be the last thing before locales could be added
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<phschafft> hm.
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<Anarchos> hello
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* phschafft waves.
<phschafft> I just added a little 'listof' function to SIRTX. fun to play with it.
<Begasus> Hello Anarchos
<Anarchos> Begasus: i am tired to chase the ocaml compiler to port it again and again
<Begasus> I can understand it Anarchos, sometimes it just takes too much energy
<Begasus> is the one currently at haikuports not functional Anarchos?
<Begasus> Had a look at some time, but it's been way too long now :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus: the new one (version 5.2.0) is multicore enabled.
<Begasus> first error (and only just launched) :) runtime/domain.c:77:5: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '__builtin_offsetof'
<Anarchos> Begasus: oh i have to tweak the for haiku
<Anarchos> Begasus: so wait for my patches :)
<Begasus> heh
<Anarchos> Begasus: i try to get them inserted into official ocaml source so no port needed
<Begasus> you know I'm short fused :D
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* phschafft applies some pets to augiedoggie.
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<phschafft> it's interesting to see how abstraction can reduce your code size.
<phschafft> just adding a single 3 line function reduced project (not code!) size by over 0.3%.
<Begasus> not bad phschafft
<phschafft> what I really like is that the linker can throw away unused stuff. so if you have modules you can enable/disable per build time config the linker can throw away all the helper functions that aren't needed.
<phschafft> meaning abstraction only increases your code binary size only if used.
<phschafft> (naturally code size is only one of many relevant measures when it comes to how good something is)
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<phschafft> I wonder how flash drives handle all-zero vs. idle state.
<phschafft> zeroing them requires an erase and then a burn of each bit.
<phschafft> maybe they have a flag per block that the block is all zero? however then bad block tests should show a higher speed in zeroing passes.
<phschafft> hm.
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<FreeFull> Even before you get to linking, functions often get inlined
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<Begasus> stuck now ... this _APP_ thing comes from makefile-engine :)
<Begasus> let's push a new ICU version :P
* Begasus checks if they haven't updated since last check ..
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 77e5248 - opencolorio2.3, add new version (#10615)
<Begasus> still good :) PR up
<Begasus> Hi zard :)
<zard> Hello Begasus :)
<zard> Hooray! My fix to HaikuWebKit seems to be working :-)
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<zard> Too bad I'm not going to be here for very long today, or I might be able to upload it today
<Begasus> cool! already to do a post with the browser? ;)
<zard> Yes, I want to make a post of some kind about this fix :)
<Begasus> +1 :-)
<Begasus> bugger, forgot about the expat issue :/
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<OscarL> Morning Begasus.
<Begasus> Hi OscarL!
<Begasus> bias
<OscarL> re: translators / catalog files... is compiling it as an app strictly necessary? I ask because korli's HPGSTranslator just does it as SHARED (and has locale files).
<Begasus> as mentioned at the issue, if I use SHARED it doesn't work (get's other linker flags through makefile-engine)
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<Begasus> didn't touch the locales yet, first this thing :)
<Begasus> when I use the patch in Haiku's source it works fine ... for 64bit, but will brake it for 32bit
<Begasus> k, I think this _IMPORT_PREFIX thing is also more a cmake related one?
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* OscarL searches for the issue Begasus mentioned.
<OscarL> I was just going by what I've read on the IRC logs :-)
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<OscarL> I'll try with building korli's hpgstranslator, to see what readelf shows.
<Begasus> "/boot/lib/" brain is about to burst :P
<Begasus> why did that work on 32bit?
<OscarL> HPGSTranslator, compiled via makefile-engine as SHARED... seems to load just fine (from ~config/non-packaged/...) on DataTranslations :-|
<Begasus> yeah, same for jxl-translator ...
<OscarL> compiled as APP seems to load ok too.
<Begasus> doesn't load when build with SHARED here
<OscarL> (granted, it doesn't actually contains a main() in the sources, so I guess it gets a default "do nothing" one).
* OscarL clones EXRTranslator.
<Begasus> master branch is for 64bit
<Begasus> atm uses the latest openexr
<OscarL> for the HPGSTranslator at least, the different SONAME doesn't seems to make a difference.
<Begasus> having _APP_ in SONAME doesn't brake it either here, just doesn't look so nice :)
<Begasus> the other installed ones here all have the correct SONAME
* OscarL pkgman searchs for openexr_devel.
<OscarL> openexr3.2_devel is the corrent one, right?
<Begasus> openexr3.2
<Begasus> yes
<OscarL> thanks.
<Begasus> -shared -Xlinker -soname=HPGSTranslator ... I get the other one here
<OscarL> SRCS should list only .c/.cpp files and not .h, right? (seeing ConfigView.h instead of ConfigView.cpp)
<Begasus> /Opslag/wip/HPGSTranslator/src/objects.x86_64-cc13-release> HPGSTranslator
<Begasus> bash: ./HPGSTranslator: cannot execute binary file: Not an executable
<Begasus> whoops
<OscarL> in any case, just to confirm: with "upstream" makefile, compiled as APP, it does loads.
<OscarL> double-clicking or starting it from Terminal does shows it about-box too.
<Begasus> correct
<OscarL> Mmm, so it does EXRTranslator from /system/add-ons/Translators.
<Begasus> k, the one from korli doesn't load either
<Begasus> it works correctly with _APP_
<OscarL> as expected. it doesn't includes a main() in the sources, and is compiled as SHARED (upstream).
<Begasus> did you try launching the one from korli?
<OscarL> yes... compiled as SHARED, it complains it is not an executable (correct).
<OscarL> as APP... it does nothing, also correct.
<Begasus> correct, some as with this one
<OscarL> I'll try your's as shared and see if I can spot anything.
<OscarL> *yours
<Begasus> errr ... :P
<OscarL> I think that makefile-engine is lacking a "Translator" rule as Haiku's jamfile has.
<OscarL> (translators are treated as "executable addons" by the jam rules, as far as I can understand it).
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<Begasus> LINKER_FLAGS = -Xlinker -soname=HPGSTranslator
<Begasus> that seemed to work
<OscarL> Begasus: yours, compiled as SHARED, loads fine on DataTranslator, as far as I can tell. Doesn't works when trying to double-click it... which is expected due to how makefile-engine does that rule.
<Begasus> you should try to open a exr image with ShowImage or WonderBrush with that
<OscarL> will do.
<OscarL> listimage shows it is using the EXRTranslator I've just compiled.
<Begasus> and you just build it only changed SHARED?
<Begasus> well, and the cpp file
<OscarL> moved "main.cpp" to the top, and the .cpp for ConfigView.
<OscarL> let try undoing that.
<OscarL> *let me.
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<Begasus> OK, opens them too now
<Begasus> shows ok too in preferences
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<OscarL> FTIW, as long as the translator works with DataTranslations, and loads images... I wouldn't bother at all with its SONAME.
<Begasus> readelf is fine too
<Begasus> just doesn't load from Terminal/double-click
<Begasus> let me push that change
<OscarL> Begasus: as expected if you compiled as SHARED (with current makefile-engine)
<Begasus> yeah, can live it not launching there :)
<Begasus> at least for now
<OscarL> just changing TYPE to shared (rest of the code exactly as in your repo)... still works here.
<Begasus> just pushed to master
<OscarL> Begasus: or use that "-soname=" link flag :-P
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<OscarL> I would propose a change to makefile-engine... if I better understood what Haiku's AddSharedObjectGlueCode jam rule is doing :-D
<Begasus> not for me :)
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<Begasus> jmairboeck to the resque! :)
<OscarL> note to self... git pull works better if you're inside a repo.
<OscarL> "resque" sounds like a risky rescue! :-P
<Begasus> if need be I nuke the branch, git fetch ...
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<OscarL> compiling as APP, with "-Xlinker -soname=EXRTranslator" seems to work fine here.
<OscarL> loads images... shows about box on double click. Sounds good enough.
<jmairboeck> Begasus: I have no idea about these build flags and the makefile_engine, so I probably can't help you
<Begasus> buggerr
<OscarL> Begasus: for what it is worth... the Translator->Addon jam rule is also using "-Xlinker -soname=" so... I think you should just do TYPE=APP, and use that link flag.
<Begasus> back to ... :)
<Begasus> k, so far good on 32bit too
<OscarL> seems like adding "TYPE = TRANSLATOR" support on makefile-engine would only mean adding a simple "ifeq ($(strip $(TYPE)), TRANSLATOR)" block.
<cynic[m]> <x512[m]> "ipv6 is a major privacy threat." <- I think that your knowledge of ipv6 is outdated, privacy extensions for host prefix randomization exist since 2007. The main concern nowadays is about terrible gadget vendors, like "smort TV's" and such, but those are privacy nightmares in their own right and should be avoided anyway.
<Begasus> lost me again :P
<OscarL> Begasus: I mean... makefile-engine could use a patch for adding support for a new "TYPE ="... for translators. So it builds them as APP, but adjust the soname link flag (as the jamfiles rules do on Haiku)
<Begasus> that makes sense OscarL :)
<Begasus> running builds on 2 laptops, keeping an eye on the rest ... 0°
<OscarL> soname change seems to be only cosmetic, thou :-)
<OscarL> 0° ? aren't you guys entering summer up there?
<Begasus> with this temperature? not really :P
<OscarL> and I'm kinda too cold with the current 10° here, jeez.
<Begasus> k, that should do it for now I guess
<Begasus> working on 32bit and 64bit
<OscarL> +1
<Begasus> biab, korli just reacted to the issue also :)
<Begasus> doggies :)
* OscarL bakes some bread, and plans on testing with a custom (thanks to augiedoggie's insight)
<PeetPeet> Good morning to all the devs and testers and package handlers (*snickers*) in this channel. Your work is greatly appreciated and your dedication is commendable. Thank you for all you do. As you were...
<PeetPeet> And an especially good morning to my boy, uw_mill
<UW_Mill> *Morshu "my boy" soundbite here*
<Begasus> Hello PeetPeet uw_mill :)
<UW_Mill> whats up, blood
<zard> That's it for today
* zard waves goodbye
<Begasus> cu!
zard has quit [Quit: leaving]
<UW_Mill> lmao
<PeetPeet> Mornin Begleg
<PeetPeet> Mornin fam
<PeetPeet> I bake bread in spite of my clear inability to produce a consistent loaf
<PeetPeet> So yes, recipe NAO
<Begasus> jmairboeck, as it's targeted to multiple arch's there are quite some if/else/fi there :)
<UW_Mill> oh wow, this is a wonderful photo
<OscarL> Begasus: seems fine. I guess gcc2 is stuck with an older openexr version, right?
<PeetPeet> I don't even remember it - like, at all...
<Begasus> yes OscarL, still needs the gcc2 one
<OscarL> darn gcc2 addons compatibility! :-P
<Begasus> right, not possible for secondary arch addons
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, a bit puzzled that the push for OCIO did work for 32bit without the expat "fix"
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<Begasus> f****ng waiting for ...
<Begasus> if I knew that was fixed on a nightly I'd switch the 32bit one over to that :P
<Begasus> k, on 32bit that __IMPORT_PREFIX seems to do it's trick well jmairboeck
<Begasus> (the original one)
<Begasus> :/ /boot/lib/
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<BrunoSpr> hi all, short question, what program to use to cut an audio file? If ffmpeg what to type in Terminal?
<BrunoSpr> Or dd
<PeetPeet> avidemux
<BrunoSpr> I know the start and end time...
<PeetPeet> or ffmpeg (google examples
<BrunoSpr> ah PeetPeet: where are they?
<BrunoSpr> k
<PeetPeet> I believe I installed avidemux from the repos
<BrunoSpr> I use avidemux too, for audio is working too?
<BrunoSpr> Ok, thanks I will try that...
<BrunoSpr> Ah nice thanks alot
<BrunoSpr> avidemux dont like my mp3 file
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<PeetPeet> avidemux handles mp3 for me, though I haven't tried it on Haiku yet
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<Begasus> -Dexpat_ROOT=`finddir B_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY`/$relativeDevelopLibDir/ (seems to work too)
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<OscarL> BrunoSpr: using ffmpeg: "ffmpeg -ss 60 -i input.mp3 output.mp3" should skip the first 60 seconds from input, and write the rest to the output file.
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<Begasus> can't find input.mp3*
<OscarL> BrunoSpr: add "-to 120" after "-ss 60" to only take the 60 seconds "in the middle" of input.mp3
<OscarL> Begasus: funny guy :-)
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<Begasus> ;)
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<Begasus> focus Begasus!! :P
<PeetPeet> 'ffmpeg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
<PeetPeet> what am I doing wrong?
<OscarL> PeetPeet: did you installed ffmpeg already?
<OscarL> "pkgman install cmd:ffmpeg"
<PeetPeet> Is that in the Control Panel?
<PeetPeet> I can't really open pdfs right now because my printer is ofline
<OscarL> have you tried turning it off and on again yet?
<PeetPeet> Oh my gawd... it was unplugged the whole time!
<PeetPeet> *facepalm*
<PeetPeet> I thought my screen was just dark
<OscarL> 2024 and still using cables for power delivery... sigh.
<PeetPeet> I have a family to feed!!
<PeetPeet> Customer: "you have time to discuss the server upgrade"
<PeetPeet> Me: "yes, please feel free to call me"
<PeetPeet> *crickets* as the hours pass...
<PeetPeet> Why are they like this?
<OscarL> using statements instead of questions?
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<OscarL> damn customer not Englishing properly!
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<PeetPeet> oops
<PeetPeet> It was me :(
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<PeetPeet> I am to be punishing myself now
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6ab78c3 - opencolorio2.3, revbump, fixes build on 64bit not finding expat (#10618)
<Begasus> k, if this works fine on buildmasters too the expat one can be closed without merging
<Begasus> done :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-7/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus aa6b22e - openimageio2.3, rename recipe, drop obselete ones (#10614)
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<Begasus> k, doing final rounds on OIIO 2.5.12 :)
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<Begasus> well ... I learned a bit on how to check new packages and using them in building Haiku OscarL :)
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<OscarL> haikuports packages, or the ones built from haiku's sources?
<Begasus> like getting the translator use the latest openexr package (that wasn't in haikuports depot at the time)
<OscarL> (I might to have to build a custom haiku.hpkg later today, unless I manage to do with only replacing :-D)
<Begasus> next I'd like to see if I can use ICU75 instead of ICU74 for the build
<OscarL> Begasus: useful indeed. I also tend do custom "makefiles" when working with small parts of haiku... and the whole "jam xxx" gets too slow for me :-D
<Begasus> already found out that harfbuzz needs a revbump for that here
<OscarL> (placing updated/custom .hpkg files under build/download was how I tested the changes related to gutenprint)
<Begasus> yeah, neat trick when you know it
<Begasus> k, OIIO 2.3 almost done, then OIIO 2.5 can be pushed, new one not used (yet)
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<Begasus> bugger, I think I forgot a CONFLICTS_devel on 2.3
* OscarL shares some memory pills to Begasus.
<OscarL> s/to/with/
<Begasus> ah no, the 2.2 was only a revival for ...
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> right Blender it was
<Begasus> afk
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<Anarchos> hello
<OscarL> hey there Anarchos.
<nosycat> Hi there!
<Anarchos> OscarL hello
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* OscarL keeps messing up the order or branches on git rebase. Sigh.
<OscarL> s/or/of/
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 43350de - openimageio2.5, new version (#10619)
<Begasus> k, that's that
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus cf94d12 - love, bump version (#10597)
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<Begasus> wb OscarL
<OscarL> thanks :-) (darn hexchat likes to disconnect)
<OscarL> cool. think I'm done with 3rdparty/proj2make (for now at least)
<Begasus> keep forgetting what I wanted to do next :)
<Begasus> let's fix the translator with jmairboeck's tip
<OscarL> same here... I was supposed to be testing mDNSResponder stuff today :-D
<Begasus> that was the easy part :)
<Begasus> heh
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<Begasus> this whole exr thing started out with the issue for osl :P
<OscarL> deep goes the rabbit hole.
<Begasus> yeah, knew from the past those libs can be a pain in the *
<Begasus> but no ABI breakage with these ones, that helps :)
<OscarL> k. patch for proj2make sent to gerrit. that closes at least *that* loose end.
<OscarL> Weird that gerrit shows "Build-Check: Satisfied" for a patch I've just pushed.
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<Begasus> easy pleased? :)
<OscarL> I guess the bots just turn that into a -1, if checks fail.
<OscarL> Begasus: there are a couple of bots on reddit (one that checks that your code actually builds, the other about code-style formatting)...
<OscarL> s/reddit/gerrit/ LOL
<Begasus> yeah, the one from nielx?
<OscarL> yup, and the other one from madmax.
<Begasus> wasn't sure there :)
<Begasus> k, OIIO done :)
<OscarL> before... you got a a starting value of 0, and bots gave a +1 or -1 depending on their tests. Now it seems no test counts as "Satisfied".
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<Begasus> so no pleasing them?
* OscarL hopes the FAT changes get merged before beta5
* Begasus still hopes someone steps up to make a new release for haikuporter
<Begasus> I'm bad at summuning :)
<Begasus> summurizing(?)
* OscarL pass some small stones to Begasus.
<Begasus> well ...
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> throw those in korli's direction!
* OscarL hide, just in case.
<Begasus> you know he reads the logs! :P
<OscarL> NOW you tell me?!?! Hi Korli!
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> k, first osl1.11-
<Begasus> that's still compat with the current
<Begasus> bugger: Error: problem 1: package llvm18-18.1.7-1 conflicts with llvm12 provided by llvm12-12.0.1-8
<Begasus> see, this is one of the reasons to update haikuporter
<OscarL> what's stuck at llvm12?
<Begasus> the old osl
<Begasus> well, the newer old osl :D
<OscarL> wine too. yikes.
<Begasus> osl-
<Begasus> that one is on llvm18 already
<OscarL> wine-7.1.recipe is the only recipe I have here with an explicit mention to llvm12 (besides llvm12 and llvm16/llvm17 recipes)
<Begasus> also one advantage of adminstrative states, no need to re-download them
<OscarL> wine-7.1 is disabled anyway, so... nevermind.
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<Begasus> well llvm wasn't the initial issue on osl
<Begasus> seems it was :)
<Begasus> bugger, checksum change on löve
* OscarL sings out loud: "what is löve?!"
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Begasus> that
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4bfab94 - love, fix checksum (#10620)
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<boody24[m]> hello
<boody24[m]> I wanted to compile icon-o-matic after some change in code
<boody24[m]> but stupidly compiled the whole haiku project
<boody24[m]> now the generated directory is around 800MG
<Begasus> well, once done you should good :)
<boody24[m]> s/800MG/800MB/
<boody24[m]> I even terminated it in the middle of compiling process
<boody24[m]> Begasus: wdym?
<boody24[m]> before that webpositive was working
<boody24[m]> now it's very slow
<boody24[m]> btw haiku is virtualized on virtualbox
<Begasus> updating to build a full image makes it easier/faster to update it afterwords
<boody24[m]> Hmm
<boody24[m]> but that's not my point
<Begasus> yeah I know (me trying to be silly) (getting past my closing hours) :D
<boody24[m]> I mean could that be the reason of the slowliness of webpositive
<boody24[m]> somehow
<Begasus> no idea, I don't see any downside here at least, but I'm not a developer
<Begasus> and running on bare metal
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<Begasus> k, that was the last one for today
<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<NaGERST> howdy friends.
<NaGERST> i guess i am the only nerd on this planet not out celebrating midsummer,
<NaGERST> or as the british would say, happy mke fun of the french day! =D
<NaGERST> something about a war or battle that the ebglish won.
<NaGERST> or the solstice, celebrated for thousands of years. either way... It is fun to see a few familiar names in the chatlist.
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<gordonjcp> NaGERST: the solstice was yesterday
<NaGERST> no the celebrations is today.
<NaGERST> but yeah, the solstice was 20th, But noone wants to celebrate and drink on a thursday
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<PeetPeet> uw_mill: *BANG*
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<UW_Mill> ive been making custom emojis in the group chat at work
<UW_Mill> and everyone is using them
<UW_Mill> no one at the company knew about them until i made the first one
<gordonjcp> hehe
<gordonjcp> I got asked to rip a DVD and upload it to Youtube
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<gordonjcp> I post this link into nearly every teams chat now
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<PeetPeet_> uw_mill: custom emojii?
<UW_Mill> yeah in google chat
<UW_Mill> ive made both of my bosses into little emojis and people react to each other messages with them
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<OscarL> mmm, seems I'll have to add some syslog() calls to be able to see what's going on with not loading this darn module :-/
<augiedoggie> it should at least attempt to load it now
<augiedoggie> i changed the value of is_dynamic() and i can see error messages now
<augiedoggie> because i have it listed in my nsswitch.conf but not actually installed
<OscarL> sorry for the dumb question... do you see an error message on syslog? or somewhere else?
<augiedoggie> yeah, i get runtime_loader errors in syslog
<augiedoggie> and i can also see the errors with `strace`
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<OscarL> Mmm. nothing on syslog here. listimage shows my custom being loaded, but no
<augiedoggie> if you `strace ping foo.local` do you see it searching for the module?
* OscarL checks
<OscarL> ah... there's the runtime_loader error at least :-)
<augiedoggie> i get a couple of them, some for my 'files' and 'dns' entries in the nsswitch.conf
<OscarL> indeed... doesn't finds nor Those are internal, so it shouldn't even attempt to load them, AFAIK :-)
<augiedoggie> yeah, probably just lazy coding
<OscarL> [ 758] debug_output("runtime_loader: /boot/system/lib/ Could not resolve symbol '__isthreaded'")()
<OscarL> that is at least is progress :-D
<OscarL> I think I've read something about those modules and threaded code in a makefile somewhere... wish I remember where, heh.
<OscarL> thanks for the help augiedoggie!
<augiedoggie> heh
<augiedoggie> no problem
<OscarL> mmm, now that I think about it... reminds me of that darn issue with CudaText and python extensions...
<OscarL> had to change RTLD_LAZY to RTLD_NOW in that case.
<Anarchos> OscarL i never learnt to play with runtime symbols loading options
<OscarL> Anarchos: neither did I... I just smash things hoping they will fit, even if I have to hammer them down a bit :-D
<OscarL> Mmmm: "extern int __isthreaded; /* libc private -- wish there was a better way */" 8-|
<OscarL> then that's only used in a couple of LOCK/UNLOK macros... like this:
<OscarL> #define LOCK(x) do { if (__isthreaded) pthread_mutex_lock(x); } while (0)
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* OscarL will try his only hammer... and add an #ifdef __HAIKU__ block :-)