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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<SLema> Hello there
<Begasus> hi SLema
<SLema> Still porting half the software on the planet ? :-)
<SLema> Do you guys use synergy with Haiku ?
<SLema> I constantly have keyboard issues and I have no idea how to fix them.
<Begasus> doing my best yeah :)
<SLema> It feels as if my Synergy keyboad is AT or something very different. Or maybe num lock is always on
<SLema> I have Synergy from my mac controlling, two Raspberry Pi, on Linux machine, and now a G4 Mini running Morphos
<Begasus> Nerver used synergy here
<SLema> And Haiku of course, but on Haiku I can only use the mouse
<SLema> 456798p]o
<Begasus> Did you reported it at the bug tracker?
<Begasus> (if it isn't hw related) :)
<SLema> Not yet, as I can't clearly explain what happens.
<SLema> Just wondering if others had the issu
<Begasus> the other laptop running 32bit atm has keyboard issues, but that is bogus anyway, so not Haiku related
<SLema> I love synergy really. It's a life changer for me, in the sense that my secondary operating systems are easy to reach so I simply get to use them more
<SLema> Sad that v3 is such a mess though
<SLema> I keep using 1.x versions everywhere
<SLema> Without encryption, but inside home network I can take the risk
<Begasus> would love to be able to control the keyboard from this one to control the other one also
<Begasus> just never get around to setting things up for it
<SLema> It's rather easy to setup. My issue is that usually it works at start.. maybe because it isn't the nightly or something else
<SLema> Then I start getting this again, as if the numlock was on or something like that. But only on Haiku
<Begasus> base installs are all R1B4 here :)
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<Calisto> Heyyy
<Begasus> Hi Calisto
<SLema> I set it up on my second haiku machine (a Thinkpad) and had the same issue. It was ok at start and then boom it started.
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<SLema> Speaking of keyboards, has anyone seen an original BeBox Keyboard?
<SLema> Like did it have a special key instead of the Alt key ?
<Calisto> Hi Begasus
<Calisto> The folder filtering works :D
<Begasus> Nice Calisto!
<Calisto> got it done yesterday Night :)]
<Calisto> can't wait to push that
<Calisto> but have to get the first one done with
<Begasus> Not me SLema
<Calisto> the gerrit push i mean
<SLema> I usually use Mac keyboards so the command key works fine for me for the usual cmd+A etc . When I use a PC keyboard it feels weird to use alt instead of windows Key. But their positions are inverted
<Begasus> ok, haven't fiddled yet on how to check those PR's at gerrit
<Calisto> ohhh okay
<Calisto> have quite a few fixes to do though
<Calisto> the ones that I completely overlooked
<Begasus> was already quite happy to find out how that patching for exrtranslater went :)
<Begasus> exrtranslator*
<Calisto> oh that's great
<Calisto> Right now I have to add in support for the older version of tracker and how it was storing things
<Calisto> I completely forgot to take that into account
<Calisto> i realised it when humdinger left a review on a similar topic on the gerrit PR yesterday xD
<Calisto> going to fix it today and push it hopefully for further review
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<Begasus> whoot, quite a bit patch there Calisto :)
<Begasus> bit/big*
<Calisto> yah :(
<Calisto> changing the smallest piece of code on that place requires so much effort :(
<Calisto> or maybe I'm doing it wrong idk hopefully when someone reviews it properly ill get some more clarity :D
<Calisto> tho I guess the size will grow since I haven't added the older Find-Panel history legacy support in this
<Calisto> :(
<Calisto> doing it right now :D
<Begasus> I'm sure they are keeping an eye on it :)
<Calisto> yup :D
<Begasus> off to dogschool here :D
<Begasus> cu later!
<Calisto> i had it done through an initial review from nielx[m] on my mirror
<Calisto> oh that sounds like fun
<Calisto> cu later :)
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<Calisto> Btw I just had a small question... about the naming convention in Haiku...
<Calisto> The classes in the Haiku API all start with a B
<Calisto> is there a reason that classes such as TFilteredQuery start with a T
<Calisto> is it because its a non-Haiku API class that'
<Calisto> a child version of the BQuery?
<PulkoMandy> possibly T for internal stuff in Tracker, but I don't think there is a rule about that
<PulkoMandy> We should rename it if we plan to make it part of the public api
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<Calisto> ohh okay
<Calisto> so in the case that i'm creating a child version of a BFilePanel for internal use only in the Find Panel, I should ideally name that with a T in front of it and in such a way that it indicates what it does
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<PulkoMandy> You can name it any way you want as long as it doesn't start with a B followed by an uppercase letter, so that it won't conflict with system classes (including future ones)
<Nephele> PulkoMandy: I looked at the BootManager code, it seems to draw the entire view of each list entry itself. I assume I can instead produce a gui element that has a layout as it's child instead, I'll see if that is an option
<Calisto> btw I did notice one drawback of folder filtering in haiku
<Calisto> using the results
<Calisto> im not sure whether its something I can fix or not
<Calisto> but essentially if you put something like a file whose name is just "a" and there are like thousands of files starting with the letter 'a', it takes a while for that result to be loaded
<Calisto> depending on the number of files
<Calisto> because its filtering based off of the results that it receives from BQuery
<Calisto> not sure if there is something I can do about this in particular
<Nephele> I'm not sure what you are saying, is this a problem only with similar named entries?
<Nephele> if that is the case it sounds like the problem could be in the sorting alghorythm if it is slow with similar entries
<Calisto> yah its basically getting all the results in sorted order
<Calisto> and I think that's the main issue
<Calisto> doesn't happen with more specific queries such as "abstract"
<Calisto> or in general queries that don't have thousands of results
<Calisto> btw I wanted to ask whether there is a file size limit on the attributes of a file?
<Nephele> No, there is not
<Nephele> except your disk size
<Calisto> oh okay that's good then
<Calisto> i re-implemented the attribute _trk/qrylastchange to store a list of change times
<Calisto> rather than just one
<Calisto> so that many entries of the same file can be used rather than it being shown in the history just once
<Nephele> If you think of it more like ntfs file streams it makes more sense than "oh it's just an attribute"
<Nephele> People files for example have no content at all in their "main" content
<Calisto> yahh i remember reading that everything about the people file type is stored in its attributes right?
<Nephele> yes
<Calisto> that's pretty cool
<Calisto> alright then ill continue on with fixing the gerrit push
<Calisto> hopefully should be done in a while :D
<Calisto> thought of rewriting the functions such that they can be used elsewhere as well rather than very specific and change them to returning status_t for more information that just the void type like PulkoMandy mentioned
<Nephele> If your things are usefull in other areas you can do it like this: Keep them where they are now, if you encounter a second usecase move them to libshared.a; if the api is finalized move them to an apropriate kit later on
<Nephele> libshared allows us to rework the api gradually as it is not part of the *ABI* and so won't break older already compiled applications
<Calisto> btw i was also wondering why hasn't a function been implemented for the BMenu to clear all the items in that menu? i mean i know this is probably a trivial thing and doesn't need to be in the API as such
<Nephele> for a menu?
<Calisto> yah like a BMenu
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<Calisto> or is it something that just isn't used as much
<Calisto> in my case i just wrote a small function to do it
<Calisto> kept it as static public in the FindWindow source code so that I could use it elsewhere in the program but I probably need to move that to just a local function in the FindPanel.cpp file
<Calisto> doesn't make sense to keep it in the Find Panel class right?
<PulkoMandy> nephele: It's been a while since I looked at BootManager code, I think the simplest thing to do would be a BListView with custom items, there shouldn't be mucheneeds for layouts?
<Nephele> Calisto: I only vaguely recall that for example wifi settings does this, but it causes flickering and other badness
<Calisto> nephele: ohhh i see
<Calisto> I had to use it since I needed to add an option to clear the history menu
<Nephele> PulkoMandy: Hmm, maybe. But if i have text then I need to do layouting manually based on the font size too, which seems like something the layout kit should do for me
<Calisto> in my case I didn't really notice any flickering but I think that makes sense if that happens
<Nephele> Calisto: If the menu is not open that is fine. But i don't know if the content of the menu should be the actual data model. i.e seems wierd to store the actuall history data in the BMenu
<Calisto> no no it isn't stored in the menu.
<Nephele> okay :)
<Calisto> it just runs a search through the file system for the recent queries
<Calisto> and checks the time based on the attributes
<Calisto> and then adds it to the menu
<Calisto> in the case that i had to clear the temporary queries or so it deletes those files and removes the corresponding entries from the menu.. i didn't really change the code on how the menu item gets added
<Calisto> but had to add a few things to clear the menu
<Nephele> is that a live querry?
<Nephele> like, if i delete querries myself does it get this info automatically and then remove the entry?
<Calisto> oh for now no. It didn't do this in the earlier find panel as well
<Calisto> though I think I should add that
<Calisto> now that you mention it
<Calisto> the reason is mainly because the query is local to that function so once it runs out of results the function ends and that local query is deleted
<Calisto> do you think It should instead be live?
<Nephele> PulkoMandy: hmm. I guess the simpelist thing is to just use BootManagers implementation in a first run and later improve on it
<Nephele> Calisto: sounds like an implementation detail to me. If the data is displayed longer and can change it should probably be live
<Calisto> okay then.. I'll add that in as well :)
<Nephele> for recent finds also, say if i were to querry with another application
<Nephele> should that add to the recent querries too?
<Calisto> as in if another application runs a query?
<Calisto> well I think in the history menu of the Find Panel it should only include the queries that were explicitly searched by the user right?
<Nephele> Yes. But can another application add to this list?
<Nephele> or do you think this is the recent querries of tracker only
<Calisto> as long as it saves a query file in the format that the find panel does it should be able to
<Calisto> in the sense that the history menu really just shows the query files
<Calisto> that are present on the disk
<Calisto> so if another application were to create a file with the necessary attributes
<Calisto> then it would also be shown in the Find panel
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<Nephele> Darkwyrm has a project to replace email, quite cool
<Anarchos> nephele :)
<phschafft> hm?
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<Calisto> woah
<Calisto> this is being done by the same person who wrote the intro to programming Haiku on the Haiku website right?
<Nephele> yes
<Calisto> wowww
<phschafft> hm.
<Nephele> I'll assume your h and m keys are more used than other people's h and m keys ;)
<phschafft> I must say that I can not visually see them being any more used than other keys.
<phschafft> even when directly compared to e.g. X.
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<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> was wondering a bit ref. my current 'chat' implementation. but that spec is way bigger than what I'm aiming for.
<Nephele> I've only investigated at a glance, but some stuff like opt-in contact is desperately needed for email
<Nephele> so i
<Nephele> so i'm all for that
<phschafft> hm.
<phschafft> maybe. I'm just not sure if 2024 is the right time to touch communiction on that level.
<Nephele> *shrug*
<phschafft> ;)
<Nephele> Yes indeed
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<Nephele> I think the idea of a "universal" standard is misguided
<Nephele> stuff like communication protocols makes no sense to unify, a email like workflow can't replace irc for instance
<phschafft> I also feel like the protocols are most often not the problem. it's the tooling and the users.
<Nephele> eh. I feel like many protocols have major design deficiencies but get pushed anyway because "we have to keep the momentum going!"
<phschafft> I used to say that people are fine with a few days of training before they work with a chainsaw. a device with like three buttons. but they expect that a computer 'just works', a device with about 120 buttons.
<Nephele> afterwards they try to fix their "legacy rot" and figure out they cant really since they have an established userbase
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<Begasus> diver, thanks :)
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<phschafft> hm.
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<Begasus> cocobean, plz, don't ask in PM
<Begasus> I'm not always at the keyboard ...
<Anarchos> phschafft a classic xkcd :)
<Begasus> nice, rst2pdf detected in MasterPiece also, and exported file is OK with BePDF :D
<phschafft> :)
<Begasus> next challenge? :)
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: you get a chance to test that patch?
<jmairboeck> yes, I've built and run it. Anything in particular I should test?
<waddlesplash> just performance in general
<waddlesplash> a basic multi job compile should immediately reveal whether or not the change improves performance
<waddlesplash> (obviously compared to a build without the patch)
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<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: just fyi: I just looked at the syslog again and not it found x2apic. I thing something was wrong yesterday. (mouse integration didn't work, today it does again)
<jmairboeck> not/now*
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<waddlesplash> ah ok
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<Begasus> Hi cocobean
<cocobean> Helloo
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<x512[m]> waddlesplash: > a basic multi job compile should immediately reveal whether or not the change improves performance
<x512[m]> That is the difference in your case?
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<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: I don't think that much changed.
<Begasus> cocobean, Haiku still uses icu74-74.1-3, updating that one should be done with care
<waddlesplash> x512[m]: this is for a change to APIC that might help the petformance issues in Vbox
<waddlesplash> not the other patches
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: you ran the same compile through "time" twice on both versions
<waddlesplash> ?
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<jmairboeck> no, I didn't measure it exactly
<cocobean> Ok.
<Begasus> fiddled a bit to switch to 75.1 in Haiku, not that feasable :)
<Begasus> # Currently, no c++-headers are needed for stage0 of the boostrap (isn't that a typo at the end?)
<Begasus> in build/jam/SystemLibraryRules
<Begasus> looks like it should be bootstrap instead of boostrap?
<cocobean> Y
<cocobean> Ref: bootstrap_stage0
<Begasus> yep
<phschafft> boostrap is something ghosts do?
<Begasus> I wouldn't know phschafft, looked a bit weird to me :D
<phschafft> hm.
<Begasus> was searching how/where/if boost is used somewhere (shows up only in that file in build/jam... and in build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts in the "x86" file (version 1.55.0-6??) ) :P
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: well, if you could, that wouls be useful
<jmairboeck> I'll see what I can do. but as IO performance isn't that good with my setup here, I'm not sure if I am the best one to test this.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] lonemadmax ae9b956 - Revert "man_pages_posix: bump to 2017.a (#10641)" (#10656)
<Begasus> ah, exr already done upstream :)
<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: this is a scheduler benchmark
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4ed948f - man_pages_posix-2013.a, revbump for revival (#10657)
<Begasus> meanwhile my 32bit Haiku build seems broken :)
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<Begasus> closing down here
<Begasus> cu peeps
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<jmairboeck> waddlesplash: I think that the patch rather made things worse than better:
<jmairboeck> portmidi is about the version that I built the haikuports package from, I think in 2022, CWC I updated from github before the test and doesn't currently build completely (I have to ask my colleague about it)
<jmairboeck> I tested both after a fresh reboot
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<cocobean> - please close this ticket.
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<jmairboeck> hm, why does the CWC build fail on Haiku? it claims that the standard exceptions aren't nothrow_copy_constructible, which they should be since C++11, according to cppreference. On OpenSUSE it works with gcc 13. Is this a bug in our gcc port?
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<jmairboeck> for reference: this is the code I was trying to build: (standard CMake based build system)
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<waddlesplash> jmairboeck: very weird. you sure there are no other configuration differences between the two builds?
<waddlesplash> or anything else significant?
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<jmairboeck> no, I created two different empty build directories and ran cmake and time make -j2 in both of them
<jmairboeck> for both test cases each
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<dorje> does anybody know where the nightlies are?
<dorje> thanks, I couldn't find any reference to that page, but it was what I was looking for
<dodo75> great
<dodo75> I found it on start page... under header Activity... in the table you have 'Nightly images'
<dorje> ohhhh I see it
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<coolcoder613> I want to have some kind of wifi extender for my home network, ideally with stuff I already have. Any ideas?